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中考复习七年级下课件 Units 1-6.

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1 中考复习七年级下课件 Units 1-6

2 7BUnit1复习纲要 1.正确朗读及背诵单词.(surname姓,balcony) 2.汇总已学过的国家名,了解它们的相关知识。
(首都、城市、风俗、名胜、物产等)认识P7的 图片。 (英、法、德、意、波兰、俄、西、土、 匈牙利、奥地利、芬兰、巴勒斯坦、两伊、 印度、泰国、日本、美、加、墨、巴西、埃及、 索马里、南非等)。 欧洲 亚太 美洲 非洲

3 了解家庭的房间布置、用途及室内物品的摆放P12。
正确读写数字(基数词cardinal numbers、序数词ordinal numbers) Read the passages on P22, P19 and P8-9skillfully. Learn how to write cheques(P15). 了解英美关于楼层计算的不同P23。

4 欧洲国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 英国 法国 德国 意大利 奥地利 匈牙利 England London English France Paris French Germany Berlin German Italy Rome Italian Austria Vienna German Hungary Budapest

5 欧洲国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 波兰 俄罗斯 西班牙 葡萄牙 土耳其 丹麦 Poland Chopin Warsaw Russia Moscow Russian Spain Madrid Barcelona Spanish Portugal Lisbon Turkey Ankara Denmark Copenhagen

6 欧洲国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 瑞典 瑞士 比利时 挪威 芬兰 希腊 Sweden Stockholm Switzerland 伯尔尼 Bern Belgium Brussels French Norway Oslo Finland Helsinki Finnish Greece Athens Greek

7 亚洲国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 伊拉克 伊朗 泰国 印度 日本 越南 Saddam Hussein Arabic Iraq Baghdad Iran Ahmadinejad Tehran Thailand Bangkok India New Delhi Indian English Japan Tokyo Japanese Viet Nam Ho Noi

8 亚太国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 巴勒斯坦 以色列 马来西亚 菲律宾 澳大利亚 新加坡 Palestine Jerusalem Arabic Israel Tel Aviv 希伯来语 Arabic 阿以冲突 Malaysia 吉隆坡 Philippines Manila Australia Canberra English Singapore

9 亚太国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 韩国 印度尼西亚 新西兰 South Korea Seoul Indonesia Jakarta New Zealand Wellington English

10 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 索马里 South Africa Egypt Cairo Arabic 海盗 Somalia
非洲国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 南非 埃及 索马里 South Africa Egypt Cairo Arabic 海盗 Somalia Mogadishu

11 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 墨西哥 巴拿马 委内瑞拉 巴西 English/ French Toronto Montréal
美洲国家情况 国家名 英文名 首都 语言 名胜等 加拿大 美国 墨西哥 巴拿马 委内瑞拉 巴西 English/ French Toronto Montréal Canada Ottawa English USA Mexica Mexica Panama Panama Venezuela Caracas Chavez Brasilia Brazil 金砖四国

12 短语 1.在…的隔壁 2.主页 3.讲台桌 4.至少/至多 5.犯错误 6.为…带口信 7.轮流 8.在…中心 9.与…不同
10.与…分享… 11. 向…要求… next to the home page the teacher’s desk at least / at most make mistakes take a message for take turns in the centre of be different from share sth with sb ask sb for sth

13 选择 1. I climbed a ladder ______ into my house. A. to get B. to getting C. get D. getting 2. Your home is different from_______. A. me B. mine C. my D. myself 3. ________are we going? A.What other places B.What places else C. Other where D. Where else 4. It will help me remember the patterns____ than before. A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily A B D D

14 Would you like to live next to our school?
汉译英。 1.你想要住在我的学校的隔壁吗? 2.俄罗斯的首都不是曼谷。 3.Tom的房子至少有4个房间。 4.我在家里排行第三。 5.厨房里有足够的鸡蛋吗? 6.我父亲的生日是在五月1日。 Would you like to live next to our school? The capital of Russia isn’t Bangkok Tom’s house has at least four rooms. I’m the third child of my family Are there enough eggs in the kitchen? My father’s birthday is on 1st May..

