New eight spots in Foshan.


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Presentation transcript:

New eight spots in Foshan

New eight spots in Foshan Nanhai Nanguo Peach Garden Sanshui Lotus world [ləutəs ] Ancestral Temple [ænsestrəl] Chancheng Ancient Nanfeng Kiln Shunde world of flowers Gaoming ZaoMu Mountain Shunde QingHui Garden Nanhai Xiqiao Mountain

Foshan Ancestral Temple 祖庙 Foshan Ancestral Temple located in the downtown of Foshan Chancheng. Although the Chinese name ''Zumiao'' means ''Temple of the Ancestors'', this simply indicates that it is the oldest temple in town, "the ancestor of temples". The rich ceiling decoration with many figures is its most interesting feature. 祖庙坐落在佛山禅城。尽管中文名字祖庙意思为祖先的寺庙 ,是说它是在城里最古老的寺庙 。而带有很多雕像的丰富的天花板装饰就是它最有趣的特征。

Sanshui Lotus world Lotus world is the largest lotus theme park in the world at present with most abundant lotus breed resource and the most advanced cultivate technology. It collects tourism, entertainment, production ,research and lotus culture exhibition on an organic whole . There also is wonderful performs, holiday village with countryside style, so you would enjoy the charm of the Chinese lotus culture to the top of your bent.  三水荷花世界是现今世界上最大的荷花主题公园,它有非常丰富的荷花品种资源和最先进的培育技术。它是集旅游、娱乐、生产、考察和荷花文化展一体。那里也有好看的演出,乡村风格的度假村,所以你可以尽情享受到中国荷花文化的魅力。

Shunde QingHui Garden Qinghui Garden is one of the ten famous gardens in China and one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong Province. Inside the Garden, there are clear water and flourishing/flʌrɪʃ/ woods. And, trees, stone hills, small bridges are blended with booths and pavilions, presenting a kind of distinctive/dɪstɪŋktɪv/ scenery. In other words, flowers, fruit trees andprecious  /preʃəs/ artworks are spread everywhere, all of which are integrating architecture, garden, sculpture, painting and calligraphy and gray sculpt. 清晖园是中国十大园林之一,也是广东四大著名园林之一。在花园里有清澈的流水和茂盛的树林。还有,树木,石山,小桥和亭台楼角组成一幅优美的画面。另外,到处都是花朵,果树和珍贵的艺术品,所有这些都融合于花园,雕塑,书画,小亭楼角之中。

Nanhai Xiqiao Mountain Xiqiao Mountain has been launded as “the Pearl of South China” in the PRD history. Xiqiao Mountain has been awarded glory /ɡlɔːri/ as “National AAAA-grade Scenic Spot”, “National Forest Park” and “National Geological Park”. 西樵山已经在珠三角的历史中美誉为“中国南珍珠”。西樵山已经是获得“国家四星级风景区”,“国家森林公园”,“国家地质公园”奖项。

Shunde world of flowers   The park is involved in flower trading center, landscape garden, stone garden, bonsai garden, palm garden, ornamental fish breeding park and other sections. And,the International flower trading center covers a total area of over 600,000 square meters, including more than 300,000 square meters of the Exhibition hall, with 3,000 stores there. Shunde world of flowers 花卉世界是由花卉交易中心,山水园林,石园,盆景园,棕榈园,观赏鱼养殖园 等组成的。其中,国际花卉交易中心 占地面积超过600,000平方米,包括超过300,000平方米的展厅,在那里有3000间店。

Chancheng Ancient Nanfeng Kiln Ceramic Capital in southChina — Shiwan, where is famous for her 5000 years ceramic culture around the world. Shiwan also is named as “Chinese Ceramic City”, “the county of ceramic art” for her profound ceramic culture. scenic spots has been built around the Ancient Nanfeng Kiln, where becoming the unique ceramic culture tourist area in the world with potterymaking,appreciating, trading,and relaxing.  石湾是中国南方陶瓷之都,它的5000年陶瓷文化在世界上是很著名的。石湾也被命名像“中国陶瓷城市”,这是因为它有深厚的陶瓷艺术文化。近年在南风古灶附近搞了一个名胜区,那里形成了一个具有陶瓷制作、贸易、欣赏,休闲功能的独特的陶瓷文化旅游区 。

Nanhai Nanguo Peach Garden It has been named based on the meaning from “In end of the peach forest” of Tao Yuanming. In this wonderland, plenty trees covering around it and colorful flowers accompanies the songs from birds,it is one of the best choice of vacation for people who live in bustling city usually and desire the returning to nature . 南海南国桃园是以陶渊明的桃花源记而命名的。在仙境里,树林繁茂,鸟语花香,它是很好的度假圣地之一,专门给那些生活在城市而想回归自然的人们来旅游。

Gaoming ZaoMu Mountain The elevation of the Zaomu Mountain peak is 805 meters, which has ranked first in Foshan peak. You can enjoy streams murmur, fountains and waterfalls amount the mountain. One of them pops out between the serpentine hills and rugged peaks from the mist, so we call it Zaomu Mountain. Gaoming ZaoMu Mountain 皂幕山位于高明境内的主峰海拔805米,雄踞佛山第一峰。您可以在山中享受潺潺溪水,喷泉,瀑布。 群山起伏蜿蜒,山峰嶙峋争雄,其中一峰突起,敦厚雄浑,耸立于天幕之间,故名皂幕山。
