考研指导公开课 主讲:俞林俏.


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Presentation transcript:

考研指导公开课 主讲:俞林俏

原南昌新东方考试部托福口语、四六级、考研主讲,五年功勋员工 新东方在线、酷学网写作、单词、口语、新概念主讲 剑桥大学ESOL认证TKT执证教师 土耳其连锁教育American Life 明星教师并在当地受报纸报道 “张裕”先锋国际酒业品酒会江西区首席翻译 江西区“托福之星”高校讲演联赛总冠军 信息化教学大赛(一类)全国二等奖 北京大学 政府管理学院 教学管理方向

考研规划——三阶段 tip1 前期准备 tip2 勤习真题 tip3 最后操练

前期准备——背单词 考研要背多少词汇? e.g. disentangle dis- en- -tangle

前期准备——背单词 单词这么多,怎么背? 了解单词逻辑 :前缀+词根+后缀 e.g. unparelleled un- parallel -ed para- Paralympics Olympics Special Olympics paralyze paralysis analyze analysis llel- lel- level-

前期准备——背单词 前缀 sup- superman supergirl superpower hyp- hypo- hypnosis hypocrisy post- post 90s postgraduate postdoctor pre- prepaid preterm

前期准备——背单词 词根(substance) submarine star- astr- astro- aster- astronaut astronony disaster catastrophe catalogue dialogue monologue

前期准备——背单词 后缀 -ity -ion creativity creation -ard bastard sluggard niggard coward

前期准备——背单词 有的单词意思太多了,都背吗? 1.都背 2.记忆情感 e.g. unpretentious respectable talented modest meddle in intervene into interfere with 不得干涉别国内政 Do not interefer with other countries' domestic politics. 中国政府介入当地维和 Chinese government has already intervened into that country to stablize the siatuion

前期准备——语法 方向永远比你的速度更重要

前期准备——题型 7.1之前 通过老十年的真题摸清出题的思路和做题的思路 命题人

前期准备——题型 Reading Q: 先题后文?先文后题? A:先题 Q: 看题干?看选项? A:只看题干,不看选项

2004 text1 41. How did Redmon find his job. 42 2004 text1 41. How did Redmon find his job? 42. Which of the following can be a disadvantage of search agents? 43. The expression "tip service" (line 3, paragraph 3) most probably means ________. 44. Why does CareerSite's agent offer each job hunter only three job options? 45. Which of the following is true according to the text?

2008 -1 21. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs? [A] Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress. [B] Women are still suffering much stress caused by men. [C] Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress. [D] Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress. 22. Dr. Yehuda’s research suggests that women [A] need extra doses of chemicals to handle stress [B] have limited capacity for tolerating stress [C] are more capable of avoiding stress. [D] are exposed to more stress. 23. According to Paragraph 4, the stress women confront tends to be 24. The sentence''I lived from paycheck to paycheck'' (Line 6, Para. 5) shows that 25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? [A]Stress Analysis:What Chemicals Say [B]Responses to Stress:Gender Difference [C] Strain of Stress: No Way Out? [D] Gender Inequality: Women Under Stress

前期准备——泛读原版 每日泛读一篇 the guardian the atlantic 60%

tip2: 勤习真题 7月-8月 1998-2008真题 1.精读:查阅词汇,解析长难句 2.句型汇总及结构编写(写作素材) 3.研究选项答案

tip3: 冲刺阶段 9-12月 2009-最近真题 1.掐表做题 2.精读:查阅词汇,解析长难句 3.研究选项答案 4.所有错题归类重审 5.背诵范文

tips: trap of options 无中生有 断章取义 偷换概念 逻辑颠倒

21.We learn from Para.1 that A. 俏姐很快就要去美国 B. 俏姐愿意选择沉默过日子 C. 很多年轻人传播漠视和无知 D. 因为俏姐热衷于传达民主质疑,所以成为公共知识分子 E. 让社会听到你的声音很重要 有人骂我,“求你快去美国 吧,别整天在这里抱怨国 家。” 答:“作为公共知识分子,借 助微博这一唯一民主渠道传 达质疑是公民必须履行之职 责。我生活安逸,一切稳 定,大可选择闭嘴过自己的 生活,但懦弱和沉默既是最 大的帮凶。像你这样的年轻 人表现出的漠视和无知才是 最可怕的。”

写作乃成败关键: 第一阶段3-8月 练句子 练结构 第二阶段9-12月 全文操练、点题 图表作文(英语二、英语一) 200字左右 what why/effect conclusion

考研英语(二)图表作文真题 48. Directions: Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should 1) describe the table, and 2) give your comments. You should write at least 150 words.


An exciting story often goes like this: it is not possible for anyone to go through the river by a broken wood bridge. Then, a weak but brave snail is expected to fly like a bird and get to the other side of the river without any accident. Unfortuantely, story is as story does. The truth is this little cute animal, even with a history thousands of years longer than human beings', would put its fate on the line and drop to the river probably.