你願從你的罪擔釋放麼 在主寶血內 大有權能 Would you be free from the bur-den of sin?


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Presentation transcript:

你願從你的罪擔釋放麼 在主寶血內 大有權能 Would you be free from the bur-den of sin? 寶血大權能 There is Power in the Blood 你願從你的罪擔釋放麼 Would you be free from the bur-den of sin? 在主寶血內 大有權能 There’s pow’r in the blood pow’r in the blood 1/16 Lewis E. Jones 1899

你願勝過一切惡性情麼 耶穌寶血大有權能 Would you o’er e-vil a vic-to-ry win? There’s won-der-ful pow’r in the blood 2/16

在羔羊寶血內 *大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r wonder-working pow’r in the blood of the Lamb 3/16

won-der-work-ing pow’r in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb **大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r won-der-work-ing pow’r 在聖潔羔羊寶血內 in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb 4/16

你願從驕傲私慾釋放麼 在主寶血內 大有權能 2 Would you be free from your passion and pride There’s pow’r in the blood pow’r in the blood 5/16

各各他血泉內潔淨罪過 耶穌寶血大有權能 Come for a cleans–ing to Cal-va-ry’s tide There’s won-der-ful pow’r in the blood 5/16

在羔羊寶血內 *大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r wonder-working pow’r in the blood of the Lamb 7/16

won-der-work-ing pow’r in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb **大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r won-der-work-ing pow’r 在聖潔羔羊寶血內 in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb 8/16

你願被潔淨比雪還白麼 在主寶血內 大有權能 3 Would you be whit-er much whit-er than snow There’s pow’r in the blood pow’r in the blood 9/16

這生命泉能洗淨你罪惡 耶穌寶血大有權能 Sin-stains are lost in its life-giv-ing flow? There’s won-der-ful pow’r in the blood 10/16

在羔羊寶血內 *大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r wonder-working pow’r in the blood of the Lamb 11/16

won-der-work-ing pow’r in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb **大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r won-der-work-ing pow’r 在聖潔羔羊寶血內 in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb 12/16

你願為主你君王做工麼 在主寶血內 大有權能 4 Would you do serv-ice for Je–sus your King? There’s pow’r in the blood pow’r in the blood 13/16

你願日日唱得勝凱歌麼 耶穌寶血大有權能 Would you live dai-ly His prais-es to sing ? There’s won-der-ful pow’r in the blood 14/16

在羔羊寶血內 *大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r wonder-working pow’r in the blood of the Lamb 15/16

won-der-work-ing pow’r in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb **大有權能 奇妙大權能 There is pow’r pow’r won-der-work-ing pow’r 在聖潔羔羊寶血內 in the pre-cious blood of the Lamb 16/16