是愛的神作我牧人 The Lord My Shepherd Is 詞: Isaac Watts 曲: Lowell Mason


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主 日 崇 拜 主後2003年 8月17日.

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Presentation transcript:

是愛的神作我牧人 The Lord My Shepherd Is 詞: Isaac Watts 曲: Lowell Mason 聖徒詩歌第468首

1. 是愛的神作我牧人, 祂常餵養, 祂常施恩, The Lord my shepherd is, I shall be well-supplied, 祂是屬我, 我是屬祂, 何來需要? 何來缺乏? Since He is mine, and I am His, What can I want beside?

2. 祂帶我到嫩草地場, 使我感覺, 滿足歡暢; He leads me to the place Where heav’nly pasture grows, 又帶我到平靜溪流, 交通不斷, 安息無憂. Where living waters gently pass And full salvation flows.

3. 我時迷路, 祂來截回, 再側我心受祂支配, If e’er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim; 我常搖動, 不甚堅定, 祂引導我, 是為祂名. And guides me in His own right way, For His most holy name.

4. 何等不明, 何等可疑, 怎能行走無所顧忌? While He affords His aid, I cannot yield to fear; 你竿扶持, 你仗引頜, 你的同在滿我途徑. Tho’ I should walk thro’ death’s dark shade, My Shepherd’s with me there.

5. 你使我能大膽誇勝, 敵雖四佈, 享恩如恆; In spite of all my foes, Thou dost my table spread; 我頭油潤, 我杯酒溢, 我神從來不曾吝惜. My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts my head.

6. 你的甘甜, 奇妙的愛, 測量我的一生年代; The bounties of Thy love Shall crown my future days; 你愛既然永不改變, 我的讚美還要加添. Nor from Thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak Thy praise. -End