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重音 重音分单词重音和语句重音两种。 只要是有两个音节以上的单词都有一个重音,一些长的单词有两个重音。
单词重音规则 在英语中,许多常用名词和动词重音往往在第一个音节上 ’English ’language ’learner ’students
’father ’mother ’teacher ’people ’sister ’brother ’family ’pretty
单词重音规则 带有前缀be-, in-, dis-, ex-, un-的双音节和多音节词,重音几乎都落在第二或第三个音节上,因为英语的前缀是不重读的 be’come in’vite dis’tract ex’pect dis’cover in’form ex’clude un’do be’gin un’lock dis’close ex’plode
单词重音规则 英语所有词的后缀都不重读。而且,许多后缀可以决定重音的位置。在带有后缀的长单词(3-6个音节)中,重音总是在词的中间,而不在第一或第二个音节上 pre’ventive he’roic im’pressive es’sential in’vention in’fectious oppor’tunity in’vestigator vo’cabulary
单词重音规则 单词加后缀-able以后,重音保持不变 re’liable ’comfortably ’national
de’pendable ’knowledgeable a’daptable
复合名词读音规则 名词+名词:重音倾向于落在第一个音节上 a ’postman a ’newspaper a ’blackbird
a ’keyboard a ’chairman a ’salesgirl 形容词+名词:如果两个词已变成一个合成词,重音在第一个音节上;否则都要重读 This is the ’greenhouse. This is the ’green ’house. I see a ’hotdog. I see a ’hot ’dog.
复合名词读音规则 外语者常犯的错误 外语者 母语者 ‘fountain ‘pen ‘fountain pen
外语者 母语者 ‘fountain ‘pen ‘fountain pen ‘grand’mother ‘grandmother ‘English ‘teacher ‘English teacher
如果单词分开写或有连字符? 如果单词分开写,有可能单,有可能双重音。 单,双重音意义不同, 双重音的含义??
1) 双重音的复合词似乎有OF 结构 woman doctor, 2) 两个词指的是同一个人或事的不同方面 family size. 3) 由两个词组成,第一个词是第二个词的材料
复合形容的重音 Due to the influence of rhythm, many compound adjectives with even stress when they are predicative and only one stress when they are attributive. The teacher of the school was kind-hearted. The kind-hearted teacher understood the difficulties of the pupils.
重音转移(Stress Shifts) 1) Rhythmical Stress
Rhythm causes variations in word stress. In words of two syllables having two stresses, the first of the stressed syllables loses its stress when immediately preceded by another stressed syllable. The second stressed syllable loses its stress when immediately followed by another stressed syllables.
重音转移(Stress Shifts) 1) Rhythmical Stress Double Drop the first
‘after’noon ‘this after’noon ‘four’teen ‘He is four’teen ‘in’side ‘come in’side ‘un’known ‘quite un’known ‘second-’hand ‘all second-’hand
重音转移(Stress Shifts) 1) Rhythmical Stress Double Drop the second
‘after’noon an ‘afternoon ‘lesson ‘four’teen ‘fourteen ‘years of ‘age ‘in’side an ‘inside ‘seat ‘un’known an ‘unknown ‘fact
重音转移(Stress Shifts) 2) Contrasting Stress
dis’honest ‘honest and ‘dishonest ‘in’accurate ‘accurate and ‘inaccurate im’perfect ‘perfect and ‘imperfect
重音转移(Stress Shifts) 3) Alternative Stress
拼写相同但词性不同的词:名词重音都在第一个音节上,动词重音在第二个音节上 contest contrast discount record import produce digest export survey protest refuse object
语句重读(语调单元里的重读) 一个单词的某个音节会予以重读,与此类似,在一个语调单元里,某个单词会予以重读。 相关研究表明,中国的英语学习者大部分对语调单元的重音,即该重读的单词所知甚少,往往将语境中无需重读的单词予以重读,而应该重读的单词不予重读。 因此培养学生根据语境选择重读单词的意识非常必要。
语句重读 语调组中重读单词的选择与语境和说话者意图有直接的关系。在同一个语音单元里,予以重读的单词不同,说话人的意图就不通,其言外之意也不一样。 那么在一个语调单元里,一般什么样的单词会予以重读呢?根据Brazil 的理论,在具体的语境下,有两种单词可能会重读,1)说话人有意用来区别于其他同类事物的单词,2) 承载着新信息的单词。下面我们分别用例句解释。
语句重读 1. 说话人有意用来区别于其他同类事物的单词。 a) Tom told John all the secrets.
