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English for Mining Engineering

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1 English for Mining Engineering

2 Lesson One deliver (1)(使)发表,(使)发达;
Speech Delivered at the First International Mine Planning & Development Symposium 在第一界国际矿山规划和开发学术讨论会上的发言(讲话) deliver (1)(使)发表,(使)发达; ~a speech at a meeting; ~oneself of an opinion. (2)交付;~sth to sb 把某物交给某人 (3)释放;~ sb from danger 救某人出险 symposium (复数symposia 或symposiums)(专题,学术)讨论会

3 Ladies and Gentlemen (女士们,先生们) Friends: (朋友们)
Today ,so many distinguished personages and experts in the field of mining from various countries the world over have happily gathered here for academic discussions and technical exchanges in mine planning & development. distinguished 卓越的,杰出的,高贵的;personages 要人,名流 experts 专家; field 领域;academic discussions 学术讨论; technical 工艺的,技术/技能的exchanges交流/互换; May I exchange seats with you?我和你调一下座位可以吗? ~ ambassadors 互换大使 当今世界各国采矿方面杰出的要人和专家欢聚此地进行采矿规划及开发的学术讨论和技术交流。

4 On behalf of the chinese mining circles ,I would like to express to you our warm welcome for your presence and also our congratulations to your achievements in mine planning and development. On behalf of 代表; mining circles 采矿界; cultural/academic/theatrical/business circles 文化/学术/戏剧/商 界 Would like to 喜欢做某事(使语气婉转) presence 出席/到场; at present 目前/现在;up to the present 至今; Congratulation 祝贺;achievements 成绩/成就; 我代表中国的采矿界,对你们的到来表示热烈的欢迎以及对你们在采矿规划与开发方面所取得的成就表示(衷心)祝贺。

5 We regard the symposium as a good opportunity to learn from our foreign friends, and I feel greatly honoured to be able to attend the symposium and given a chance to speak here and to exchange views with you. I’d also like to thank you for the precious time you spare me. Regard ….as 把……看作;precious 宝贵的/珍贵的;~metals贵金属;~stones 宝石、钻石;precise 精确的/准确的/明确的 我们把这个讨论会看作是一个向外国朋友学习的好机会,并且我本人以能参加这次讨论会以及能给予我一个机会在此发言及同你们交流观点而感到极大光荣,同时谢谢你们所给予我的宝贵的时间。

6 As you all know, China has a long history of mine development.
Now, I’m going to give you a brief account about the status of chinese mine development account 叙述;status情形/状况/地位/身份; 现在我将就中国采矿发展状况简要叙述如下。 As you all know, China has a long history of mine development. 众所周知,中国具有悠久的采矿发展史。 As far back as 6000years ago, copper was being produced in our country. be的过去时+being +过去分词 (过去进行时的被动语态形式)。 be的现在时+being +过去分词 (现在进行时的被动语态形式)。 The world’s supplies of copper are being gradually exhausted.世界上 铜的供应正在枯竭。 追溯到6000年前我国就生产铜了.

7 Today there still exists a well-preserved shaft which was built 2700 years ago.
今天还存在着一个保存完好的井筒,其建于2700年前。 However, it was not until the founding of the People’s Republic of China that mine development in china began on a large scale. 然而直到中华人民共和国的建立,中国的矿业才开始了大规模的发展。 In 1949 China produced 32 million tons of coal and 0.59million tons of iron ore ,while the output of other nonferrous minerals was even less.

8 million 百万;billion 十亿;iron ore 铁矿石;output 产量; nonferrous 非铁的,有色的;nonferrous mine 有色金属矿山;minerals矿物,矿石; 在1949年,中国只生产了3200万吨煤和59万吨铁矿石,然而有色金属矿石的产量甚至更少(少的可怜) As a result of the 30 years of construction, the annual output of coal has reached over 600 million tons, that of iron ore over 120million tons. The output of other nonferrous minerals has also increased significantly. As a result of 作为…..的结果;construction 建设,建造;annual每年的/年度的;annual output 年产量;that of 代词=the annual output of ore 矿石;an ore deposit 矿床,ore body 矿体;significant 有意义的/重大的/非偶然的/表明….的(of)

9 China is endowed with abundant mineral resources .
30年建设的结果是煤的年产量超过了6亿吨,铁矿石的年产量超过1.2亿吨,其它有色金属矿石的年产量也极大的增长了。 China is endowed with abundant mineral resources . endow 赋予,具有;abundant 丰富的,充裕的; 中国具有丰富的矿产资源。 At present, there are known reserves of 600 thousand million tons coal deposits have been found in over half of the 2000 counties, and municipalities throughout the country. reserves储量;county 县,郡;municipality 市,自治区/自治市/市政府 known reserves 已知储量;available ~保有储量;actual ~实际储量; demonstrated/explored~探明储量;designed mine ~矿山设计储量;

