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1 List 9

2 entangle 【考法 1】 vt. 卷入,纠缠: to twist together into a usually confused mass 【例】 we managed to entangle the string of lights into a hopeless mess of wires 我们将小灯泡的线纠缠成了一 堆 【近】 interlace, intertwist, knot, snarl, tangle 【考法 2】 v. 使变复杂或困难: to make complex or difficult 【例】 the history of Alexander the Great is entangled by variant accounts of his exploits 亚历山大大帝的生平 历史被不同版本的记录搞得很纠结 【近】 complexify, perplex, sophisticate 【反】 simplify, streamline 简化

3 enthusiasm 【考法 1】 n. 热情,兴趣: urgent desire or interest 【例】 in my enthusiasm to get going, I forgot to pack any foul-weather clothing 在强烈的出游热情下,我忘记带 上防备坏天气的衣服了 【近】 ardor, avidity, desirousness, impatience, keenness, lust, thirst 【反】 apathy, indifference 无动于衷,漠不关心 【派】 enthusiastic adj. 热情的 【反】 halfhearted 心不在焉的

4 entice 【考法 1】 vt. 诱使: to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire: tempt; lure 【例】 entice sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事 【近】 allure, bait, beguile, decoy, seduce, solicit, tempt, lead on 【派】 enticing adj. 诱人的 【反】 formidable 可怕的

5 entrance 【考法 1】 n. 进入权,进入许可: the means or right of entering or participating in 【例】 entrance to the club is by invitation only 该俱乐部只接受受邀入会 【近】 access, admission, admittance, gateway, ingress, passport, ticket 【考法 2】 vt. 使入迷: to fill with delight, wonder, or enchantment 【例】 be entranced by the view 陶醉于景色 【近】 enrapture, enthrall, ravish, transport, carry away 【反】 bore, disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse 使厌烦 【派】 entrancing adj. 使人欣喜的 【反】 unprepossessing 不讨人喜欢的

6 entrap 【考法 1】 vt. 诱骗: to lure into a compromising statement or act 【例】 a string of inconsistent statements finally entrapped the witness 一系列不一致的陈述最终蒙骗了目击者 【近】 ensnare, ensnarl, entoil, mesh, net, snare, catch up 【反】 disentangle, untangle

7 entreat 【考法 1】 vt. 恳求: to plead with especially in order to persuade, ask urgently 【例】 entreated his boss for another chance 恳求老板再给一次机会 【近】 beseech, besiege, conjure, implore, importune, solicit, supplicate, plead to, appeal to

8 enunciate 【考法 1】 vi. 清晰地说: to utter articulate sounds
【例】 enunciate your words, and then you won't have to repeat them so often 把话说清楚,你就不用经常重复 了 【近】 articulate 【考法 2】 v. 公开宣布,宣称: to make known openly or publicly 【例】 today the President enunciated a new foreign policy 总统在今天宣布了一项新的对外政策 【近】 annunciate, broadcast, declare, herald, proclaim, promulgate, publicize, release, give out

9 ephemeral 【考法 1】 adj. 短暂的: lasting a very short time 【例】 ephemeral pleasures 暂时的压力 【近】 evanescent, fleeting, impermanent, temporary, transient, transitory, fugacious, fugitive 【反】 eternal, permanent, perpetual, enduring, everlasting, ceaseless, immortal, undying 永久的

10 epic 【考法 1】 adj. 宏大的,超凡脱俗的: surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size 【例】 his genius was epic 他聪明过人 【近】 august, grandiose, imposing, magnificent, majestic, monumental 【反】 humble, unheroic, unimpressive, modest 适度的,印象不深的

11 epicure 【考法 1】 n. 美食家: one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine 【例】 Thomas Jefferson was one of America's first great epicures 托马斯·杰斐逊算得上是美国早期美食家一枚 【近】 bon vivant, gastronomist, gourmand, gourmet

12 epigram 【考法 1】 n. 机智的短诗,警句: a short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation 【例】 Benjamin Franklin's most famous epigram, “Remember that time is money” 本杰明·富兰克林最著名的警 句就是,时间就是金钱 【近】 adage, aphorism, apothegm, byword, maxim, proverb

13 epilogue 【考法 1】 n. 文学作品的结局: a concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work 【反】 preface 序文 【考法 2】 n. 戏剧的收场白: the final scene of a play that comments on or summarizes the main action 【近】 coda

14 epithet 【考法 1】 n. 外号,绰号: a descriptive or familiar name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to an individual ;a disparaging or abusive word or phrase 【例】 King Richard I of England was given the very laudatory epithet “the Lion-Hearted” 英王理查一世因英勇 大胆被赞誉为“狮心理查” 【近】 alias, cognomen, sobriquet

