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Unit 4 The Multicultural Society America As a Collage.

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2 Unit 4 The Multicultural Society America As a Collage

3 2 1. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____. A. 1607 B. 1620 C. 1744 D. 1776 2. The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____. A. 1776, 1784 B. 1775, 1783 C. 1706, 1714 3 The statue of liberty was given to American people by_______ as a gift in 1884. A . Spain B. France C . Italy D . Britain A C B

4 3

5 4

6 5 “ 山姆大叔 ” 产生于 1812 年美英战争时期(美国独立 战争时期)。纽约州洛伊城有一位肉类包装商,叫 塞缪尔 · 威尔逊,当地人亲切地叫他 “ 山姆大叔 ” 。战 争期间,他负责在供应军队的牛肉桶和酒桶上打戳。 其牛肉桶上都盖有 U.S. 的标记。 U.S. 既是美国的缩 写,也是 “ 山姆大叔 ” 的缩写。 独立战争后,政治漫画里开始出现了一个名叫 “ 山姆 大叔 ” 的人物。他的原型是一个早期漫画人物,名叫 “ 乔纳森大哥 ” ,此人在美国独立战争时期非常出名。 渐渐地,山姆大叔取代了乔纳森大哥,成了最受美 国人欢迎的象征。 美国人还把 “ 山姆大叔 ” 诚实可靠、吃苦耐劳以及爱 国主义的精神视为自己民族的骄傲和共有的品质。 从此这个绰号便不胫而走。第一次世界大战中曾出 现过 “ 山姆大叔 ” 号召美国青年当兵的宣传画,流传 很广。 1961 年,美国国会正式承认 “ 山姆大叔 ” 为美 国的民族象征。

7 6 1.Para.1~5 2.Para 7 and 8, the green sentences. 3.Para.8, Line 36-38. America is becoming…. 4.Para.18. 5.Para.21, Line 97-100. In 1924, ….if not anthropological sense. 6.Para. 21, Line 102-104. From the perspective of ….

8 7 Preface Whole paragraph translation: 1. 美国是否会如同历史上其他强国一样 走向衰亡? 2. 作者持否定观点,认为美国创建的社 会模式不同于任何以往已出现的社会 模式。 3. 读一读他的观点,看看你是否同意。

9 8 Reading Comprehension of PART I Paragraph 1 America is a complex place in that it is full of _____, ______, _______, ______, _________. Paragraph 2 The author thinks vast regions of the planet are ________, ________ _____ any movement. Paragraph 3 Paul Kennedy thinks America is bound to ___________. Does the author share his view?

10 9 Paragraph 4 In what sense the Euro-centered American nation is declining? What is the vast Pacific collage? Paragraph 5 What is the characteristic of the new civilization? Part One America is not _________, but is in the process of creating new a collage-like ________. declining civilization

11 10 Language points of Part One decline 如果什么东西在衰退, 那它就是在渐 渐变弱或变坏。 If something is ~/ on the decline/ falling into decline, it is slowly growing weaker or worse.

12 11 2.characteristic vs. feature characteristic 特征 指恒定的、使某人或物 有别于其他的人或物的属性和特质,如: The nationalities in China have all retained their special national characteristics. feature 特色, 特点 不表示属性或特质,而是 指某物 ( 如脸面、景色、物体、性格 ) 的一部 分,因其外形或重要性突出而引人注目,如: Her dancing eyes are her most attractive features. The most outstanding national feature is the language.

13 12 3. paralyze 事故后她的腰部以下瘫痪了。 The accident left her ~d in both legs. 4. inevitably 双方随後不可避免地争吵起来。 ~, a quarrel followed between two sides. 5. historic vs. historical

14 13 1) He is now the editor of a journal of _________ studies. 2) This conference is of _________ significance. 3) The ____________ May 4 th Movement took place in Beijing in 1919. 4) The book is based on ___________ events, not coined. historic: 指某一事件或行动是具有历史意义的, 或历史上有名的 historical: 指某一事件或行动是真实的,并非 想象或虚构的,可记载为历史的,描述历史 事件的 historical historic historical

15 14 6. 1) When I moved a to a new house, I ________ all my old furniture to some fellow teachers. 2) The deadline for you to _________ your homework is next Tuesday. 3) When would you ________ doing things in that way? 4) O.K. That’s enough. I don’t want to argue with you any more. I _____________. 5) With the improvement of living standard, fans have ______________ air conditioners in many houses. 6) After a heated debate, she __________ his views. gave away give in give up give myself up given way to gave in to

