吳承臻 96級59103002 jenimaalexia@hotmail.com 如何申請國外 視光學校 吳承臻 96級59103002 jenimaalexia@hotmail.com.


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Presentation transcript:

吳承臻 96級59103002 jenimaalexia@hotmail.com 如何申請國外 視光學校 吳承臻 96級59103002 jenimaalexia@hotmail.com

為何要申請? 提升競爭力 未來薪資? 驗光師法保障?

依經建會推估至2015年,我國基層人力平均缺口約31-33萬人,而高級專業及管理人力年均缺口約4-5萬人。 需求37萬人 供給4萬人 不足33萬人 需求26萬2千人 供給26萬6千人 基層人力 中層人力 高層人力 過剩4千人 年齡 學制 需求6萬5千人 供給2萬人 不足4萬5千人

政府產業人力發展政策 提昇技職人力資源素質 填補現階段國內產業發展所需 有效支援及提昇產業競爭力

何時開始準備 Now 現在! 學術英語能力 1.雅思 2.托福 中英文成績 1.專科 2.大學

學校的選擇 美加地區 紐澳地區 歐洲地區 亞洲地區

申請的方法 各學校所須文件﹕ 申請時間﹕ 語言要求﹕雅思6.5分 ﹔托福IBT:90分 北半球 - 10~11月 1.英文成績單 2.自傳/履歷表 3.專業講習證書 4.教授推薦信x2 申請時間﹕ 北半球 - 10~11月 南半球 – 8~9月 語言要求﹕雅思6.5分 ﹔托福IBT:90分

學費概況 依地區性 就讀時間長度

學費概況-美國 外匯: 1:32 資料來源: 柏克萊視光學院

學費概況-英國 學校住宿費﹕ 每週約£100 Undergraduate Postgraduate taught For entry in 2009 fees are £3,225 per annum for home/EU students and £13,400 per annum for international students. Postgraduate taught Fees for entry 2010, the tuition fees are £6,100 per annum for home/EU students and £16,400 per annum for international students. Postgraduate research For entry in the academic year 2010-11, the tuition fees are £6,100-£17,000 for UK/EU students and £16,400-£27,300 per annum for international students. 學校住宿費﹕ 每週約£100 外匯: 1:48 資料來源: 曼徹斯特大學

學費概況-澳洲 .Undergraduate : $595*192學分數 . Postgraduate Coursework: $545*48學分數 .Postgraduate Research: $580*96/144學分數 .住宿費﹕ 每週約AU 280~350 外匯: 1:29 資料來源: 新南威爾斯大學

學費概況統整 學制 學費+住宿: 台幣/年 美國 OD 1,170,000 研究所 1,560,000 英國 大學部 900,000 學費+住宿: 台幣/年 美國 OD 1,170,000 研究所 1,560,000 英國 大學部 900,000 1,210,000 澳洲 1,320,000 1,250,000

如何尋求幫助? 學校老師 相關學長姐 相關單位

University of Manchester MSc Course in Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences It brings together the research expertise of two faculties (Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences) and the clinical expertise within Manchester Royal Eye Hospital to provide students with a firm grounding in the knowledge needed to pursue a higher degree and to follow a research/academic career in ocular health/vision sciences. Fundamentals of Vision an overview of the neurophysiology and psychophysics of vision Statistical and Mathematical Techniques learn how to use certain standard statistical techniques

University of Manchester Genetics of Eye Disease and Development an introduction into the genetics of eye development, disease and treatment Physiology of Ocular Tissues in Health and Disease understanding of mechanisms underlying ocular disease processes and how this understanding can provide a rationale basis for treatments Research Methods and Investigative Techniques provide a detailed insight into the major ophthalmic investigative techniques for measuring visual function and observing ocular structures Corneal Physiology and Contact Lenses new information in the field of corneal physiology and contact lenses

UNSW Program Description The Master of Optometry program provides advanced training in clinical and theoretical aspects of Optometry, with opportunities for specialisation in fields such as contact lenses, Occupational Optometry, and Behavioural Optometry. The program may be completed in one year full-time or two or more years part-time. Courses offered will only be conducted if there is sufficient demand.

UNSW Core Course: OPTM7302 Evidence Based Optometry (6 UOC) Elective Courses: OPTM7103 Behavioural Optometry 1 (6 UOC) OPTM7104 Adv. Contact Lens Studies 1 (6 UOC) OPTM7108 Research Skills in Optometry (6 UOC) OPTM7110 Public Health Optometry (6 UOC) OPTM7111 Pathophys of Ocular Disease 1 (3 UOC) OPTM7112 Pathophys of Ocular Disease 2 (3 UOC) OPTM7115 Visual Neuroscience (6 UOC) OPTM7203 Behavioural Optometry 2 (6 UOC) OPTM7205 Specialty Contact Lens Studies (6 UOC) OPTM7211 Pathophys of Ocular Disease 3 (3 UOC) OPTM7212 Pathophys of Ocular Disease 4 (3 UOC) OPTM7301 Advanced Clinical Optometry (12 UOC) OPTM7307 Clinical Imaging (6 UOC) OPTM7308 Research Project (6 UOC)

Thank you for your Attention!

United States of America AL: University of Alabama at Birmingham AZ: Midwestern University- Arizona College of Optometry CA: University of California, Berkeley CA: Southern California College of Optometry CA: Western University of Health Sciences FL: Nova Southeastern University IL: Illinois College of Optometry IN: Indiana University MA: New England College of Optometry MI: Michigan College of Optometry at Ferris State University MO: University of Missouri St. Louis NY: State University of New York OH: Ohio State University OK: Northeastern State University OR: Pacific University PA: Pennsylvania College of Optometry PR: Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, School of Optometry TN: Southern College of Optometry TX: University of Houston TX: University of the Incarnate Word

Canada Australia New Zealand University of Waterloo School of Optometry Université de Montréal Australia University of Melbourne University of New South Wales Queensland University of Technology New Zealand University of Auckland

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England 1. Anglia Ruskin University - Cambridge 2. University of Aston - Birmingham 3. University of Bradford 4. City University - London 5. University of Manchester Wales ﹕Cardiff University Scotland ﹕Glasgow Caledonian University Northern Ireland ﹕University of Ulster

各地區學制的比較 區域 學制 就讀時間 平均畢業年齡(歲) 美國 學士後四年制 四年 26~28 加拿大 澳洲 大學五年制 五年 23 紐西蘭 大學四年制 22 香港 台灣 20~22 專科:二/五年制 二/五年 20~21