10 development reserves开拓储量;D-rank ~D级储量;future/ prospective~远景储量;gross~ 总储量;industrial /recoverable~工业储量/可采储量; mining ~ 开采储量;prepared ~ 采准储量; workable~回采储量;proven ~ 可靠储量/堪定储量 目前,已知的储量有6000亿吨,煤矿床已在全国范围内2000多个县市(自治区)中的一半以上被发现了。 The proven coal reserves in Shanxi province amount to over200 thousand million tons , China has a wide variety of coals which are of good quality. 山西省堪定的煤炭储量,总计超过2000亿吨,中国煤的品种很多,且煤的质量好。

11 The proven geological iron ore reserves are 44 thousand million tons
The proven geological iron ore reserves are 44 thousand million tons. China has as much raw materials as is needed by the iron and steel industry. 已堪定的铁矿石的地质储量是440亿吨,中国的原材料能满足钢铁工业的需要。(中国的原材料与钢铁工业需要的一样多) Among them the reserves of clay amount to 1700 million tons, magnesite 2700 million tons, dolomite 7300 million tons, and flux limestone 8800 million tons, China possesses rich and varied nonferrous mineral resources.

12 其中,粘土储量总共达17亿吨,菱镁矿27亿吨,白云石73亿吨,熔剂石灰石88亿吨,中国具有丰富的多种多样的非金属矿产资源。
clay 粘土;amount to合计/总共达;magnesite菱镁矿;dolomite 白云石 flux limestone 熔剂石灰石; 其中,粘土储量总共达17亿吨,菱镁矿27亿吨,白云石73亿吨,熔剂石灰石88亿吨,中国具有丰富的多种多样的非金属矿产资源。 The copper base reserves in Shanxi province amount to over 10 million tons, The reserves of three aluminium mines in the provinces of Shanxi , Guangxi and Guizhou each exceeds 100 million tones. 在山西铜的地质储量总计超过了1000万吨,在山西,广西,贵州省中的三个铝土矿,每一个矿的储量都超过1亿吨。

13 There are many metal mines with several kinds of minerals, for example, the Jinchuan nickle mine in Gansu province has a nickle reserve of 5.4million tons and a copper reserve of 3.4million tons (and the lanping lead-zinc mine in yunnan province possesses a reserve of 10 million tons of lead and zinc). 有许多金属矿山富有多种矿物,例如,甘肃省的金川镍矿含有镍的储量为540万吨,铜的储量为340万吨(云南省的兰萍铅锌矿拥有铅锌的储量1000万吨。)

14 All these await large scale exploitation.
The mineral deposits of tungsten,tin, antimony, mercury,titanium,vanadium, and rare-earth metals in china occupy special positions in the world. Tungsten 钨;tin锡;antimony锑;mercury汞/水银;titanium钛;vanadium钒;rare-earth稀土的; 这些矿床在世界上占有特殊的地位。 All these await large scale exploitation. await 等候/期待;exploitation开发/开拓/开采/采准;mine ~矿井开拓; Exploration勘探/考察;core-drilling ~岩心钻进勘探;geochemical~地球化学勘探; geological~地质勘探;geophysical~地球物理勘探; underground ~井下勘探; 所有这些矿床都等待着大规模的开发(开采)。

15 There are also certain amount of phosphorus iron oxide, gypsum and boron reserves in china.
Phosphorus 磷; iron oxide 氧化铁;gypsum 石膏; boron 硼; 中国还有一定储量的磷、氧化铁、石膏和硼等。 However, prospecting work has still not been done in many regions, with the strengthening of geological work in the future, more underground resources will be discovered and the reserves will be increased greatly. Prospecting勘探/找矿;strengthening加强/巩固;geological 地质的; 然而在许多地区,勘探工作还没有进行/开展,将来随着地质工作的不断加强,更多的地下资源将被发现,储量也将极大的增加。

16 We aim at developing our mines, mainly with our own efforts and at the same time, we are also keen on collaborating with friendly countries and enterprises in exploiting our resources. aim at 目的在于/针对/热心;efforts 努力;be keen on doing sth 渴望/愿望;collaborate with合作/协作; enterprises 事业/企业单位; 我们的目的是开发矿山,主要依靠我们自己的力量(努力)同时我们也希望与友好的国家和企事业单位合作开发资源。 We are willing to adopt various ways that are currently accepted internationally for technical cooperation and trade and carry out technical and

17 economic cooperation, exchange technical visits and information on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. be willing to 愿意…;adopt 采用/采纳/收养;various ways 不同的方式;currently 普遍地;technical cooperation 技术合作;carry out 开展/实现/贯彻执行;on the basis of 在….的基础上;equality and mutual benefit 平等互利;mutual 相互的; 我们愿意采取国际上普遍接受的不同方式进行技术合作与贸易,并且在平等互利的基础上开展技术和经济合作,交流信息和技术互访。 We are also willing to collaborate with friendly countries and firms in developing our mines by way of compensation trade, joint venture and coproduction of mining machinery.

