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1 School Life

2 Part I: Heavy School bags

3 Task 1 P16 Younger and younger students are having back and neck problems as a result of schoolbags being too heavy for them. 由于书包对他们来说太过沉重,患有背部和颈部问题 的孩子开始越来越低龄化。(年轻)

4 Task 2 P17 没有办法拎书包上楼 too heavy school bag 伤到颈部和背部 学生不可以背太重的东西 their bodies are still growing

5 Task 3 P17 strap 背带 rolling bags 拉杆书包

6 Task 4 P17 What’s the solution to solve the schoolbag problem? Within 5 Words Only taking necessary books home

7 As a result of As a result of 原因, 结果 原因 Account for /lead to 结果
Smoking lung cancer Some doctors say that smoking leads to lung cancers. As a result of smoking, some people die of lung cancers. 表示原因: due to/because of/thanks to/owing to

8 Result in/result from 这场火灾因为一根香烟而起. The fire resulted from a cigarette
一个粗心的选择导致一场误会. A careless choice resulted in a misunderstanding. Consequence

9 It is + adj/n (for sb) to do
对孩子来说,同时学好两种语言并不难. It is not hard for kids to learn two languages at the same time. 在自家的花园里种蔬菜是个好主意. It’s a good idea to plant vegetables in one’s own garden. 对我们来说在学校和同学们一起学习很轻松. It is easy for us to study with classmates at school.

10 Choose Chose chosen Choose A as B Choose sth for sth Choose to do 我为你挑选了这块手表,希望你会喜欢. I chose the watch for you. And I hope you will like it. 那些旅行者挑选了这座城市作为他们的第二故乡. Those travelers chose the city as their second hometown. 在生活中,她总是选择最好的,也许那就是为什么她选择单身. She always chooses the best in life. That’s why she chooses to be single.

11 Networking/advertising yourself is one of the best ways to find a job.
Learning the local language/Making money is difficult for a foreign student. Making fun of others/spitting around/kissing your GF in front of her father is not polite. Playing games/taking exams/getting fired/talking to the boss/seeing horror movies makes me nervous. Learning a new language/flying to New York/chatting online takes a long time.

12 Because of 把下列句子改成because of 引导
I came back because it rained. I came back because of the rain. He didn’t finish school because his family was too poor. He didn’t finish school because of his poor family. We can’t arrive on time because we meet traffic jams. We can’t arrive on time because of traffic jams. 我因为工作搬去了另一个城市. I moved to another city because of my job.

13 有关lose的词组 Lose weight 迷路 lose one’s way 丢脸 lose one’s face
失业 lose one’s job lose a game 输一场比赛 lose touch 失去联系 lose heart 气馁 lose one’s shirt 输个精光 lose one’s neck 掉脑袋

14 Part II:Learning English

15 Task 1 P19 逐字逐句 正确翻译 How do you do? 怎么做你做? 你好吗? Take it easy. 带它轻松。 放轻松。

16 Task 1 P19 逐字逐句 正确翻译 八音盒 eight music box musical box 人山人海 你懂的 crowded

17 Task 3 P19 Languages do not just have different sounds, they are different in many ways. It’s important to master the rules for word order in the study of English, too. 语言不仅仅是有不同的发音,他们在很多地方都有不同。在学习英语的过程中掌握好词序也很重要。

18 Task 4 P19 文中实例 She only likes apples. Only she likes apples. 再举一例 I live to eat. I eat to live.

19 Task 4 P19 文中实例 I have seen the film already. I have already seen the film. 再举一例 Yesterday I saw you. I saw you yesterday.

20 Task 5 P19 预测6的内容 native a person who was born in a particular country or area local belonging to or connected with the particular place or area that you are talking about

21 Task 5 P19 a ______ newspaper local 地方报纸 your ______ land/country/city native 你的故乡、祖国、故里

22 Word for word 逐字逐句地 ===Word by word 大部分翻译软件都是逐字逐句地把英文翻译成中文。
Most translating softwares translate English into Chinese word for word.

23 Take …as an example For example, For instance, Take …as an example.
拿海尔举个例子,这家公司优秀的售后服务让每个顾客印象深刻。 Take Haier as an example. This company impressed every customer with its excellent after-sale services.

24 Look up 当我走进房间时,我的父亲从报纸上抬起头看我. When I walked into the room, my father looked up from the newspaper. 我一直都很尊敬那些伟人. I always look up to those great men. 你只有在字典里查这个词才能找到各种各样的含义 As long as you look up the word in the dictionary, you can find different kinds of meanings.

25 At a time At a time 一次 一次吃两片 two pills at a time At one time 一度
黎巴嫩的森林覆盖面积一度大约是20% At one time forests covered about 20% of Lebanon.

26 It must be a wrong sentence
情态动词表猜测语气的用法. 听说Mike去世了。--这不可能是真的。我昨天刚见过他。 I heard Mike died. It can’t be true. I saw him yesterday. 他不可能在讲真话(现在进行时)。 He can’t be telling the truth. 都晚上9点多了。他不可能在办公室。他应该在家。(对现在的否定、肯定推测) It is 9 pm. He can’t be in the office. He should be at home. 这篇论文不可能是她独自写出来的。(对过去的否定推测) The paper can’t have been written by her alone.

27 Do one’s best Try one’s best 你应该竭尽所能来帮助我们。
You should try your best to help us out. 我们的国家正在竭尽所能降低房价。 Our government is trying their best to put down house prices.

