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改 變 生 命 CHANGING LIVES THE ROTARY FOUNDATION of Rotary International

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1 改 變 生 命 CHANGING LIVES THE ROTARY FOUNDATION of Rotary International
國際扶輪 扶輪基金會 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION of Rotary International 改 變 生 命 CHANGING LIVES 扶輪基金會承諾要去改變人們的生活,並藉此來使世界成為一處更好的地方。基金會計畫是由扶輪社社員提供資金用來幫助世界上遭受貧困打擊的那些部分、幫助根除小兒麻痹等疾病、並教育學生們如何和平相處與解決衝突。每一年扶輪基金會將數百萬美元藉由扶輪社社員個人贈送到世界各地的扶輪社和地區去支援許多人們想改變世界的計劃。 The Rotary Foundation is committed to changing peoples’ lives, and by doing so making the world a better place. Foundation programs funded by Rotarians bring aid to poverty stricken parts of the world, help eradicate polio, and educate students in peace and conflict resolution. Every year The Rotary Foundation sends millions of dollars, given by individual Rotarians, to clubs and districts around the world to support projects and people that seek to make a difference in the world.

2 2005~08年間第4B地帶 地域扶輪基金協調人邵偉靈 RRFC Dens Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Zones 4B, 2005-08
1999~2000年地區總監 年度服務主題 ACT With Consistency, Credibility, Continuity 持恒 持守 持續的行動

3 1917年阿特蘭大年會RI社長Arch Klumph─〝教育捐贈基金〞Endowment Fund
The Rotary Foundation 1917年阿特蘭大年會RI社長Arch Klumph─〝教育捐贈基金〞Endowment Fund

4 2006年地域扶輪基金協調人研習會 2006 RRFCs’Training Institute (扶輪基金大學Foundation University) 5 days meeting in Skokie March 20~24, 2005 The relationship between the RRFC and District Governor is one of cooperation and support. The RRFC stands ready to assist the DG in any matter pertaining to The Rotary Foundation, and the DG is encouraged to solicit the RRFC for help. The key to a successful year as District Governor depends in large part on the success of Foundation fundraising and program participation.. A strong relationship between RRFC and DG will go a long way to achieving success. The District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair plays a vital role in a district’s Foundation activity. Districts will not have access to their DDF to fund projects without the DRFC Chair’s signature. The DRFC Chair operates under the direct leadership of the DG and with the district subcommittees to establish the distribution of the district’s SHARE DDF. The DRFC chair is a valuable resource to bring information to the clubs. There are seven subcommittees: Scholarships, GSE, Grants, PolioPlus, Alumni, Annual Giving and Permanent Fund.. These subcommittees are responsible for promoting club and district participation in Foundation programs and fundraising.

5 地域扶輪基金協調人領導〝團隊〞 RRFC Leadership “Team”
年度核准-於美國和加拿大TRF新的義工與募款團隊三種資深義工領導人的架構 In , TRF established the approved structure of three senior volunteer leaders TRF now expand this structure to all zones and districts for 地域扶輪基金協調人( RRFC) 年度計劃基金策略顧問(SA) Strategic Advisor 巨額捐獻顧問(MGA) 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人(RFAC) In , The Rotary Foundation established the approved structure of three senior volunteer leaders: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator (RRFC), Annual Program Fund Strategic Advisor (SA) and Major Gift Advisor (MGA) for all zones and districts in the United States and Canada. These teams, trained and lead by the RRFc’s, have primary responsibility for The Rotary Foundation’s Fund Development success in their respective zones. TRF now expand this structure to all zones and districts for

6 年度計劃基金策略顧問(SA) Annual Program Fund Strategic Advisor
Zone 4B: PDG Archi 許勝傑前總監 Jason S.C. Hsu (spouse: Betty) D3500, 2003~04 The Annual Programs Fund Strategic Advisor is responsible for the promotion of the Every Rotarian, Every Year message and the raising of contributions to the Annual Programs Fund in their assigned districts.

Zone 4B: PDG Gleaner 韓明惠前總監 D3510, 2002~03 The Major Gift Advisor is responsible for promoting and raising major gifts to the Foundation in assigned districts.

8 Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinator
扶輪基金前受獎人協調人RFAC Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinator Zone 4B: PDG Jason 楊宗謙前總監 (spouse: Rebecca) D3450 FIRST-EVER FARG training meeting In early August, the Foundation Alumni Resource Group (FARG) members will have a very important 3 day meeting in Skokie, very similar to the RRFC Institute recently completed in March. The purpose is to identify and implement tools to include the 90,000 + alumni into Rotary that will provide a true return on investment (ROI).

9 資深義工領導人的架構 The Structure of Senior Volunteer Leaders
地域扶輪基金協調人(RRFC) 年度計劃基金策略顧問(SA) 巨額捐獻顧問(MGA) 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人(RFAC) DG DGE Assistant Governor 地區扶輪基金主委DRFCC 年度捐獻小組主委 AGSCC

10 TRF Trustee Chair Luis Vicente Giay Rotary Club of Arrecifes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Rotary Foundation, Chair Frank Devlyn encourage all of us can do to further the Foundation’s goals. He said: “Dear Amigo Rotarians! We have to face is to find an effective way to encourage Rotarians to give increased personal donations to our Foundation in a manner that adapts to the respective cultures in your particular regions of the world. I thank you on behalf of so many whose lives will be bettered because you helped our Rotary Foundation become stronger. Together we are going to make our year – the best ever. ”

11 2006-07年度目標: 專注於根除小兒痲痹 透過和其他最重要的機構建立夥伴關係提高TRF作為和平及解決衝突的鼓吹者的形象
鼓勵扶輪社員EREY給年度計劃基金,並創下永久基金巨金捐獻的記錄 與RI一起加強扶輪的公共形象 改進基層訓練,以增進扶輪社員對於基金會使命的理解 扶輪基金會之教育及人道計畫的管理精簡 實施一項未來計畫

12 年度 國際扶輪社長 白義德 Bill and Lorna Boyd

13 改 變 生 命 CHANGING LIVES 扶輪基金會承諾要去改變人們的生活,並藉此來使世界成為一處更好的地方。基金會計畫是由扶輪社社員提供資金用來幫助世界上遭受貧困打擊的那些部分、幫助根除小兒麻痹等疾病、並教育學生們如何和平相處與解決衝突。每一年扶輪基金會將數百萬美元藉由扶輪社社員個人贈送到世界各地的扶輪社和地區去支援許多人們想改變世界的計劃。 The Rotary Foundation is committed to changing peoples’ lives, and by doing so making the world a better place. Foundation programs funded by Rotarians bring aid to poverty stricken parts of the world, help eradicate polio, and educate students in peace and conflict resolution. Every year The Rotary Foundation sends millions of dollars, given by individual Rotarians, to clubs and districts around the world to support projects and people that seek to make a difference in the world.

14 扶輪基金會的使命 The mission of The Rotary Foundation
透過當地、全國與國際的人道、教育與文化的計劃去支持國際扶輪努力於履行扶輪宗旨、扶輪使命並促進世界瞭解與和平的達成。 to support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfillment of the Object of Rotary, Rotary’s mission, and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs. 扶輪基金會的使命是透過當地、全國與國際的人道、教育與文化的計劃去支持國際扶輪努於履行扶輪宗旨、扶輪使命並促進世界瞭解與和平的達成。 The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfillment of the Object of Rotary, Rotary’s mission, and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs. 簡而言之,扶輪的使命是以其奉獻、無私的義工網絡來行善於世界。 More simply stated, Rotary’s mission is to do good in the world with the help of its dedicated, selfless volunteer network. 而全世界正急需著扶輪的事功。 There is an urgent need in the world for Rotary’s work. 扶輪的使命是以其奉獻、無私的義工網絡來行善於世界。 Rotary’s mission is to do good in the world with the help of its dedicated, selfless volunteer network.

教育計畫Educational Programs Ambassadorial Scholars Group Study Exchange Rotary Grants for University Teachers Rotary Centers Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program 人道獎助金計劃Humanitarian Grants Program Matching Grants District Simplified Grants 小兒麻痺等疾病PolioPlus PolioPlus Partners 3-H Grants Volunteer Service Grants

16 世界需要……. THE WORLD NEEDS………..
我們所面臨的的挑戰是-為一個充滿衝突的世界帶來和平與瞭解、確保乾淨的飲用水、可靠的食物來源、識字教育、小兒麻痹等疾病疫苗接種以及進入極度貧困的世界去致力於基本的健康保健工作。 The challenges of bringing peace and understanding to a world full of conflict, ensuring clean water, reliable sources of food, literacy education, polio vaccination, and access to basic health care for the worlds poor are tremendous. 但是扶輪社社員透過他們的扶輪基金會可以滿足並符合這些挑戰。 透過成千上萬奉獻服務的扶輪義工努力的工作以及從世界各地無數扶輪社社員金錢的捐贈,扶輪正從一次一個村莊、一個學校、 一位孩童地逐漸使得世界變得更美好…。 But Rotarians through their Foundation are answering these challenges. Through the hard work of tens of thousands of dedicated Rotary Volunteers and the monetary gifts of countless more Rotarians from around the world, Rotary is making the world better…one village, one school, one child at a time.

使得世界變得更美好 Rotary is making the world better. 世界需要扶輪來結束小兒麻痹等疾病 The world needs rotary to end Polio 世界需要扶輪來協助終止人類的衝突 The world needs rotary to help end conflict 世界需要扶輪去協助教育 The world needs rotary to help with education 世界需要扶輪來確保乾淨的飲用水 The world needs rotary to ensure clean water 世界需要扶輪去協助保健工作 The world needs rotary helping with health care 世界需要扶輪去幫助終止飢餓 The world needs rotary to end hunger

18 I am only one, But I am one. I cannot do everything, But I can do something; What I ought to do, I will do because I can make a difference.

