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Unit 4 Wild Animals Welcome to the unit 单元 Unit 4 课时 The First Period 学习内容 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 课型 从技能培养目 标来划分 听说课 从教学过程来 划分 新授课 教学重点与 具体要求.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Wild Animals Welcome to the unit 单元 Unit 4 课时 The First Period 学习内容 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 课型 从技能培养目 标来划分 听说课 从教学过程来 划分 新授课 教学重点与 具体要求."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 4 Wild Animals Welcome to the unit

3 单元 Unit 4 课时 The First Period 学习内容 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 课型 从技能培养目 标来划分 听说课 从教学过程来 划分 新授课 教学重点与 具体要求 1. 学习表示动物名称的名词: bear, dolphin, giant panda, kangaroo, squirrel, tiger 2. 谈论自己最喜爱和最不喜爱的动物及理由。

4 知识目标: 单词 四会: wild delicious bear giant panda 三会: squirrel kangaroo 二会: dolphin 看图并说出本课时出现的野生动物的名 称。 bear dolphin giant panda kangaroo squirrel tiger 初步认识含有 if 条件状语从句的复合句。

5 技能目标 : 运用学过的句型谈论自己最喜爱和最不 喜爱的野生动物。 E g.My favourite wild animal is …. I like … best. I dislike…. I don’t like … at all.

6 教学内容提示 Welcome to the unit 1.look delicious 2. Can I have some? 征求对方意见并希望得到肯定答复时,通常用 some ,而不用 any 。 3. If you eat my food, I won’t talk to you. If I don’t have food, I will die. If I don’t have food, I will die too. If I die, no one will look after you.

7 教学方法提示 (8A Unit 4) 第一课时: 先上 Comic stripe, 用食物作为话题导入, 然后从 guessing game 进入 Welcome to the unit 的教学。从以下几个方面对野生动物 进行拓展。 What do they look like? What can they do? What do they eat? Where do they live?

8 delicious If you eat my food, I will have no food to eat. If I don’t have food, I will be very hungry.

9 look delicious

10 Listen and answer: 1.What is Eddie doing? He is eating food. 2. What does Hobo ask for? He asks for Eddie’s food. 3. Does Eddie want to share food with Hobo? Why? No, he doesn’t. If you eat my food, I won’t talk to you. If I don’t have food, I will die, too. If I die, no one will look after you.

11 Listen and fill in the blanks. 1.Oh, your food ____ ______. 2.___ ____ have some? 3.No, If you ____ my food, I _____ talk to you. 4.If I _____ have food, I ___ ___. Eddie, please. Sorry, Hobo. If I ____ _____ food, I will die too. ___ I die, no one will ____ ____ ___. looks delicious Can I eat won’t don’twill die don’t have If look after you

12 Come on, it’s your turn! Act the dialogue with your partner.

13 What does it look like? What can it do? What does it eat? Where does it live? What is it? tailswimfish foodin the water run fastin the hutch colourful feathers bird food look like a bear, black and white live only in China fan long ears, red eyes carrots in the cage sing, learn to say climb trees bamboo shoots ( 竹笋 ) and leaves

14 What do they look like? What can they do? What do they eat? Where do they live? Tell something about the wild animals:

15 kangaroo strong, have a pocket( 口袋 ) can jump far eat leaves live in Australia

16 tiger(s) big, strong, yellow fur with black stripes( 条 纹 ) run fast, hunt animals eat meat in the wild( 野外 )

17 ① small, lovely, a long soft tail, red or black fur ② live in the trees, love climbing trees ③ eat nuts ( 果仁) squirrel

18 bear(s) They are big and _______. They have _____ fur, they can ______ in the water and ______ trees. They live in the __________. They eat ______. strong brownswim climb wild/forest fish

19 dolphin(s) Dolphins live __ ___ __________, they can ______ fast. They can play tricks so they are very ______. And they are ________ to people. They eat _____. clever in the water/sea swim friendly fish

20 live in the desert carry things for people live in the zoo eat bananas live on the land or in water eat meat

21 1. have a pocket, can jump far, live in Australia 2. black and white, like eating bamboo shoots 3. strong, good at hunting animals, have yellow fur 4. clever, swim fast, live in the water 5. big and strong, have brown fur, can climb trees. 6. small, a long soft tail, like eating nuts A B C D E F

22 animalcharacter monkeyclever squirrelhardworking dolphin friendly, lovely dog friendly dangerous bear lazy lion kangaroo lovely giant pandaslovely Useful words—what do you think of them