15 7.在盐城市中心,有一个大的购物中心。 8.我们的化学老师住在一个繁华的街道上。 9. 每天Tom和他的妹妹共用一辆自行车。 10.你应该对你的同学友好。( ) 11. 那个淘气的男孩住在五楼吗? 12.我们的教室长10米,宽6米。 In the centre of Yancheng, there is a large shopping mall. Our chemistry teacher lives on a busy street. Tom shares a bike with his sister every day. be friendly to You should be friendly to your classmates. Does that naughty boy live on the fifth floor? Our classroom is 10 metres long and 6 metres wide.

16 What is one and two? on 13. 一加2等于多少? 14.尼尔向西蒙要了九(1)班学生的一些电话号码。
15.有空的时候,我会打电话给你。 16.每天我到家时,总是迫不及待地打开电视。 ( ) .总结:住在几层楼上用___ +the + 序数词+floor What is one and two? Neil asked Simon for some phone numbers of the Class1, Grade 9 students. When I’m free, I will call you. when I get home every day, I always can’t wait to turn on the TV. can’t wait to do sth on

17 to grow 对划线部分提问。 1. The capital of Japan is Tokyo.’
2. The girl lives in Xiangshui. 3. I have five bags of oranges. 4. They are listening to music. A garden is the best place _______ (grow) flowers What is the capital of Japan? Where does the girl live? How many bags of oranges do you I have? What are they doing? to grow

18 数词 1.定义: 数词分为_______和_______。 表示数目多少的数词叫基数词cardinal numbers。
表示顺序的数词叫序数词ordinal numbers 。 2. 基数词又分为:______ _____ 和_____. 表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词。 基数词 序数词 整数 小数 分数

19 基数词 1基数词写法和读法: 345 1234567890 three hundred and forty-five
1基数词写法和读法: 345  2基数词一般是单数形式,但下列情况,常用复数: a. 与of 短语连用,表示概数,不能与具体数目连用,如 成千上万的人 b. 在一些表示"一排"或"一组"的词组里;如: 他们三三两两的到达了。 c. 在乘法运算的一种表示法里,如: 3 x 5 = 15 d年代、年龄等的表达。 二十世纪八十年代 在他三十几岁时 3.负数表达法: -25 three hundred and forty-five thousands of people They arrived in twos and threes. Three fives is fifteen. the 1980s或 1980’s in his thirties minus twenty-five

20 4.倍数表示法(了解) a. 倍数/或分数+ as + adj. + as 我有你三倍那么多。
b. 倍数/分数+ the size (amount,length…) of… 地球是月球的49倍。 c. 倍数/分数+ 形容词/副词比较级+ than… 今年比去年粮食产量增加8%。 d. 还可以用by+倍数,表示增加多少倍 今年粮食产量增加了4倍。 I have three times as many as you. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. The grain output has been increased by four times this year.

21 分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子>1时,分母用 复数。百分比则用基数词加percent即可。 3/4 ----
4.分数表达法 规则: 分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子>1时,分母用 复数。百分比则用基数词加percent即可。 3/4 ---- 7/ /3--- 80%--- 分数修饰可数名词单数时,名词作______。 分数修饰可数名词复数时,名词作______。 分数修饰不可数名词时,名词 作________。 1. 2/3 of the books in our library ___ in English. (be) 2. 7/10 of the earth _____ covered with water. (be) 3. 4/5 of the rice _______(smell) bad. three-fourths/ three quarters seven-twentieths one-third eighty percent 单数 复数 单数 are is smells

22 5.小数表达法 以小数点为界,小数点左首的数字为一个单位, 表示整数,数字合起来读;小数点右首的数字为 一个单位,表示小数,数字分开来读;小数点读 作 point, o读作 zero或o[əu], 整数部分为零时,零 可以省略不读。 0.4 25.67 l.03 当数字值大于1时,小数后面的名词用作_____;数 字值小于1时,小数后面的名词用作______。 zero point four或point four twenty-five point six seven one point o three 复数 单数

23 基数词变为序数词的规律: 19 总结个位数,十几,几十几。和几十变为序数词 的规律。 基数词+th=序数词 one first second two third three four th fi f ve th six th seven th eight h nin e th ten th eleven th twel ve f th thirteen th fourteen th fifteen th sixteen th seventeen th eighteen th nineteen th ninety- eight h twenty- one first thirty- second two sixt y ie th fort y ie th

24 练习: 20________________ 99 _________ 12____________ 21_____________
20________________ 99 _________ 12____________ _____________ 45_____________ 33_______________ ninety-ninth twentieth twelfth twenty-first thirty-third forty-fifth