終身殘廢 心理問題 無法獨立謀生 家庭數不清的 負擔與責任 世界需要扶輪來結束小兒麻痹等疾病。 小兒麻痹症剝奪那麼多孩童他們的童年,如果他們從這個疾病倖存下來,也會使他們跛腿而終身殘廢 。 小兒麻痹症的受難者也會帶給關心他們的家庭數不清的負擔與責任。可悲的是,小兒麻痹症的孩童們也經常無法獨立謀生。 The world needs Rotary to end Polio. Polio has robbed so many children of their childhoods, leaving them crippled for life, if they survive the disease. Victims of polio also put untold burdens on the families who care for them. Sadly, children with polio are often abandoned to fend for themselves.

20 National Immunization Days
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 接種疫苗預防小兒麻痹症 Children vaccinated against polio 但是,扶輪能夠改變這些…. 孩童們接種疫苗預防小兒麻痹症才能健康地成長,而成為他們社區活躍的成員。 在國家免疫日,扶輪社社員會親自以任何方法來參與社區,讓孩童們接種疫苗以預防小兒麻痹症。有些免疫日是需要扶輪社社員徒步走許多英里到不易接近偏僻的地區。 這是需要極大和足以鼓舞人心的奉獻。 But Rotary can change this… Children vaccinated against polio are able to grow up to be healthy, active members of their communities. On National Immunization Days, Rotarians reach communities in any way they can to immunize children against polio. Some immunization days require volunteers to hike many miles to remote areas not otherwise accessible. There is tremendous and inspiring dedication to this cause. 全國免疫日 National Immunization Days

21 扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION Rtn Ann Lee Hussey,
RC South Berwick, Maine (D-7780). 工作於終止小兒麻痹症,足以鼓舞人心的人們之一的美國緬因州7780地區South Berwick扶輪社社員 Ann Lee Hussey。 前不久 Ann Lee為了一個國家免疫日離開了她的獸醫繁忙生活而旅行至印度的Bihar。 One of the inspiring people working to end Polio is Rotarian Ann Lee Hussey, RC South Berwick, Maine (D-7780). Recently Ann Lee took time out of her busy life as a veterinarian to travel to Bihar, India for a National Immunization Day. 這讓Ann Lee有更多的機會去服務,她有機會去確保沒有其他孩童罹患小兒麻痹症的機會。她於孩童時期就遭受到小兒麻痹症襲擊而讓她一瘸一拐地走路。然而儘管她面對著小兒麻痹症的挑戰,Ann Lee 毅然決然地離開她的工作去非洲和亞洲各處,奉獻她的時間、能力和金錢來協助國家免疫日。 This was more than a service opportunity for Ann Lee, this was an opportunity to ensure that no other child suffers from Polio as she has. She was struck by polio as a child and the disease left her with a limp. Yet despite the challenges that Polio has placed in front of her, Ann Lee goes out to the field, gives her time, energy and money to assist in NIDs through out Africa, and Asia.

社員在印度支援根除小兒麻痹症運動 >六千兩百萬美元 Rtns have given more than $62 million, in India alone, to support polio eradication initiatives. 二十億個孩童已經免疫 Two billion children (Immunized) 五百萬免於死亡或者殘廢 Five million have been spared death or disability. 透過像 Ann Lee那樣的扶輪社員以及成千上萬捐錢給小兒麻痹等疾病計劃…扶輪改變了世界。扶輪社員在印度就單獨地透過小兒麻痹等疾病與小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴計劃支援根除小兒麻痹症運動而捐贈了六千兩百萬美元。這個錢和像Ann Lee 那樣的扶輪社社員令人大為吃驚的努力使得終止小兒麻痹症不再只是夢想而已…他們確使二十億個孩童已經免疫以及五百萬免於死亡或者殘廢。 Through Rotarians like Ann Lee and the hundreds of thousands who have given money to the PolioPlus program…Rotary has changed the world. Rotarians have given more than $62 million, in India alone, via the Polio Plus and PolioPlus Partners programs to support polio eradication initiatives. This money and the amazing efforts of Rotarians like Ann Lee are making the end of Polio more than just a dream…they are ensuring that two billion children have been immunized and five million have been spared death or disability.

23 高品質的全國免疫日的需要仍然是如此的重要 The need for high quality NIDs is of such importance
捐獻地區指定基金(DDF)到小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴 To donate their District Designated Funds to PolioPlus Partners 這個呼籲是於2005 年11月開始的,到目前為止30%的扶輪地區對此呼喚已有所響應。 This appeal began in Nov and so far more than 30% of districts have responded to the call. 到世界證明無小兒麻痹症時,扶輪對根除小兒麻痹等疾病的捐獻幾乎將達到六億五千萬美元。 By the time the world is certified polio-free, Rotary contributions to polio eradication will reach nearly US $650 million dollars. 但是,我們尚未完成。因此,高品質的國家免疫日( NIDs )的需要仍然是如此的重要,所以於此緊急呼籲每個地區捐獻他們一部份的地區指定基金(DDF)到小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴以確保你們的扶輪社員伙伴們能夠執行最後贏得與小兒麻痹症對抗的戰爭所必需的活動。這個呼籲是於2005 年11月開始的,到目前為止30%的扶輪地區對此呼喚已有所響應。 But we aren’t done yet. The need for high quality NIDs is of such importance that an urgent appeal is being made to every district to donate a portion of their District Designated Funds to PolioPlus Partners to ensure that your fellow Rotarians can carry out the activities necessary to finally win the war against polio. This appeal began in November 2005 and so far more than 30% of Rotary districts have responded to the call. 到世界證明無小兒麻痹症時,扶輪對根除小兒麻痹等疾病的捐獻幾乎將達到六億五千萬美元,並提供許多需要的小兒麻痹症疫苗的無數的義工服務的時間、操作的支援、醫療人員、實驗室設備以及保健人員和父母訓練的教材。非常重要的是鼓勵貴地區支持根除小兒麻痹等疾病最後的推動。 By the time the world is certified polio-free, Rotary contributions to polio eradication will reach nearly US $650 million dollars, and countless hours of volunteer service providing much needed polio vaccine, operational support, medical personnel, laboratory equipment, and educational materials for health workers and parents. It is important to encourage your district to support the final push to eradicate Polio.

24 鼓勵地區支持根除小兒麻痹等疾病最後的推動 To encourage district to support the final push to eradicate Polio.
建構於壯觀的成功之上: To build on the spectacular successes (PolioPlus): 全世界小兒麻痹病例的數目減少了99% To achieving a 99% reduction in the number of Polio cases world wide 加強世界對抗其他傳染病的能力 boosting the world’s capacity to combat other infectious diseases 增加了社會的動員力increasing social mobilization 改進了政治主張improving political advocacy 發展出疫苗傳送的策略 developing vaccine delivery strategies 提升疾病的監視力 enhancing disease surveillance 確保貴地區捐贈DDF 支援小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴 Ensure your district supports PolioPlus Partners through a gift of DDF. 為協助建構於小兒麻痹等疾病與小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴壯觀的成功之上:達到全世界小兒麻痹病例的數目減少了99%,加強對抗其他傳染病的能力,增加了社會的動員力,改進了政治主張,發展出疫苗傳送的策略,和提升疾病的監視力。以確保貴地區透過DDF的捐贈來支援小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴。 Help to build on the spectacular successes of PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners: achieving a 99% reduction in the number of Polio cases world wide, boosting the world’s capacity to combat other infectious diseases, increasing social mobilization, improving political advocacy, developing vaccine delivery strategies, and enhancing disease surveillance. Ensure your district supports PolioPlus Partners through a gift of DDF.

年間大規模衝突中失去了 一千三百萬條生命 million lives were lost in large-scale conflicts between 1994 and 2003 三千七百萬難民37 million refugees and displaced persons 世界需要扶輪來協助終止人類的衝突。 The world needs Rotary to help end conflict. 在 2005 年千禧年發展目標報告內,聯合國估計在 1994至 2003年 之間在大規模衝突中失去了一千三百萬條生命。 同時三千七百萬難民藉由離鄉背井來從這些衝突中力求生存 。 In the 2005 Millennium Development Goals report the UN estimated that 13 million lives were lost in large-scale conflicts between 1994 and At the same time 37 million refugees and displaced persons were trying to survive these conflicts by leaving their homes.

26 他們將經濟和智力兩者的資源,背離了愛好和平城市的努力,而將他們轉為暴力和戰爭的機制。
在世界周遭的衝突正危害著人們生活在和平和自決中的權利。 Conflicts around the word are endangering people’s rights to live in peace and with self-determination. 其他的悲劇:人口的遷移、污染、饑荒、房屋的毀壞、疾病的擴散以及許多其他屈辱。 other tragedy : displacement of populations, pollution, famine, destruction of property, proliferation of diseases, and many other indignities. 衝突較辯論導致流血、離鄉背井。 他們將經濟和智力兩者的資源,背離了愛好和平城市的努力,而將他們轉為暴力和戰爭的機制。 Conflicts that result in bloodshed, rather than debate, uproot societies. They take resources, both economic and intellectual, away from peaceful civic endeavors and divert them to the mechanisms of violence and warfare. 在世界周遭的衝突正危害著人們生活在和平和自決中的權利。在有戰爭和武裝衝突的那裡,緊隨著其他的悲劇:人口的遷移、污染、饑荒、房屋的毀壞、疾病的擴散以及許多其他屈辱。 Conflicts around the word are endangering people’s rights to live in peace and with self-determination. Where there is war and armed conflict, other tragedy will follow: displacement of populations, pollution, famine, destruction of property, proliferation of diseases, and many other indignities. 衝突較辯論導致流血、離鄉背井。他們將經濟和智力兩者的資源,背離了愛好和平城市的努力,而將他們轉為暴力和戰爭的機制。 Conflicts that result in bloodshed, rather than debate, uproot societies. They take resources, both economic and intellectual, away from peaceful civic endeavors and divert them to the mechanisms of violence and warfare.

