他等候一座城,卻住在帳棚, 這天城的旅客,一直奔前程, 他有美好證據,前途實堪誇, 難怪他不尋求地上的榮華。


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Presentation transcript:

他等候一座城,卻住在帳棚, 這天城的旅客,一直奔前程, 他有美好證據,前途實堪誇, 難怪他不尋求地上的榮華。 H544 客旅 THE PILGRIM (1/4) 他等候一座城,卻住在帳棚, He looked for a city and lived in a tent, 這天城的旅客,一直奔前程, A pilgrim to glory right onward he went; 他有美好證據,前途實堪誇, God’s promise his solace, so royal his birth, 難怪他不尋求地上的榮華。 No wonder he sought not the glories of earth.

家!家!甘美家! 主耶穌在家等,要歡迎我們。 Home! Home! Home! Sweet home! A welcome from Jesus awaits us at home.

他等候一座城,他神的住處, 他沒有,也不求地上的房屋, 因神豈非說過,屬天的家鄉, 是那不離正道旅客所安享。 H544 (節2/4, 頁1/2) 他等候一座城,他神的住處, He looked for a city his God should prepare, 他沒有,也不求地上的房屋, No mansion on earth could he covet or share. 因神豈非說過,屬天的家鄉, For had not God told him that royal abode 是那不離正道旅客所安享。 Awaited His pilgrims on ending the road.

家!家!甘美家! 主耶穌在家等,要歡迎我們。 Home! Home! Home! Sweet home! A welcome from Jesus awaits us at home.

他等候一座城,雖然有時因 跋涉苦,喪失多,有嘆息聲音, 但一想到那城,就引聲歌唱, 因為路雖崎嶇,必定不會長。 H544 (節3/4, 頁1/2) 他等候一座城,雖然有時因 He looked for a city; if sometimes he sighed 跋涉苦,喪失多,有嘆息聲音, To be trudging the road, all earth’s glory denied, 但一想到那城,就引聲歌唱, The thought of that city changed sighing to song, 因為路雖崎嶇,必定不會長。 For the road might be rough, but it could not be long.

家!家!甘美家! 主耶穌在家等,要歡迎我們。 Home! Home! Home! Sweet home! A welcome from Jesus awaits us at home.

他等候一座城,我們今亦然, 望能在祢城中,同祢永為伴, 享受祢的預備,因此也願意, 以帳棚為寄蘆,同祢客此地。 H544 (節4/4, 頁1/2) 他等候一座城,我們今亦然, He looked for a city; his goal, Lord, we share; 望能在祢城中,同祢永為伴, And know that bright city which Thou dost prepare 享受祢的預備,因此也願意, Is ever our portion, since willing to be 以帳棚為寄蘆,同祢客此地。 Just pilgrims with Jesus, our roof a tent tree.

家!家!甘美家! 主耶穌在家等,要歡迎我們。 Home! Home! Home! Sweet home! A welcome from Jesus awaits us at home.