9/13 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)


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Presentation transcript:

9/13 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives) I can use the Chinese question word,呢 ne, to ask questions. e.g. 你呢? Nǐ ne?(And you? How about you?) . I can use Chinese question word, 什么 shénme (what) to ask questions. e.g.她/他姓什么?Tā xìng shénme? (What’s her/his surname?) I can understand Lesson 1 Dialogue 1. I can do the Lesson 1 Dialogue 1 DVD worksheet.

上课喊口令 Classroom Commands when the class begins 老师说:开始上课 Kāi shǐShàng kè (Class begins.) 起立 qǐ lì 敬礼 jìng lǐ Students: 老师好 lǎoshī hǎo Teacher: 同学好 tóngxué hǎo 坐下zuò xià *值日生 zhí rì sheng (Student on duty)

下课喊口令 Classroom Commands when the class Ends 起立 qǐ lì 敬礼 jìng lǐ Students: 谢谢老师 xièxie lǎoshī Teacher: 谢谢同学 xièxie tóngxué 下课 xià kè *值日生 zhí rì shéng Student on duty

你呢? Nǐ ne? (And you? How about you?) A: Xīan shēng/ Xiǎo jiě,Nǐ Hǎo! 先生 /小姐 , 你好! Qǐng wèn, nín guì xìng? 请问,你贵姓? B: Wǒ xìng Zhāng. 我姓张。 Nǐ ne? 你呢? A: Wǒ xìng Chén. 我姓陈。 B: Tā ne? 她呢? A: Tā xìng Wáng. 她姓王。

什么? Shénme? (What?) A: Tā jiào shénme míngzì? 他叫什么名字? (What is her/his name?) B: Tā jiào _____________. 他叫________。 A: Tā xìng shénme? 他姓什么? (What is her/his surname?) B: Tā xìng _____. 她姓____。