27 訓練未來的領導人Training the leaders of tomorrow
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 扶輪社員正透過他們的扶輪基金會努力瞭解扶輪的第四個宗旨- “增進國際間瞭解、親善與和平……” Rotarians, through their Foundation are trying to see the fourth object of Rotary, “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace…” 扶輪和平和解決衝突國際研究中心 Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution 扶輪和平和解決衝突研究計劃 Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program 扶輪社社員,正透過他們的扶輪基金會努力瞭解扶輪的第四個宗旨- “增進國際間瞭解、親善與和平……”藉著他們的扶輪基金會計劃像似 “扶輪和平和解決衝突國際研究中心”以及在泰國的“扶輪和平和解決衝突研究計劃” 。這些計劃正訓練未來的領導人成為在全世界人們間解決衝突促進更大的包容與合作的一部分。 Rotarians, through their Foundation are trying to see the fourth object of Rotary, “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace…” realized through their Foundation in programs like the “Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution” and the “Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program” in Thailand. These programs are training the leaders of tomorrow to be part of the solution in promoting greater tolerance and cooperation among people worldwide. 扶輪世界和平獎學金學生是朝哪裡有戰爭就會前往所在地,去從事斡旋調解、解決衝突與和平的工作。哪裡有不調合和的地方就會前去促進瞭解。哪裡有飢荒就會前去確保糧食的安全無慮。哪裡有疾病就會前去作保健工作。哪裡有文盲就會前去倡導教育。在哪裡有環境退化之處就會前去從事自然物資的保護管理,以及在哪裡有貧困就會前去維持經濟的發展。 Rotary World Peace Fellows work toward mediation, conflict resolution, and peace where there is war. Understanding where there is disharmony. Food security where there is hunger. Health care where there is disease. Education where there is illiteracy. Conservation where there is environmental degradation, and sustainable economic development where there is poverty. 扶輪和平和解決衝突研究計劃的制定是用來提供世界各地專業人士接受解決衝突與斡旋調解策略方面的培訓,並始他們具有更佳的協助防止和解決衝突的能力,不但促進政策的養成,而且創造了全世界確保和平的環境。 The Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program was established to provide professionals from around the world the opportunity to be trained in conflict resolution and mediation strategies and to become better equipped to help prevent and resolve conflict, as well as foster policies and create settings that ensure peace, worldwide. 訓練未來的領導人Training the leaders of tomorrow

Jude Sebastian Ewing 年間澳洲昆士蘭布利斯班市第三屆昆士蘭大學。輔導社:英格蘭1180地區Skelmersdale & Upholland社 Class III Rotary World Peace Fellows, , University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Sponsor Rotary Club of Skelmersdale & Upholland, District 1180, England. (站在直升機外面的是 年間澳洲昆士蘭布利斯班市第三屆昆士蘭大學Jude Sebastian Ewing。其輔導扶輪社為英格蘭1180地區Skelmersdale & Upholland扶輪社。 目標:為聯合國或者其他人道機構從事於災難管理與衝突變化的工作;並研究聯合國的改革、外交、人權以及災難地帶中援助的後勤部署調度。他攝於聯合國直升機外側)。 (Man outside of helicopter: Jude Sebastian Ewing, Class III Rotary World Peace Fellows, , University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Sponsor Rotary Club of Skelmersdale & Upholland, District 1180, England. Goal: To work for the UN or another humanitarian agency in disaster management and conflict transformation; to research UN reform, diplomacy, human rights, and the logistical deployment of aid in disaster zones He is pictured outside of a UN helicopter)

29 扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION Bautista Logioco 阿根廷演說家
北卡羅萊納州公爵大學 第一屆的扶輪世界和平獎學金學生 輔導:阿根廷4910地區La Plata Tribunals社 接待:7710地區所。 Bautista Logioco 是這些未來領導人其中的一位。 他是一位來自阿根廷的法語、西班牙語和英語的演說家,畢業於美國北卡羅萊納州公爵大學第一屆的扶輪世界和平獎學金學生。他是由阿根廷4910地區La Plata Tribunals扶輪社所輔導並由7710地區所接待。 Bautista Logioco is one of these future leaders. He is a French, Spanish and English speaker from Argentina who graduated from Duke University as a member of the first class of Rotary Peace Fellows. He was sponsored by the Rotary Club of La Plata Tribunals, Argentina (D4910) and hosted by District 7710. Bautista 在美洲國家組織政治庶務秘書處裡擔任危機預防和特別任務部門的專家。他負責協調由總部而來的美洲國家組織支援哥倫比亞和平進展的任務。這個任務是去清查在哥倫比亞准軍事小組的復員前、復員和復員後的任務工作。該任務也授權締造和平的計劃的履行。 Bautista is now a Specialist for the Department of Crisis Prevention and Special Missions in the Secretariat for Political Affairs at the Organization of American States (OAS). He is in charge of coordinating, from Head Quarters, the OAS Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia. This mission has the task of verifying pre-demobilization, demobilization and post-demobilization of the paramilitary groups in Colombia. The mission also carries the mandate for the implementation of peace-building projects within Colombian communities affected by violence. Bautista 最近也參與美洲國家組織所促成關於超過100 年的一種邊境衝突,在瓜地馬拉和貝里斯間談判的第二個會議。 Bautista has also recently participated in the Second Session of Negotiations between Guatemala and Belize, facilitated by OAS, regarding a boarder conflict dating back more than 100 years.

30 教育和平獎學金學生 全世界人們間增進更大的包容和合作 這些獎學金學生是以努力工作於減少衝突與締造和平的增加來償還他們的獎學金。
Educating Peace Fellows to promote greater tolerance and cooperation among people worldwide. These Fellows repay their fellowships each day they work to diminish conflict and increase peace building efforts worldwide. 教育像Bautista的和平獎學金學生,僅僅只是扶輪在全世界人們間增進更大的包容和合作所作努力的一個部分。這些獎學金學生是以他們努力工作於減少衝突與締造和平的增加來償還他們的獎學金。 Educating Peace Fellows like Bautista, is only a part of Rotary’s efforts to promote greater tolerance and cooperation among people worldwide. These Fellows repay their fellowships each day they work to diminish conflict and increase peace building efforts worldwide.

31 Rotary Centers Peacebuilder Districts
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 透過個人的捐獻或者DDF 支持扶輪和平獎學金學生。 To support Rotary Peace Fellows through significant individual gifts or through gifts of DDF. 扶輪中心和平締造地區 Rotary Centers Peacebuilder Districts 你們能夠透過有意義個人的捐獻或者地區指定用途基金DDF 來支持扶輪和平獎學金學生。地區捐贈每年$25,000或者每隔一年捐贈$50,000來支持扶輪國際研究中心計劃會被表彰為扶輪中心和平締造地區。 You can support Rotary Peace Fellows through significant individual gifts or through gifts of DDF. Districts that donate in the amount of US$25,000 per year or US$50,000 every other year to support the Rotary Centers for International Studies program are recognized as Rotary Centers Peacebuilder Districts.

菲律賓前總統 羅慕斯Fidel Ramos 〝許多扶輪倡導的行動中唯一的締造和平與解決衝突的努力源自於1914年的九月,明尼阿波里斯Minneapolis扶輪社提議…所有的扶輪社要成為其社區的和平擁護者……1945年四月,國際扶輪就是於20世紀最重要的國際性會議-聯合國創立起草的最前線。〞 談到〝扶輪和平及衝突解決中心〞,菲律賓前總統羅慕斯Fidel Ramos說到,〝許多扶輪倡導的行動中唯一的締造和平與解決衝突的努力源自於1914年的九月,明尼阿波里斯扶輪社提議…所有的扶輪社要成為其社區的和平擁護者,〞他繼續說到於1945年四月,國際扶輪就是於20世紀最重要的國際性會議-聯合國創立起草的最前線。〞 Referring to “The Rotary Centers for peace and conflict resolution”, past Philippine president Fidel Ramos stated, "This is only one of many Rotary initiatives in peace-building and conflict resolution effort that started as long ago as September 1914, when the Rotary Club of Minneapolis proposed…that all Rotary Clubs become peace advocates in their own communities,“ He went on to say that in April 1945, Rotary International was in the forefront of the most crucial international meeting of the 20th century: The drafting of the Charter of the United Nations. (from the Manila Bulletin Online at

33 於1945年, In 1945, 49位扶輪社員擔任29會員國代表出席舊金山聯合國成立會議。
49 Rotary members served in 29 delegations to the United Nations Charter Conference.

34 至今,扶輪仍與許多的聯合國代辦處保持著緊密關係。國際扶輪的代表們至紐約聯合國主持每年一次的聯合國扶輪日以慶祝這種和平夥伴關係。
Today, Rotary maintains close relationships with many UN agencies. RI’s representatives to the UN in New York host an annual Rotary Day at the United Nations to celebrate this partnership for peace.

扶輪繼續努力於為世界帶來和平與瞭解的最前線。Rotary has been and continues to be at the forefront of efforts to bring peace and understanding to the world. 讓不同文化人們齊聚一堂,並於扶輪的和平和瞭解的傳統中來培訓未來的領導人。 TRF教育計劃-扶輪接近一個人最有效的工具。 2004–05年-贈與將近兩千八百萬美元獎金給個人。 扶輪已是並且繼續努力於為世界帶來和平與瞭解的最前線。而做這最有效的方法之一,就是要讓從不同文化來的人們齊聚一堂,並於扶輪的和平和瞭解的傳統中來培訓未來的領導人。扶輪基金會教育計劃也許是扶輪用來每一次去幫助世界更接近一個人最有效的工具。在2004–05年扶輪社員,就透過他們的基金會從全世界贈與了金額將近兩千八百萬美元獎金給個人。 Rotary has been and continues to be at the forefront of efforts to bring peace and understanding to the world. One of the most effective ways to do this is to bring people from different cultures together, and to train the leaders of tomorrow in the Rotary tradition of peace and understanding. The Educational Programs of The Rotary Foundation are perhaps the most effective tool Rotary has to help bring the world closer together one person at a time. In Rotarians, through their Foundation, awarded nearly $28 million dollars to individuals from all over the world to do just that.

