Greetings from the Sheh Family from Germany – Paul Sheh & Kimberly Jin 佘明恩 & 金磊 December, 2013
Location Chemnitz, Sachen, Germany Chemnitz
Target Group 宣教對象 Chinese students in TUC (Technische Universität Chemnitz), almost all came from China, half undergrad, half graduate. 華人學生:Chemnitz 理 工大學 Target size: 200 in Chemnitz (2% of total students) + 200 in Glauchau (Language school) 另有200華人學生在附近的語言學校 3. Weekly gathering- Wednesday: Prayer Meeting; Friday: Bible Study; Sunday: Worship, basketball ministry. 週三禱告會、週五查經班、週日主 日崇拜與籃球外展事工 4. Regular attendance目前固定聚會人數: 20 5. Most students are not in good financial situation comparing to students in US. 大部分學生經濟情況不是很好
First arrived in Germany Sunday service and birthday party. Prayer meeting in our house. First arrived in Germany Sunday service and birthday party.
Prayer Requests 代禱事項 Figure out the best way to serve. (There are so many things to learn, e.g. How often should we invite students to our house? How many of them? Do we focus on the non-believers or a few potential co-workers or both…etc ) 找出最合適、最有效的事工方法和途徑 Always be passionate, eager to reach out, never stop learning, become good role model and leader. 願我們的服事熱情不間斷、願意不 斷傳福音、總是願意謙卑學習,成為好的榜樣和領導者 Time management, and learning the German language. 時間運用以及德 文語言學習 Cults: Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness has become the biggest obstacles to the Gospel. They not only drew people away, but also created a negative impression (annoying) in many people. 摩門教與耶 和華見證人是這裡傳福音的攔阻,他們不但會帶領人偏離真道,也常讓一般 人對基督教有負面觀感。