23 Read and complete the passage. Last Sunday, I went to the zoo. I saw some lovely g_____ p_____, they were eating bamboo shoots( 竹 笋 ). Then I saw b______, they are very strong. They can swim and climb trees well. Look at the tigers, their yellow f____ is so beautiful. When I walked past a pool, I watched some d_________ playing with balls. They are funny. Suddenly, I found a big animal in front of me. It’s a k________. It comes from Australia. Its baby is in her pocket. Of all the animals, I like s_________ best. They have long, soft tails. They played happily in the trees. iant andas ears ur olphins angaroo quirrels

24 Riddle

25 1. They are the largest animals on the land. elephants

26 2. They are a kind of horses, with black and white lines on their bodies. zebras

27 kangaroo 3. It lives in Australia. It has a big pocket and a long thick tail.

28 4. the king in the forest Tiger. 5. the cleverest animal in the sea Dolphin.

29 6. lives in Australia and carries a pocket Kangaroo. 7. large, strong and heavy with thick fur Bear.

30 8. small and lovely, but has a very big tail Squirrel.

31 lion foxes

32 tortoise giraffe

33 wolf wolves

34 A: What animals do you like best? B: I like ….best. A: What do they look like? B: They are (strong, big, small….) A: What can they do? B: They can …. A: Oh, where do they live? B: They live in …. A: Why do you like them? B: Because they are….

35 Write a report about your favourite animals. My favourite animal is ______ It looks like…. It likes eating…. It can…. It lives…. I like it because….

36 Choose the best word: 1.—Where do the ______ live? —In the deserts( 沙漠 ). 2. —Can _________ carry things for people? —Yes, they can. camels elephants (tigers, dolphins, elephants, monkeys, giant pandas, camels)

37 3. —Do the ________ live on land or in the sea? —In the sea. 4. —Which animals eat bamboo shoots and leaves? — ____________, I think. 5. —Do _____ eat meat and can survive in the forest? —Yes, they do. dolphins Giant pandas tigers

38 Fill in the blanks 1. 你的食物看上去很美味。 Your food _____________. 2. 如果你吃了我的东西, 我就不和你说话。 If you ___ my food, I _____ talk to you. 3. 如果我死了, 就没人照顾你了. If I ___, no one _______ after you. looks delicious eat won’t die will look

39 4. 你更喜欢哪一个动物, 这只大熊猫还 是那只小松鼠 ? Which ______ do you like better, this ___________ or that small _______? 5. 我再也不喜欢野生动物了. I_____ like ____ animals ________. animal squirrel giant panda don’twild any more

40 如果我有空,我就和你一起去。 If I’m free,I’ll go with you. e.g. 5. If you eat my food. I won’t talk to you. 如果你吃了我的食物,我 就不和你讲话了。 此句是个复合句, if 引导 的句子为条件状语从句。

41 What will happen if you come to school late ? I will miss some classes. If I come to school late.

42 We grow more bamboo. Giant pandas will have more food. If we grow more bamboo, giant pandas will have more food. If if

43 What will happen tomorrow ? It will be sunny tomorrow. We will have a trip tomorrow. 用 if 合 并 成 一 句 We will have a trip if it is sunny tomorrow.ifis If 在此引导一个条件状语从句。当主句是一般将来时时, if 引导的从句必须用现在时来表示将来可能发生的动作或 存在的状态。

44 It is going to rain tomorrow. I will stay in bed. If it rains tomorrow, I will stay in bed. rainsIf if or. I will stay in bed If it rains tomorrow. rainsIf

45 If tigers are hungry. 用 if 合 并 成 一 句 If tigers are hungry, they attack people. If 在此引导一个真实条件状语从句。当从句是一般现在时 时,主句必须也用现在时来表示普遍真理和客观事实,或 现在习惯动作。 They attack people.

46 Giant pandas have no food. They die. If giant pandas have no food, they die. If if

47 Translations 1 。如果明天下雨,我就呆在家里。 2 。如果起迟了,我就不能赶上早班车。 3 。如果他下周没有时间,他就不去巴黎了。 4. 当你离开的时候,记得关门。 If it rains tomorrow, I’ll stay at home If I get up late, I can’t catch the early bus. If he doesn’t have time next week, he won’t go to Paris. Remember to close the door when you leave.

48 1.Revise Eddie and Hobo’s conversation. 2.Revise the names of wild animals. 3.Write a report about your favourite animals

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