2001年聯合國兒童基金會估計大約有一億一千五百萬國小年紀的孩童,他們大多數是女孩子沒有上學。 As of 2001 UNICEF estimated that 115 million children of primary school age, most of them girls were not attending school. 世界需要扶輪去協助教育 2001年聯合國兒童基金會估計大約有一億一千五百萬國小年紀的孩童,他們大多數是女孩子沒有上學。 這些孩童由於他們的家庭不能負擔學費、或者其他的費用或者他們的社區太窮困或者學校校址與設備太偏遠、或者他們為謀生而必須工作,因而剝奪了他們接受教育的權利。 The world needs Rotary to help with Education As of 2001 UNICEF estimated that 115 million children of primary school age, most of them girls were not attending school. These children are deprived of the right to an education because their families cannot afford school fees, or other costs, or because their communities are too poor or too remote to have school facilities and supplies, or because they must work to put food on the table.

37 沒有接受一個優質的初等教育的孩童們更易遭受到虐待、剝削和精神與道德的不健全。
Without access to a quality primary education children are more vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and disease. 沒有接受一個優質的初等教育的孩童們更易遭受到虐待、剝削和精神與道德的不健全。 Without access to a quality primary education children are more vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and disease.

國小教育是導向一個更好生活的基礎。閱讀、寫字、和加減法的學習是孩童們從極端貧困中脫困的基石。 A primary school education is the foundation for leading a better life. Learning to read, write, add, and subtract are the building blocks children need to move out of extreme poverty. 減少貧困和降低的孩童的死亡率 To reduce poverty and lower child mortality rates 國小教育是導向一個更好生活的基礎。閱讀、寫字、和加減法的學習是孩童們從極端貧困中脫困的基石。統計資料顯示教育孩童,尤其是女孩,不僅僅只對他們並且對他們的孩子可幫助減少貧困和降低的孩童的死亡率。 A primary school education is the foundation for leading a better life. Learning to read, write, add, and subtract are the building blocks children need to move out of extreme poverty. Statistics show that educating children, especially girls, helps reduce poverty and lower child mortality rates not only for them but for their children.

39 Rotary’s special commitment to literacy programs
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 扶輪對識字計劃特別的承諾 Rotary’s special commitment to literacy programs 學校也為孩童們提供了 一個安全的地方,一個支援、監督和社會化的地方。 Schools also provide a safe place for children, a place with support, supervision and socialization. 學校也為孩童們提供了一個安全的地方,一個支援、監督和社會化的地方。 在學校一位孩童不僅僅學習閱讀,她還學習如何與其他人工作,如何關心自己以及有一天要如何關心自己的家庭。 Schools also provide a safe place for children, a place with support, supervision and socialization. At school a child will not only learn to read, she will learn how to work with others, how to care for herself and how to care for her own family someday. 扶輪社員業已瞭解到全世界教育的挑戰。 這些扶輪社員跨了一大步去貧窮的社區,透過從書桌、書本、鉛筆和紙張到學校安全飲用水與保健系統等等提供一切所需,來改善成千上萬個孩童們的生活。扶輪對識字計劃特別的承諾喚醒了無數孩童的心,激發他們的好奇心與想學習得更多的渴望。而這些努力業已讓全世界無數的扶輪社員知道他們對扶輪基金會捐贈一定會用在非常重要的計劃。 Rotarians have seen the challenges of education around the world. These Rotarians have taken enormous steps to improve the lives of thousands of children in poor communities, by providing everything from desks, books, pencils and paper, to safe water and sanitation systems for schools. Rotary’s special commitment to literacy programs has awakened the minds of countless children, sparking their curiosity and desire to learn more. These efforts have been supported by countless Rotarians around the world who knew their gifts to The Rotary Foundation would be used for such important projects.

40 扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION 第55062號配合獎助金
3450地區上海扶輪社與澳洲9680地區皇冠西區扶輪社 Matching Grant #55062 RC Shanghai (D3450) RC Crows Nest (D9680). 提供中國29 所偏遠的國小將近6,500 本書籍。 To provide 29 remote primary schools in China with approximately 6,500 books. 於此讓我們來探討一下第55062號配合獎助金,它是由3450地區上海扶輪社與澳洲9680地區皇冠西區扶輪社所共同贊助。 Here we get a look at Matching Grant 55062,sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Shanghai, China (D3450) and Crows Nest, Australia (D9680). 透過這個計劃,扶輪社員提供中國29 所偏遠的國小將近6,500 本書籍。該書籍是以這個圖片儀式的方式來移交給學校。所有這些學校都是服務於偏遠和孤立社區的鄉村學校。在受贈書籍時,學校校長都答應這些書籍不僅借給學生和教師並且借給有興趣的村民們。因此,這個計劃不僅讓學校 5,000 位學生和 220 位教師獲益,並且讓概估大約有 15,000 位村民獲益。 Through this project, Rotarians provided 29 remote primary schools in China with approximately 6,500 books. The books were handed over to the schools in ceremonies such as the one pictured here. All of the schools are village schools that serve remote and isolated communities. In accepting the books, the school headmasters agreed to lend the books not only to students and teachers but also to interested villagers. Therefore this project benefited not only the 5,000 students and 220 teachers of the schools but also roughly 15,000 villagers. 5,000 位學生 220 位教師 15,000 位村民獲益

41 第二個目標:那些付不起學費的家庭提供財務援助 贊助的扶輪社員優先選擇支援女孩學生 援助了 142 位國小學生,1位中學生和 5位高中生。
The second objective of this project was to provide financial assistance to students whose families were unable to pay their school fees. To gave preference to supporting girl students To support 142 primary school students, 1 middle school student and 5 high school students. 這個計劃的第二個目標是要針對那些付不起學費的家庭提供財政的援助。在該計劃執行所在地的每個家庭都有2-4 個孩童。當家庭收入是不足的時候,首先是不讓女孩子就學。 因而,這個計劃贊助的扶輪社員優先選擇支援女孩學生。總計, 支援了 142 位國小學生,1位中學生和 5位高中生。 The second objective of this project was to provide financial assistance to students whose families were unable to pay their school fees. Families in the remote farming villages where the project took place still typically have 2-4 children. When family income is insufficient, the girls are the first to be taken out of school. Consequently, the Rotarian sponsors of this project gave preference to supporting girl students. In all, the project supported 142 primary school students, 1 middle school student and 5 high school students.

42 〝寒梅〞的一封信 親愛的扶輪社員 我是你們所贊助的學生–〝寒梅〞。
我有好消息要告訴你們。 今年, 我參加了大學入學考試得到了530分的成績 ,它使我有資格進入寶雞藝術和科學大學就讀〝中國文學學士學位〞的課程。我終於完成我讀大學的夢想。 我好快樂。雖然它並不如其他優秀大學來得出名,然而我的家人和我自己已經覺得很滿意了。因為,這表示當我從這所大學畢業之後,我將能找到一份穩定的工作。這對農村的女孩子來說已是一個很大的期望了。對你們的善意我真不知道該如何表達感激之意 。並且最近三年以來,我總能感受到你們的愛和善意。你們給了我〝圓夢的機會〞。我和我的家人將永遠記得你們的善行。 〝寒梅〞敬上 我願意朗讀這個圖片的學生〝寒梅〞所寫的一封信的摘錄給你們聽 。 親愛的扶輪社員。我是你們所贊助的學生中的一位–〝寒梅〞。我有好消息要告訴你們。 今年, 我參加了大學入學考試並得到了530分的成績 ,它使我有資格獲得進入Baoji 藝術和科學大學就讀中國文學學士學位課程的許可。我終於完成我讀大學的夢想。 我是那麼的快樂。 儘管它並不如其他優秀大學來得出名,然而我的家人和我自己已覺得很滿意了。因為,這個意思是當我從這所大學畢業之後,我將能找到一份穩定的工作。這對農村的女孩子來說已是一個很好的期望了。對你們的善意我真不知道如何表達感激之意 。最近三年以來,我總是能感受到你們的愛和善意。你們給我圓我的夢的機會。我和我的家人將永遠記得你們的善行。 〝寒梅〞敬上 I would like to read you an excerpt from a letter written by the student pictured here, Hanmei. Dear Rotary Member. I am one of your sponsored students – Hanmei. I have good news to tell you. This year, I attended University Admission Exam and have achieved 530 marks, which qualify me for the admission to Bachelor of Art degree course for Chinese literature in Baoji University of Arts and Sciences. I finally fulfill my dream to study in university. I am so happy. Although it is not as famous as other elite universities, myself and my family are satisfied. Because, this means that after I graduate from this university, I will be able to find a stable job. This, for a country girl, is a very good prospect. I don’t know how to express my gratitude to your kindness. For the last three years, I could always feel your love and kindness. You give me the opportunity to fulfill my dream. I and my family will always remember your kindness. Hanmei.