15 epitomize 【考法 1】 v. 摘要: to make into a short statement of the main points (as of a report) 【例】 his personal code of behavior on the playing field is epitomized by his favorite saying, Nice guys finish last. 他在赛场上的座右铭是:好男坚持到底【近】 abstract, digest, encapsulate, outline, recapitulate, synopsize, sum up 【考法 2】 v. 代表,体现,是…的典型范例: to represent in visible form, to be a typical example of 【例】 the Parthenon in Athens epitomizes the ancient Greek ideal of architectural beauty 雅典的巴特农神庙体 现了古希腊对于建筑美感的理念 || behavior that epitomizes selfishness 典型的自私行为 【近】 body, express, externalize, incarnate, incorporate, instantiate, manifest, materialize, substantiate

16 equable 【考法 1】 adj. (脾气、性情)温和的: not easily disturbed; serene 【例】 equable temperament 温和的性情 【近】 balmy, genial, gentle, moderate, temperate 【反】 harsh, inclement, intemperate, severe 严厉的 【派】 equanimity n.温和 【反】 agitation, excitability 激动

17 equity 【考法 1】 n. 不偏不倚,公平: lack of favoritism toward one side or another 【例】 the lower wages paid to women for equal work violated the notion of equity 同等工作付给女性更低的报酬 违背了公平的理念 【近】 disinterestedness, equity, evenhandedness, fairness, impartiality, neutrality, nonpartisanship 【反】 bias, favoritism, nonobjectivity, one-sidedness, partiality, partisanship, prejudice 歧视,偏见 【派】 equitable a.公平的 【反】 biased, discriminatory 偏袒的,差别对待的

18 equivalent 【考法 1】 adj./n. 等价的,相等的: equal in force, amount, or value 【例】 that huge mansion is the equivalent of five ordinary houses 那栋巨大的公馆有五套一般户型的房子那么 大 【近】 coequal, coordinate, counterpart, peer, rival, parallel

19 equivocate 【考法 1】 vi. (带有欺骗目的地)模棱两可地说,说谎话: to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive 【例】 When asked about his tax plan, the candidate didn't equivocate. 当被问到税收方案时,候选人直言不讳【近】 fudge, hedge, weasel, prevaricate, palter 【反】 communicate straightforwardly 直率地说 【派】 equivocal adj. 模棱两可的: open to two or more interpretations and often intended to mislead; ambiguous. 【派】 equivocation n. 模棱两可的话 【反】 clarity 清楚

20 erode 【考法 1】 v. 侵蚀,慢慢减少: to consume or wear away gradually 【例】 flooding eroded the hillside 洪水冲刷着山岭 || inflation eroding buying power 通货膨胀导致购买力下降 【近】 corrode, fret, gnaw, nibble, bite at

21 errant 【考法 1】 adj. 居无定所的: traveling from place to place 【例】 the errant gunslinger as a standard character in western novels 在西部题材小说中,叛逆的持枪歹徒是经 典形象 【近】 ambulant, fugitive, nomadic, perambulatory, roaming, roving, vagabond, vagrant, wandering 【考法 2】 adj. 误入歧途的,犯错误的: straying from the proper course or standards 【例】 errant youngsters 误入歧途的青少年【近】 misbehaving, mischievous 【反】 behaved, behaving, nice, orderly 行为规矩的

22 erratic 【考法 1】 adj. 善变的not staying constant 【例】 business at the fast-food restaurant has been so erratic lately that the manager never knows how much staff to have on hand 快餐店的生意最近非常起伏以至于经理也不清楚需要多少人手 【近】 changing, fluctuating, irregular, unequal, unstable, unsteady, varying 【反】 changeless, constant, stable, steady, unchanging, unvarying 不变的 【考法 2】 adj. 异常的,不同寻常的: different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion 【例】 the key to the code was the erratic punctuation the killer used 解开密码的关键是杀手使用的不同寻常 的标点符号 【近】 bizarre, eccentric, offbeat, outlandish, out-of-the-way, peculiar, quaint, queer, remarkable, screwy, spaced-out, way-out, weird

23 erudite 【考法 1】 adj. 博学的: characterized by erudition; learned 【例】 an erudite scholar 渊博的学者 【近】 knowledgeable, learned, lettered, literate, scholarly, well-read 【反】 ignorant, unlettered, benighted, illiterate, uneducated, unscholarly 无知的

24 escalate 【考法 1】 vi.(战争等)升级,扩大: to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope 【例】 We don’t want to escalate the war. 我们不想使战争扩大【近】 aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, expand, pump up, build up 【反】 wane, diminish 减弱

25 eschew 【考法 1】 v. 刻意避开;戒绝: to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds 【例】 the minister eschews involvement in local politics, since he doesn't want to diminish his moral authority in the community 首相回避参与当地政治,因为他不想降低其道德权威 【近】 dodge, elude, evade, shirk, shun, weasel out of 【反】 embrace, greet, welcome, habitually indulge in, seek 乐于接受,寻觅