16 15 7. have a /the sense that: believe; reckon 我们觉得一个月的准备时间不够我们完成这 个项目。 We have the sense that one month’s preparation is far from enough if we want to accomplish the project. 8. historically speaking p124 从历史的角度来看,美国或许不会衰落,相 反,它将与太平洋文化相融合,创建一种广 泛的太平洋拼盘文化,一种依靠最现代的通 讯技术连接的拉丁文化与亚洲文化的混合文 化。

17 16 Pluralism Pluralism refers to the acceptance of many different groups in society or many different schools of thought in an intellectual or cultural discipline. Although America’s culture is becoming more uniform, its society remains a diverse mix of ethnic, racial, and religious groups. The US is a pluralistic society, meaning it is composed of many nationalities, races,

18 17 religions, and creeds. Some of the people who immigrated to America embraced the opportunity to leave old cultures behind and to remake themselves unencumbered by past traditions and and loyalties. Others found that the liberties promised under the Bill of Rights allowed for distinctiveness rather than uniformity, and they have taken pride in preserving and celebrating their origins. Many Americans find that pluralism adds to the richness and strength of the nation’s culture.

19 18 10. leave behind 不管公司的事情如何, 我回到家里, 总可以把工 作上的事抛诸脑后。 No matter what was going on at work, I was always able to ~ the concerns of the office. 11. mentality 他研究犯罪心理有多年经验。 He has many years' experience of the criminal mentality.

20 19 1. 最初的最持久的印象是充满活力、生 机勃勃、不断进取、积极向上。 2. 列强之兴衰 3. 不可避免地重蹈历史覆辙 4. 我有种感觉,这个国家正在发生的一 切不仅仅关乎一国之命运。 5. 一种有多种精神中心的文化。一种永 远抛弃种族中心主义心态、部落心态 的文化。一种破坏性的心态。

21 20 Reading Comprehension of PART II Paragraph 7 What are the characteristics of the civilization exemplified by Los Angeles? It’s a _________ and ___________ society; a ________________civilization, being simultaneously created by so many _____, _________ and _____________. Paragraph 8 Why America is becoming more plural? multiracial multicultural new/unprecedented races nationalities cultures

22 21 Paragraph 9 Is English the main language among the diverse communities in Los Angeles? Paragraph 10 What’s the general trend of the composition of mankind? The majority will be ___________________ or __________________, in the neighborhood of _______%. The ___________ will be the white race, no more than ________%. the non-white races the dark-skinned 90 minority 11

23 22 Paragraphs 11~12 In the ____________, ____________ high- technology parks of northern Orange County, there used to be only________ _________, but now there is a $500 million personal computer company, with branches in Hong Kong and Taiwan, founded by three young ___________. Paragraph 13 What’s the culture of the work force in this company? It’s a ________ of Hispanic-Catholic _______ _________ and Asian-Confucian _________ _________. landscaped ultraclean strawberry fields immigrants mix family group loyalty values

24 23 Paragraph 14 In Los Angeles, _______ _______ ______ ________ are fusing with the most ________ ____________ and _____________. Paragraph 15 What used to be the character of the contact between developed and underdeveloped worlds? Paragraph 16 What is the character of the new relationship in terms of new civilization? traditional Third World modern technologies cultures mentalities

25 24 Paragraphs 19 What is considered a key revolution of development? Paragraphs 20 How do we understand “arithmetical time”? Paragraph 21 In what sense, all the races on the planet would merge into one type of man? Main idea ______________ is a good example of such a __________. Los Angeles collage

26 25 Language points of Part Two 1.Linked more…. 洛杉矶以及南加州 与第三世界和 亚洲的联系 要比与美国的民族、 文化之根 —— 欧洲的 联系密切, 因此将以一个多民族、多元文化的 社会进入 21 世纪。

27 26 2. America is becoming… 由于来自第三世界的新移民所具有的将本族 文化融入美国文化的令人难以置信的本领, 美国正变得越来越多元化。 3. migrate, migrant, immigrant, emigrant He said he was an __________ from Russia. There are numerous European __________ into the U.S. Some birds will __________ to warmer places when winter is coming. Recently there are a strikingly increasing number of rural ___________ to cities. emigrant immigrants migrate migrants

28 27 migrant 移民, immigrant 移入者,即入境移 民。 emigrant 是 ex 的变体( =out ):移出者, 即出境移民,指自本国移居他国者。 He emigrated from Russia to the United States. He immigrated to the United States from Russia. In Russia, he's an emigrant. In the United States, he's an immigrant.