[Not just a few secrets.] 说话人把ALL 这个单词予以重读,其意图是强调“所有的”概念,而不是“a few”,也不是“many”等其他同类的不定代词。
语句重读 b) Tom told John all the secrets.
[She didn’t tell Harold or Richard or…] 通过重读John,说话人有意强调是这个人,而非harold, 或者 Richard 等其他人。
语句重读 c) Tom told John all the secrets.
[She didn’t hint, imply, or write them…] 通过重读told,说话人有意强调是告诉,以区别“暗示”,或“写下”等其他同类的动作行为。
语句重读 2. 承载着新信息的单词。 在语调单元里,传递听话人未知信息的单词都需予以重读。这一点我们可以通过下面两个对话来解释。 对话一:
Q: How many apples are there? A: There are three apples
语句重读 对话二: Q: Where are three apples? A: There are three apples.
我们现在再来对比一组对话。 1) A: I’ll come in tomorrow. B: We’re closed tomorrow. 2 ) A: When are you closed?
语句重读 一般来说,句子中实词重读,虚词不重读
名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词是实词 冠词、介词、连词、助动词是虚词 一般来说,代词不重读,如her, me, it等,但指示代词和疑问代词,如this, what要重读。
语句重音-特例情况 A content word, which normally has sentences stress, appearing for the second time in a sentence or in a short context, is not stressed. (见前面的例子)
The stressing of some function words:
Function words are usually unstressed in a sentence. Verbs that may be used as auxiliaries: 1. the affirmative forms (肯定形式) of ‘be’ and auxiliary verbs are stressed in tag questions(附加疑问句) (e.g. She isn’t a doctor, is she?) and at the beginning of questions (e.g. Have you finished?) (see exercise 1.5); 2. ‘may’ & ‘might’ are stressed when indicating possibility (e.g. This may or may not be true.) (see exercise 1.7). Conjunctions: when the conjunctions have an emphatic meaning (e.g. although, even if/though), they are stressed. (see exercise 1.8)
Listen for Stress "You have been trifling with me," he cried. "I am off to the Pyramids. Good-bye!" and he flew away. All day long he flew, and at night-time he arrived at the city. "Where shall I put up?" he said; "I hope the town has made preparations. "Then he saw the statue on the tall column. "I will put up there," he cried; "it is a fine position, with
Listen for stress plenty of fresh air." So he alighted just between the feet of the Happy Prince. "I have a golden bedroom," he said softly to himself as he looked round, and he prepared to go to sleep; but just as he was putting his head under his wing a large drop of water fell on him. "What a curious thing!" he cried; "there is not a single cloud in the sky, the stars are quite clear and bright, and yet it is raining. The climate in the north of Europe is really dreadful. The Reed used to like the rain, but that was merely her selfishness."
Listen for stress Microsoft has fought legal battles with officials in Europe and the United States over competition in the personal computer market. But now Microsoft is accusing Google of being anti-competitive. A complaint to the European Commission accuses Google of unfairly controlling the Internet search market in Europe. Google is already talking to the commission about the issue and says it is happy to explain to anyone how its business works. (网上)
Two Types of Rhythm Every language in the world has its own rhythmic patterns. There are two types of rhythm in the world’s languages: Stress-timing (重音定时节奏) and syllable-timing (音节定时节奏) Stress-timing: Equal intervals between stressed syllables (重读音节之间使用一样的时间间隔) Prototypical languages: English, Dutch, German Syllable-timing: Equal syllable durations (每个音节使用一样的时间长度) Prototypical languages: French, Spanish All languages of the world are said to fall into one group or the other
Rhythm in English speech is based on stress (英语的节奏基于重读,或者节奏以重读音节为节奏单位)
The English speech is Stress-timing, that is, the stressed syllables follow each other at roughly equal intervals of time. In English, variation of syllables or words that have strong stress with those that have weaker or reduced stress is typical and contributes to the rhythm of English. Therefore, rhythm in English speech is based on stress. A rhythm unit is formed by a stressed syllable, together with unstressed syllables which may come before that stress and/or after it.