超過七百五十萬美元到重點為教育的計劃 ( ) more than $7.5 million to projects focusing on education 透過當地和國際的扶輪社員夥伴們艱辛的工作以及其他成千上萬人的慷慨,像這樣的計劃才得以成功,並且扶輪才能為〝寒梅〞和所有孩童們來確保他們的教育。因此,於 年7月與5月間,扶輪基金會頒贈超過七百五十萬美元到重點為教育的計劃。 It is through the hard work of local and international Rotarian partners and the generosity of thousands of others that projects like this are able to succeed and Rotary is able to play its part in ensuring an education for Hanmei and all children. So between July and May, , The Rotary Foundation has awarded more than $7.5 million to projects focusing on education. 由於扶輪和聯合國兒童基金會許多其他人的努力預計國小年紀的孩童們的失學率自從資料收集以來第一次下降而低於一億的數字。 這是很大成就,然而那裡仍然有許多工作要做。 Because of the efforts of Rotary and many others UNICEF expects the number of primary school age children not attending school to drop below 100 million for the first time since such data has been collected. While this is a great achievement there is still much work to be done. 失學率第一次下降而低於一億 not attending school to drop below 100 million for the first time

44 Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 這是很大成就,然而那裡仍然有許多工作要做。 你們也能成那工作的一部分。 While this is a great achievement there is still much work to be done. You can be part of that work. 這是很大成就,然而那裡仍然有許多工作要做。 While this is a great achievement there is still much work to be done. 你們也能成那工作的一部分。可藉由每年捐獻美金100元或更多給年度基金來成為一位扶輪基金會贊助會員,你就能幫助提供全世界學校所需的教科書。 You can be part of that work. By becoming a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member, contributing US$100 or more per year to the Annual Programs Fund, you are able to help provide needed textbooks for schools around the world. (Information and statistics in education slides taken from UNICEF’s Millennium Development Goal: Achieve Universal Primary Education web site 扶輪基金會贊助會員 Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member

11億人↑缺乏安全飲用水 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water 25 億個↑缺少衛生設施 2.5 billion lack adequate sanitation 每天超過 3900位孩童由於水所產生的疾病而死亡 3900 children die every day from water borne diseases 世界需要扶輪來確保乾淨的飲用水。 目前超過11億人們缺乏安全飲用水的權利而超過 25 億個缺少足夠的衛生設施。 ( 2002年 的評估-2004年世界衛生組織/聯合國兒童基金會的JMP刊載 ) 。 由於這種情況每天超過 3900位孩童由於水所產生的疾病而死亡 (2004年世界衛生組織) 。 亞洲和非洲下撒哈拉沙漠農業的貧瘠是受到缺少乾淨飲用水和足夠的衛生設施不成比例的影響 。 The world needs Rotary to ensure clean water. Currently more than 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water and more than 2.5 billion lack adequate sanitation. (Estimation for 2002, by the WHO/UNICEF JMP, 2004). Because of this situation upwards of 3900 children die every day from water borne diseases (WHO 2004). The rural poor of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are disproportionately effected by the lack of clean water and adequate sanitation. Asia and sub-Saharan Africa

46 Rotary Clubs around the world
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 非洲和亞洲的扶輪社員 Rtns in Africa and Asia 全世界扶輪社 Rotary Clubs around the world 扶輪基金會 TRF 非洲和亞洲中的扶輪社員瞭解到缺少乾淨飲用水所造成摧毀影響第一手的結果。他們與全世界扶輪社一起工作以改善乾淨飲用水的獲得,並在沒能力買得起如此奢侈設施的區域提供了基本衛生設備。 Rotarians in Africa and Asia have seen first hand the devastating effects that lack of clean water can have. They have worked with Rotary Clubs around the world to improve access to clean water and provide basic sanitation in areas that could not afford such luxuries. 飲用水計劃water projects

47 未處理過的汙水不再排入洗滌衣服與孩童嘻戲的河流 Water projects in around the world
全世界的飲用水計劃 女人不再走遠路取得淡水 農民有了農作物所需的水 未處理過的汙水不再排入洗滌衣服與孩童嘻戲的河流 Water projects in around the world Women no longer have to walk long distances to get fresh water Farmers have water for their crops Raw sewage no longer runs into the rivers where clothes are washed and children play. 真的是要感謝扶輪社員們藉由他們的扶輪基金會,於全世界的飲用水計劃以確保女人不再必須走長遠的路程方能取得淡水,而農民有了他們農作物所需的水,並且未處理過的汙水不再排入洗滌衣服與孩童嘻戲的河流。 Thanks to Rotarians working through their Foundation, water projects in around the world are ensuring women no longer have to walk long distances to get fresh water, farmers have water for their crops and raw sewage no longer runs into the rivers where clothes are washed and children play.

48 扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION 配合獎助金第53536號
多哥D9100 / Atakpame社/美國明尼蘇達D5960 / Northfield社 配合了美金12,259元 總費用為美金29,018元 提供多哥Atkpame公共水源整修 Matching Grant #53536 RC Atakpame, Togo (D9100) and Northfield, Minnesota, USA (D5960) was approved for $12,259 total project cost of $29,018 To provid repairs for a public water fountain in Atkpame, Togo. Before….. 扶輪淨水計劃經常企圖滿足一個扶輪社的城鎮或者村莊當地特定需要。這之所以多哥Atakpame的扶輪社員會與他們的美國夥伴一起合作。他們提出迫切的需求提供乾淨水給2,000 位以上居住在 Atakpame 的居民,幫助消除附近因水所產生的疾病,特別是已成為了一種地方性疾病問題的霍亂。如此圖該原始水源遭受了各種各樣廢物、感染物和其他的潛在疾病的來源所污染。 Rotary water projects often seek to meet a particular local need in a Rotary Club’s town or village. This was what the Rotarians in Atakpame, Togo together with their partners from the USA did. They addressed a dire need to provide clean water to over 2,000 residents in Atakpame to help eliminate water-borne illnesses in the neighborhood, particularly cholera, which had become an endemic problem. The original water source, pictured here, was exposed to all sorts of garbage, infection and other potential sources of disease. 而配合獎助金第53536號,是由多哥9100地區的Atakpame扶輪社和美國明尼蘇達州5960地區的Northfield扶輪社所贊助,在 2004 年5月批准配合了美金12,259元,而計劃總費用為美金29,018元。該獎助金提供在多哥Atkpame 為公共水源整修工作。 Matching Grant 53536, sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Atakpame, Togo (D9100) and Northfield, Minnesota, USA (D5960), was approved in May 2004 for $12,259 with a total project cost of $29,018. This grant provided repairs for a public water fountain in Atkpame, Togo. 由於這個計劃,該社區現在有了一個乾淨的水源,導致疾病的減少。而該計劃的一個附加利益是社區裡許多協助該計劃的年青人,讓他們有機會運用他們在石工、木工和鐵工工作範圍的技術。 As a result of this project, the community now has a clean source of water, resulting in reduced disease. As an additional benefit of the project many of the youth in the community assisted with the project, allowing them the opportunity to use their skills in the areas of masonry, carpentry and iron working. ….After

49 迦納D9100阿克拉西區社 (美)加州D5170/Castro山谷社
3-H Grant # 迦納D9100阿克拉西區社 (美)加州D5170/Castro山谷社 RC Accra West, Ghana (D9100) / Castro Valley, California, USA (D5170) 提供超過 40把挖和鑽井鑽 To provide over 40 hand dug and bored wells 社區WATSAN委員會 Community Water & Sanitation committees 提供65,000人↑乾淨飲用水 To provided clean water to over 65,000 people 扶輪淨水計劃也可以從事於迦納 9100地區阿克拉西區扶輪社和美國加州5170地區Castro 山谷扶輪社所提出當地區域的需求。他們看到在迦納中許多村莊對清潔飲用水的廣闊需求,他們企圖滿足它。 Rotary water projects may also work to address needs beyond the local area as the Rotary clubs of Accra West, Ghana (D9100) and Castro Valley, California, USA (D5170) did. They saw a broad need for clean water in many villages in Ghana and they sought to meet it. 扶輪社與扶輪基金會的支援一起從事於提供超過 40把挖和鑽井鑽,並成立社區淨水與衛生設備WATSAN委員會以訓練乾淨飲用水的重要性與水井保養維護和管理中,並且對超過 65,000位人們提供的乾淨飲用水。這是透過第 號的 3-H獎助金來執行。 Together with the support of The Rotary Foundation these clubs worked to provide over 40 hand dug and bored wells, established community WATSAN (water and sanitation) committees trained in the importance of clean water and well maintenance and managed to provided clean water to over 65,000 people. This was all done through 3-H Grant

50 每一個挖鑿水井的村莊組成 一個 WATSAN 委員會
社區成員所組成(許多是女性) 負責水井不間斷的養護 提供他們的社區教育 每一個挖鑿水井的村莊組成 一個 WATSAN 委員會 The WATSAN committees To be comprised of community members, (many of women) the ongoing maintenance of the wells providing education to their communities A WATSAN committee was formed in each village where a well was dug. 該WATSAN 委員會是由社區的成員所組成的,許多是女性。這些委員負責水井不間斷的養護以及提供他們的社區教育關於乾淨飲用水重要性和其他的健康相關的議題。在一處挖鑿的水井的每一個村莊組成一個 WATSAN 委員會。 The WATSAN committees are comprised of community members, many of whom are women. These committees are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the wells as well as providing education to their communities regarding the importance of clean water and other health-related topics. A WATSAN committee was formed in each village where a well was dug. 甚至在扶輪社員業已轉移至其他計劃之後,這種當地的參與會協助確保該計劃持續的成功。 This local involvement helps ensure the continued success of the project even after the Rotarians have moved on to other projects. (我們於上圖看見婦女們正在等待從一個深井中取得水和在這些村莊的WATSAN 班級之一) 。 (Above we see women waiting to get water from a deep bore well and WATSAN classes in one of the villages.)

超過 400 個淨水計劃 超過美金五百五十萬元 長期改善千萬人生活的品質 美金1000元提供印度一口深鑿井建造材料, 供給超過 300 人乾淨飲用水 July and May of Over 400 water projects more than $5.5 million was awarded To go a long way to improving the quality of life for tens of thousands of people For instance a $1000 gift can go on to supply all the materials necessary for the construction of a deep bore well in India that can supply clean drinking water to more than 300 people. 年核准了超過 400 個淨水計劃的人道獎助金不但改善水的品質與供應而且還有衛生設備和教育。在 年7月與5月間超過美金五百五十萬元頒贈給淨水與衛生設備計劃。而這美金五百五十萬元將會長期改善成千上萬位人們生活的品質。例如的一個美金1000元的捐贈能夠提供印度一口深鑿井建造所有必要的材料,而能夠供給超過 300 人們的乾淨飲用水。全世界的扶輪社員,一起透過他們的扶輪基金會,著手於確保每一年成千上萬的人們瞭悉有權責去淨水。 In over 400 Humanitarian Grants were approved for water projects to improve water quality and supply as well as sanitation and education. Between July and May of more than $5.5 million was awarded for water and sanitation projects. That 5.5 million will go a long way to improving the quality of life for tens of thousands of people. For instance a $1000 gift from can go on to supply all the materials necessary for the construction of a deep bore well in India that can supply clean drinking water to more than 300 people. Rotarians world wide, together through their Foundation, are pitching in to ensure that the right to clean water is realized by tens of thousands of people each year.

