英语学习讲座 哈尔滨新东方 国内考试部 王峰. AGENDA 英语学习的误区 四六级备考 四六级改革变化.

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Presentation on theme: "英语学习讲座 哈尔滨新东方 国内考试部 王峰. AGENDA 英语学习的误区 四六级备考 四六级改革变化."— Presentation transcript:

1 英语学习讲座 哈尔滨新东方 国内考试部 王峰

2 AGENDA 英语学习的误区 四六级备考 四六级改革变化

3 AGENDA 英语学习的误区 四六级备考 四六级改革变化

4 英语学习的误区 我为什么要学英语?

5 英语学习的误区 语言的四项基本技能? 听 说读写

6 英语学习的误区 思维方式

7 英语学习的误区 试翻译: 苹果是一种好吃的水果。

8 英语学习的误区 A of B of C

9 英语学习的误区 可数名词 vs. 不可数名词

10 英语学习的误区 语料库的建立: What’s this? Pardon ?

11 AGENDA 英语学习的误区 四六级备考 四六级改革变化

12 听 占 35% 短对话 长对话 短文听力 听写

13 听 听不懂的原因? 语速快 有生词 语音现象

14 听 单词需要 听 着背 ! responsibility humanitarianism

15 听 语音现象: 连读 run out of Class starts at eight.

16 听 语音现象: 失爆 Sit down please.

17 听 语音现象: 英美音差异 better water idea famou s

18 听 短对话主旨题

19 听 主旨题特点: 由名词或名词短语组成 1. 选项: 2. 问题: What are the speakers/they talking about?

20 听 主旨题解法: 中西思维方式差异 1. 考什么: 2. 怎么做: “ 从头开始 ”

21 ( 2005.6 9 ) A) An art museum. B) A beautiful park. C) A college campus. D) An architectural exhibition. 听

22 听 M: Wow, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. It’s really beautiful. W: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here. Q: What are the speakers talking about?

23 ( 2005.6 9 ) A) An art museum. B) A beautiful park. C) A college campus. D) An architectural exhibition. 听

24 ( 2005.6 9 ) A) An art museum. B) A beautiful park. C) A college campus. D) An architectural exhibition. 听

25 听 提升听力能力 听写短对话

26 读 占 35% 段落匹配 传统阅读 15 选 10

27 读 占 35% 段落匹配 传统阅读 15 选 10

28 读 依靠原文 题文同序 同义转述

29 读 比较级

30 An Indiana University study found that interracial roommates were three times as likely as two white roommates to no longer live together by the end of the semester. 59. What does the Indiana University study show? A. Interracial roommates are more likely to fall out. B. Few white students like sharing a room with a black peer. C. Roommates of different races just don't get along. D. Assigning students' lodging randomly is not a good policy.

31 An Indiana University study found that interracial roommates were three times as likely as two white roommates to no longer live together by the end of the semester. 59. What does the Indiana University study show? A. Interracial roommates are more likely to fall out. B. Few white students like sharing a room with a black peer. C. Roommates of different races just don't get along. D. Assigning students' lodging randomly is not a good policy.

32 Guy Grant, now a research associate at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at the University of Cambridge, spent two years working for a pharmaceutical ( 制药的 ) company before returning to university as a post-doctoral researcher. He took a 30% salary cut but felt it worthwhile for the greater intellectual opportunities.


34 60. Guy Grant chose to work as a researcher at Cambridge in order to ________. [A] do financially more rewarding work [B] raise his status in the academic world [C] enrich his experience in medical research [D] exploit better intellectual opportunities

35 60. Guy Grant chose to work as a researcher at Cambridge in order to ________. [A] do financially more rewarding work [B] raise his status in the academic world [C] enrich his experience in medical research [D] exploit better intellectual opportunities

36 AGENDA 英语学习的误区 四六级备考 四六级改革变化

37 考试流程 写作( 15% ) 30 分钟听力( 35% ) 30 分钟 阅读( 40% ) 40 分钟翻译( 15% ) 30 分钟 9 : 10 11 : 20

38 ? Do you really want to do this ?

39 Persistence

40 我校图书馆已试用新东方网络课程,学生可在校园网内登 陆本校图书馆使用《新东方多媒体学习库》免费学习。 网址: http://library.koolearn.com http://library.koolearn.com 登陆方式: 1. 校园网内登陆图书馆主页,找到电子资源 — 新东方多媒 体学习库 - 登陆直接进入。进行学习。 2. 校园网内直接登陆网址: http://library.koolearn.com 。 进行学习。 http://library.koolearn.com 大家可以免费进行学习。 祝大家学习顺利!

41 关于新东方多媒体学习库  课程服务:国内考试、出国考试、应用外语、实用技能等 多类网络课程。  考试服务:在线考试系统,提供大量各类外语考试模拟和 真题分析,强化学习效果。  时时英语:磨练你的耳朵,包括听力晨读训练、随时英语 音频下载等。  直播课堂:语音互动课堂,涵盖娱乐、生活、文化、时文 各类型话题讨论,趣味性强。  网考中心:集课堂辅导、交互练习、环境模考、资料于一 体的大学英语四六级网考学习平台。  学习资料:新东方在线精品课程资料汇总,包括课堂讲义 、笔记、习题集、真题讲解。

42 wangfeng7@xdf.cn @ 哈尔滨新东方王峰

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