Rhythm in English speech is based on stress (英语的节奏基于重读,或者节奏以重读音节为节奏单位)
Example Two: read the following pairs of phrases and sentences. Black or white? It was black and it was white. soft and light It's soft and it's light. Dan and Sue It was Danny and it was Susie. bread and milk Some bread and some milk. Get a purse. Get us her purse. a dark room It was dark in the room. cold winter It was cold in the winter. Note: it takes about the same length of time to say each pair of these phrases and sentences because the number of syllables may vary but the number of stressed syllables are the same.
Rhythm Unit A rhythm unit = one [and only one] stressed syllable [+ unstressed syllable(s)] E.g.: "Who’s/ "coming to the/ "birthday/ "party? (4 rhythm units) It was a "cold/ De"cember/ "morning. (3 rhythm units)
Three chief features of a rhythm unit:
1. it contains one (and only one) stressed syllable and it may also contain unstressed syllables. 2. no matter how many syllables a rhythm unit may contain, it is spoken in almost the same length of time as the other rhythm units.
3. In a rhythm unit, unstressed syllables are quite short before the stressed syllable, and relatively long after the stress. E.g.: It was a "cold/ De"cember/ "morning. “It was a” and “De” are quite short. But “-ber” and “-ning” are fairly long.
英语话语的重读规律是: 重读与非重读音节相间出现。重读音节与紧跟其后的非重读音节一起组成重音组。在不受迟疑(可使人说话速度放慢)或激动(可使人说话速度加快)等因素影响的情况下, 话语中重音之间的间隔时间大致相等。也就是说,根据英语的节奏规律,话语说起来所需的时间不决定于它有多少个词,多少个音节,而决定于它有多少个句子重音。假如句子重音之间的非重读音节数多,结果必然是说起来要快一些,含糊一些。
总之: 一句话说起来所需时间长短不取决于句中的单词数或音节数, 而取决于句中有多少个重读音节。
句中重读音节相继出现的地方,通常语速会慢一些, 音节听起来自然也清楚一些。 重读音节之间拥挤着出现的非重读音节听起来轻快而且含糊。 练习英语话语节奏的重点是:学会顺利地、匀称地从一个重读音节移动到下一个重读音节,特别要学会把重读音节中间夹带的非重读音节读好。
重音节奏模式、重音模式、节奏型 o O I think he knows we ought He is. o O o I think so.
He knows it. We ought to.
O O take out put off Try hard. Read this. Look out. Time’s up. Make haste. Next week. Work hard. Good work. Well done. That’s true. Hold on. All right. That’s all. Not yet. Please do. Oh, no. Yes, please. No, thanks.
Come along. Hurry up. Practice hard. Word by word. Try it out. Carry on. Let me see. Good idea. Ring me up. What a crowd. Quite a bit. Thanks a lot. O o O out of date hard and fast heart and soul take away put aside Try again. Read again. Look inside. Never mind. Wait and See. Leave at once.
O o o O Try it again. Read it again. Look at the book. Take it away. Put it aside. Lots to be done. Lend me a hand Get in the crops. Clear it away. Bring him along. Once in a while. Hardly enough. Nothing at all. Just for a while. Drop me a line. Send it by mail. Right over there. Not in the least.
o O o O the latest news a waste of time a lot of noise a better chance I want to know. We thought it was. He told me this. I think he will. I think it is. He knows it all. We ought to know. You’re late for lunch. I’d like to come. I’m sure you will. I’ll see you off. It’s hard to say. It doesn’t work. I’ve no idea. Our time is up. It sounds so strange.