在人權宣言中它聲明: “每個人都有權滿足自己與其家庭的健康與安樂適當需求的一種生活水準,這包括食物,衣服,房子和醫療保健...” In the Declaration of Human Rights it states: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care…” 世界需要扶輪去協助保健工作。 The world needs Rotary to help with Health Care. 在人權宣言中它聲明: “每個人都有權滿足自己與其家庭的健康與安樂適當需求的一種生活水準,這包括了食物、衣服、房子和醫療保健…”基本的保健和健康的教育是十分重要的,它會導致一種豐饒的生活,並且不會降到一種悲慘貧困的生活。 In the Declaration of Human Rights it states: “Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care…” Basic health care and health education are essential to lead a productive life, and a life that does not descend into abject poverty.

53 所有年紀-窮人比富人死亡率來得高,尤其是嬰兒和童年期之間特別的高。 0 到 4 歲-死亡率窮人比富人高9倍 5 到14歲則為10倍
15 – 29年齡群差異為 3.9倍 而70歲或以上逐漸滑落下至1.4倍。 Mortality rates are higher for the poor than for the rich at all ages, and that the differential is particularly high during infancy and childhood. From 0 to 4 years, mortality is nine times higher for the poor than for the rich 5 to 14 it is ten times higher 15-29 age group the differential is 3.9 70 or over -it falls gradually until it reaches 1.4 (可任意選擇附加的資訊) 研究顯示就所有年紀而言窮人比富人死亡率來得高,尤其是嬰兒和童年期之間特別的高。這些比率是以世界上生活在20%最富有的國家的人們與生活在20%最窮困國家的人們所作的比較。從 0 到 4 歲,死亡率就窮人比富人而言就高了9倍,而5 到14歲則為10倍;15 – 29年齡群差異為 3.9倍;而70歲或以上的高齡群則逐漸滑落下至1.4倍。 (optional additional information) Research shows that mortality rates are higher for the poor than for the rich at all ages, and that the differential is particularly high during infancy and childhood. These rates have been compared among people living in the richest 20% of the countries in the world and those living in the poorest 20%. From 0 to 4 years, mortality is nine times higher for the poor than for the rich and for those aged 5 to 14 it is ten times higher; for the age group the differential is 3.9, and for higher age groups it falls gradually until it reaches 1.4 for those aged 70 or over. (資訊取自國際勞工組織網路) (information from International Labor Organization’s web site:

Rtns TRF 致力於從基本健康教育到複雜生命的急救外科手術等世界議題的探索 提出全世界人們保健的需求 Engaging in world issues from basic health education to complex life lifesaving surgery to address the health needs of people around the world 扶輪社員不但與扶輪基金會一起工作,而且扶輪社員會透過致力於從基本健康教育到複雜生命的急救外科手術等世界議題的探索,來提出全世界人們保健的需求。 Rotarians are working with the Foundation and fellow Rotarians to address the health needs of people around the world, by engaging in world issues from basic health education to complex life lifesaving surgery. 牙醫師的扶輪社員們到無醫村提供了口腔保健與教育。醫生的扶輪社員們旅行至巴西的叢林、依索比亞的沙漠、或者在喜馬拉雅山脈的許多偏遠村莊提供那些所需的醫療保健和外科手術。扶輪社員運用扶輪基金會來的基金於全世界去協助支援醫院、產前照護計劃、和學校兒童健康教育。 Rotarian dentists provide dental care and education to villages that otherwise have no access or cannot afford such treatment. Rotarian doctors travel to remote villages in the jungles of Brazil, in the deserts of Ethiopia, or in the mountains of the Himalayas to provide health care and surgeries to those in need. Rotarians use funds from The Rotary Foundation to help support hospitals, prenatal care programs, mother’s health initiatives, and childhood health education in schools around the world.

55 扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION 第54489號個人獎助金計劃-美金5,733元
墨西哥4180地區Tehuacan Manantiales社/美國科羅拉多州5440地區Loveland社所贊助的。 四位美國社員→墨西哥Tehuancan → 22 全口假牙 訓練指導23 位牙醫學生→8全口假牙。 (西,英文)技工所製作手冊 上面我們 可見到一個金額為美金5,733元的第54489號個人獎助金計劃 ,是由墨西哥4180地區Tehuacan Manantiales扶輪社和美國科羅拉多州5440地區Loveland扶輪社所贊助的。該獎助金是從美國派遣四位扶輪社員到墨西哥,去提供墨西哥Tehuancan 22 位貧困的病人全口假牙。此外,扶輪社員的旅行團訓練指導23 位牙醫學生於全口假牙的製作與裝入的技術。當地的團隊很驕傲地為另外的8位病人製作了全口假牙。 Above we see an Individual Grant (#54489) for $ 5,733, sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Tehuacan Manantiales, Mexico (D4180) and Loveland, Colorado, USA (D5440). This grant sent four Rotarians from the USA to Mexico to provide dentures for a group of 22 impoverished patients in Tehuancan, Mexico. In addition, the traveling team of Rotarians instructed 23 student dentists in the techniques used to making and inserting dentures. The local team proudly completed dentures for an additional 8 patients. 大多數將畢業的學生會至墨西哥偏遠並且尚未曾接觸過正規牙科診所的區域去實習。在該計劃期間所使用的技術都是設計被使用於偏遠的區域和不需要活動假牙製造技工所。該團隊拍攝各種製做過程的照片並打算彙編西班牙文與英文的手冊來逐步說明在技工所製作的過程。 Most of the graduating students will be practicing in remote areas of Mexico and will not have ready access to regular dental laboratories. The techniques used during the project were designed to be used in remote areas and do not require laborat→ries for construction of the dentures. The team took photos of the various processes and intends to prepare manuals in both Spanish and English for step-by-step instruction in laboratory procedures.

56 結合了職業服務與國際服務的一個極好的例子
The grant is a fantastic example of merging vocational and international service. 服務參訪同時兼具 教育訓練牙科學生 效益遠超過美國 在這個計畫中被治療的大多數病人已長達8到10年沒有牙齒。團員非常滿意地能看到每一個病人對他們的新假牙都快樂得欣喜若狂。基於此計畫之成功這個旅行的團隊希望能在尼加拉瓜複製這個計畫。 Most of the patients treated during this project had been without teeth for 8 to 10 years. The team members watched with great satisfaction as each patient was overcome with joy and happiness at their new teeth. Based on the great success of this project, the traveling team hopes to replicate this project in Nicaragua. 該獎助金是個結合了職業服務與國際服務的一個極好的例子。單一次的服務參訪同時兼具即時行善同時也運用基金來確保善行的持續下去。透過教育訓練的牙科學生們這些扶輪社員幫助確保在墨西哥鄉村充分牙科醫療要比美國牙醫自己所能治療到更多的人民,而扶輪基金會的此次投資的資金所產生之效益遠超過美國扶輪社員所能治療22位病人以上。 The grant is a fantastic example of merging vocational and international service. Of both doing immediate good and using Foundation funds to ensure the good work will continue beyond a single visit. By educating student dentists these Rotarians helped to ensure that adequate dental care will reach more people in rural Mexico than the American dentists could ever reach on their own, and that this investment of TRF funds will pay dividends far beyond the 22 patients the American Rotarians were able to reach. 8到10年沒有牙齒→

扶輪影響世界健康,它在小兒麻痹症上的工作意義深遠 Rotary’s impact on world health, beyond its work on Polio, is significant. 美金790萬元,撥配全世界無小兒麻痺症保健運動上。 $7.9 million in TRF funds, was allocated for non-PolioPlus health initiatives around the world. 亞洲及非洲兒童死亡率 接種麻疹疫苗 防蚊網防止瘧疾的散播 提供安全飲用水資源來抑制肺結核 縫合了顎裂患者 白內障的病人恢復視覺 提供醫院所需的聽力設備 扶輪影響世界健康,它在小兒麻痹症上的工作的意義深遠。 在2006年5月至7月間,由世界各地扶輪社員捐獻扶輪基金會中的美金七百九十萬元,撥配給全世界無小兒麻痺等疾病的保健運動上。許多計畫集中於減低亞洲及非洲兒童的死亡率,在某些地區透過簡單的接種麻疹疫苗及建立防蚊網來防止瘧疾的散播,然而這些東西對當地而言是太昂貴地。他們透過教育民眾如何預防和透過提供安全的飲用水資源來幫助抑制肺結核。他們也將協助縫合了顎裂患者 , 也讓白內障的病人恢復視覺,並提供醫院所需的聽力設備。 Rotary’s impact on world health, beyond its work on Polio, is significant. Between July and May 2006, $7.9 million in TRF funds, donated by Rotarians world wide, was allocated for non-PolioPlus health initiatives around the world. Many projects will focus on reducing child mortality in Asia and Africa by helping bring “simple” solutions like access to measles vaccine, and insect repellent mosquito netting to help prevent malaria to parts of the world where these things are too expensive. They will help curb TB by teaching people how to prevent it and by providing safe water sources. They will also help close cleft pallets, renew sight to cataract patients, and provide sonogram equipment to hospitals in need. July and May of

58 透過無論大或小的贈與→ Rtns及TRF真的改變了世界
100美元→100以上孩童預防感染鉤蟲所引起缺鐵症 500美元→泰國12個人的義肢 25,000美元→阿根廷醫院提供新生兒出生的設備 $100 could protect more than 100 children from iron deficiency caused by Hookworm $500 can provide prosthetic limbs for 12 people in Thailand $25,000 can provide neonatal equipment for newborns in an Argentine hospital 為使這張扶輪社員努力所列出當地的需要表能持續不斷地運用全球的資源。而這些努力是要藉由捐獻給年度計劃基金來支持的,美金100元能使100位以上的孩童預防感染鉤蟲所引起的缺鐵症;美金500 元能夠提供泰國12個人們的義肢;而美金25,000元能夠爲一所阿根廷醫院提供新生兒出生的設備。透過他們無論大或小的贈與,扶輪社員及他們的基金會真的幫助改變了世界。 The list of Rotarian efforts to address local needs using global resources could go on and on. And these efforts are supported by gifts to The Annual Programs Fund, where $100 could protect more than 100 children from iron deficiency caused by Hookworm, $500 can provide prosthetic limbs for 12 people in Thailand, and $25,000 can provide neonatal equipment for newborns in an Argentine hospital. Through their gifts large and small, Rotarians and their Foundation truly are helping to change the world. 透過無論大或小的贈與→ Rtns及TRF真的改變了世界 Through their gifts large and small, Rotarians and their Foundation truly are helping to change the world.