18 by way of 借助于;compensation trade 补偿贸易;joint 联合的/合办的;venture 商业/冒险;
通过补偿贸易、合办企业和合作生产采矿机械,我们愿意同友好国家和公司合作开发矿山。 We have already negotiated extensively with some countries and firms and some agreements have been reached. Negotiate 谈判/协商;~with sb about (over) sth 与某人谈判或协商某事; Extensive广大的/广阔的/广泛的;~reading 泛读;the ~democratic rights 广泛的民主权利;agreement( 口头或书面)协定/协议; Come to( arrive at / make )an ~with 与……达成协议; a gentleman’s (或gentlemen’s)~ 君子协定; 我们早已经同一些国家和公司进行了广泛的谈判协商,并且达成了一些共识(签订了一些协议)。

19 In the last few years ,we introduced a large amount of mining machinery, which greatly improved our mine development . We hope to further enhance such cooperation in the future, we especially hope to promote our contacts with those present, to learn from each other ,and to collaborate actively. Introduce 引进;mining machinery 采矿机械;enhance 提高/ 增加/增强/增进;cooperation 合作/协作; in~ with 与…..合作/协作; Promote 促进/发扬/引起;~growth (prosperity, understanding)促进生长(繁荣,谅解);contact 接触,联络,联系;shaft 井筒/矿井;

20 在过去的几年里,我们引进了大量的采矿机械,这极大的提高了我们的矿山开发(发展)我们希望将来更加增进(促进)此类合作,我们特别希望促进与出席会议人员的联系,互相学习,积极地合作。
I wish you all happiness and good health Thank you for your attendance. 我祝愿大家都幸福,身体健康,谢谢大家参加本次会议。

21 Lesson Two Something About Geology(略谈地质)
Geology is the science dealing with the history and development of the earth, with the composition, character and structure of the earth’s crust, and with geological agencies and processes. Geology 地质/地质学;composition 构成/组成/成分;deal with 涉及/论及/关于;character特点/特征/性质;structure结构/构造;crust地壳/硬表面;geological地质的;agency作用(活动)geological agency 地质作用; 地质学是关于地球的历史与发展的科学,论及地壳表层的成分、性质和构造,并涉及地质作用与过程。

22 Geology aims to prospect mineral deposits
Geology aims to prospect mineral deposits. It also includes a far wider field. To build dam and bridges and to look for ground water. We must make a study of the local found, its composition and structure, with the help of geological data, we can plan and build rationally. prospect 勘探(找矿); mineral 矿物/矿物的;deposit 矿层/矿床/矿体; prospect mineral deposits勘探矿床; field 领域;dam堤坝;ground water 地下水;to make a study of 研究;composition 构成/成分;structure 构造; geological data 地质资料;data 数据; rationally 合理的; 地质学的目的是勘探矿床,当然其包含领域也很广,建设堤坝和大桥及寻找地下水,我们必须研究当地的地层(发现),其成分和构造,在地层资料的帮助下,我们能合理的计划和建设。

23 Geology is of great theoretical significance It tells us that everything is always changing and developing ,moreover, geology is of great practical importance, It is the theoretical base (to prospect mineral deposits). theoretical 理论的;significance 意义/重要性;moreover 而且/此外;practical 实践的/实际的/可行的/实用的; 地质学具有重大的(深奥的)理论(重要性)意义,它使我们了解到每种事物总是在变和发展,而且地质学具有重要的实践(实用)性,它是勘探矿床的理论基础。

24 After liberation the party and the government pay great attention to geology, The geologists have achieved great successes in geological prospect and now they are doing their best to uncover more underground riches .All these riches will play an important part in industrial and agricultural development. geologist地质工作者;achieve 获得;uncover 撬开/揭开;riches(pl)财富/宝藏;industrial 工业的/产业的;agricultural农业的/农艺的;~economy农业经济;~machinery 农业机械; 解放后党和政府给予地质工作极大的关注,地质工作者已经在地质勘探方面取得了巨大成就,并且现在他们正努力探寻更多的地下矿藏,所有这些矿藏将在工业和农业中起重要的作用。

25 Lesson three Minerals(矿物/石)
As all rocks ,with few exceptions, are composed of minerals, it is highly important for us to have a good knowledge of the chief rock-making minerals, we know that minerals are distributed on the earth very widely. About more than 3000 kinds of minerals have been known up to now, but only less than200 can be utilized today. rock岩石;exception 例外;be composed of 由……组成/构成;knowledge 知识;distribute 分布/分配;chief 首要的/主要的;highly 非常;rock-making 岩石构成的/造岩的;utilize利用; 因为所有岩石(很少例外)是由矿物组成的,对我们来说,很好的掌握主要造岩矿物是非常重要的。我们知道矿物广泛的分布在地球上,直到现在,大

26 约有3000多种矿物已被发现了,但只有不到200种的矿物能被利用。
With few exceptions少数例外;have a good knowledge of 很好的掌握; First of all, let us know what a mineral is. A mineral is a naturally occuring substance with a given chemical composition and physical properties, each mineral is composed of one or more than one chemical element . First of all 首先;chemical composition化学成分;physical properties物理性质;chemical element 化学元素; 首先我们了解矿物的概念,矿物是一种自然形成的物质,具有一定的化学成分和物理性质,每种矿物是由一种或多种化学元素组成的。

27 Cleavage, colour,luster,hardness and specific gravity are the main physical properties of minerals, and magnetism conductivity and radioactivity are special physical properties of some minerals. Cleavage解理/劈理;luster 光泽;specific特殊的/比的;specific gravity 比重;magnetism 磁铁/磁力;conductivity传导性;radioactivity放射性; 解理、颜色、光泽、硬度和比重是矿物的主要物理性质,以及磁性、传导性、放射性是一些矿物的特殊物理性质。