25 习 题 1. ______people visit this museum every day. A.Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of 2. There are two___ people in the meeting room. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of 3.____ the trees in our school have been cut down in the past 10 years. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of D A D

26 C C B 4.There are___ days in a year. three hundreds sixty-five
B. three hundreds and sixty-five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five 5.Look! There are ___ in the sky. A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star 6. My brother is in____. A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One C. Grade One, Class Three D. class three, grade one C B

27 C C A 7.We can say the number 78, 645 in English like this____.
A. seventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five B. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty five C. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five D. seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five 8. During World WarⅡ,a Jewish lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her______. A. fiftieth B. fifty C. fifties D. the fiftieth 9. It is said the gravity on Mars is only about __of the gravity on Earth. A. three-eighths B. third –eighth C. three-eights D. third-eight C A

28 A B D 10. Each of us has to write a ___ report every week.
A. two-hundred-word B. two hundredth word C. two-hundred-words D. two hundred words 11. When spring comes, _______ trees are planted. a million of B. millions of C. millions D. two millions 12. __________ of the rice _____bad. A. Two-seventh, is B. Two-sevenths, are C. Two-sevens, is D. Two-sevenths, is 天不亡我,我当自强。 A B D

29 在英国,楼房的第一层叫做 , 第二 层叫 , 依次类推。 而在中国美国及其它国家,楼房的第一层叫做 , 第二层叫 ,依次类推。 而在地面下,依次为地下一层 地下二层等。 the ground floor the first floor the first floor the second floor

30 billion, million, thousand 所以读作
1,234,567,890 billion, million, thousand 所以读作 one billion, two hundred and thirty- four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety

31 泰姬陵

32 Australia is called a country on sheep’s back.
Sydney and Melbourne are the second and the third biggest cities in Australia. Ayers Rock Sydney Opera House

33 伊斯坦布尔建于1616年的苏丹艾哈迈德清真寺,有6个宣礼塔,

34 富士山Mount Fuji




38 Unit2 正确朗读及背诵单词。 记忆P24和P26的词汇解释。 汇总学过的职业种类。 掌握冠词的用法。 掌握名词所有格的用法。 语法

39 cleaner dancer driver engineer employer
职业汇总 1.询问职业的交际用语 2.职业名称: baker barber butcher carpenter cashier cleaner dancer driver engineer employer farmer gatekeeper hairdresser hunter keeper lawyer manager officer painter player producer reporter singer shopkeeper soldier teacher waiter waitress worker writer

40 Editor inventor professor sailor tailor
actress beggar employee actor conductor director doctor Editor inventor professor sailor tailor accountant assistant astronaut servant artist dentist host pilot priest scientist typist businessman fishman spaceman policeman postman seaman captain model DJ judge cook nurse clerk secretary

41 1.艺术作品 2. 展出 3.欢迎到… 4.充满… 5.渴望… 6.带领某人参观… works of art on exhibition welcome to be full of= be filled with be thirsty for Show sb around…

42 所有格 所有格分为____________和___________. 名词所有格又分为_________和_________两种。
代词所有格又分为________________和 ________________两种。 名词所有格 代词所有格 ’s所有格 of所有格 形容性物主代词 名词性物主代词

43 名词所有格 1、名词+’s 所有格 Jack and Tom’s room Jack’s and Tom’s rooms
2、of所有格 用于表示无生命物品的名词和名词 化的形容词。 the windows of the house the life of the poor 3、of+’s所有格 / of+名词性物主代词 a book of my brother’s a friend of mine 4.表示时间,距离,城市,团体等所有格用’s或’表示. today’s newspaper two hours’ walk 5、a photo of Tom / a photo of Tom’s的意义区别

44 1. It’s over _________ from Taiyuan to Beijing.
A. three hours’ drive B. three hour’s drive C. three hours’ drives D. three hours drive 2. The bookshelf over there is __________. A. Mary’s and Jane’s B. Mary’s and Jane C. Mary and Jane’s D. Mary and Jane 3. They had a good time at the ______ Palace. A. children B. Children’s C. Children D.Childrens’ 4. Look at___________. He was smiling happily. this photo of Tom’s B. this photo of Tom C. Tom’s photo D. this photo of Toms’ C B B

45 冠 词 冠词可以分为____________和____________. 不定冠词a/an 定冠词the

46 I want to try a third time.
不定冠词 a用在读音是_____开头的词前,an用在读音是_____开头的词前. 特殊用法: 1.用于序数词前,不表示顺序,而表示“又一,再一”。 2. 与most+形容词原形连用, 修饰名词, most表示“非常”。 3. 用在一些专有名词前或人名前,表示“像…那样的人” “某一个……”。 4、用在how/so+形容词后。 辅音 元音 I want to try a third time. This is a most interesting book. A Mr White rang you this morning. It’s so cold a day.