世界需要扶輪去幫助終止飢餓。 飢餓和無家可歸是全世界窮人的問題。幾乎半個世界的64億人們一天的生活少於美金2元。在2001年,幾乎7億9千萬個人們受苦於營養不良。在快速的生活步調中與技術掛帥的世界裡,被迫生活於社會邊緣的家庭很容易遭到遺忘,終有一天你們轉進某個小巷裡,會看到一位燻黑而營養不良的男孩站立在門口;或者一位生病婦人躺在冰冷骯髒的地上,而她空白的眼神顯示已失去生命的跡象。 The world needs Rotary to help end hunger. Hunger and homelessness are problems of the poor all over the world. Nearly half of the world’s 6.4 billion people live on less than US $2 a day. In 2001, nearly 790 million people suffered from chronic malnourishment. Families forced to live on the edges of society are easily forgotten in our fast-paced, technically advanced world, until one day you turn down an alley and find a bloated, malnourished, boy standing in a doorway, or a sick woman lying on the cold dirty ground whose blank gaze shows no sign of life. 32億人們一天的生活少於美金2元。 在2001年---7億9千萬人受苦於營養不良。 3.2 billion people live on less than US $2 a day. In 2001, 790 million people suffered from chronic malnourishment.

60 And as in all dark places Rotary is working to change this picture.
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 在所有黑暗地方扶輪致力於改變這個狀況。 And as in all dark places Rotary is working to change this picture. 在世界各地提供食物給人們 To provide food to people 分發玉米粉distributing maize meal 捐贈羊隻和小雞giving families goats and chickens 有營養午餐 A nourishing lunchtime 在所有黑暗地方扶輪致力於改變這個狀況。 透過努力在世界各地提供食物給人們,在極端飢餓的地區分發玉米粉;透過捐贈羊隻和小雞給家庭飼養同時提供了食物來源及經濟來源,並確保學校孩童們有營養午餐,而扶輪社員總在那裡幫助並滿足這些基本需求。 And as in all dark places Rotary is working to change this picture. Through efforts to provide food to people around the world, by distributing maize meal in areas of extreme hunger, providing families with both a source of food and a source of income by giving families goats and chickens, and ensuring school children have a nourishing lunchtime meal, Rotarians are there, helping to meet this basic need.

辛巴威的孩子們收到國際扶輪9210地區配合獎助金計劃所購買的食物。 Children in Zimbabwe receiving food purchased by Rotary District 9210 as part of a matching grant project. 在這裡我們能夠看見辛巴威的孩子們收到國際扶輪9210地區部分配合獎助金計劃所購買的食物。這個地區分發了遍及全國的玉米粉。而當地的扶輪社員和他們的配合獎助金夥伴們一起募集了美金474,000元以執行一個養育計畫,將幫助遍及辛巴威40,000個孤兒和貧困的老人們。 Here we can see children in Zimbabwe receiving food purchased by Rotary District 9210 as part of a matching grant project. The district is distributing maize meal throughout the country. The local Rotarians and their Matching Grant Partners are working to raise $474,000 to implement a feeding program that will assist 40,000 orphans and destitute elderly throughout Zimbabwe.

62 募集了美金474,000元以 執行一個養育計畫,幫 助遍及辛巴威40,000個 孤兒和貧困的老人們。
To raise $474,000 to implement a feeding program that will assist 40,000 orphans and destitute elderly throughout Zimbabwe. 在這裡我們能夠看見辛巴威的孩子們收到國際扶輪9210地區部分配合獎助金計劃所購買的食物。這個地區分發了遍及全國的玉米粉。而當地的扶輪社員和他們的配合獎助金夥伴們一起募集了美金474,000元以執行一個養育計畫,將幫助遍及辛巴威40,000個孤兒和貧困的老人們。 Here we can see children in Zimbabwe receiving food purchased by Rotary District 9210 as part of a matching grant project. The district is distributing maize meal throughout the country. The local Rotarians and their Matching Grant Partners are working to raise $474,000 to implement a feeding program that will assist 40,000 orphans and destitute elderly throughout Zimbabwe.

63 滿足全世界超過1億5千萬位營養不良兒童的需求
扶輪改變生命 ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 240萬美元在減緩飢餓計劃 TRF approved $2.4 million dollars for projects to alleviate hunger 畜牧業計劃 animal husbandry projects 農業培訓agricultural training 不易腐爛的食品 non-perishable food 營養的教育nutrition education 2005年7月到2006年5月間,扶輪基金會核准了美金2百40萬元在減緩飢餓的計劃上。這些款項將用在畜牧業計劃、農業培訓、不易腐爛的食品不但用於餵養飢餓的人們而且從事營養的教育。 這些計畫不僅將給人們一天的食物同時也給他們養活自己及家人一輩子的工具。 The Rotary Foundation approved $2.4 million dollars for projects to alleviate hunger between July 2005 and May This money will go to animal husbandry projects, agricultural training, non-perishable food to feed the hungry as well as nutrition education. These projects will not only give people food for a day but give them the tools to feed themselves and their families for a lifetime. 透過扶輪社員無論在艱辛的工作或財物上的奉獻,扶輪幫助滿足了全世界超過1億5千萬位受苦於營養不良的兒童的需求。每一位扶輪社員多少都能夠讓世界有所不同,不管她是駕駛裝滿不易腐爛的食品的貨車,或者寫一張可以在秘魯為一個孤兒院提供廚房設備的美金1000元支票。每位扶輪社員每年付出他們所能,這意味著扶輪基金會的工作將會持續成長。 It is through the hard work and monetary gifts of dedicated Rotarians that Rotary is helping to meet the needs of the more than 150 million children under 5 worldwide who suffer from malnutrition. Each Rotarian can make a difference, whether she is driving the van full of non-perishable food, or writing a check for $1000 that may provide kitchen equipment for an orphanage in Peru. Every Rotarian giving what they can Every Year means the work of the Rotary Foundation will continue to grow. 滿足全世界超過1億5千萬位營養不良兒童的需求

64 Impoverished, neglected children suffer all over the world.
這個世界需要扶輪的幫助 THE WORLD NEEDS ROTARY TO HELP. 全世界的貧困、被忽視孩童正在受苦 Impoverished, neglected children suffer all over the world. 孩童們流落到街頭 缺乏食物或庇護所而死亡 營養失調致病無法尋找更好生存方式 普遍存在於拉丁美洲、亞洲、和非洲貧窮國家 全世界有1億個孩童流落在街頭 世界上有12億人們生活在貧困中,其中孩童們就超過了6億。 這個世界需要扶輪的幫助。 全世界的貧困、被忽視孩童們正在受苦。沒有父母或成年人照顧的孩童們流落到街頭,由於缺乏食物或庇護所將不可避免地死亡。由於營養失調致病因而奪走了他們的力氣甚而無法去尋找更好的生存方式。世界上沒有任何國家能擺脫這個問題,但是這個問題更普遍存在於拉丁美洲、亞洲、和非洲的貧窮國家當中。世界健康組織和聯合國兒童基金會估計全世界有1億個孩童流落在街頭。根據一份2000年聯合國兒童基金會報告,世界上有12億人們生活在貧困中,其中孩童們就超過了6億。 The world needs Rotary to help. Impoverished, neglected children suffer all over the world. Children without parents or adults to care for them are left to the streets where they inevitably perish for lack of food or shelter. Many suffer from illness due to malnutrition that robs them of the strength even to seek out a better existence. No country in the world is free of this problem, but it is most prevalent in the poorer nations of Latin America, Asia, and Africa. The World Health Organization and UNICEF have estimated that 100 million children live on the streets worldwide. According to a 2000 UNICEF report, of the world’s 1.2 billion people living in poverty, more than 600 million are children

65 幾乎十億人們無法閱讀或者簽上他們的名字。
缺乏教育導致就業無望 為求生存, 街童們可能 從事偷竊和賣淫的行為 沈溺於吸食強力膠 每天有8,500個孩子感染愛滋病 世界上有超過300,000個童兵。 In order to survive, street children Resort to petty theft and prostitution. addicted to inhalants 8,500 children become infected with HIV every day, over 300,000 child soldiers around the world. 為求生存, 這些所謂的街童們可能經常從事偷竊和賣淫的行為。許多變得沈溺於吸食強力膠及油漆稀釋劑。根據聯合國兒童基金會統計每天有8,500個孩子感染愛滋病病毒。聯合國估計在世界上有超過300,000個童兵。 ( 聯合國兒童基金會 : 2000年世界的孩童們聲明 ) 。 In order to survive, these so called street children may resort to petty theft and prostitution. Many become addicted to inhalants such as shoe glue and paint thinner. 8,500 children become infected with HIV every day, according to UNICEF. The United Nations estimates there are over 300,000 child soldiers around the world. (UNICEF: The State of the World’s Children, 2000). 有些兒童,像這個男孩般,被迫挖掘城裡腐敗的垃圾堆, 他將腐敗程度加以分類整理,而那些看似可食用的食物殘渣卻滋生了大量的蟲子。他會將他找到半腐敗的碎片食物帶回去給他的家人,可悲地,他們很可能因為吃了這些垃圾而使他們遭受更嚴重的疾病所侵襲。悲哀的是這經常是他的家庭唯一能夠得到的食物。 Some children are forced to dig through putrid city trash heaps like this boy, who will sort through rotten, bug-infested food scraps for those that seem edible. He will bring what half-rotten morsels he finds to his family, which, tragically, will likely suffer even further indignity and debilitating illness after eating the garbage. Sadly, this is often the only sustenance his family can find. 被迫僅能掙扎以求生存,這些孩子們是不上學的。幾乎十億的人們無法閱讀或者簽上他們的名字。缺乏教育導致就業無望,存留下許多人僅能在剝削勞力的工廠中找到份工作,其薪資尚不足以維持一個人的生活,更遑論要養一個家庭。 Being forced to struggle just to survive, these children do not attend schools. Nearly a billion people are unable to read a book or sign their names. This lack of education translates into bleak employment prospects, leaving many to find work only in sweatshops where wages are not nearly sufficient one person, let alone a family.

