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凍齡的秘訣就在你的餐桌上 Rejuvenation 長壽的鑰匙Key to a Long Life

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Presentation on theme: "凍齡的秘訣就在你的餐桌上 Rejuvenation 長壽的鑰匙Key to a Long Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 凍齡的秘訣就在你的餐桌上 Rejuvenation 長壽的鑰匙Key to a Long Life

2 丹麥雙胞胎研究 Danish Twins Study
1966年出生的1870年至1900年丹麥的2872對雙胞胎人群為基礎的研究 – 發現,長壽似乎只有適度的遺傳。基因決定了約10%的長壽成功的,90%是由生活方式和環境所決定的。 1966 a population-based study of 2872 Danish twin pairs born found that longevity seems to be only moderately heritable. Genes determine about 10% of our longevity success, 90% is determined by lifestyle and environment. 一些研究人員聲稱遺傳的壽命約為90年。別人甚至高達120年。然而,但是在美國目前平均壽命78歲。 Some researchers claim genetic lifespan to be about 90 years. Others even as high as 120 years. Yet, life expectancy in the US currently 78 yrs.

3 什麼可以幫助我們活得更長更好。 So what helps us live longer better?
藍區( Blue Zones ( In 2004, Dan Buettner teamed with National Geographic and some the world’s best longevity researchers to identify pockets around the world where people live measurably longer better. In these “Blue Zones” they found that people reach age 100 at rates 10 times greater than in the United States.

4 Blue Zones


6 Diet Get 95 percent of your food from plants - 從植物中獲得 95%的你的食 物
The best of the longevity foods are leafy greens. Studies found that middle-aged people who consumed the equivalent of a cup of cooked greens daily were half as likely to die in the next four years as those who ate no greens. 最好的長壽食物是來自綠色蔬菜。

7 "Almost every disease, sickness or ailment can be traced to a mineral deficiency." ~Dr. Linus Pauling 必需微量元素在所有有機體的健康和活力能發揮 基礎性作用,是長期病患及健康的成年人和 兒童雙方為有利的生物學。我們的身體需要 必需的微量元素,維生素和酶,將身體維持 在一個高水平。然而,許多醫生認為熟食和 加工食品的現代飲食中缺乏微量元素,這些 對於維持生理及心理的功能是非常重要的。 而且大部分的人是缺乏微量元素。即使是新 鮮水果和蔬菜也可能缺乏礦物質,因為土壤 長期耕種,養分可能已經流失殆盡,使得蔬 果中的活性礦物質不足。富維達™ 礦物質萃 取活水有助於你的身體得到必需的礦物質和 營養素。 Essential trace minerals play a fundamental role in the health and vitality of all living organisms and are biologically beneficial for both the chronically ill and healthy adults and children. Our bodies require essential trace minerals, vitamins and enzymes to perform at peak levels. A modern diet of cooked and processed foods lacks many of the micro-nutrients and trace minerals that are vital for optimum physical and mental function. A large percentage of people are deficient in trace mineral nutrients. Even the freshest fruit and vegetables may lack minerals because the soil they were grown in has become depleted of nutrients.

8 黃腐酸Fulvic Acid 來自天然植物富含人體必需的微量元素 天然礦物質的營養成分能促進身體細胞吸收與利用 幫助身體排除重金屬及毒素
- Naturally Rich in plant derived essential Trace Minerals 天然礦物質的營養成分能促進身體細胞吸收與利用 - Promotes mineral, vitamin and enzyme absorption & utilization 幫助身體排除重金屬及毒素 - Helps remove toxins and heavy metals 膠體懸浮離子的微量元素可增加生物可利用性 - Colloidal suspended ionic trace minerals increases bio-availability Lízǐ de jiāotǐ xuánfú yè 提供70種以上的電解質 - Supplies 70+ electrolytes 純淨,有效的抗氧化劑 - Pure, potent antioxidant 含有天然螯合劑 Áo héjì - Natural Chelator 生產過程中不使用任何化學物質及加工的酸,是天然成份萃取物 - Extracted from natural sources / No chemicals or acids used in processing

9 城市花園Urban Gardening

10 Diet Consume meat no more than twice a week - 吃肉每週不超過兩 次
Families in most of the Blue Zones enjoy meat sparingly, as a side or a way to flavor other dishes. Aim to limit your intake to 2 ounces or less of cooked meat (an amount smaller than a deck of cards) five times a month. And favor chicken, lamb or pork from family farms that graze or forage freely, which likely leads to higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids. 在藍區大多數的家庭很少肉類