47 定冠词 1、表示特定的或上文已提到的人或物。 I bought a pen. The pen is red.
2、指说话人和听话人都熟悉的人或事物。 Jack is in the library. 3、用在姓氏的复数前表示夫妇二人或一家人。 The Kings are having dinner now. 4、用在某些形容词前表示一类人或事物。 the poor, the old, the rich 5、“the+比较级…, the+比较级…”表示“越……,越……,” / the+比较级+of+两者的范围 The more, the better. He is the taller of the twins.

48 6、“动词+某人+介词+the+人体某一部分”结构。
I hit him on the nose. I hit her in the face. 7、用于江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、沙漠等前 the Pacific, the desert, the Himalayas 8、用于含有普遍名词的专有名词前。 the People’s Republic of China,in the open air 9、用在世界上独一无二的事物、演奏的乐器、 表示方位的名词、序数词、最高级前。 I like playing the guitar. Taiwan is in the southeast of China. The first month of the year is January.

49 不用冠词的情况。 1、在表示人名、地名、国家的专有名词前。 2、在节日,假日,星期几,月份,季节,日期前。 3、在球类运动、一日三餐、棋类前。 4、学科、语言、称呼语的名词前。 5、在某些固定词组里,名词之前常不用冠词。 6、两个名词表示相对关系时。 mother and son, husband and wife They are doctor and patient. play chess by air, at night, go to bed, on foot, at home, from morning till night 等。

50 习 题 一、选择 1、Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a __ one. A. three B. third C. fourth D./ 2、Pass me___ dictionary next to the radio, and I also need __ pen to write something. A. a, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, a 3、Bob is __ 11-year-old boy, but he knows a lot about the Chinese history. A. an B. a C. the D./ 4、_______ fine weather! Let’s go out to fly a kite. A. What B. How C. How a D. What a B D A A

51 B 5、Jack bought ______ useful book. _____ book is also very interesting. A. an, The B. a, The C. an, A D. a, A 6、___ Whites are going to the park this Sunday. They are going for ___ walk now. A. The ,/ B. The, a C. A, a D. /, a 7、Look at ____ window ! There is ______ fly on it. A. a, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, a 8、_______ you work, _______ result you will get. A. Harder, better B. The harder, the better C. The hard, the good D. Hard, good B D B

52 A D C D 9、_____ India and China are of _______ same continent.(大洲)。
A. /, the B. The , the C. /,/ D. /, a 10、My friend Bob likes to play _____ basketball before _____ supper. the, the B. /, the C. the, / D. /, / 11. My mother is ill. She is still in ___ hospital. I want to go to ___ hospital to see her. the, the B. /, / C. /, the D. the, / 12. The book is too difficult for ______ young. A./ B. a C. an D. the D C D

53 how much /how many的用法 how much修饰_______________. how many修饰_______________. There are two bags of rice in the room. 为什么are要变为is呢? 不可数名词 可数名词复数 How many bags of rice are there in the room? How much rice is there in the room?

54 根据相关短语,翻译下列句子。 1.冰箱里有多少罐狗食? 2.你需要多少钱?你想要买多少张明信片? 3.我喜欢(enjoy)和我的朋友们分享我的快乐。 4.这把钥匙扣是你的吗?(两种译法) 5. 每天Lily要花2小时做家务。 How many tins of dog food are there in the fridge? How much money do you need? How many postcards would you like to buy? I enjoy sharing my happiness with my friends. Is this key ring yours? Does this key ring belong to you? It takes Lily two hours to do housework every day. Lily spends two hours doing housework every day.

55 6. 长茂镇没有多少污染。 7. 我的毛衣和你的不一样。 8.你为什么不住在2楼呢? 9.现在我的房间里挤满了人。 10.你能带领我们参观长茂中学吗? There is not much pollution in Changmao Town. My sweater is different from yours. (isn’t the same as) Why don’t you live on the second floor? Now my room is full of people. (is filled with) Can you show us around Changmao Middle School?