26 esoteric 【考法 1】 adj. 深奥难懂的: difficult for one of ordinary knowledge or intelligence to understand 【例】 esoteric terminology 少数人知道的专业术语 【近】 abstruse, arcane, hermetic, recondite 【反】 shallow, superficial 肤浅的 【考法 2】 adj. 少数人知道的: not known or meant to be known by the general populace 【例】 The actor must have had some esoteric motive for leaving stage. 该演员淡出舞台肯定有不为人知的 原因【近】 confidential, inside, intimate, nonpublic, privy, secret 【反】 common accepted, generally known, open, public 公开的,普遍接受的

27 espouse 【考法 1】 vt. 支持;拥护: to take up and support as a cause 【例】 the revolutionary cause 支持革命事业 【近】 embrace, take on, take up 【反】 abjure, repudiate 誓绝 【考法 2】 vt. 结婚: to take in marriage; marry

28 esteem 【考法 1】 n./v. 尊重: to regard with respect; prize 【例】 be held in high esteem 被高度敬仰 【近】 appreciation, estimation, favor, regard, respect 【反】 disfavor, odium 不喜欢,憎恶

29 estimable 【考法 1】 adj. 值得尊敬的: deserving of esteem; admirable 【例】 an estimable adversary 一位值得尊敬的对手 【近】 prestigious, reputable, applaudable, commendable, creditable, meritorious, praiseworthy 【反】 contemptible, infamous, censurable, discreditable, illaudable, reprehensible 令人鄙视的

30 estrange 【考法 1】 vt. 使疏远,离间,使感情失和: to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness 【例】 he estranged several of his coworkers 他和好多同事疏远了 【近】 alienate, disaffect, disgruntle, sour 【反】 reconcile 和好

31 etch 【考法 1】 v. 蚀刻: to produce (as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam) 【例】 the artist etched his landscape on a copper plate 艺术家将风景画刻在铜盘上 【近】 grave, incise, inscribe 【考法 2】 v. 留下深刻印象,铭记: to produce a vivid impression of 【例】 in just a few pages the writer etched an unforgettable portrait of one of the more remarkable First Ladies 仅用数页,作者刻画出了一位杰出的第一夫人令人难忘的形象 【近】 impress, imprint, infix, ingrain

32 eternal 【考法 1】 adj. 永恒的: having infinite duration; everlasting; perpetual 【例】 eternal love 永恒的爱 【近】 ageless, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, perennial, perpetual, undying 【反】 ephemeral 短暂的

33 ethereal 【考法 1】 adj. 轻巧精致的: resembling air in lightness, highly refined; delicate 【例】 the bakery's scrumptious pastries have a wonderfully ethereal consistency 面包师可口的糕点有着一 种奇妙的蓬松轻巧的质感 【近】 fluffy, gossamer, light 【反】 heavy, leaden, ponderous 沉重的 【考法 2】 adj. 天国的: of, relating to, or suggesting heaven 【例】 a land of ethereal beauty and tranquility 具有缥缈的美感和宁静的一片土地 【近】 elysian, empyreal, heavenly, supernal 【反】 chthonic, hellish, infernal, Tartarean 地狱的 【考法 3】 adj. 非物质的,精神(上)的: not of this world; spiritual; not composed of matter 【例】 that ethereal attribute that every performer should have—charisma 每位演奏者都应该具有一种精神上 的特质——那就是个人魅力 【近】 bodiless, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, nonphysical, spiritual 【反】 bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial 物质的,有实体的

34 ethics 【考法 1】 n. 道德规范: rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession 【例】 an old-fashioned work ethic 传统的工作行为规范 【近】 ethos, morality, morals, norms, principles, standards

35 eulogize 【考法 1】 vt. 称赞;颂扬: to speak or write in high praise of 【例】 He was eulogized at his funeral as a caring husband and a good father. 他在悼词中被称赞为一个好丈 夫、一个好爸爸【反】 defame, pan, stricture 诬蔑,指责

36 euphemism 【考法 1】 n. 婉言,委婉的说法: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant 【例】 using “eliminate” as a euphemism for “kill” “杀死”的委婉说法是“灭掉”

37 euphonious 【考法 1】 adj. 悦耳的: pleasing or agreeable to the ear 【近】 mellifluous, melodious, canorous, harmonizing, symphonious, tuneful 【反】 cacophonous, discordant, disharmonious, dissonant, tuneless, unmelodious 刺耳的

38 euphoria 【考法 1】 n. 感觉极其愉快: a state of overwhelming usually pleasurable emotion 【例】 The initial euphoria following her victory in the election has now subsided. 选举成功带来的最初的欢 愉感现在已经消失【近】 elation, exhilaration, intoxication, transport, rapture, rhapsody 【反】 depression 沮丧

39 evacuate 【考法 1】 vt. 撤空: to empty or remove the contents of 【例】 were ordered to evacuate the building 被命令搬出大楼 【近】 clear, vacate, void 【反】 fill up, occupy, load 填满 【考法 2】 vt. 撤退: to remove especially from a military zone or dangerous area 【例】 During World War II, children were evacuated from London to the country. 二战期间,伦敦市的儿童被 撤离到郊区【反】 conquer 占领

