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Unit 1 Living well Language points. dumb and deaf blind loss of an arm or leg paralyzed mental disability … disabled adj. disabilityn. 残疾的 He never gives.

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1 Unit 1 Living well Language points

2 dumb and deaf blind loss of an arm or leg paralyzed mental disability … disabled adj. disabilityn. 残疾的 He never gives up his life in spite of his physical. And now he calls on the people all over the country to care for the. disability disabled

3 2 ambition n. 野心,雄心 A boy who is filled with ambition usually works hard. His ambition to become the Prime Minister is likely to be real. 他要做首相的雄心可能会实现 He has great ambitions.

4 1)be beneficial to sth./sb. 有益于 e.g. Sunshine is beneficial to plants. 2) benefit n. e.g. That experience was of great benefit to me. Give up smoking for the benefit of your health. 3) benefit vt./vi. e.g. We benefit from daily exercise. Morning jogging will benefit us in long run. 3 beneficial a. 有利的, 有益的

5 word 的相关短语 keep one’s word 履行诺言 big words 大话 in a word 总而言之 word for word 逐字逐句 4 in other words 换句话说 In other words, you'll have to wait here. 换句话说,也就是说 that is to say, in other words I just got 45 points in English test,, I failed. in other words that is,i.e.,

6 5 clumsy (1) 笨拙的, 不灵巧的 You clumsy guy ! You’ve knocked over my coffee ! 瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡! (2)( 对人 ) 不灵巧的, 不圆滑的 She is a clumsy girl. 她不是一个机灵的女孩. (3) be clumsy with sth / at doing sth 在 … 方面不灵巧 He is clumsy with chopsticks / at using chopsticks.

7 (3) adapt (oneself) to 适应 … be well adapted to 非常适应 He is quick to adapt (himself) to new circumstances. 他很快适应新的环境. These flowers are well adapted the conditions of rooms. 这些花非常适应室内的环境. 6. adapt (1)( 使 ) 适应, ( 使 ) 适合 He couldn’t adapt his way of life to the company. The children found it hard to adapt to their new school. (2) 改造, 修改, 改编 It’s hard to adapt the story for the film. 要把这故事改编成电影很难. been adapted for the primary school pupils. When he moved to Canada, the children _____________________________ (很能适应变化) These books have _______________________________ ______________ ( 为小学生改编的 ) adapted to the change very well.

8 词义辨析: adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match adapt: 指修改或改变以适应新条件 adjust: 多指 “ 调整,调节 ” 使之适应 fit: 多指 “ 大小适合 ” ,引申为 “ 吻合 ” suit: 多指 “ 合乎要求、口味、性格、情况 ” match: 指 “ 大小、色调、形状、性质 ” 等相配或相称 1.You can’t see through the telescope until it is ________ to your eyes. 2.The shoes _______ me well. 3.A red jacket doesn’t _________ green trousers. 4.No dish _________ all tastes. 5.You should ________ yourself to the new environment. adjusted fit match suits adapt exercise

9 7. absence n. 缺席,不在某处 absent adj. be absent from… 缺席, 不在 He was absent from the meeting. 他今天开会缺席。 presence n. 出席, 到场, 在场 present adj. be present at… 出现于 His boss told him to be present at the monthly meeting.

10 8. annoy 使 … 不悦;惹恼 These flies are annoying me. 这些苍蝇使我烦恼. be annoyed with sb 生某人的气 因为玛丽忘了给她打电话, 她就很生玛 丽的气. She was _______ ____ Mary ___ _________ to phone her. annoy(v) 惹恼, 使 … 感到生气 annoyed 生气的 ( 修饰人 ) (adj) annoying 令人生气的 ( 修饰物 ) (adj) I was at the news. annoyed annoying annoyed with for forgetting

11 9.all in all 总而言之 All in all, he's more learned than he was ten years ago. 总的说来,他比 10 年前更有学问了。 He has his faults, but, all in all, he is a good helper. 他虽有缺点,但总的说来,他是一个好帮手。 laugh at sb.make fun of It is not polite to the disabled. make fun of 10. make fun of sb. 取笑某人 It‘s cruel to make fun of a blind man. 取笑一个瞎子是残忍的。 laugh at sb. 嘲笑, 因... 而笑 play a joke on sb. 开个玩笑 tease sb about sth. 戏弄某人

12 11. courage (n) 勇气 (v 鼓励 ) ( n 鼓励) (adj 令人鼓舞的 ) ( adj 受鼓舞的) encourage encouragement encouraging encouraged I didn’t dare to speak English in class due to my lack of, so I failed in my English test. My father always me to try speaking English loudly in front of him. Thanks to his, I was not afraid of speaking English in public. So when we got the news that I passed the final English exam, we were all. courage encouraged encouragement encouraging encouraged encourage sb to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 My parents encourage me to become a teacher.

13 Sophia was born deaf in 1798. At the very beginning, she was always by her classmates because of her.What’s worse, there were no schools for the deaf at that time. However, Sophia didn’t get ( 生气 的 ). She made an effort to herself to her life. Her parents gave her a great deal of a_______. Under her parents’ e, Sophia gradually learned to be, in _____ words, she didn’t depend on others any more, especially her parents. made fun of disability annoyed adapt assistanceencouragement independent other

14 She was only 20 when she g a deaf university. Her was to set up a college for the deaf, calling on people to care for the.At last, her dream came true, and her friends came to her establishing a deaf school. graduated from ambition disabled congratulate on

15 1. I have a very busy life and I don’t have time to sit around feeling sorry for myself. She lay in bed staring at the last leaf on the tree. Sentence Analysis 2. If I had the chance to say …, it would be this… 3. Just accept them for who they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.

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