29 28 4. It is adj./n. (doing sth.) (for sb.) to do…. Exercise 1, Page 125. Laotian Vietnamese Cambodian Mexican Salvadoran Guatemalan Iranian Armenian San Salvador Vientiane Phnom Penh Teheran Hanoi Ciudad de México Erevan Guatemala City




33 32 5. anticipate 他们预见到天快黑了, 就都带上了手电筒. Anticipating that it would soon be dark, they all took torches. 6. ultra- 极端 ; 过分 : ultra-conservative, ultra- fashionable. 超过某一限度﹑范围等 : ultraviolet, ultra-high. ultrasonic: 超音速 ultrasonics: 超声学 ultrasound: 超声波 ultra-right: 极右的、极保守的 ultraviolet: 紫外线的

34 33 7.exploitation 资本主义制度建立在剥削劳动人民的基础上。 The capitalist system reposes on the exploitation of the laboring people. 8.merge ~ (with/into sth); ~ (together); ~ A with B/~ A and B (together) 我们可以把我们那两个小企业合并成一个大 企业. We can merge our two small businesses (together) into one larger one.

35 34 merge; emerge; submerge; emergence; emergency 1)The college has been ________ into a university. 2)I saw the submarine __________. 3)The two rivers _________at a small town. 4)The moon _________ from behind the dark clouds. 5)The land was ___________ by the flood. 6)He ____________ as leader at the age of 30. 7)The ____________ of the cobra frightened everybody present. 8)You can only use this door in an ____________. merged submerging merge emerged submerged merged emergence emergency

36 35 9.conception 那计划的构想倒是十分宏伟, 但终因准备不 足而告吹. The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation. 10.For the destructive … What kind of possibility? 对那个我在其间读过大半生的破坏性、停滞 不前的社会来说,说实在话,存在着洛杉矶 这样一种发展前景意义十分重大。

37 36 11. show up 美国大使在八个月之后才露面。 The American ambassador didn't ~ for nearly eight months. 12. offend 她请你, 你要是不回个信儿就可能把她得 罪了。 She may be offended if you don't reply to her invitation.

38 37 13. in the … sense: as far as … is concerned; in the case of… 在学术的意义上,这文章写得不好。 In the academic sense, this article is not well written. In 1924, …. 1924 年,墨西哥哲学家何塞 * 伐斯冈萨雷斯在 他的一本著作中,梦想着未来地球上所有不同 种族都融合成一种类型人的可能性。在文化的 意义上,即便不是在人种的意义上,这样一种 类型的人正在洛杉矶诞生。

39 38 14. from the perspective of 从环境的观点来看,当地政府经济政策的破 坏性大于建设性。 ~ the environment, the local government’s economic policies are destructive rather than constructive. 世界充满着宗教的、种族的、民族的冲突, 从这个角度来看,这种融洽的合作令人难以 置信。

40 39 in harmony harmonious (adj.) harmonize (vt.) The family lives _____________. The family lives in ___________. The family lives a ____________ life. The family _____________ in daily life. harmoniously harmony harmonious harmonize

41 40 1. 新兴文化的先兆 2. 这个大城市的居民成了自己居住地的游客。 3. 家庭价值观念和集体效忠观念 4. 与最先进的理念和技术相融合 5. 种族交界处往往是关系紧张的交界处,是危 机的交界处。 6. 与充满机会的开放精神、有条有理的文化、 西方的时间观念相融合。 7. 时间是以事件与事件之间的间隔来计算 8. 奔向一个共同的目标

42 41 Reading Comprehension of PART III Main Idea There is something in America that act as “______” to piece different parts together to make the American collage: the ______ _______ _____. glue chancetotry

43 42 1.v./n. to do … Exercise 2, Page 126. 2.essential basic, fundamental, main, staple, key, foremost, elementary, rudimental 3.combination 公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品. The firm is working on a new product in ~ with several overseas partners. 市中心的建筑风格是古今结合, 浑然一体. The architecture in the town centre is a successful ~ of old and new.