40 evanescent 【考法 1】 adj. 逐渐消失的,短暂的: tending to vanish like vapor 【例】 Beauty is as evanescent as a rainbow. 容颜易老,年华易逝【近】 ephemeral, fleeting, impermanent, temporary, transient, transitory 【反】 ceaseless, endless, enduring, eternal, everlasting, immortal, permanent, perpetual, timeless, undying, unending, abiding, lasting, perpetual 持久的

41 evasive 【考法 1】 adj. 难以发现、捕捉、分离的;含糊其词的: hard to find, capture, or isolate; equivocal 【例】 an evasive statement 模棱两可的陈述 【近】 fugitive, slippery 【反】 unequivocal 明确的

42 everlasting 【考法 1】 adj. 永恒的,持久的: lasting forever; eternal 【例】 To his everlasting credit, he never once gave in to temptation. 他人品非常好,从来没有受到诱惑【近】 ageless, enduring, eternal, immortal, imperishable, perennial, perpetual, undying 【反】 impermanent, mortal, temporary, transient, ephemeral 短暂的

43 evict 【考法 1】 vt. 赶出,逐出: to put out (a tenant, for example) by legal process; expel.【例】 Her landlord has threatened to evict her if she doesn't pay the rent soon. 她的房东威胁说如果再不交房 租就要把她赶出去【反】 harbor 收容

44 evince 【考法 1】 vt. 表明: to make known (something abstract) through outward signs 【例】 evince a strong desire 明显地表现出强烈的欲望 【近】 bespeak, betray, declare, demonstrate, expose, manifest, reveal, give away, 【反】 conceal, keep hidden 隐藏

45 evoke 【考法 1】 vt. 唤起,引发: to call forth or up 【例】 evoke memories 唤起回忆 【近】 elicit, inspire, raise

46 exacerbate 【考法 1】 vt. 使加剧, 使恶化: to make more violent, bitter, or severe 【例】 a heavy rainfall that exacerbated the flood problems 大雨恶化了洪水问题 【近】 aggravate, complicate, worsen 【反】 allay, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, relieve, palliate 缓和

47 exacting 【考法 1】 adj. 严格的,苛求的: making severe demands; rigorous 【例】 an exacting instructor 一位严苛的导师 【近】 choosy, demanding, fastidious, finical, fussy, pernickety, persnickety, picky 【派】 exact v. 强求,索取: to force the payment or yielding of 【例】 exact tribute from a conquered people 从征服的人民手中强取贡品 【反】 condone, forgive 赦免免除债务 【考法 2】 adj. 费时间花心思的: requiring much time, effort, or careful attention 【例】 editing and proofreading will always be an exacting task 编辑和校对是花时间花心思的工作 【近】 arduous, burdensome, challenging, grueling, killing, laborious, onerous, taxing, toilsome 【反】 light, unchallenging, undemanding 要求不高的

48 exalt 【考法 1】 vt. 提升,提拔: to raise in rank, character, or status; elevate 【例】 popular support and media hype have exalted Super Bowl Sunday to the level of a national holiday 大众 广泛的支持和媒体的大肆宣传已然将超级碗杯星期天变成了一个全民狂欢的大节日 【近】 aggrandize, canonize, deify, dignify, elevate, ennoble, magnify 【反】 abase, degrade, demean ,humble, lower in status 贬抑,降低身份 【考法 2】 vt. 赞扬: to glorify, praise, or honor. 【近】 emblazon, extol, glorify, laud, magnify 【反】 condemn 谴责

49 exasperate 【考法 1】 vt. 激怒: to excite the anger of
【例】 I was exasperated by the flight delays. 我被飞机延误激怒了【近】 aggravate, gall, nettle, peeve, rile, ruffle, vex, burn up 【反】 mitigate, mollify 平息

50 excavate 【考法 1】 v. 挖掘,挖空: to dig out and remove 【例】 excavate soil from one area 从某处挖土出来 【反】 fill in 填满

51 exceptional 【考法 1】 adj. 例外的,特别的,非凡的: being an exception; uncommon; extraordinary 【例】 exceptional bravery 非凡的勇敢 【近】 aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, exceeding, extraordinary, peculiar, unwonted 【反】 commonplace, prosaic, customary, normal, ordinary, typical, unextraordinary, usual 平凡常见的

52 excoriate 【考法 1】 v. 严厉批评: to criticize harshly and usually publicly 【例】 She was excoriated as a racist. 她被指责是一个种族歧视者【近】 abuse, assail, belabor, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, vituperate 【反】 accolade, extol, flatter, praise lavishly 赞扬

53 excrete 【考法 1】 vt. 排泄: to separate and discharge (waste matter) from the blood, tissues, or organs 【例】 excrete sweat 排汗 【反】 absorb, ingest 吸收

54 excruciate 【考法 1】 vt. 折磨,使痛苦: to inflict severe pain on; torture 【例】 She has long been excruciated by a persistent pain in her back. 她长久以来被背痛折磨 【近】 agonize, anguish, plague, rack, torment, torture, harrow 【反】 exult 使欢跃