56 2.There is no apple. =There is________ apple.
1.There is no dog food.=There is ______ dog food. 2.There is no apple. =There is________ apple. 3.There are no apples. =There are _______ apples. 4、It takes about 20 minutes _______(get) to the nearest town. not any not an not any to get

57 5、If you can’t find all your souvenirs here, we can take you to other malls.
6、It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground. 7、There is less air pollution in the town than in other areas of Beijing. 8、We like it because we are close to our friends.

58 9、I am going to show you around my hometown.
10、You can choose any food you like. 11、Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us? 12、How much meat /How many oranges do you have? 14 near/nearby The boy ____ the door rushed out as soon as he heard the bell.(near/ near to的适当形式) Let’s go to the _____ shop and buy something to eat. (near/nearby的适当形式)

59 7BUnit3复习纲要 一、正确朗读及背诵单词。(barbecue)
二、 Read the passage on P44 skillfully. 三、 记忆P44的词汇解释。 四、 掌握一般将来时的用法。 五、 学会写邀请信。 六、 了解一些标志。 七、 语法

60 Turn left Turn right Straight on No Parking Slow down 可以吸烟

61 No smoking Save water Danger/Poison Stop Public phone No entry

62 防潮 Push Pull peace On business Toilet

63 No photos APEC WTO WHO the Red Cross UNICEF

64 Oxfam ORBIS WWF UN Project Hope World Vision

65 Skiing Keep quiet Swimming Swimming boating diving recycle

66 turning和crossing在表示路口时有什么不同?
2. 在路口转弯的两种表达 crossing常指十字路口turning则不能。 turn right / left at the 序数词 crossing take the 序数词 turning on the right/left

67 2.Can you tell me the way ___ the town? on B. in C. of D. to
3.There are ________(million) of websites on the Internet. 4. We look forward to ______(see) you at our party. D 回忆其它几个用to而不用of表示所属关系的名词。 millions seeing


69 一般将来时 概念: 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。 基本结构: 否定形式:
一般疑问句: _________________等动词在口语中用“现在进行时”表示主语计划将要作的动作。 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。 am/is/are/going to + V原形 或will/shall + V原形 在be/will/shall后加not be放于句首或will/shall提到句首 fly, come, go, leave

70 习题 明天你准备给你的妈妈买什么? What will you buy for your mother tomorrow? 下个学期史密斯一家将要到伦敦度假. The Smiths will spend their holidays in London. (go to London for their holidays.) Jack will go to work next Monday.(对划线部分提问) What will Jack do next Monday?

71 1. ---They ________________(attend) an important meeting the month after next, right?
---No, they aren’t. 2. They _____________ (visit) the Great Wall tomorrow, aren’t they? 3. A: ___ the professor____ (buy) me some gifts next week? B: Yes, he will. are going to attend are going to visit Will buy 思考:一般将来时的两种结构皆可吗?为什么?

72 1. 通常女孩子怕狗。(害怕… ___________)
2. 我每天乘小轿车上班。(上班________乘轿车_____) 3. 他抓住了那个贼,立刻开车把他送到了警局。 (立刻_______)(开车送某人到…__________) 4.在第二个路口向右拐,然后你就可以找到邮局。 (在第…个路口向左/右拐__________________________) ( ____________________________ ) be afraid of Usually girls are afraid of dogs. go to work by car I go to work by car every day. at once drive sb to He caught the thief and drove him to the police station at once. turn right/left at the… crossing take the … turning on the right/left Turn right at the second crossing, and then you’ll find the post office. Take the second turning on the right.

73 5. 当我走进教室时,所有的学生都停止讲话,开始做作业。
(停止做某事___________停下来去做某事____________) 6. 那个强盗用一个刀子撬开了那个银行的大门。 7. Mr. King左边的那个妇女下个月要飞去美国。 (在…左边___________乘飞机去…__________________ ) stop to do sth stop doing sth When I went into the classroom, all the students stopped talking to do homework. That robber opened the door of the bank with a knife That robber used a knife to open the door of the bank. fly to/go to…by plane on the left of The woman on Mr. King’s left will fly to USA next month.

74 对划线部分提问。 He is going to study in our school. 2. The twins go to school by bus every day. 3. They are playing games on the playground. What is he going to do in your school? How do the twins go to school every day? What are they doing on the playground?