44 43 奥林匹克体育社区要体现奥林匹克体育文化与社 区文化的结合, 奥林匹克精神与社区人文精神的 结合, 奥林匹克体育活动与社区生活的结合。 The Olympic sports communities should embody the ~ of Olympic sports culture and community culture, the ~ of the Olympic spirit and the community human spirit, and the ~ of Olympic sports activities and the community life. 4. mobility 私人小汽车能给人很大的舒服和机动性。 A private car gives a much greater degree of comfort and ~.

45 44 5.stagnant 夏天生意常常不景气。 During the summer, business is often ~. 相比之下, 她们自己浮浅的生活和一潭 死水般的日子倒变得难以忍受了。 By comparison, their own shallow life, their ~ days, were becoming unbearable.

46 45 1. 文化使你得以想办法出人头地 2. 还有空间,不仅仅是地理意义上的 空间,更是指机会,指社会身份的 流动性。 3. 在充满危机的社会中,在停滞不前 的社会中 4. 你一生已被预先决定。 5. 命运已经将你注定。

47 46 Comprehension of the whole text What do they represent in the text? Los Angeles: A PC company in Orange County: A person born in Los Angeles: America in the eyes of immigrants: A new civilization A fusion of the Third World cultures with the most modern mentalities and technologies. A citizen of the world A place where you always have a chance to try.

48 47

49 48

50 49 Key to Exercises: Language Focus Vocabulary (Page 120) I.1. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the box. Change the form where necessary. 1) plural2) debt 3) thesis4) inevitable 5) historical6) precedents 7) constructive8) destructive 9) ethnic 10) combination

51 50 Vocabulary (Page 120) I.1. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the box. Change the form where necessary. 11) stagnant 12) destiny 13) discourage 14) from the perspective of 15) in the (medical) sense Key to Exercises: Language Focus

52 51 I.2. Use the word in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and replace with it the italicized part in each of the following sentences: 1) leave behind2) show up 3) go over4) knock off 5) Leave (them) alone6) fading away 7) took in8) keep up with Key to Exercises: Language Focus

53 52 I. 3. Rewrite each sentence with words in brackets, keeping the same meaning. 1) Cooperation between nurse and patient is essential for infection in the hospital to be kept effectively under control. 2) Chinese people in ancient times had a sense that their country was at the center of the world and so called it “the Middle Kingdom. Key to Exercises: Language Focus

54 53 I. 3. 3) A strong network of mentors, women and men, has helped me at various stages in my career. 4) We need to have/develop a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species: as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole. 5) We have cut the remark out of the program lest it should offend the listeners. Key to Exercises: Language Focus

55 54 I. 3. Complete the following sentences, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary. 1) in decline; mentality; paralyzing 2) the characteristics; an immigrant; unbelievable 3) a religion; cooperation with; submerge Key to Exercises: Language Focus

56 55 II. Confusable Words Now put a proper word into each gap in the following sentences. In some cases, more than one choice is possible, though one choice may be preferable to the other. 1) like/as2) as 3) like4) like/as 5) as/like6) as 7) like8) as III. Usage (Omitted) Key to Exercises: Language Focus

57 56 Structure 1. Study the model and rewrite the following sentences using the structure “It is +adj. + v-ing…”: 1) It is very useful knowing several foreign languages when you are traveling abroad. 2) It is quite futile to reason with him---he just won’t listen. 3) It’s funny watching Granny dancing such a lively dance. 4) It is nice working with her. Key to Exercises: Language Focus

58 57 Structure 2. Study the model and complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English: 1) The story strengthens his determination to realize his ideals. 2) I read P. L. Fermor’s classic and felt a desire to follow his footsteps. 3) They reached a decision to walk back. 4) Nothing is more damaging than failure to properly educate its children. Key to Exercises: Language Focus

59 58 Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (A) 1. on the decline2. historical 3. for the first time4. mentality 5. essential6. discouraged 7. destiny8. immigrants 9. ethnic 10. combination Key to Exercises: Language Focus

60 59 Key to Exercises: Language Focus Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (B) 1. born2. about3. against 4. because5. Only6. would 7. then8. not9. time 10. if11. come12. ones 13. raised/born14. here 15. so/therefore16. both 17. to

61 60 II. Translation Professor Huntington’s paper greatly inspired me. According to him, in a pluralistic society, there will inevitably be different opinions. The key is to deal with them in such a way that they can play a constructive rather than destructive role. He argues that in a pluralistic society we must stress/attach importance to interpersonal relationships, cooperation, and looking at Key to Exercises: Language Focus

62 61 issues from the perspective of other people. If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disrespect, the whole society may be paralyzed. I am convinced that if we put into practice the ideas mentioned above, then there is the possibility of creating a new civilization. Key to Exercises: Language Focus

63 62 Comprehension Check 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. C Translation (Omitted) Text B: What’s American about America?