11 Eat up to 85 grams of fish daily - 每天吃 85 公克的魚
Diet Eat up to 85 grams of fish daily - 每天吃 85 公克的魚 The Adventist Health Study 2, which has been following 96,000 Americans since 2002, discovered that people who ate a plant-based diet and included a small portion of fish up to once a day were the ones who lived the longest. For the most part, the best fish choices are middle-of-the-food-chain species such as sardines, anchovies and cod, which aren't exposed to high levels of mercury or other chemicals. 自 2002 年以來一直關注 96,000 的美國人,發現那 些吃植物性飲食和達包括一小部分的魚,一旦一天都 活得最久的那些人。 大多數情況下,最好的魚選擇 是食品鏈中間物種,如沙丁魚、 鳳尾魚、 鱈魚、 不 暴露于高水準的汞或其他化學物質。

12 Consume less dairy - 少吃乳製品
Diet Consume less dairy - 少吃乳製品 The human digestive system isn't optimized for cow's milk, which is high in fat and sugar. People in the Blue Zones get their calcium from plants. However, goat's and sheep's milk products like yogurt and cheese are common in the traditional diets of Ikaria and Sardinia. 人體的消化系統不適合母牛的奶,因為脂肪和糖含量 很高。人們在藍區獲得的鈣是從植物中得到。

13 Diet Enjoy up to three eggs per week - 享受每週最多三個雞蛋
In the Blue Zones, people tend to eat just one egg at a time. For example, Nicoyans fry an egg to fold into a corn tortilla and Okinawans boil an egg in soup. 在藍區,人們傾向一次吃一個蛋。

14 Add a half cup of cooked beans every day - 每一天添加 半杯煮熟的豆
Diet Add a half cup of cooked beans every day - 每一天添加 半杯煮熟的豆 Black beans in Nicoya, soybeans in Okinawa, lentils, garbanzo and white beans in the Mediterranean: Beans are the cornerstone of Blue Zones diets. On average, beans are made up of 21-percent protein, 77-percent complex carbohydrates and only a little fat. They're also an excellent source of fiber and are packed with more nutrients per gram than any other food on earth. The Blue Zones dietary average -- at least a half cup per day -- provides most of the vitamins and minerals that you need. 在尼科亞,在沖繩、 小扁豆、 鷹嘴豆和在地中海的 白豆大豆黑豆: 豆子是藍區飲食的基石。平均來看, 豆類組成的 21%的蛋白質,77%複雜的碳水化合物 和僅有點脂肪。他們也是極好的纖維來源,富含更多 的養分。

15 Diet Lower your sugar consumption - 減少糖 的攝入
Blue Zone dwellers consume about a fifth as much added sugar as we do. Centenarians typically put honey in their tea and enjoy dessert only at celebrations. Try not to add more than 4 teaspoons of sugar a day to your drinks and foods. Have cookies, candy and bakery items only a few times a week. And avoid processed foods with sweeteners. 百歲老人通常把蜂蜜放在他們的茶,享受甜點只在慶 祝活動。一天不超過4茶匙的糖添加到你的飲料和食 品。每週只有幾次吃餅乾,糖果和糕點。和避免食用 加工的食品甜味劑。

16 Snack on two handfuls of nuts per day - 兩把每日的堅果零食
Diet Snack on two handfuls of nuts per day - 兩把每日的堅果零食 This appears to be the average amount that Blue Zones centenarians are eating. A recent 30-year Harvard study found that nut eaters have a 20 percent lower mortality rate than those who don't eat nuts. Other studies show that diets with nuts reduce LDL, or "bad," cholesterol levels by up to 20 percent. 這看起來似乎吃藍區百歲老人的平均量。最近 30 年 哈佛大學研究發現,飲食習慣,吃堅果的人有 20% 低死亡率比那些不吃堅果。其他研究表明,與堅果的 飲食降低低密度脂蛋白,或壞膽固醇水準達 20%。

17 Consume natural foods that are recognizable - 食用天然食 物
Diet Consume natural foods that are recognizable - 食用天然食 物 Blue Zone dwellers eat foods in their entirety: They don't throw away the egg yolk or juice the pulp out of their fruits. They also don't take supplements. They get everything they need from whole foods that are often grown locally. Lesson: Avoid products with long lists of ingredients and shop at your farmers market when you can. Scientists are only beginning to understand how the elements in whole plants work together synergistically to bring forth ultimate health.