75 写出所给词的适当形式。 4. He _____________(visit) the Great Wall next Sunday, isn’t he? ____ they ____ (buy) me some presents? ---No, they won’t. 6. ---____ they ___________ (plant) any trees tomorrow? --- Yes, they are. Where is June? ---She __________ (water ) the flowers in the garden. 8. The girl in blue _____(bring) her toys to school every day. is going to visit Will buy Are going to plant is watering brings

76 9. Tom, don’t go home, ________?(反义疑问句)
10. The policeman works very hard. (感叹句) 11. June is a very easygoing girl. (感叹句) will you How hard the policeman works! What an easygoing girl June is!

77 7BUnit4复习纲要 一、正确朗读及背诵单词。 二、Read the passage on P58 skillfully. 三、教育学生正确认识一些自然现象和生活现象。 四、记忆P59的词汇解释。 五、掌握代词的用法以及名词的所有格。 六、搜集有关鱼和大象等动物的信息。P66-70 七、一般过去时 八、语法

78 woodpecker red –crowned crane nightingale piegon crow

79 eagle/hawk Cuckoo杜鹃 parrot parrot owl

80 grasshopper ant worm butterfly

81 swan swallow sparrow seagull

82 moth mosquito dragonfly fly

83 goat sheep deer snail

84 giraffe zebra horse elephant

85 lobster crab dragon dinosaur

86 tortoise/turtle toad frog crocodile

87 The White Shark whale dolphin penguin

88 rabbit goose hare duck

89 ape/gorilla bear panda monkey kangaroo

90 donkey camel fox mouse squirrel

91 wolf tiger lion snake

92 1. Fish sleep_________________.
2. Elephants walk _________________. 3. One frog __________________________________ 4. The most dangerous animal is___________. 5. The camel is called___________________. 6. ________________ is called the king of animals. with their eyes open on tiptoe. (on foot) like this has enough poison to kill about 2200 people. the mosquito “the boat in the desert” The tiger or the lion

93 感叹句 掌握判别使用 how/what的方法: 先谓后主再瘦身,明星(名词)模特(what)形象(形容词副词)好(how)。
可数名词分单复,记忆能力可培养。 天气消息不准确,大雨时刻要小心。 兄弟五个不齐心,乌鸦(u)发出元辅音。 句子结构多思量,受益无穷快乐多。

94 A A D A A 1. _________clever girl she is!
A. What a B. What C. How a D. how 2. __________interesting story it is! A. What an B. What a C. How an D. How 3. _________ wonderful time we have had. A.How B.How a C.What D.What a 4. ____________memories they have! A.What good B. What a good C. How good D. How a good 5. which is true? A How tall the buildings are! B What tall the buildings are! C How tall buildings they are! D what a tall buildings they are! A A D A A

95 6. ___________bad the weather is!
A. How B. What C. What a D. How a 7. ______________good news it is ! A.How B. What a C. How a D. What 8. ___________ he writes. A. How good B. How well C. What good D. What well A D B

96 How delicious 将下列句子改为感叹句 The fried fish tastes very delicious.
2. New York is very beautiful. ____________ New York is! 3. The book is very useful. ____________ book it is! 4. The information is very important. _____ important information! 5. The babies are playing happily. ___________ the babies are playing! How delicious How beautiful What a useful What How happily

97 1、几千年前,妇女穿丝和棉做的衣服。(75页)
2、人们以黄继光命名这个村庄。 (以…命名…____________) 3、乌龟能活到150年。(达到…_____) 4、去年那个女孩是一个工人。 Thousands of years ago, women wore clothes made of silk and cotton. name… after People name the village after Huang Jiguang. up to Tortoises can live up to 150 years old. Last year the girl was a worker.

98 5、你不可能同时睁着眼和打喷嚏.(同时_____________)
6、昨天,他和平常一样步行上学. (和平常一样________) 7、那个贼一看到警察,就立刻逃跑了。 (一…就…_________) 8、那个70岁的老人每天都自言自语。 (自言自语_____________) at the same time You can’t keep your eyes open and sneeze at the same time. as usual Yesterday he went to school on foot as usual. as soon as The thief ran away at once as soon as he saw the policeman. say to oneself The 70-year-old man says to himself every day.