55 exculpate 【考法 1】 vt. 声明无罪;开脱,使无罪: to clear from alleged fault or guilt 【例】 I have gathered evidence that will exculpate my client. 我已经搜集到能够证明委托人无罪的证据了【近】 absolve, acquit, clear, exonerate, vindicate 【反】 attribute guilt, inculpate, indict, criminate, incriminate 归罪,控告

56 excursive 【考法 1】 adj. 离题的;散漫的: passing from one topic to another 【例】 an excursive story line that some readers of Melville's novel find very rewarding 一些梅尔维尔小说的 读者非常喜欢松散的故事主线 【近】 desultory, digressive, meandering, rambling, wandering

57 execrate 【考法 1】 v. 谴责: to declare to be morally wrong or evil 【例】 leaders from all over the world execrated the terrorists responsible for the bomb blast 世界各国首脑强 烈谴责对爆炸袭击负责的恐怖分子 【近】 anathematize, censure, decry, denounce, reprehend, reprobate 【反】 bless 保佑 【考法 2】 v. 痛恨: to dislike strongly 【例】 execrates anyone who would physically abuse children or animals 痛恨那些虐待儿童和动物的人 【近】 abhor, abominate, despise, detest, loathe 【反】 love 爱

58 exemplary 【考法 1】 adj. 榜样的,值得效仿的: constituting, serving as, or worthy of being a pattern to be imitated 【例】 as a hospital volunteer he has given exemplary service to his community 他作为医疗志愿者为社区起到 了模范的作用 【近】 monitory, archetypal, imitable, paradigmatic, quintessential 【派】 exemplify v. (通过榜样)示范,显示: to show or illustrate by example 【考法 2】 adj. 作为警告的: serving as or offering a warning 【例】 armies have traditionally used public execution as an exemplary punishment for the crime of desertion 军队通常将公开处决作为玩忽职守罪的惩罚,以儆效尤 【近】 admonishing, admonitory, monitory, premonitory, warning

59 exempt 【考法 1】 vt. 使免除: to release or deliver from some liability or requirement to which others are subject 【例】 a man exempted from military service 免服军役的人

60 exhaust 【考法 1】 vt. 耗尽: to consume entirely, : to make complete use of 【例】 exhausted our funds in a week 在一周内就耗尽了我们的经费 【近】 consume, devour, drain, expend, spend, use up 【派】 exhaustive adj. 彻底的,完整的,详尽的:testing all possibilities; thorough;complete 【例】 conduct an exhaustive investigation 做详尽的调查 【反】 incomplete, partial 不完全的 【考法 2】 vt. 使筋疲力尽: to wear out completely 【例】 exhausted by overwork 加班使得筋疲力尽 【近】 fatigue, frazzle, harass, wear out, weary, knock out

61 exhilarate 【考法 1】 vt. 使高兴;使兴奋: to make cheerful and excited 【例】 be exhilarated by her success 为她的成功感到兴奋 【近】 electrify, galvanize, intoxicate, pump up, turn on 【反】 sadden, depress 使悲哀,使沮丧 【派】 exhilarating adj. 令人兴奋的 【反】 soporific 昏昏欲睡的

62 exhort 【考法 1】 vt. 敦促;力劝: to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice, or appeal 【例】 The speaker exhorted the graduating students to go forth and try to make a difference in the world. 演 讲者鼓励毕业生们去广阔天地有所作为【近】 encourage, goad, nudge, prod, prompt, egg on

63 exigent 【考法 1】 adj. 紧急的: requiring immediate aid or action 【例】 exigent circumstances 紧急情况 【近】 compelling, dire, emergent, exigent, imperative, importunate, necessitous, pressing, urgent 【反】 deferrable, noncritical, nonurgent 可拖延的,不紧急的

64 exodus 【考法 1】 vt. 大批离去: a mass departure 【例】 the mass exodus from the cities for the beaches on most summer weekends 在多数夏季的周末,大批都 市人奔向海滩 【近】 gush, outpour, outpouring 【反】 influx, flux, inflow, inrush 涌入

65 exonerate 【考法 1】 vt. 免除责备: to free from blame 【例】 An investigation exonerated the school from any blame. 一项调查使学校免受责备 【近】 absolve, acquit, clear, vindicate 【反】 censure, incriminate, inculpate, prove guilty 责难,证明有罪

66 exorbitant 【考法 1】 adj. 过度的: exceeding the customary or appropriate limits in intensity, quality, amount, or size 【例】 exorbitant prices 过高的价格 【近】 extravagant, intolerable, lavish, overdue, overweening, unconscionable 【反】 middling, moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate 适度的,合适的

67 exotic 【考法 1】 adj. 外来的,不同寻常的: excitingly or mysteriously unusual 【例】 famous for her exotic tastes 她以有异域风情著称 【近】 outlandish, strange 【反】 indigenous, familiar, nonglamorous, plain-Jane, unexotic 本地的,平常的