18 Ionized Water - 電解水 Diet
A water ionizer changes the pH value of the water and outputs both alkaline water (concentrated OH- ions) and acidic water (concentrated H+ ions) through separate exhaust ports. The ionizing process also changes the ORP value of alkaline water from +500mv to -150~-800mv. This helps condition the water for better absorption by the body and assists the body's ability to scavenge free radicals. There are indications it alters the molecular polarity of the water; breaking up the molecular clusters and making the processed water easier for the human body to absorb. 電解水機改變水的 pH 值和輸出鹼性水 (濃縮的 OH-離子) 和酸性水 (濃縮的 H 離子) 通過單獨的排 氣口。電離過程也變為鹼性水的 ORP 值從 500mv- 150 ~-800mv。這有助於條件更好地被人體吸收的 水,並協助身體的能力,以清除體內的自由基。有 跡象表明,它改變了分子極性的水;分手分子團簇, 使處理後的水更容易為人體吸收。

19 Ionized Water - 電解水 Diet
-Antioxidant: Ionized drinking water is an antioxidant. Alkaline water carries a slight negative electrostatic charge (surplus electrons). This can help scavenge and neutralize harmful free radicals that are associated with aging and health problems. The -ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential) value of ionized water is a measure of the antioxidant benefit. The more negative the ORP value, the more scavenging benefit. - pH balance: Drinking alkaline water improves the body's ability to buffer acids and flush acidic residues. Alkaline water helps balance the body chemistry and maintain optimal pH levels. - Nutrition benefits: Alkaline water contains beneficial mineral ions like calcium, magnesium, potassium and other beneficial trace minerals. These electrolytes carry a (-) charge that improves the absorption rate in the body. - Hydration benefits: Alkaline water with a -ORP value that matches the body's internal organ ORP values hydrates your body better and faster than plain drinking water. Also, ionizing water rearranges the cluster size of the molecules to promote faster absorption. 抗氧化劑: 電離的喝水是一種抗氧化劑。鹼性水進 行輕微的負靜電電荷 (剩餘電子)。這可以説明清除 和消除有害的自由基與衰老和健康問題相關聯。離 子水-ORP (氧化減少潛在) 值一定程度的抗氧化功 效。更負面的 ORP 值,清除更多的效益。 -ph 值的平衡: 喝鹼性水提高了身體的能力,緩衝 酸並刷新酸性殘留。鹼性水可以説明平衡身體的化 學物質,並保持最佳 pH 水準。 -營養好處: 鹼性水中含有有益的礦物離子,如鈣、 鎂、 鉀和其他有益的微量元素。這些電解質進行提 高體內吸收率 (-) 充電。-水化好處: 鹼性水與人體 的內部器官 ORP 值匹配-ORP 值水合物你的身體 更好,比白開水更快。此外,電離水重排分子來促 進更快吸收的簇大小。

20 Diet If you drink alcohol, make it red wine - 如果你喝酒,喝紅葡萄酒
People in most Blue Zones have one to three glasses per day. Wine has been found to help the system absorb plant-based antioxidants. But it may also be that a little alcohol at the end of the day reduces stress, which is good for overall health. 藍區居民每天一到三杯。葡萄酒已經發現,以幫助系 統吸收植物為基礎的抗氧化劑。少許酒精減少壓力, 這是良好的整體健康。

21 Diet Drink teas from anti-inflammatory herbs - 具有抗發炎的特性藥草
Okinawans nurse green tea all day long, and green tea has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease and several cancers. Ikarians drink brews of rosemary, wild sage and dandelion -- all herbs with anti-inflammatory properties. 沖繩人整天喝綠茶,綠茶已被證明可以降低心臟疾病 和某些癌症的風險。 Ikarians喝迷迭香,鼠尾草野生 蒲公英 – 具有抗發炎的特性藥草。 南非博士茶

22 Diet Drink coffee -喝咖啡 The best of the longevity foods are leafy greens. Studies found that middle-aged people who consumed the equivalent of a cup of cooked greens daily were half as likely to die in the next four years as those who ate no greens. 研究結果飲用咖啡能預防老年癡呆症和帕金森氏症病 率較低。

23 Diet Protein pairings - 蛋白質配對
To get enough protein on a plant-based diet partner legumes, grains, nuts and veggies that supply all nine of the essential amino acids your body can't make on its own. 要獲得一個以植物為基礎的飲食配對是為豆類,穀 物,堅果和蔬菜,你的身體不能自行製造身體需要的 九個氨基酸,只要把豆類,穀物,堅果和蔬菜一起吃 就能得到完全的蛋白質

