一張圖 x 一句話 x 介紹自己的城市.


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Presentation transcript:

一張圖 x 一句話 x 介紹自己的城市

Tainan is the oldest city on the island of Taiwan and is often called the birthplace of Taiwan. 台南是台灣最古老的城市也被稱為台灣的起源。

Anping Fort was built to prevent the invasion from the British Empire during the Opium War. 建立安平古堡是為了抵禦大英帝國在鴉片戰爭期間的入侵。

Anping Tree House is a large banyan tree that once belonged to Tait & Co Merchant House. 安平樹屋是曾屬於德記洋行的巨大榕樹。

Chihkan Tower was constructed by the Dutch in 1653 and was used as the administration center during the Dutch’s occupation. 赤崁樓由荷蘭人在1653年興建並且在荷蘭人佔領期間是行政中心。

Many students come to Tainan Confucian Temple to pray for exam success. 許多學生來台南孔廟祈求考試順利。

Tainan Flower Night Market is where visitors experience mouth-watering delicacies. 台南花園夜市是讓觀光客體驗好吃到口水直流美食的地方。

Tainan Park, which was built in Japanese ruling period, is one of the oldest parks in Tainan city. 台南公園在日本統治期間興建是台南市歷史最悠久的公園之一。

Taijian National Park is Taiwan's eighth national park, which has important natural resources, ecological and cultural landscapes. 台江國家公園是台灣第八座國家公園有重要的自然資源和生態以及文化的地理景觀。

When you visit Hayashi Department Store, the second oldest department store in Taiwan, you can see the shrine on the top of the floor. 當你來到林百貨(台灣第二間百貨公司),你可以在頂樓看到神社 。

the Tainan City God Temple does the same for souls in the afterlife. While mortal government officials look after the affairs of the people in life, the Tainan City God Temple does the same for souls in the afterlife.  陽間政府管理世間人們的事情而台南府城隍廟管理死後鬼魂的事。

The National Museum of Taiwan Literature , founded on October 17th,2003, is the first national museum dedicated to the literary arts. 國立台灣文學館成立於2003年10月17日,是第一間致力於文藝的國立博物館。