Filial PIETY Filial piety refers to RESPECT for elders and in particular one’s parents. To be filial is not only the action of respecting and obeying one’s parents on surface, but having an INNER DESIRE to honour and serve them. It is one’s RESPONSIBILITY and DUTY to look after the needs of one’s parents, especially when they are old.
感念父母养育之恩, 全心全意奉养父母。
羔羊跪乳 拼音:gāo yáng guì rǔ 词义: 小羊每次吃奶都是跪着。 它知道是妈妈用奶水喂 大它,跪着吃奶是感激 妈妈的哺乳之恩。
乌鸦反哺 拼音:wū yā fǎn bǔ 词义: 当乌鸦妈妈年老体衰,不能 觅食时,它的子女就四处去 寻找可口的食物,衔回来嘴 对嘴地喂到母亲的口中,回 报母亲的养育之恩。
所以,孝养父母,沒有一定的形 式,但皆要出自敬爱之心。 孔子曰:“今之孝者,是谓能养。至于 犬马,皆能有养。不敬何以別乎?” Confucius said, “Nowadays for a man to be filial means no more than that he is able to provide his parents with food. Even hounds and horses are, in some way, provided with food. If a man shows no reverence, where is the difference?” 所以,孝养父母,沒有一定的形 式,但皆要出自敬爱之心。
Filial Piety in Action Being responsible, and not make our parents worry for us. Spending more time with our family. Showing care and concern to our parents and communicate with them. Be respectful to our parents. Doing our best in everything we do so that we can be the best we can be to take care of our parents.