24 Diet Food Combining – 食物搭配
- Starches and Proteins should not be eaten together 澱粉和蛋白質不應該一起吃 - Quick digesting foods must wait till the slowest digesting foods leave the stomach before they can leave 快速消化食物必須等到最慢消化食物留下肚子裡他 們可以離開 - Sock or Bag - While waiting, some starches decompose and fermentation, producing gas, acid and even alcohol along with indigestion. 襪子或袋子,一些澱粉分解和發酵,產生氣體, 酸,甚至酒精與消化不良。 - Watery foods first - Eat the most watery food first, the next less watery food second, etc., and end with the least watery and most concentrated food last and NEVER reverse this order of eating. 飲食順序,先吃水果,湯,青菜,最後吃主菜,例 如肉類,魚類。 - Eat smaller amounts and fewer varieties of food 吃少量和少品種的食品

25 Diet Paleo Diet – 古飲食 Grass fed meats - 草餵肉 Fish / sea food - 魚/海鮮
Fresh fruits and veggies - 新鮮水果和蔬菜 Eggs - 雞蛋 Nuts and seeds - 堅果和種子 Healthful oils (Olive, walnut, flaxseed, macadamia, avocado, coconut) - 健康的油(橄欖油,核桃,椰子,堅果, 鱷梨)

26 Diet Juicing – 榨汁 Easiest and fastest way to increase your fruit and veggie intake is drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices. 最簡單和最快的方式來增加您的水果和蔬菜的攝入量是喝新鮮果汁 和蔬菜汁。 Break down the fiber allow the phytonutrients and enzymes in the soluble fiber that are much better absorbed by the body. 分解纖維允許好得多的植物營養素和酶中的可溶性纖維被人體吸 收。

27 Cleansing Fasting – 禁食 Purification 純化 More energy 更多的精力
Rejuvenation 回春 Better sleep 更好的睡眠 Revitalization 振興 More relaxation 更放鬆 Rest for digestive organs 休息消化器官 Better attitude 精益求精的態度 Clearer skin 更清晰的皮膚 More clarity, mentally 更清晰,精神 Antiaging effects 抗衰老效果 Diet changes 飲食結構的改變 Improved taste 改善口感 Reduced Allergies 減少過敏

28 Cleansing 3 Week Fast – 3週禁食
- Do not eat proteins, starches, oils – no meat, bread, rice, oils 不要吃的蛋白質,澱粉,油 – 無肉,麵包,米飯,油 - No coffee, tea, prepared drinks, beer 沒有咖啡、 茶、 準備飲料,啤酒 - First week – Fruit in morning, fruit juice with vinegar in day, steamed vegetables at night with no sauce. 第一週 – 水果在早上,果汁醋的一天,蒸蔬菜在黑夜沒有醬 - Second Week - master cleanse 第二個星期-大師淨化 * 2 Tablespoons Fresh Lemon Juice; 2 湯匙新鮮檸檬汁 * 2 Tablespoons Rich Maple Syrup or honey; 2 大湯匙富楓糖漿或蜂蜜 * 1/10 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper Powder; 1/10 茶匙辣椒粉 * 250 milliliters of Pure Water; 250 毫升的純淨水 - Third Week – same as first 第三個星期 — — 第一次一樣 - Salt flush or enima (coffee) every second day; 鹽沖洗或 enima (咖啡) 每隔一天

29 Cleansing Gallbladder Flush – 淨化膽囊排毒
- fasting the day of the flush; 當天禁食 - 120 ml of unrefined olive oil followed by a small glass of grapefruit juice, or lemon juice; 120 毫升的精煉橄欖油緊接著一小杯葡萄柚汁或檸檬汁。 - Go immediately to bed. For the first 30 minutes, lie on your right side with your right knee pulled up close to your chest; 馬上去睡覺。第一次 30 分鐘,躺在你的右手邊與 你接近你的胸部拉起的右膝蓋。

30 Cleansing Artery Flush – 血管淨化
- Preventive remedy for blocked arteries; 預防補救血管阻塞 250ml Lemon juice; 250毫升檸檬汁 250ml Ginger juice; 250毫升生薑汁 250ml Garlic juice; 250毫升蒜汁 250ml Apple vinegar; 250毫升蘋果醋 Use clay pot. Mix all and boil until remain 750 ml; 使用陶壺或砂鍋。混合再煮沸,直 至保持750毫升 Let it cool, then mix 250 ml of natural honey; 讓它冷卻,再拌入250毫升天然蜂蜜 Transfer to glass bottle and keep in fridge; Every morning, before breakfast, take one tablespoon; 轉移到玻璃瓶,並保持在冰箱裡;每天早上,早餐前,取一湯匙

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