The Greatest Thing The greatest thing in all my life


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Presentation transcript:

The Greatest Thing The greatest thing in all my life In Praising You, (X2) I want to praise you Lord (2X) In Praising You, 2. Loving You, 3. Serving You,

EFCI Co-worker Training 2010愛恩同工訓練 2010/1/9

1自我介紹 Introduce yourself 姓名 我目前擔任的主要職務?多久? 我今天來的目的? Name? What is your duty? for how long? The Reason I came today?

2四種管理的型式4 Managing style 1.單人掌管Authoritarian 2.會眾掌管Congregation 3.委員會掌管Committee 4.團隊配搭Teamwork

3.團隊配搭的目的 The Goal of Teamwork 他所賜的,有使徒,有先知,有傳福音的,有牧師和教師,為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體,11It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. (以弗所Eph 4:11-12)

4.團隊配搭的特質-1 Character of Team work 1.擁有明確的領袖Clear leader, co-worker 2.開放的溝通管道Open channel for communication 3.異象目標的持續Continual Goal to go 4.不斷成長與豐盛Growing, Abundance 5.敏銳彼此的需要Sensitive for people need

4.團隊配搭的特質-2 Character of Team work 6.傾聽別人的意見Listen suggestion from other 7.彼此尊重與順服Respect, Submissive one another 8.鼓勵創新與發揮Creative thinking 9.果斷決策的勇氣Courage to make decision 10.追求靈裡的合一Unity in spiritual

5. 2010愛恩四大重點4 major target 1.新團隊之建立Build up new team and Team leader (Member, Team Leader, Deacon) 2.環境汰舊換新Environment Improvement 3.管理之系統化Systematic manage (PDCA, SOP, EFCI Activities Application Form) 4.更新異象目標Renew Vision, Mission statement, Goal for every group

6. Other Material 台福同工誓約、開會守則、事前計畫9步、如何開會Co-worker Pledge, Rule for meeting, 9 steps of Planning Ahead, Have a Good Meeting

7.Q & A

8.分組討論Group Discussion: 1.我所參與事工中最迫切的需要? Most Urgent need in my ministry? 2.目前最大的困難?Most difficulties part? 3.其他需要My Wish List →行政幹事Church Administrator →分層負責、清楚授權、裝備訓練