但是,扶輪是致力於改善兒童生活的工作,透過提供獲得保健、教育、足夠的食物、和乾淨的飲用水的機會。扶輪社員改變了成千上萬位兒童的生活。這個工作將影響這些健康而又受教育兒童的世代,更能成長為社會上積極地、奉獻的成員。他們更可能自己去撫養出健康、受過教育的孩童們,因而來結束這個影響他們的疾病和忽視的惡性循環。 But Rotary is working to improve the lives of children, by providing access to health care, education, adequate food, and clean water. Rotarians are changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. The impact of this work will be felt for generations as these healthy, educated children are more likely to grow up to be active, contributing members of their communities. They are more likely to raise healthy educated children themselves and to end the cycles of disease and neglect that effected them.

67 Rotary Makes a difference in lives every day.
扶輪在每天讓生命變得更美好。 Rotary Makes a difference in lives every day. 幼稚園畢業生代表Renaldo‘s的信 第52737號配合獎助金 3860地區Cebu San Nicolas社 2750地區東京Kihonbashi East 專為菲律賓宿務島的街童所設立的 收到了補給品、書本、電腦、視聽設備和食物。 扶輪在每天讓生命變得更美好。如果不是因為扶輪社員和他們的基金會行善的話,這封幼稚園畢業生代表Renaldo Saquin所寫的信,將永遠不會被呈現。 Rotary Makes a difference in lives every day. This letter written by Renaldo Saquin, the Valedictorian of his Kindergarten class could never have been written if not for the good work of Rotarians and their Foundation. Renaldo‘s的幼稚園班級是因扶輪社員的努力而存在著。使這封信能夠呈現是透過3860地區Cebu San Nicolas扶輪社和2750地區東京Kihonbashi East 扶輪社的配合獎助金計劃才能達成。這個年輕男孩所屬的學校計劃是專為像菲律賓宿務島的街童所設立的。透過第52737號配合獎助金,此計畫收到了補給品、書本、電腦、視聽設備和食物。 Renaldo’s kindergarten class existed because of Rotarian efforts. This letter was made possible through a matching grant between RC of Cebu San Nicolas (D3860) and Rotary Club of Tokyo Kihonbashi East (D2750). The school program that this young boy was a part of was established for street children in Cebu, Philippines. The program received supplies, books, a computer, AV equipment and food, through Matching Grant 自從2004年這個計畫開始的那年起,該3860地區,一個地方性的地區用自己的帳戶收到了30個獎助金資金。這些計畫讓宿務島市的Barangays (barrios)及周遭鄰近的鄉間改善了食物的效益、教育與職業的訓練。 The district of 3860, a provincial district by their own account, has received grant funds for 30 projects since 2004, the year this project was begun. These projects have improved the availability of food, education, and job training in the Barangays (barrios) of Cebu city and the surrounding countryside. 這封信說明了一切。這個感謝不僅是對那些分發食物及提供學習書本的扶輪社員;同時也是對所有那些為扶輪夢想奉獻並使美夢成真的人們。 The letter says it all. This thank you is not only for the Rotarians who handed out the food, and provided the books to study but to all those whose contributions and dedication to the Rotary dream made that work possible. 感謝不僅是對那些分發食物及提供學習書本的社員; 也是對所有那些為扶輪夢想奉獻並使美夢成真的人們。

68 扶輪基金會接受從畢爾與瑪琳達蓋茲所提供之蓋茲全球保健獎助金美金一百萬元。
Bill Gates Sr. 〝回到扶輪介入小兒麻痺之初,多數人認為義工組織是關於街道間或城鎮間的計劃,不是處理跨越世界的計劃。扶輪改變了一切,在其過程中,你們提醒了我們沒有任何人類的問題是令人沮喪到不能夠由人們來克服。〞 扶輪基金會接受從畢爾與瑪琳達蓋茲所提供之蓋茲全球保健獎助金美金一百萬元。 The Foundation received the US$1 million Gates Award for Global Health in 2002 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates Sr., “ Back when Rotary became involved with Polio, most people thought volunteer organizations were about tackling projects down the street or across town – not across the world. Rotary changed all that, and in the process, you reminded us that there is no human problem so daunting that it can’t be overcome by people.” 扶輪基金會接受從畢爾與瑪琳達蓋茲所提供之蓋茲全球保健獎助金美金一百萬元。 The Foundation received the US$1 million Gates Award for Global Health in 2002 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates Sr.當他對扶輪的工作作總結時,他說:〝回到扶輪介入小兒麻痺之初,多數人認為義工組織是關於街道間或城鎮間的計劃,不是處理跨越世界的計劃。扶輪改變了一切,在其過程中,你們提醒了我們沒有任何人類的問題是令人沮喪到不能夠由人們來克服。〞 Bill Gates Sr. summed up the work of Rotary when he said, “ Back when Rotary became involved with Polio, most people thought volunteer organizations were about tackling projects down the street or across town – not across the world. Rotary changed all that, and in the process, you reminded us that there is no human problem so daunting that it can’t be overcome by people.”

改變世界 CHANGING THE WORLD 改變生命 CHANGING LIVES 多數的你們,在財務上以及藉由你們辛勤的工作業已是扶輪基金會的強力的支持者,我想要說的是感謝你們!你們和你們的扶輪伙伴們透過你們的基金會正在改變生命及這個世界。無論是在遙遠的奈及利亞的村莊提供乾淨的飲用水、提供馬來西亞一間教室的教學用書和電腦、在瓜地馬拉為孩童們建設公園、在一天裡為成千上萬的印度兒童接種疫苗以對抗小兒麻痹等疾病、或者贊助一屆獻身和平與解決衝突的學生們、扶輪義工的全球網絡和他們的基金會致力於使世界更美好。 Many of you are already strong supporters of The Rotary Foundation both financially and through your hard work, and I want to say thank you! You and your fellow Rotarians are changing lives and the world through your Foundation. Whether it is providing clean water to a remote village in Nigeria, supplying a classroom in Malaysia with school books and computers, building a park for children in Guatemala, vaccinating tens of thousands of Indian children in one day against polio, or sponsoring a class of dedicated students in peace and conflict resolution, the global network of Rotarian volunteers and their Foundation work hard at making the world a better place. 如果你們還沒有涉足於基金會中、或者你們想要成為更強壯的支持者,你們將扮演什麼樣的角色?你們願意參與一個識字計劃,或者為一個全國免疫日NID飛到奈及利亞嗎?也許你們想要幫助確保扶輪基金會的未來而對永久基金作一個捐獻?也或許你們想盡自己的本分捐美金100元以確保能夠達成每位扶輪社員每年EREY的目標?無論你們怎麼做,你們可以確定的是-在國際扶輪及其基金會的全球資源是由全世界的扶輪社員所運用,去解決當地的問題並且每次都會讓這個世界變得更好。 If you are not yet involved in the Foundation, or if you want to become a stronger supporter, what will your role be? Will you participate in a literacy program, or fly to Nigeria for an NID? Perhaps you want to help secure the future of TRF programs through a gift to the Permanent Fund? Or maybe you will do your part to ensure that the goal of Every Rotarian Every Year is met by your gift of $100. Whatever you do, you can be sure that the global resources of Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation are being used by Rotarians around the world to solve local problems and improve the world one life at a time. 一起TOGETHER

70 扶輪的靈魂 The soul of Rotary 超我服務 Service Above Self
對扶輪社員而言,和平不僅是文字而是一種哲理 For Rtns, peace is more than a word – it’s a philosophy. 扶輪的靈魂 The soul of Rotary 超我服務 Service Above Self


72 EREY Every Rotarian, Every Year 「每位扶輪社員,每年」

謝 謝 THANK YOU 改變生命 改變世界 CHANGING LIVES CHANGING THE WORLD 扶輪基金會承諾要去改變人們的生活,並藉此來使世界成為一處更好的地方。基金會計畫是由扶輪社社員提供資金用來幫助世界上遭受貧困打擊的那些部分、幫助根除小兒麻痹等疾病、並教育學生們如何和平相處與解決衝突。每一年扶輪基金會將數百萬美元藉由扶輪社社員個人贈送到世界各地的扶輪社和地區去支援許多人們想改變世界的計劃。 The Rotary Foundation is committed to changing peoples’ lives, and by doing so making the world a better place. Foundation programs funded by Rotarians bring aid to poverty stricken parts of the world, help eradicate polio, and educate students in peace and conflict resolution. Every year The Rotary Foundation sends millions of dollars, given by individual Rotarians, to clubs and districts around the world to support projects and people that seek to make a difference in the world.

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