28 Minerals are distinguished from each other mainly by their chemical composition. But it is most fundamental to recognize and identify minerals by their appearance and physical properties. be distinguished from 区别于; chemical composition 化学成分; fundamental 基本的/原则/根本;recognize 识别/认出;identify辨认/鉴定;appearance 外貌/外表/出现/露面/发表;property财产/资产/地产/财产权/所有权/性质/性能/特性/特征;personal~动产;real ~不动产;~in land 土地所有权;the properties of nature 自然的性质。 矿物主要根据化学成分的不同彼此区分,但根据外观和物理特性来区别和辨认矿物却是最基本的。

29 With the development of our industry and agriculture, there will be a greater need of minerals. The study of minerals helps us to discover minerals deposits to meet the needs of our industrialization. We have a big task to locate more mineral resources to help our country achieve the aim of “the four modernizations”—modern industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology by the end of the 20th century. That is why we should study mineralogy and look for more minerals.

30 meet the needs of 满足需要;industrialization工业化/产业化;locate 确定/查找;achieve the aim of 完成/达到/实现…..的目标; modernization现代化; mineralogy矿物学; 随着工农业的发展,要更加大量的需要矿石/产,矿物的研究帮助我们发现矿床以满足工业化的需要,我们担负着重任,确定更多的矿产资源以促进我国在20世纪末实现四个现代化的目标,即工业、农业、国防和科学技术现代化,这就是我们应该研究矿物学并寻找更多矿产资源的原因。

31 有关名词: Sedimentary rock 沉积岩;igneous rock 岩浆岩; metamorphic rock 变质岩;
bed地/岩/矿层;stratum (strata)地层/岩层; thin out 尖灭;outcrop 露头; erode腐蚀/侵蚀/冲刷; bedrock基岩/底岩; conglomerate砾岩/碎屑岩; breccia(断层)角砾岩 sandstone砂岩;shale页岩;mud泥浆/软泥;

32 gob采空区/矿内废石; goaf采空区/老塘; caved~顶板垮落了的采空区; extensive~很大的采空区; waste废石/矸石/采空区/老塘; coarse ~粗废石; development ~开拓废石/掘进废石; hanging wall~上盘废石; quarry~采石厂废石; wastefill废石充填;

33 Lesson Four Minerals, Rocks and Ore Deposits
矿物,岩石和矿床 Any chemical element or compound occuring naturally in the earth’s crust is called minerals. Minerals are usually in solid state, only water and mercury are in liquid state at ordinary temperatures. compound化合物; crust地壳; mercury汞;ordinary 普通、平常; 自(天)然的出现(生成)在地壳中的化学元素或化合物叫做矿物,矿物通常呈现固体状态,只有水和汞在常温下呈液体状态。

34 The vast majority of rocks are aggregates of minerals, lying in the earth’s crust ,A few rocks are made of organic matter or of volcanic glass instead of minerals,on the basis of their mode of formation, rocks maybe classified in three general groups: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. Vast 大量的; majority多数/大半; aggregate集合体;organic 有机的;volcanic火山的;volcano 火山;an active ~活火山;an extinct~ 死火山;a submarine~海底火山;basis 基础/根据;mode形式/方法;formation构成;classify分类;igneous火成的;sedimentary 沉积的;metamorphic 变质的;element要素/成分; 赋存于地壳中的绝大多数岩石是矿物集合体,有的岩石是由有机物质或火山喷发的晶质替代矿物形成的,根据岩石构成的形式(成因)可以划分为三大类:即岩浆岩、沉积岩和变质岩。

35 Existing rarely in ordinary rocks, many useful elements such as copper(Cu) lead (Pb) and tin(Sn) are very expensive, But sometimes they are locally concentrated in the ore deposits that can be reasonably mined. We may say that ore deposits are portions of the earth’s crust greatly enriched with metals. tin 锡;reasonably合理地/适度地;locally局部地;portion 组成部分/部分;concentrate集中;lead 铅;zinc 锌;enrich使富裕/使丰富;~one’s experience with practice 通过实践来丰富经验; 许多有用的成分(元素)例如铜、铅和锡等非常昂贵,在普通岩石中赋存(含量)很少,但有时他们局部富集在能被适度开采的矿床里,我们可以说那些富含金属的矿床是地壳的组成部分。

36 Our socialist motherland is one of the countries having the richest resources. Realizing the importance of developing the mining industry, the miners are fighting for mines in a big way and have built up numerous big, medium-sized and small mines all over the country. They will make still greater contributions to developing our mining industry.

