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LOGO 大学英语四级考试技巧解析. LOGO Brief introduction  考试时间 : 125′  分数 : 710′  及格 :NO  成绩报告单 :≥220′  口语报考资格 :550′  六级报考线 : 425′

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO 大学英语四级考试技巧解析. LOGO Brief introduction  考试时间 : 125′  分数 : 710′  及格 :NO  成绩报告单 :≥220′  口语报考资格 :550′  六级报考线 : 425′"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO 大学英语四级考试技巧解析

2 LOGO Brief introduction  考试时间 : 125′  分数 : 710′  及格 :NO  成绩报告单 :≥220′  口语报考资格 :550′  六级报考线 : 425′

3 LOGO Contents Part Ⅰ Writing--30′ Part Ⅱ Fast Reading--15′ Part Ⅲ Listening comprehension --35′ Part Ⅳ Reading in depth—25′ Part Ⅴ Cloze15′ Part Ⅵ Translation--5′

4 LOGO 考试流程 8 : 50—9 : 00 试 音时间 9 : 00—9 : 10 播放 考场指令,发放作 文考卷 9 : 10 取下耳机, 开始作文考试 9 : 35 发放含有快 速阅读的试题册( 9 : 40 开答) 9 : 40—9 : 55 做快 速阅读 9 : 55—10 : 00 收 答题卡一(含作文 和快速阅读) 9 : 55-10 : 00 重新 戴上耳机,试音, 准备听力考试 10 : 00 开始听力考 试,听力结束后完 成剩余考项 11 : 20 全部考试结 束

5 LOGO 考试注意事项  记好考试时间  考试规定开始 15 分钟后考生禁止入场  考试全程不能离开考场  提前准备好准考证、身份证、耳机、 2B 铅笔、黑色 签字笔和橡皮  注意看清你的试卷是 A 卷还是 B 卷,每张答题卡上 都要涂 A 卷或 B 卷  注意答题卡二的答案填涂方向是横版还是竖版  做一部分题涂一部分答案  主观题书写注意美观,可以提高印象分 不要迟到 不要喝太多的水

6 LOGO Fast Reading: Yes : 判断 1= 判断 2 No: 判断 1≠ 判断 2 NG : 判断 1 不 存在 是非判断题 :

7 LOGO Yes: Sample 1: 相同 Informal learning on the other hand is used to refer to learning which takes place outside the classroom. Informal learning takes place outside the classroom.

8 LOGO Sample 2 : 同义词替换 In the heart of the city are several big department stores linked by enclosed over the street crossing and underground walkways. Some department stores in Sydney are joined by walkways above and below the ground.

9 LOGO Sample 3: ⑴句型结构的推论 原文 : 题干 :  The mother’s warning is a better predictor than any advice from the father in these tasks.  A=The mother’s warning  The father’s advice is not the best in these tasks.  B=The father’s advice Yes

10 LOGO Sample 3: ⑵原文主语包含题干主语 Yes All the students and staff are automatically members of this center. The girl students can become the members of the center. 主语比较

11 LOGO Sample 3: ⑶数字运算 One out of five American children suffers from this disease. One of five = 1/5=20% As many as 20% of all children in the United States suffers from this disease.

12 LOGO Sample 3: ⑷双重否定得正 Yes 01. 否定前缀 Anti-, de-, dis-, in-, il-, im-, ir-, mal-, mis-, non-, over-, un- 02. 否定后缀 less 03. 否定词 barely, scarcely, hardly, few, little, never, seldom rarely, not, no Only 14 percent fathers are highly participant in terms of time spent on family work. The vast majority ≠ Only 14 percent + not =Yes The vast majority of fathers do not take part of any great extent in family.

13 LOGO Sample 3: ⑸概括总结 YES The amount of time 是对 10-12minutes 的总结. The public and the police generally agree on the amount of time normally taken for a rapid response. Yet both police officers and the public define ‘rapid response’ as responding up to 10-12 minutes after calling the police for help.

14 LOGO Sample 3: 推敲得出相同的结论 A: 句型结构的推论 E: 概括总结 B: 原文主语包含题干主 语 C: 数字运算 D: 双重否定得正

15 LOGO Sample 4: 题干的动作在原文中无发出 者 The usual fondling, cuddling and cleaning require little comment, but the position in which she holds the baby against her body when resting is rather revealing. We can learn a lot by observing the position in which a mother holds her against her body. YESYES 与NOT GIVEN大比拼:

16 LOGO NO : Sample 1 :相反 Four times as many children are driven to school in Britain as in Germany. More German children go to school by car than British children.

17 LOGO Sample 2: 排他类情况 NO Membership must be renewed monthly. 题干: only A--X You can join the association for as little as one month and for up to one year at a time. 原文:A-X B-X C-X

18 LOGO Sample 3: 部分代替整体 The Internet has often been a hazardous tool if they are in the hands of young computer users. If, unless, provided, while, when without, with, but, for, except The internet has often been dangerous 原文: A+B=X 题干 :A- X Key words:

19 LOGO Sample 4: 概念混淆 H e often visits us. He always visits us. Many—some/all Often—usually Sometimes— always Unlikely-- impossible 题干选 no 的混淆词汇原文

20 LOGO Not given: Sample 1 :细节化 Japanese government decided to send some officials to business schools in the US to receive the best business education in the world. Two hundred officials were to be sent to US to study business by the Japanese government.

21 LOGO Sample 2 : 题干擅自比较 There are a lot of cool boys and pretty girls in our uni. We have more pretty girls than cool boys in the uni. Not given

22 LOGO Sample 3: 愿望变成事实 誓言: swear, pledge, vow, promise 目的: purpose, motive, intention 愿望: hope, wish, desire, dream 目标: aim, object, objective, goal, aim at Not given 原文: His aim was to bring together, once every four years, athletes from all countries on the friendly fields of amateur sport. 题干: Only amateur athletes are  allowed to compete  in the modern Olympic.

23 LOGO 句子填空:  题目数量:3  所填写词汇: ≤ 5  来源:原文  题目顺序:与原文顺序一致,NO.9一定在 NO.8后面.

24 LOGO !!这样不好!! ?你是否读的非常慢,非常仔细,不相信自己 能全部理解所读的东西。 ?阅读时你的嘴唇和舌头是否在动。 ?在阅读时你的头是否随着所读文字的符号的 位置而左右移动。 ?你是否经常回读,即,读过的东西又重新读 一遍,甚至几遍。 ?你是否读什么样的体裁都是一样的速度。 ?你是否有很多单词不认识,或不知道他在此 处的含义。

25 LOGO Believe your potential, you can make it even though you start doing it now!!!

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