68 expansive 【考法 1】 adj. 广阔的: having a great expanse or extent 【例】 expansive beach 广阔的沙滩 【近】 broad, extended, far-reaching, rangy 【反】 limited, narrow 有限的 【考法 2】 adj. 健谈的,外向的: open and communicative; talkative or effusive 【例】 Wine made the guest expansive. 宾客们酒后变得话多【反】 reserved, taciturn, withdrawn, diffident 内向的

69 expedite 【考法 1】 vt. 加快进程: to speed up the progress of; accelerate 【例】 expedite your plans 加快你的计划 【反】 retard 减速,阻碍

70 expedition 【考法 1】 n. 动作迅速: speed in performance; promptness 【例】 deal with the order with the greatest possible expedition 以可能的最快的速度处理订单 【近】 passage, peregrination, travel, trek 【反】 foot-dragging 脚步拖沓

71 expiate 【考法 1】 vt. 赎罪,纠正: to extinguish the guilt incurred by 【例】 expiate one’s sin 赎罪 【近】 mend, redeem, atone for

72 expire 【考法 1】 v. 断气,死亡: to breathe one's last breath; die 【例】 The patient expired early this morning. 病人今早逝世了【近】 conclude, elapse, terminate, decease, leave off, let up 【反】 come to life 出生 【考法 2】 v. 到期: to come to an end 【例】 My membership in the club has expired. 我的会员资格到期了【近】 discontinue, elapse, end, finish, terminate, wind up, wink out 【反】 continue, persist, hang on 续期

73 explicit 【考法 1】 adj. 表达清晰的: fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity 【例】 explicit instructions 表达清晰的指示说明 【近】 clear-cut, definite, specific, unambiguous, unequivocal, univocal 【反】 obscure, implicit, implied, inferred, ambiguous, circuitous, equivocal, indefinite, unspecific, vague 模 糊的 【考法 2】 adj. 成熟的,完全形成的: fully developed or formulated 【例】 explicit plan 成熟的计划 【反】 inchoate 未完成形成的

74 exploit 【考法 1】 n. 英雄行为: a notable or heroic act 【例】 his wartime exploits 他在战争期间的英勇行为 【考法 2】 v. 最大程度地利用: to employ to the greatest possible advantage 【例】 exploit your opponent's weakness 利用你对手的弱点 【近】 abuse, leverage, milk, play on, capitalize on impose on

75 exponent 【考法 1】 n. 倡导者,支持者: one that speaks for, represents, or advocates 【例】 Exponents of space exploration earnestly called for more missions to the outer reaches of the solar system. 太空探险的支持者强烈要求对太阳系的外边缘进行探索 【近】 advocator, backer, booster, champion, espouser, friend, promoter, proponent 【反】 adversary, antagonist, opponent 反对者 【考法 2】 n. 实践者: one who brings an art or science to full realization 【例】 has long reigned as the nation's leading exponent of modern dance 被认为是该国现代舞的集大成者 【近】 expounder, guru, interpreter, practitioner, high priest

76 expurgate 【考法 1】 v. 净化,删去不当处: to remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material from (a book, for example) before publication 【例】 an expurgated edition of the letters 信件的删减版 【近】 bowdlerize, obliterate, launder, red-pencil, clean up

77 exquisite 【考法 1】 adj. 程度强烈的: extreme in degree, power, or effect 【例】 suffered exquisite pain 遭受强烈的痛感 【近】 acute, dreadful, excruciating, explosive, ferocious, fierce, furious, intensive, keen, profound, terrible, vehement, vicious 【反】 light, moderate, soft 适当的 【考法 2】 adj. 精致精巧的: having qualities that appeal to a refined taste 【例】 exquisite pen-and-ink drawings of city scenes 精巧的城市钢笔画 【近】 dainty, delicate, elegant, recherché, select

78 extant 【考法 1】 adj. 现存的 still in existence; not destroyed, lost, or extinct 【例】 the most charming writer extant 目前活着的作家中最有魅力的一位 || extant manuscripts 未毁坏的手稿 【近】 current, immediate, ongoing, present-day, existent【反】 destroyed, extinct ,lost, missing, dead, extinct, nonextant 丢失的,不存在的

79 extemporize 【考法 1】 v. 即席表现: to do or perform (something) without prior preparation or practice 【例】 a good talk show host has to be able to extemporize the interviews when things don't go as planned 一 个好的脱口秀主持人要能够在计划之外即兴表现 【反】 follow a script 参考草稿 【派】 extemporaneous 【反】 planned 有计划的

80 extenuate 【考法 1】 vt. 减轻罪过: to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses 【例】 try to extenuate their vandalism with the old refrain of “Boys will be boys” 企图用“江山易改本性难移”的 俗语为他们的暴行开脱 【近】 deodorize, excuse, explain away, gloss over, gloze over

81 extinct 【考法 1】 adj. 灭绝的: no longer existing or living 【例】 extinct species 灭绝的物种 【近】 bygone, bypast, defunct, expired, nonextant, vanished 【反】 alive, extant, existing, living, resuscitated 现存的 【派】 extinction n. 灭绝 【反】 perpetuation 永存