64 63 Language Practice 1. ethnic2. memorial 3. dwell4. mysterious 5. Contrary6. blur 7. presumably 8. was dwarfed 9. originate10. applaud 11. derive12. category 13. shortly after14. misery 15. entity16. streak 17. live on18. lead to 19. in exile20. what of Text B: What’s American about America?

65 64 About the Author: Ryzsard Kapuscinski

66 65 About the Author: Ryzsard Kapuscinski

67 66 Multiculturalism Multiculturalism is a concept with many meanings. But it often refers to acceptance of immigrant and minority groups as distinct communities, distinguishable from the majority population. Like bilingualism, multiculturalism provokes debate. Advocated of multiculturalism believe that members of minority groups should enjoy equal rights in American society without giving up their diverse ethnic cultures.

68 67 Multicultural education programs, for instance, strive to teach the content of different cultures, to build tolerance of these cultures, and to eliminate discrimination. The hope is to enable students to understand how other cultures view the world. Multiculturalists reject the idea of a melting pot and assimilation; they dismiss the idea that national identity must be based on a common heritage and values. Critics argue that multicultural education Multiculturalism

69 68 creates conflict among groups more than it fosters tolerance of one group for another. Cultural pluralism, critics contend, promotes rivalry and divisions. Moreover, they assert, European traditions remain central to American culture and institutions. Some critics find multiculturalism a token gesture designed to hid continuing domination of American culture by the majority group. Others argue that recognition of cultural differences and group identities does not help address social and economic disadvantages. Multiculturalism

70 69 USA: A nation of immigration Although the US has been shaped by successive waves of immigrants, Americans have often viewed immigration as a problem. Established Americans often look down on new immigrants. The cultural habits of immigrants are frequently targets of established community. Despite such tensions,economic needs have always forced Americans to seek immigrants as laborers and settlers, and economic opportunities have beckoned foreigners. The vast majority of immigrants to the US have come in search of jobs and the chance to create a better life for themselves and their families.

71 70 In all of American history, less than 10 percent of immigrants have come for political or religious reasons. Economic immigrants from Europe, Asia, and Latin America have come to the US voluntarily. Others, most notably African Americans, were involuntarily transported to North America to do forced labor or to be sold as slaves. They were often treated with disdain until they assimilate or adopt the mainstream American culture established by earlier immigrants. USA: A nation of immigration

72 71 Although immigrants are expected to absorb the beliefs and standards of the dominant society, most immigrant groups try to maintain their own cultural heritage, and religious practices. Traditionally the US has been described as a melting pot, a place where the previous identities of each immigrant group are melted down to create an integrated, uniform society. Since the 1960s, many Americans have rejected the melting pot metaphor in favor of USA: A nation of immigration

73 72 The image of the mosaic, a picture created by assembling many small stones or tiles, each of which retains its own distinctive identity. People believe that collage or a mosaic better represents the diverse multicultural society of the USA. USA: A nation of immigration

74 73 Population of Los Angeles

75 74 Population of Los Angeles

76 75 Population of Los Angeles

77 76

78 77

79 78

80 79 Decide whether the following are True or False? 1. By a new Pacific Civilization, the author means that the nations of the Pacific Rim, including America, become one nation with diverse cultures. (F) The author means that all the cultures of the Pacific Rim fuse with each other to create a new civilization of openness and pluralism. Comprehension of the whole text

81 80 2. LA is mentioned as a premonition of the new Pacific civilization because its residents of diverse racial and cultural origins make it a closer link with the Third World and Asian than with Europe. (T) 3. In LA, the relationship between the development and underdevelopment is cooperation and construction. (T) Comprehension of the whole text

82 81 4. In LA, in large communities of the Third World cultures, people all speak English. (F) In LA, in large communities of the Third World cultures, people all speak different languages. 5. In LA, the Third World cultures have to adjust their traditional concept of time. (T) Comprehension of the whole text

83 82 6. At the beginning of the 21st century, the majority of the American population will be dark-skinned. (F) At the beginning of the 21st century, the majority of the world population will be dark-skinned. 7. Immigrants are attracted to America mainly for the better life. (F) Immigrants are attracted to America mainly for the chance to try. Comprehension of the whole text

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