37 Our socialist motherland 我们的社会主义祖国; miners矿工; fight for mines in a big way 大打矿山之仗;build up 建设/建造;numerous 无数的;big, medium-sized and small mines 大中小型矿山;all over =throughout;make contributions to doing 为….做贡献; 我们的社会主义祖国是具有丰富矿产资源的国家之一,认识到发展采矿业的重要性,矿山工作人员正在大打矿山之仗,在国内建成了大量的大中小型矿山,他们还要为发展采矿业而做出更大贡献。

38 Faults(断层) A fault is a crack or fissure in the earth’s crust, accompanied by vertical displacement of the beds either upwards or downwards from their original position so that the beds or seams on the side of the dislocation are no longer continuous with the same beds or seams on the otherside. Crack裂纹/缝隙/断裂/破裂;fissure 裂缝/裂隙;displacement位移/移动;dislocation断层/变位;accompany伴随/陪同;vertical 垂直的;bed 地层;seam矿层; upwards向上;downwards向下;original 最初的/原始的;continuous连续的; 断层就是地壳中的断裂或裂缝,其伴随着地层的垂直位移,沿原始位置向上或向下,以至于使断层两侧的地层或矿层不再连续成一体(断开)

39 Faults result from excessive strains set up in the rock beds due to earth movements, sometimes these strains become so great as to cause the beds to fracture and at the same time whole masses of strata are pushed up or pulled down. result from起因于;result in 导致/终归;excessive过渡的/过分的;strain应力;set up产生;due to 应归于;earth movement地壳运动;fracture开裂; whole masses of strata 整个地层;push up 向上推动;pull down 向下拉动。 因地壳运动使岩层中产生过高的应力,从而导致断层。有时这些应力变得很大以致于地层开裂,同时整个地层被向上推动或向下拉动。

40 Faults play an important part in mining operations ,as their existence leads to interruption of working and to the necessity in many cases for recovering the displaced seam. existence存在;necessity必要性;displace转移/移动/变位;mining operations矿山开采;to the best advantage以最有利的方式;interruption中断/打断;~of communication交通中断;service~业务中断/服务中断(停水/电);recover重新获得/重新找到; 在矿山开采中断层的影响很大,由于断层的出现使开采工作中断,很多情况下还需要去寻找断失的矿层。

41 In some cases large faults running more or less parallel to each other divide the coal-field or the “take” of a mine into separate areas and planning has to be made such as to allow the coal between the faults to be worked to the best advantage. large faults 大断层; running 走向; more or less 大体上/或多或少; parallel to each other 相互平行;take 井田(有采矿权的矿区面积);separate独立的;planning矿井规划/设计; 某些情况下,大的断层走向大体上相互平行,它们将煤田或矿田分割成若干独立(不相连)的区域(部分),而矿井设计必须满足这样的要求,使处于各条大的断层之间的煤以最有利的方式开采。

42 有关名词: syncline向斜;anticline/saddle 背斜;fold 褶皱 normal fault 正断层;reverse fault逆断层; underlying beds 下伏岩层;overlying beds上伏岩层; roof 顶板;floor底板;vein矿脉;seam矿层;gangue脉石/围岩/尾矿; hanging wall上盘/顶帮;foot wall下盘/下帮; move upward向上移动;~downward向下移动; seam-like deposit 似层状矿床;


44 Lesson Five The Planning of A Colliery (煤矿设计/规划)
The planning of a modern colliery present problems which call for great knowledge of mining. modern colliery 现代矿山;planning 设计/规划;colliery煤矿;present 提出;call for 需要/; great大量的/深奥的; 为解决现代矿山设计(规划)中存在的一些问题,需要大量的采矿知识。

45 The work is now entrusted to specialists called planning engineers, who not only lay out the original designs for new collieries, but are constantly engaged in planning ahead for new developments during the life of the colliery。 entrust委托;engage 保证/约定; lay out 安排/布置/设计; original designs 初步设计;be engaged in 从事于;development 开拓工程; 这项工作现已委托给专家们--设计(规划)工程师去进行,他们不但为新矿井做初步设计而且还继续不断地为矿井生产期间的新建开拓工程提前做好设计。

46 It is obvious that such a project can not be entertained until the existence, depth, thickness, inclination and character of the seams to be worked have been fully established. entertain接受/容纳/招待/怀着/持有;~a proposal接受一个建议;~friends at/to dinner请朋友们吃饭;~hopes/doubts抱着希望/心中存有怀疑; project计划/方案/工程; inclination倾向/倾角; existence存在/赋存; Established确定的/确认的. 显然,在接受一个设计项目之前,必须完全弄清/确认所要开发煤层的赋存情况、厚度、深度、倾角及性质。

47 The planning engineer plans the mine in detail, beginning usually by fixing the site, shape and size of shafts to be sunk. fixing固定/固定器/确定;site 位置;shape形状;shaft井筒;sink (sank /sunk ) 沉/掘进; 设计/规划工程师应细致地设计矿井,通常首先确定所要掘进井筒的位置,形状和尺寸。 The site of the shafts must be decided with regard to a number of factors chief among which are the following: regard 有关/认为;with regard to 与……有关/考虑; 确定井筒位置时须考虑很多因素,其中主要因素如下:

48 1.The shape and extent of the area to be worked;
2.The inclination of the seams; 3.Geological disturbances; 4.The character of the ground to be sunk through; 5.Surface requirements Extent 范围/程度;inclination 倾角/倾斜;disturbance破坏/错动;requirement要求/必要条件;area矿田; 1、待开发矿田的形状与范围; 2、矿床的倾角; 3、地质破坏情况; 4、所要穿过地层的性质; 5、工业广场面积/地表地形条件;