82 extinguish 【考法 1】 vt. 熄灭: to put out (a fire, for example); quench
【例】 the fire in the skillet was quickly extinguished by slamming the lid on 平底锅的火苗很快被水浇灭了【近】 blanket, douse, quench, put out, snuff out 【反】 ignite, rekindle 点燃 【考法 2】 v. 终止: to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of 【例】 a fatal blunder that extinguished all hope that the team would actually win the play-offs 一个致命的失误 使得队伍赢得季后赛的希望完全破灭 【近】 annihilate, decimate, demolish, desolate, devastate, pulverize, ruin, shatter, smash, tear down, pull down, rub out 【反】 build, construct, erect, raise, rear, set up, put up 建立

83 extol 【考法 1】 v. 赞美;吹捧: to praise highly; glorify 【例】 extol the virtues of… 赞美……的优点 【近】 carol, exalt, glorify, laud, magnify, resound 【反】 censure, impugn, malign, deprecate, detract rail, villify, excoriate 批评

84 extort 【考法 1】 v. 勒索: to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power 【例】 The criminals extorted large sums of money from their victims. 绑匪向受害者勒索大笔钱财【近】 wrest, wring

85 extract 【考法 1】 n. 用力拔出: to pull or take out forcibly 【例】 extracted a wisdom tooth 拔出一颗智齿 【近】 pull, uproot, wrest, wring, yank, root out, tear out 【反】 embed 嵌入

86 extraction 【考法 1】 n. 血统: origin; lineage; ancestry 【例】 a family of French extraction 有法国血统的家族 【近】 bloodline, breeding, descent, genealogy, lineage, origin, family tree

87 extraneous 【考法 1】 adj. 无关的: having no relevance 【例】 an extraneous digression 无关的跑题 【近】 impertinent, inapplicable, irrelative, accidental, adventitious, external 【反】 applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relative, relevant 相关的 【考法 2】 adj. 非主要因素的: not forming an essential or vital part 【例】 the architect's streamlined modern style shuns any sort of extraneous ornamentation 建筑师流线型的 现代设计避免了一切多余的装饰 【近】 accidental, adventitious, alien, external, foreign 【反】 essential, inherent, innate, intrinsic 本质的,核心的

88 extravagant 【考法 1】 adj. 挥霍的: given to spending money freely or foolishly 【例】 has always been extravagant with her money 挥金如土 【近】 profligate, spendthrift, squandering, thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful 【反】 frugal, conserving, economical, penny-pinching, scrimping, skimping, thrifty 节省的 【考法 2】 adj. 过度的,不必要的: going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount 【例】 the book doesn't quite merit the extravagant praise that it has received 这本书被盛赞过度 【近】 baroque, exorbitant, immoderate, inordinate, lavish, overdue, overmuch, overweening, plethoric, unconscionable, unmerciful 【反】 middling, moderate, modest, reasonable, temperate 适当适度的

89 extricate 【考法 1】 vt. 使解脱,救出: to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty 【例】 extricate himself from financial difficulties 使他摆脱财政困境 【近】 disengage, disentangle, free, liberate, release, untangle 【反】 enmesh, entangle, embroil 卷入

90 exuberant 【考法 1】 adj. 非常高兴的,热情洋溢的: joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic 【例】 Exuberant crowds rushed to greet the returning national champions. 激动的人群争先恐后地向凯旋归来 的全国冠军表示问候 【近】 ebullient, effervescent, frolic, buoyant, bouncy, vivacious 【反】 austere 克制的;sullen 闷闷不乐的 【考法 2】 adj. 大量的,充分的: produced in extreme abundance 【例】 an exuberant imagination 丰富的想象力 【近】 ample, lavish, lush, luxuriant, opulent, plentiful, prodigal, profuse, riotous 【反】 meager, scant, sparse 匮乏的

91 exude 【考法 1】 vi. 分泌,流出:to flow forth slowly through small openings 【例】 a sticky resin exuded from the bark 从树皮中分泌出来的带有恶臭的树脂 【近】 bleed, ooze, seep 【反】 absorb 吸收

92 exult 【考法 1】 vi. 感到欢喜: to rejoice especially with feelings or display of triumph or self-satisfaction 【例】 exult in a triumph 沉浸在胜利的喜欢当中 【近】 delight, glory, jubilate, joy, rejoice, triumph 【反】 lament, mourn 哀悼;bemoan 叹息,悲伤 【派】 exultant adj. 狂喜的

