「毒品快速篩檢技術」專案計畫 規劃重點及進度 毒物檢測技術評估 討論: 技術開發問題 報告人:陳家進、陳淑鈞 日期:102/08/22
規劃重點 1、發展新型快速檢測平台並配搭可方便取得的檢體(如唾液),以進行準 確性的管制藥物快速篩檢。 *規劃及執行進度: 2、以臨床實驗方法訂定出毒品快速初篩檢驗之法規陽性閾值,以配合發 展出非侵入式、便宜、方便且快速之快速篩檢器材及現場運作機制。 3、以新型佐劑、抗體、適體或方法改良現有商品,達到更精準及靈敏的 毒品快篩研發,並提出可商品化醫材的規劃。 *規劃及執行進度: 102 年4 月30 日(公告) 102 年7 月1 日(截止申請) (共收件 15件) 102 年8 月23 日(計畫簡報審查會議) 102 年10 月1 日(計畫全程期限以三年為原則) **專案計畫以達到產品化目地為主,不是個別型實驗室計畫,不以論文 發表為優先,有必要可求各計畫重訂規格及整合成一系統。
技術開發問題 (1)本專案一定要測之毒品為何? 國內常用毒品? - 單一毒品(愷他命, Ketamine) 優先 - 多合一(愷他命,安非他命, …) 次之 (2)醫材法規: - TFDA 目前沒有核准的廠商或產品? (大部份通過CE,但未能獲得TFDA) - off-label use (only for Forensic use: for law enforcement agencies, such as prisons, sheriffs’ departments or drug courts) - 國內自行研發的查驗登記時程長 (3) cut-off value (人種、性別、体型): -安非他命cut-off 值在國外已有,可否直接引用或需臨床測試,需考量影響駕駛 -愷他命現有系統較少有,人種問題? - 需要提供出國人cut-off 值為主要目標? (4) 臨床試驗IRB 問題: 人体臨床試驗委員會、隱私問題、Positive/Negative control reagents (5) 設計規格及考慮問題: - 成本優先 (現有多合一檢測: 約450 元/次) -單一或常用可測多種毒品 - 測試時間 (7-10 min),考慮多濕及警察路檢的情境 - 可攜式數值式(< 1kg)為優先,試紙式次之 - 上市期間及認正問題,應列入考慮
Summary of Commercial Products
Common Cut-off Values
Disclaimer: Forensic Use Only “In vitro diagnostic products are those reagents, instruments, and systems intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, including a determination of the state of health, in order to cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease or its sequelae. Such products are intended for use in the collection, preparation, and examination of specimens taken from the human body.” — Source: fda.gov Devices or products listed on the Express Diagnostics website as “forensic use only” are not FDA cleared and may not be distributed or used for in-vitro medical diagnostic or treatment purposes. These products may not be distributed for “at home” or “over-the-counter” sales in the U.S. or its territories nor are they intended to be marketed or sold to end users via the Internet. Products labeled as “forensic use only” are only to be sold or distributed to law enforcement agencies, such as prisons, sheriffs’ departments or drug courts and are not to be sold or distributed to facilities such as hospitals, pain clinics, or employment agencies.