49 In the past colliery shafts were made of various shapes: shafts were sunk of rectangular,circular, polygonal, elliptical shape. Rectangular矩形的;circular圆形的; polygonal多边形的;elliptical 椭圆形的; 以前/过去,煤矿所掘进的井筒可有多种形状,井筒被开掘成矩形,圆形,多角形或椭圆形等。 In present-day practice, however, the circular form is invariably chosen, This offers great strength, is cheaper to sink and affords space for the passage of a large volumes of air required for ventilation. Invariably不变地/一定; ventilation通风;volumes大量/许多; strength强度

50 然而,在现代矿井工程实践中,只选用圆形井筒,因为圆形井筒强度较高,掘进费用低,通风空间大。
Especially is the circular form adopted for sinking through watery strata where water-tight lining has to be inserted; indeed, in such cases the circular form is the only one practicable. Adopt采用/采纳; watery strata 含水地层; water-tight不漏水的/水密的;lining 衬砌/内壁/井壁;practicable能实行的/行的通的/实用的; water-tight lining不透水井壁。 尤其掘进通过含水地层时必须采用不透水井壁,此时更加需要采用圆形断面,实际上,这种情况下圆形断面是唯一切合实际的形式。

51 The size of the shafts will depend upon many factors
The size of the shafts will depend upon many factors. Primarily,the size of the shaft depends upon the load of coal to be raised at each wind.This is influenced by the depth of the shaft and the speed of winding which in turn affect the time requirement per wind. Primarily 首先/第一;wind 提升;load 担子/重载/装载量;at each wind每次提升;raise 提升;in turn 反过来; 井筒的尺寸取决于许多因素,首先取决于每次提升的煤量,每次提升量受到井筒深度和提升速度的影响,这反过来又影响到每次的提升时间。

52 To find the load of coal to be raised per wind, we must first find the amount of coal in the area to be worked. This can be calculated by allowing about 1200 tons per acre for each foot in thickness of workable seams. Find确定;area 井田/矿田;calculate计算;acre 英亩;workable seams可采煤层;allowing 允许/承认; 为了确定每次的提升煤量,我们须首先确定要开采井田的煤炭储量,这可以按照每英亩一英尺厚的可采矿层1200吨计算。

53 By dividing the total amount of coal to be worked, by the number of working years or life of the colliery, the annual output is found. Annual 年度的/每年的;annum年(拉丁语);working years 工作年限;years of life 服务年限;annual output年产量; 年产量是根据可采煤层储量除以矿山服务年限确定的。 The annual output divided by the number of days worked per annum gives the daily output. If the daily output is divided by the number of hours worked, the hourly output is determined. From the depth and speed of winding ,the number of winds per hour is found.

54 and finally, by dividing the hourly output by the number of winds per hour, the output per wind is calculated. Hourly 小时的;days worked工作日;be divided by 被除; the output per wind 每次提升量; the annual output 年产量; the daily output 日产量; the hourly output 小时产量; 年产量被年工作天数除就得出日产量,若日产量被日工作小时数除就确定出小时产量,根据提升深度和提升速度,每小时的提升次数就可确定,最终小时产量被小时提升次数除,每次提升量就可以计算出来。

55 Having found from these data the load per wind, the next step is to decide the manner in which the coal is to be wound in the shafts, whether by cages or tubs or by skips. Cage 罐笼;skip 箕斗;tub/wagon 矿车;manner 方式; 根据这些数据我们可确定每次的提升量;下一步是确定煤在井筒中的提升方式,不管是采用罐笼、矿车或采用箕斗。

56 If by cages and tubs, the size and number of tubs per wind must be decided, together with the size and number of decks for the cage. number of decks for the cage罐笼层数;deck 甲板/层面; 如果采用罐笼和矿车,矿车的尺寸及每次提升的矿车的数量,以及罐笼的尺寸和罐笼的层数须确定。

57 If skips are to be used, the dimensions of the skip must be calculated to give the necessary capacity, In this way the sizes of the cages or skips are found and finally the shafts are designed to accommodate the seam, care is necessary, however,to ensure that the shaft is of adequate size, not only for winding the load of coal but also for allowing ventilation. dimensions尺寸; the necessary capacity必要的生产能力/容量; accommodate 供应/招待/容纳;adequate 足够的/充分的/适当的;ensure确保;

58 如果采用箕斗,则箕斗的尺寸须计算以保证必要的生产能力/容量,用这种方法,罐笼和箕斗的尺寸就被确定了,最终设计的井筒就能适应煤层,细心是很必要的,然而为了确保井筒有足够的尺寸,不但为了提升煤,而且还要满足通风的要求。

59 Lesson seven Metals 金属 Metals are everywhere, we see them and use them every minute of the day. All machines are made of metals, Locomotive are built of steel, airplanes of aluminium, therefore, metals play an important part in our everyday life and our industry. Locomotive 机车/火车头; everyday日常的/平常的; 金属无处不在,每时每刻我们都看到和用到它们。机器都是由金属制成的,火车头是由钢材制成的,飞机是由铝制成的,因此金属在我们的日常生活和工业中起了非常重要的作用。