93 fable 【考法 1】 n. 寓言故事: a story intended to teach a basic truth or moral about life 【例】 This classic Christmas film is essentially a fableshowing how every person's life has meaning. 这部经 典的基督教电影本质上来说是一个寓言,它告诉我们每个人的生命都是有意义的 【近】 apologue, parable 【考法 2】 n. 神话,传说: a legendary story of supernatural happenings 【例】 According to an ancient fable, the waters of the mountain spring are the tears of a woman weeping for her lost children. 根据一个古老的传说,这条山中的泉水是一名失去孩子的母亲所流下的眼泪 【近】 legend, mythos, tale 【考法 3】 n. 谎言: a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive 【例】 The stories of lost cities of gold may have been fables deliberately concocted by Native Americans to dupe the Spanish. 所谓的“失落的黄金之都”的故事也许只是美洲土著们杜撰出来忽悠西班牙人的 【近】 fabrication, falsehood, lie, mendacity, prevarication, story 【反】 fact 事实;truth 真相 【派】 fabulous adj. 寓言般的,难以置信的

94 fabricate 【考法 1】 vt. 捏造: to make up for the purpose of deception
【例】 be accused of fabricating evidence 被指控有捏造证据的行为 【近】 concoct, coin, devise, forge, fake, feign, invent 【考法 2】 vt. 搭建,组建;打造: to bring into being by combining, shaping, or transforming materials 【例】 The house was essentially fabricated at the factory and then shipped to the site for assembly. 这间房 屋的核心主体在工厂内建好之后,它被运往目的地直接进行组装‖All the key parts are fabricated from high quality titanium alloy. 所有的关键零件都是由上好的钛合金打造的 【近】 assemble, construct, erect, frame, fashion, manufacture, produce, rear, set up 【反】 demount, disassemble, dismantle, dismember 拆解,拆毁 【派】 fabrication n. 组建;虚构的事物

95 facetious 【考法 1】 adj. 喜欢开玩笑的,轻浮的: joking or jesting often inappropriately 【例】 Stop being facetious! This is the life-and-death moment. 别开玩笑了!这可是生死攸关的时刻 【近】 humorous, jocose, jocular, waggish, witty 【反】 earnest, sincere 真挚的,真诚的;lugubrious 哀怨的

96 facile 【考法 1】 adj.表面的,浅尝辄止的:having or showing a lack of depth of understanding or character 【例】 propose a facile solution to a complex problem 给一个复杂的问题提议一个肤浅的解决方案 【近】 cursory, shallow, simplistic, superficial 【反】 deep, profound 深刻的;comprehensive, exhaustive 全面的,详尽的 【考法 2】 adj.容易的,唾手可得的: easily accomplished or attained 【例】 a facile victory 一场轻松易得的胜利 【近】 cheap, easy, effortless, painless, royal 【反】 arduous, demanding, difficult, formidable, hard, laborious, toilsome, tough 费力的,困难的

97 facilitate 【考法 1】 vt. 使变容易,促进: to make easy or easier 【例】 The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. 新建机场促进了旅游业的发展【近】 ease, expedite, forward, further, help 【反】 check, hamper, handicap, hinder, impede, obstruct, thwart, retard 阻碍,阻止;complicate 复杂化 【派】 facility n. 设施;容易,方便

98 faction 【考法 1】 n. 派系: a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking 【例】 affiliated with one faction 附属于某个党派‖North-Ocean Faction 北洋派 【近】 bloc, body, clique, coalition, sect, wing 【派】 factional adj.派系的,派别的

99 fallacious 【考法 1】 adj. 谬误的,不合逻辑的: containing or based on a fallacy 【例】 the once-common fallacious claim that girls just weren't any good at math 曾经广为流传的一个谬论:女孩 子无论如何就是学不好数学 【近】 illogical, invalid, irrational, mad, reasonless, sophistic, unreasonable 【反】 sound 论证有力的;valid 合乎逻辑的 【考法 2】 adj. 欺骗性的: tending to deceive or mislead 【例】 fallacious testimony 不真实的证词 【近】 beguiling, deceiving, deceptive, deluding, delusive, delusory, false, fraudulent, misleading 【反】 authentic, veritable 真实的 【派】 fallacy n.逻辑谬误

100 fallow 【考法 1】 adj. 休耕的: left untilled or unsown after plowing 【例】 The field was lying fallow. 那田地正在休耕中 【近】 untilled, uncultivated 【考法 2】 adj. 闲置的: not being in a state of use, activity, or employment 【例】 The coal mine has been lying fallow since the drop in prices made it unprofitable. 自从煤价下跌造成亏 损,这个煤矿就一直处于停工状态 【近】 dead, dormant, inert, inoperative, latent, unused, vacant 【反】 functioning, occupied, operative, running, working 使用中的;active 活跃的

101 fail-safe 【考法 1】 n. 保险措施: a measure taken to preclude loss or injury 【例】 There are so many fail-safes built into the system that a highly unlikely series of mistakes would have to be made before failure could occur. 系统中嵌入了大量的保险措施,因此在系统崩溃之前,必须要发生一系列几乎 不可能出现的错误 【近】 caution, palladium, preventive, safeguard 【考法 2】 adj. 万无一失的: having no chance of failure 【例】 a fail-safe device 自动防故障装置‖Men have traditionally regarded flowers as the fail-safe gift for Valentine's Day. 男士们长期以来认为鲜花是情人节永远不会错的礼物 【近】 certain, foolproof, sure, unfailing 【反】 fallible 容易犯错的

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