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1. Li Fei is the best chess player. 2. Xu Li is the most talented dancer. 3. Wu Fan is the most interesting writer. 4. Sun Nan is the faster runner. 5.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Li Fei is the best chess player. 2. Xu Li is the most talented dancer. 3. Wu Fan is the most interesting writer. 4. Sun Nan is the faster runner. 5."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. Li Fei is the best chess player. 2. Xu Li is the most talented dancer. 3. Wu Fan is the most interesting writer. 4. Sun Nan is the faster runner. 5. … is the best basketball player. 6. … is the best English speaker. 7. … is the funniest actor. Who’s got the talent in your class? Let some Ss give their report.

3 1. 有相同特征 _________________ 2. 各种各样的 _________________ 3. 由 …… 决定 _________________ 4. 发挥作用 _________________ have … in common all kinds of be up to play a role Let’s review the phrases. And make a sentence with it. 5. 编造 __________________ 6. 例如 __________________ 7. 认真对待 __________________ 8. 给某人某物 __________________ make up for example take … seriously give sb. sth./ give sth. to sb.

4 What’s your favorite place to go to on weekends? Why is it? The Children’s Center is the best place to go to on weekends. Because I can play tennis and play ping-pong. I can speak English with friends.

5 The best place to go to is Center Park. Because I can swim and climb the hill. I can fly kites and take a walk in the woods.

6 Read the article about Greenwood Park. Fill in the blanks with the correct superlative forms of the adjectives and adverbs in the box. 3a 首先,阅读短文,整体把握短文大意。 其次,分析有空格的每个句子,看空格 处应是 形容词还是副词,根据句意确定单词。 最后,将单词正确的最高级形式填到空格上。 副词前可以不加 the 。 方法指导:

7 crowded creative good fast quietly Greenwood Park is the best place to go to on weekends. I always finish my breakfast _______ on Saturday because I want to get to Greenwood Park before 10:00a.m. to meet my friends, The park is ______________place on weekends because almost everyone goes there to see the street performers. Some people think they are boring, but I think they are _______________ people. However, the place where you can enjoy your time _____________is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. You can read or relax there. There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park. 格林伍德公园 / 绿木公园 (the)fastest the most crowded the most creative the most quietly crowded creative good fast quietly

8 crowded adj. 人多的;拥挤的;挤满的 最高级形式在前面加 most 。 e.g. The supermarket is the most crowded place on weekends. 周末超市是最拥挤的地方。

9 Think about some of the best places/things in your town. Why are they the best? 3b Best places / things in my townWhy? best middle school No. 1 Middle School Because it is the most beautiful school in my town best supermarket best restaurant best clothes store best cinema New Street Supermarket Ru Jia Restaurant Cool Kids Dream cinema the best things the best service most delicious food the cleanest best clothes biggest screen most comfortable seats

10 I live in a beautiful town… ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Write about your town and the best places/things there. 3c 写作指导:  本文为写自己所居住的城镇上最好的地方或事物,并 说明原因。因此,时态应用一般现在时态;  应先描述最 …… 的是某个地方, 然后说明这个地方最 好的原因。  应注意正确运用形容词或副词的最高级形式来表达。

11 I live in a beautiful town. There are some fantastic buildings here. Let me tell you something about them. The best school is No. 1 Middle School because it is the most beautiful. The best supermarket is New Street Supermarket because it has the best things and the best service. The best restaurant is Ru Jia Restaurant because it has the most delicious food, and it is the cleanest restaurant. The best clothes store is Cool Kids because it has the best clothes and it plays the nicest music. The best cinema is Dream Theater because it has the biggest screen and it has the most comfortable seats.

12 Which is the best town/city? … has the best … … is the best because … … is better than …, but … is the most … Discuss the towns/cities in China with a partner. Tell the class which town/city you think is the best. 4

13 I think Hangzhou is the best city in China. Because it’s the most beautiful. West Lake is the most famous place. And it’s the most popular city. Quite a lot of visitors come to Hangzhou every year.

14 I think San Ya is the best city in China. It has the most beautiful beaches. It has the cleanest water. It’s the warmest place. You can eat the most delicious sea food. You can enjoy the sunshine most quietly.

15 1. Fill in the blanks with the superlative forms of the words in the box. 方法指导 首先,阅读句子理解大意。确定空格 是修饰名词还是修饰动词,从而确定空格 处是形容词还是副词。最后填上其恰当的 最高级形式。

16 1.Dumpling House is _________restaurant in the city. You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan. 2. Spring Park is _______________place in the city on weekends. Many families go there with their young children. Lots of old people like to take walks there,too. 3. You can rest ________________ at Flower Hotel. Their rooms are clean and big. 4.109.9F.M. plays _________music. The songs are always boring and too loud. 5. PEP High School is _______school in this town. They have big classrooms, fantastic teachers and an excellent sports center. good cheap popular comfortably bad 饺子 馆 春天公园春天公园 花园宾馆 调幅 109.9 (广播) PEP 高中 the cheapest the most popular the most comfortably the worst the best

17 2. Read the information. Then correct the mistakes in the sentences below. A movie ticket at Town Cinema is $12.00. it is $ 10.50 at Screen City, and $10.00 at Movie World. Screen City is always very crowded. Many people go to Movie World, too. But you can always get a ticket at Town Cinema. The seats at Movie World are very comfortable. The seats at Screen City are a little hard. The Town Cinema seats are very uncomfortable.

18 1.Movie World is the most expensive. 2. Screen City has the cheapest tickets. 3. Town Cinema is more popular than Screen City. 4. Movie World is the most popular. 5. Town Cinema has the most comfortable seats. Town Cinema is the most expensive. Movie World has the cheapest tickets. Movie World is the cheapest. Screen City is more popular than Town Cinema. Town Cinema is less popular than Screen City. Screen City is the most popular. Movie World has the most comfortable seats. : Town Cinema has the most uncomfortable seats.

19 uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 happy 愉快的;高兴的 unhappy 不高兴的 “ 前缀 un + 形容词 ” 常构成此形容词 的反义词。 common adj. 普通的;寻常的 uncommon adj. 不寻常的;非凡的

20 Imagine you went to a talent show of famous people. Write an article about the talent show.

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