O o O o quite a lot of Wait a moment. Let’s get started. Wait a minute. Time is precious. Let me help you. Glad to see you. Come and help me. Glad to hear it. Go and get it. Just imagine.
o O o o O I wanted to know. We left it behind. He told me to come. I think he will come.
o O o o O I wanted you to know. We thought it would be fine. He told me he could come. I think he will be there.
o O o O o I think he wants to. You’ll get it later.
I’ve thought it over. Repeat the sentence. I’m glad to see you. You’re always welcome. I hope you like it. I’d like to hear it. I beg your pardon. You’d better hurry. I’m very sorry. It doesn’t matter.
o O o o O o o I think that he wants us to. You’ll get it on Saturday.
I’ve thought the thing over. Repeat it again for me. I’ll borrow another one. They’ve all gone on holiday. It’s very unfortunate. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Let’s open the other one. The price has gone up again.
She wants us to be there tomorrow.
o O o o o O o o I wanted you to write about them. It’s not the one I borrowed from you. It’s interesting to read about them. o O o o o o o O o She wants us to be there tomorrow.
o O o o o O o o o He didn’t think it interesting. Remember what your teacher told you. I took it to a watch repairer. He didn’t want to talk about it.
O o O o O Carry it away. Everything is clear. Follow my advice.
Bring along your friend. See you in a week. Try to be in time. Come and have a look. Leave it on the desk. Cut it with a knife.
o O o O o O o O I told him not to go away.
He left the room without a word. I saw him standing all alone. They said they had to leave at once.
o O o o o O o o o O I think it was an excellent idea.
There isn’t really quite enough for two. The bus is more convenient than the train. They finished it the day before she came. We haven’t got an envelope to match. I shouldn’t be surprised if she forgot.
o O o O o o O o o O You know we ought to discuss it today.
It’s not what I wanted to ask you about. I told you not to allow him to go. We haven’t got time to arrange for it now.
Your Turn Take it to them. Give it to him. Take them away from me.
Read it with me. Show it to him. Study it with them. Hold it for me. Do it for me. Get some for us. Open it for me. Bring them to her. Let me see them. Take them away from me. Where did you see them? Why didn’t you give them to me? Go to him and tell him about it. Let me have a look at you. When did he tell you about it?
Your Turn a cloth/ a piece of cloth/ a piece of white cloth/ a large piece of white cloth/ a large piece of pure white cloth/ This is a large piece of pure white cloth. a boy/ a naughty boy/ a very naughty boy/ a very naughty English schoolboy/ Jack is a very naughty English schoolboy. a telephone/ a public telephone/ two public telephones/ two public telephones on Platform 4/ two new public telephones on Platform 4/ There are two new public telephones on Platform 4. More Exercise: pp. 91~93, Handbook
Nursery Rhymes and Poems
Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better best.
Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses And all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after. Up got Jack, and home did trot As fast as he could caper He went to bed and bound his head With vinegar and brown paper.
Three Blind Mice Three blind mice, three blind mice,
See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice?
Peas pudding hot Peas pudding hot, Peas pudding cold, Peas pudding in the pot Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot
Mary had a little lamb Mary had a little lamb
its fleece was white as snow; And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, which was against the rule; It made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out,
but still it lingered near, And waited patiently about till Mary did appear. “Why does the lamb love Mary so?” the eager children cry; “Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know” the teacher did reply.
朗读下面的短文 When an American today says “my family is coming to visit,” he or she is using family to include cousins, uncles, grandparents, or any other relatives who do not live with him or her. That is, this person is using family the way it was used 150 years ago when the majority of Americans were farmers. In that earlier time, of course, three or more generations lived under one roof.
Yet family is a very vague word
Yet family is a very vague word. It can mean, for example, the speaker’s parents, who do not live with him or her. On the other hand, it can mean uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, first and second cousins, or even in-laws. As a result, the expression immediate family has come into use. It means something between the narrowest use of family and the broadest one: usually the grandparents, their children and their children’s children.
Thank You !
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