60 Metals possess plenty of characteristic properties
Metals possess plenty of characteristic properties.They have high conductivity for electricity and high reflectivity for light. In addition to these, metals have the properties of malleability, ductility and fusibility. Their plastivity, strength and hardness are higher than other materials. characteristic独特的/特有的; conductivity 传导性; reflectivity反射率; In addition to 除…..之外;malleability可锻性/ 韧性;ductility延展性;fusibility可熔性;plastivity可塑性;strength强度;hardness硬度;

61 Metals can be made into various products of required sizes and shapes, such as gears, bearings etc. Just for these reasons metals are more indispensable to our modern industry . gear齿轮; bearing轴承;be indispensable to对…..不可缺少的; Indispensable 不可缺少的/责无旁贷的;an ~ obligation不可推卸的责任; 金属具有许多特殊性质,他们具有很高的导电性和很强的反光性,除此之外,金属还具有可锻性,延展性和可熔性,其可塑性、强度和硬度高于其它材料。金属可制成所需的各种尺寸和形状的产品,例如齿轮和轴承等,正因为如此,金属对于我们的现代工业是必不可少的。

62 Metals are divided into two classes: simple metals and alloys
Metals are divided into two classes: simple metals and alloys. The former are more or less pure chemical elements, while the latter are materials consisting of a simple metal combined with some other elements. Be divided into 分为;class 类;simple简单的/朴素的/单一的;alloy 合金;pure 纯的/单一的;consist of 由…..组成;由…..构成;water consists of hydrogen and oxygen水由氢和氧组成;consist in 在于/存在于;happiness consists in struggle幸福存在于斗争中;consist with 并存一致;theory should consist with practice.理论应与实践相一致。 金属被分为两大类:单一成分的金属和合金,前者或多或少的是单一化学元素,而后者是由单一成分的金属混合了别的元素形成的材料。

63 About two-third of all elements found in the earth are metals, but not all metals may be used in industry. These metals used in industry are called engineering metals. The most important engineering metal is iron, which in the form of alloys with carbon and other elements, finds greater use than any other metal. Metals consisting of iron combined with some other elements are known as ferrous metals; all the other metals are called non-ferrous metals. The most important non-ferrous metals are copper, aluminium, lead, tin, but all these metals are

64 used much less than ferrous metals, because the ferrous metals are much cheaper .
Ferrous黑色的/铁的/亚铁的;~oxide 氧化亚铁;non-ferrous 非铁的/有色金属的;engineering工程;mining~采矿工程;metallurgy冶金;be known as 以….知名;被认为是;be known for 因…..而众所周知;He is~ for his readiness to help others. Be known to 为….所知;The use of gunpowder was known to the Chinese before the Europeans 地球中发现的元素约2/3是金属,但并非所有金属可以用于工业,用于工业的那些金属称作工程金属,最重要的工程金属是铁,其与碳和别的元素所形成的合金比任何别的金属更有用。由铁混合别的元素所形成的金属被称作是黑色金属,所有别的金属被称作有色金属,最重要的有色金属是铜、铝、铅、锡,但这些金属与黑色金属相比应用的比较少,因为黑色金属很便宜。

65 A lot of engineering metals are used in the form of alloys, because the properties of alloys are much better than those of pure metals. But aluminium and copper for certain special use may be largely used in the form of a simple metal. for certain special use做某种特殊用途;largely大部分/基本上; 大量的工程金属以合金的形式被应用,因为合金性质优于纯金属,但铝和铜作为某种特殊的应用,基本上以单金属的形式应用。

66 The workers and technicians on the front of metallurgy have been continuously improving the quality of metal products and increasing their variety to meet the needs of the industrialization. Variety品种;quality质量;continuously连续地; technician技术员/技师; metallurgy冶金; 冶金战线上的工人和技术员们正不断地提高金属产品的质量和增加他们的品种以满足工业化的需要。

67 (2)Metal mining 金属开采/采矿 We are the students of the metal mining speciality of *** university. we know the importance of the mining industry in our national economy. speciality 专业/专长;metal mining speciality金属开采专业; mining industry 采矿工业; national economy国民经济;economic经济的/经济学的;economical节俭的/节约的;economics经济/经济学; 我们是**大学金属采矿专业的学生,我们了解采矿业在国民经济中的重要性。

68 As mining industry is the basic of other industries, it is often termed a basic industry. It plays an important part in the further advance of the industry and agriculture. Term 把…称为/把….叫做;in terms of 用…的话/以…的措词/根据/在…方面;farther(本意) 更远;further(引申意义)进一步; 因为采矿业是其它工业的基础,所以它被称为基础工业,在工业和农业不断向前发展的过程中,采矿业起了重要作用。

69 Metal mining is to win metals and their ores from ore deposits, when abundant mineral is mined, mining more ores and getting less losses should be considered. If the mining method used required great expense , it is also rational on other allowable conditions, on the contrary, when barren mineral is mined, the mining method of less expense should be chosen, if the contents are distributed unequally in an ore deposit both abundant mineral and barren mineral should be mined.