28 master mastermind 伟人 master room 主卧房 master card 万事达卡 masterpiece 杰作
他去年在哈佛大学取得了硕士学位. Last year he got the master degree in Harvard University. 曾经,西班牙支配着大部分海域. Once up on a time, Spain mastered most of the sea. 你怎能说你精通日语呢? How can you say that you master Japanese?

29 already be动词后 助动词后 行为动词前

30 翻译一下 我通常7点起床. I usually get up at 7. 她从不做饭. She never cooks. 我们很少网聊.
We rarely chat online. 他已经迟到了. He is already late.

31 In high spirits In low spirits
他只要一谈起世界杯就神采飞扬. He will get into high spirits on talking about the World Cup. As soon as-on-the moment 你为什么整天都闷闷不乐的? Why are you always in low spirits all day long?

32 Part III:Spanking your ass

33 Task 2 P22 Mapping

34 100 years ago almost anybody can beat them Eskimos Inuits never punish kids Now Americans Germans spank kids at home Swedish have gov. official to help kids

35 根据短文回答问题 P23 How were children treated in industrial countries 100 years ago? within 5 words Almost anybody can beat them.

36 根据短文回答问题 P23 What does the author mean by “go too far?” Too naughty or do too wrong.

37 根据短文回答问题 P23 Can a teacher in Germany hit his students in public school? No, he or she doesn’t.

38 根据短文回答问题 P23 What kind of people can beat children in Sweden? Nobody.

39 根据短文回答问题 P23 What does it mean by “a plan for children to divorce form their parents?” It means leaving away from their parents.

40 In general/in contrast
总的说来/相比之下 ________, Harry Potter is an excellent book to people who love fantasies. Obama is a handsome leader. ________, our president is not as handsome as him.

41 At one’s age 在某某年纪的时候 When I was at your age, I still lived with my parents. 我在你这个年纪时,还和父母一起住。 Of an age with 我的伯伯和新中国同龄. My uncle is of an age with New China. 我家的老房子和这座城市历史一样悠久. My old house is of an age with the city. Look one’s age 1. 她有四十岁了吗?可一点也看不出来! Is she at the age of 40? She doesn’t look her age.

42 As….. as Not as….as 她和她的姐姐一样漂亮. She is as pretty as her sister.
他的眼睛像海一样蓝. His eyes are as blue as the sea. 他的钱不如你的多. His money is not as much as yours. 我最喜欢的车不如你的那么贵. My favorite car is not as expensive as yours. Cindy 比她弟弟聪明一百倍 Cindy is 100 times as clever as her brother.

43 Idioms As clear as daylight As light as feather As wise as an owl
As strong as a horse As poor as a mouse in the church As cool as a cucumber 这位皇后想她应该有个女儿.她的皮肤要像雪一样白,她的嘴唇要像血一样红 The queen thought she should have a daughter. Her skin should be as white as snow. Her lips should be as red as blood.

44 Agree with/agree to do/agree on
反__________________ v. 当他说出那个建议,我不得不同意. When he proposed that suggestion, I had to agree with him. 我们上星期在时间和地点上达成了一致. We came to agreement on time and place last week. 老师同意让我早点回家. The teacher agreed me to go back home earlier. object to doing

45 Punish them by making fun of them
Do sth by doing sth 许多人通过锻炼来减肥. Many people try to lose weight by doing exercise. 这个人是靠欺骗得到这个工作的. This person got this job by cheating.

46 Divorce Get divorced from
1. 他的孩子们很早以前就和他脱离了关系。 His children divorced from him long ago. 2.大卫的父母在他六岁时就离婚了。 David’s parents got divorced when he was 6 years old. 3.在古代中国,只有丈夫可以休妻,而妻子却不能“休夫”。 In ancient China, only husbands could divorce wives. But wives couldn’t divorce husbands.

47 Contrast—v/n 近义词:_______________
Contrast these imported goods with the domestic product. 把这些进口产品和国内产品进行比较。 The green grass and a few red flowers formed a delightful contrast. 绿草和红花形成令人喜悦的对比。 compare

48 相关词汇 书包 背部问题 滑轮箱 背带 身体重量 练习本 Schoolbag Back problem Rolling bag Strap
Body weight workbook

49 相关词汇 评语 地理 缺席 皱了的钱币 天主教的 家庭教师 好奇心 Remark Geography Absent
Crumpled note Catholic Tutor curiosity

50 相关词汇 工业化国家 惩罚 遵守法则 打屁股 脱离父母关系 政府官员 Industrial countries Punish
Obey rules Spank Divorce from their parents Government official

51 信息点 1. 医生说学生只能携带自己身体重量________ 的包包. 10%-15%

52 信息点 2. 爱斯基摩人的孩子如果犯了错误,他们的父母会通过_______的方式来惩罚他们的孩子。 取笑

53 信息点 3. 瑞典的父母不能打屁股,因为有_______监管他们的父母。 政府官员

54 翻译 1. 因为书包过重的原因,有背部和颈部问题的学生越来越年轻化。 P16 第二段

55 翻译 2. 当你学英语的时候,你必须竭尽全力去弄清语言的实质并且尽量像native speaker那样说话。 P19 最后一句话

56 翻译 3. 如果孩子做得太过分,父母通过取笑他们的方式来惩罚他们。 P22

57 As a result of…. Because of= owing to=thanks to = due to Word for word Take A as an example At a time Do one’s best In high spirits In low spirits In general/ in contrast

58 作业 订正作文 背诵Word List

59 Thank You !

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