Unit 3 Make our world more beautiful Lesson 9


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Make our world more beautiful Lesson 9 孝都中学 刘鑫

思维启动 课前预习 ( ) 1. be afraid of A.变脏 解释词语: 思维启动 课前预习 解释词语: ( ) 1. be afraid of A.变脏 ( ) 2. a year and a half B.电视台 ( ) 3. TV station C.一年半 ( ) 4 .become dirty D. 使……美丽 ( ) 5. more than E. 超过 ( ) 6. make ……beautiful F.害怕 F C B A E D

Listen and answer What has the factory been doing? It has been pouring _______________ waste water into the river near it

Answer the questions 1. Where has Hu Lan just been ? 2. Why has the river near the factory become dirty? 3. What has happened to the fish in the river? 4. What will they do with the factory? 5. Why are they going to the TV station and the newspaper ?

Where has Hu Lan just been ? She has just been to a paper factory.

Why has the river near the factory become dirty? Because the factory has been pouring waste water into it. Why has the river near the factory become dirty?

What has happened to the fish in the river? Lots of fish have died.

What will they do with the factory? They want to write a story about it to the TV station and the newspaper.

Why are they going to the TV station and the newspaper ? Because businessmen are afraid of newspapers and TV stations.

时间图表 现在 过去 → → → → → → 2002 1988 2000 He was born in 1988, fourteen years ago. He came to this school just over two years ago. He has been at this school since 2000. He has been at this school for over two years. He has been at this school since over two years ago. He has been at this school since he came to this school.

Look and think How long has he been at this school? 时间状语用? He has been at this school since 2000 He has been at this school for over two years. He has been at this school since over two years ago. He has been at this school since he came to this school. for +一段时间 since +过去动作开始的时间 since+从句(一般过去时态)

现在完成时态用法二 用来表示过去开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括现在在内)的一段时间状语连用,如 for three years,since 1993,since I was a child等 注意:从过去持续到现在的用法中,谓语动词通常是延续性动词,如 live, stay, study, learn, know, teach, wear, be, keep(借), have(买) 等 这本书你借了多久了? How long have you kept the book? 这辆自行车他已经买了三年了。 He has had this bike for three years. 我们从小就认识了。 We have known each other since we were children.

Ask and answer A: How long have you been a member of Greener China? B: I’ve been with Greener China for a year. A; What have you done since you joined Greener China? B: I’ve written a book on the environment. at this factory a year and a half make machines in this team three months play games in this band half a year play concerts a teacher more than 5 years teach computer science

A: How long have been at this school? B: For over two years. A: How many English words have you learned since you came? B: About one thousand. at this factory a year and a half make machines in this team three months play games in this band half a year play concerts a teacher more than 5 years teach computer science

小结 词汇:pour waste dirty be afraid of member join environment 日常交际用语: How long have you been …? I have been …for…? What have you done since …? 语法:现在完成时的用法二 用来表示过去开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括现在在内)的一段时间状语连用,如 for three years,since 1993,since I was a child等

思维训练 课内练习 一、选择: D C B D A ( ) 1. ___ you afraid ___ dogs? 思维训练 课内练习 一、选择: ( ) 1. ___ you afraid ___ dogs? A. Do, from B. Are, from C. Do, of D. Are, of ( ) 2. Jack ___ the band for about 6 years. A. joined B. has joined C. has been in D. is ( ) 3. We have known each other____ we were young. A. for B. since C. after D. before ( ) 4. The police ___ for the man ____ five hours ago. A. have waited, for B. has waited, since C. has waited, for D. have waited, since ( ) 5. My mother has taught English ____ over 20 years. A. for B. since C. of D. after D C B D A

二、动词填空: 1. How long ____ you ____ (live) in the city? I _________ (live) here for 15 years. When ___ you ____ (move) here? I ___ (come) here in 1987. 2. How many times ____your uncle ___ (be) to the USA? He __________ (be) there twice. He _______ (go) there to study math in 1945. He _____________(not return) until 1951. Last year, he _______ (go) there again. have lived have lived did move came has been has been went didn’t return went

三、翻译 have you been at been here for about has been here since 1.你在这所学校已多久了? How long ___________________________ this school? 2. 我来这里已大约两年了。 I’ve ________________________________ two years. 3.自从两年前,他就一直在这里。 He _________________________________ two years ago. 4.他什么也不怕。 He __________________________________. 5.家中的每个成员都将回来过春节。 All the __________ of the family will ________________ the Spring Festival. have you been at been here for about has been here since is afraid of nothing members come back for

Thanks a lot for coming!