時間: 101年 11月15日 地點: 新竹縣立石光國中 輔導員: 許智凱老師


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Presentation transcript:

時間: 101年 11月15日 地點: 新竹縣立石光國中 輔導員: 許智凱老師 新竹縣101年度輔導員返校服務 時間: 101年 11月15日 地點: 新竹縣立石光國中 輔導員: 許智凱老師

一、國中英語輔導團任務 每星期四下午輔導員、外師和種子教師 於縣網進行教師備課平台之教案設計。 推動以TBLT為架構來設計教案。 11/21和11/28國中英語教師英語科補教 教學教材教法研習(依分區規劃參加)。 樂學工作坊、輔導員返校及到校服務。

二、教師合作備課平台 http://adv.nc.hcc.edu.tw/moodle/skin/index.php


三、TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching) 簡介 Task-based Language Teaching is an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching (Richards & Rodgers, 2001).

Engaging learners in tasks work gives a better context for the activation of learning processes and hence give better opportunities for language learning to take place.

It is based around the completion of tasks which may include projects for producing posters, brochures, pamphlets, oral presentations, radio plays, videos, websites and dramatic performances.

四、TBLT架構 Richards (1985) Pre-task activities: The focus is on thinking about a topic, generating vocabulary and related language, and developing expectations about the topic. The activities include brain-storming, ranking exercises, and problem-solving tasks.

Task activity: Engage in the process of completing a task. Post-task activities: Focus on the aspects of language.

Willis (1996) Pre-task: Introduction to topic and task, for example, brainstorming ideas with the class, using pictures, mime or personal experience.

Task cycle: Task: A task is carried out using target language. Planning: Preparation for presenting what they have done Report: Presenting their report

Language focus (Post-task): Analysis: Making corrections and adjustments to the students' performance Practice: Language areas are selected to practice based on what emerged from the task and report phases. Practice activities like choral repetition, memory challenge games to increase students’ confidence.

Willis’ six task types (1996) listing: brainstorming, fact-finding / Outcome: completed list or draft mind map ordering and sorting: sequencing, ranking, categorizing, classifying / Outcome: Set of information ordered and sorted according to specified criteria

comparing: matching, finding similarities, finding differences / Outcome: Could be items appropriately matched or assembled, or the identification of similarities and/or differences. problem solving: analyzing real situation, analyzing hypothetical situations, reasoning, decision making / Outcome: Solutions to the problem, which can then be evaluated.

sharing personal experiences: narrating, describing, experiences exploring and explaining attitudes, opinions, reactions / Outcome: Largely social. creative tasks: brainstorming, fact-finding, ordering and sorting, comparing, problem solving and many others / Outcome: End product which can be appreciated by a wider audience

五、免費線上資源 新竹縣英語教學資源中心 新竹縣英語教學資源中心 內容:英語線上資源、國中英語線上測驗、基測1200單字聽力 測驗

吉娜英格英語單字 http://www.wordsgo.com/2000w/2000menu.html 內容: 全民英檢與國中基本2000單字,依主題分類單字(有聲)、學習閃卡、打字記單字、聽力拼字、中音拼字、線上字典

1. Learning Chocolate http://www. learningchocolate. com/ 2

1. 公共電視-e4kids http://web. pts. org

1. Fable Library http://www. fablevision. com/place/library/index

1. EPT美語 http://www.ept-xp.com/?ID=2203 2.內容:唱歌學英語,72首經典西洋歌曲MV、歌詞

1. Songs for Teaching http://www. songsforteaching. com/ 2

1. Lyricstraining http://www. lyricstraining. com/ 2 1. Lyricstraining http://www.lyricstraining.com/ 2. 內容: 看MV、聽歌詞打字的聽力練習網站

感謝校長、主任和各位英語老師撥 冗前來聆聽,期許此次的輔導員返 校服務能為大家擦出不同的火花。 若有任何不周之處,還請大家給予 建議和指教。 謝謝大家!