99 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1、--- When ___ you ___ (see) the cat? --- I ____(see) it just now. 2、They ______ (stop) crying when they ____(meet) their mother. 3、We _______ (send) our penfriends some photos of the Great Wall tomorrow morning. 4、Every day, he ____ ( go) to work without ______(have) breakfast last term. did see saw stopped met will send went having

100 at birth take turns ran into On the way in history

101 二、Read the passage on P74 skillfully 三、正确使用一般过去时和v-ved的规则
Units 5-6 一、正确朗读及背诵单词。 二、Read the passage on P74 skillfully 三、正确使用一般过去时和v-ved的规则 四、记忆P75的词汇解释和P77的反义词。 五、语法: 掌握情态动词的用法。 学会尊重和保护动物,以及如何照顾动物。 复习巩固感叹句的用法。

102 一般过去时 概念: 基本结构: 否定形式: 一般疑问句: 同学们常犯的错误是什么?
过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。 was/were或Ved was/were+not或didn't+V Was/Were+主语+…? 或Did+主语+V原形+…?

103 习题 去年我的父亲住在南京. Last year my father lived in Nanjing. 前年他是一个工人.
He was a worker the year before last. 上个月她们没有去英国. They didn’t go to England last month.

104 1、Mary did some washing last Sunday.
(变为否定句和一般疑问句及对划线部分提问) Mary didn’t do any washing last Sunday. Did Mary do any washing last Sunday? (这两句中的did与原句中的did相同吗?) What did Mary do last Sunday? 思考:同学们常犯的错误是什么? 2、She put out the fire with a blanket. (变为否定句) She didn’t put out the fire with a blanket. 你是怎么思考的?

105 1、A: ___ you ____ (go) to the World Museum yesterday?
B: Yes, I ____. It’s very interesting. A: What a pity! I _________ (not go) with you. B: Don’t worried. I can tell you everything. A: ____you ___(see) a strange bird? B: Yes. I ____(see) a dodo. The last dodo ____(die) in 1681. A: What else ___ you ___ (see)? B: Frogs. They are beautiful but poisonous. A: ___ the guide ___ (tell) you anything interesting? B: She also ____(give) us some small gifts. A: ___ you ___ (take) photos? B: No, we ______. Did go did didn’t go Did see saw died did see Did tell gave Did take didn’t

106 V-ved的规则 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 一般情况+ed 以辅音字母加y结尾,变y为i, 再加ed

107 help dance stop put swim try destroy hear helped danced stopped put
把下列动词改为过去式 help dance stop put swim try destroy hear helped danced stopped put swam tried destroyed heard

108 be careful 1、小心 2、希望工程 3、敬老院 4、扑灭… 5、住院 6、互相 7、考虑,想到 8、盼望 9、迷路 10、擅长… 11、一点也不 Project Hope the home for the elderly put out be in hospital each other think of look forward to lose one’s way / get lost be good at/ do well in not … at all

109 12、忘记去做某事 13、忘记做过某事 14、没问题 15、没关系 16、照顾 17、教某人干某事 18、在去…的路上 19、收到…的来信 20、尽力 forget to do sth forget doing sth no problem It doesn’t matter/never mind take care of /look after teach sb to do sth on one’s way to hear from do one’s best

110 1、在家小心用火。 2、我们可以用沙子扑灭火。 3、我们应该互相学习,互相帮助。 4、上星期三小Jack在上学的路上迷路了。 5、那个60岁的老太太很健忘,总是忘记吃过饭了。 Be careful with fire at home. We can put out the fire with sand. We should learn from each other and help each other. Last Wednesday Little Jack lost his way on his way to school. (got lost) The 60-year-old woman is very forgetful and always forgets having meals.

111 6、晚上不回家的时候,不要忘记告诉你的父母。
7、我每天都盼望收到你的来信。 8、Lily一点也不喜欢蔬菜。 9、我们应该尽力做好每件事。 When you don’t go home at night, don’t forget to tell your parents. I look forward to hearing from you every day. Lily doesn’t like vegetables at all. We should try our best to do everything well.

112 10、在公共汽车上,我们应该给老人让座。 11、当我们不在厨房时,不要让炉子开着。 12、你能教我怎么学习英语吗? On the bus, we should give our seats to the elderly. When we aren’t in the kitchen, don’t let the stove on. Can you teach me how to study English?

113 对划线部分提问。 1、The boy could swim when he was 8. 2、They are listening to the teacher in the classroom. 将下列句子改为感叹句 1、The fish is swimming happily in the pool. ____________ the fish is swimming in the pool! 2、The boy is very brave. ____________ boy! What could the boy do when he was 8? What are they doing in the classroom? How happily What a brave

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