70 Win 采掘/开采;ore 矿石;ore deposit 矿床;abundant 丰富的;loss损失;mining method 采矿方法;expense费用/损失/代价;rational合理的;on other allowable conditions 在允许的情况下;allowable允许的/正当的;on the contrary相反的;barren mineral 贫矿;content 含量/品位;metal contents 金属品位;unequally不均匀的/不平等的;abundant mineral 富矿;barren mineral贫矿 金属开采就是从矿床里采出金属和矿石,开采富矿时应该考虑多采出矿石减少损失,如果采用的采矿方法所需费用高(或投资高)在允许的情况下也是合理的。相反,当开采贫矿时应考虑选用费用低的采矿方法,如果矿床中品位分布不均,富矿和贫矿都应开采(应搭配开采)。

71 The ore deposits of metals vary in extent, metal contents and their depth under the surface of the ground, which gives rise to the different methods of mining, the opencut mining and underground mining. extent范围/程度;within the ~ of human knowledge在人类知识范围内;to some (a great, a certain)~在某种(很大,一定)程度上; give rise to 引起/使发生;social practice alone gives rises to human knowledge只有社会实践能产生人的认识。 Opencut/opencast mining 露天开采;underground mining地下开采; 金属矿床的范围,金属品位和埋藏深度不同就需要采用露天开采或地下开采不同的采矿方法。

72 The opencut mining is used when the metal deposits are revealed on the surface or covered by a shallow overburden, In general, large deposits of iron-ore are worked by opencut mining. metal deposits金属矿床;reveal揭露;shallow浅的;overburden表土/覆盖层; large deposits of iron-ore 大型铁矿床;cover覆盖; 当金属矿床在地表揭露或地表覆盖层(地层表土)较薄(或被浅的表土覆盖时)采用露天开采,一般大型铁矿床常用露天开采。

73 When the side slope limit the depth of opencut mining, to carry opencut mining to greater depth would require the removing of too much overburden, so for deeper ore-body underground mining must be used. side slope 边坡;limit限制;carry采用;removing剥离;overburden表土/覆盖层; 当边坡限制了露天开采的深度时,继续采用露天开采更大深度的矿床,就需要剥离大量的表土,因此对于埋藏较深的矿体应采用地下开采。

74 China is still a developing country, in order to realize the industrialization, the mining industry must be rapidly developed. developing发展中的;developed发达的;underdeveloped不发达的; 中国仍然是发展中国家,为了实现工业化,采矿业须快速发展。

75 Lesson eight development开拓工程
The fundamental purpose of development are the delineation of the ore body and its preparation for working. From thedevelopment workings, the shape, position,approximate quantity, approximate average value and the physical characteristics of the ore and enclosing wall rocks are determined, variations in the chemical nature of the ore can also be determined. Delineation描出外形(轮廓)/揭露; preparation准备;working开采; enclose 围住/圈起;development workings开拓巷道; approximate quantity大约储量; average value 平均价值; enclosing wall rocks 围岩; nature性质;variation变化/变动; characteristics特性;

76 开拓工程的基本目的是揭露矿体的轮廓,并为开采做准备。从开拓巷道能确定矿体形状、位置、大约储量、平均价值及矿体和围岩的物理特性,矿物/石的化学性质的变化也能确定。
Good engineering requires that the quantity and value factors at least should be approximately known, simple as this principle is, it is surprising how often it is neglected, many mistakes in mining enterprises can be traced to the neglect of sufficient preliminary development, when an ore body has been discovered, optimism frequently blinds the owners, and the necessity for determining the

77 practical questions of quantity, value and workability is lost sight of in the rush to erect mills and start mining. simple as this principle is(倒装句)尽管道理简单;as尽管principle道理/原理; surprising令人惊讶的; neglected被忽视的;trace描绘/追踪/查出/找出; be traced to 被归结为; sufficient足够的/充分的; preliminary初步的/初期的/预备的; optimism乐观(主义);optimistic乐观的;optimization最佳化/最优化; frequently通常/经常;blinds 缺乏眼光或判断力/蒙蔽;be blind by the lust for gain利令智昏; owners所有者/业主;necessity必要性; practical实际的/实用的; workability可使用性/可经营性;lose sight of 忽视/不再看见/忽略/忘记; in the rush 迅速地;erect安装;mill机器/工厂;value价值/益处/重要性;gross output ~of industry and agriculture;工农业总产值;a man who is value to the people 对人民有益的人;the value of sunlight to health阳光对健康的重要性。 优良的工程要求至少应大约知道储量和价值的因素,令人惊奇的是,尽管道理这样简单,可经常被人们所忽略,矿山企业中的许多错误可归结为忽略了初期充分的开拓。

78 当发现矿体后,过分乐观,通常使所有者/决策者失去判断能力,确定实际问题如储量,价值,可采性等的必要性被忽略了,迅速安装机器/建设工厂开始采矿。
Certain types of ore deposits such as flat bodies of iron ore, lenses and sheets of lead and zinc ore and porphyry copper deposits admit of preliminary exploration by boring. By this method practically all the information necessary for the planning of the entire mining work can be accurately determined. The method is both rapid and economical, and where conditions admit of its use, it should not be neglected. Bedded deposits such as coal, gypsum

79 and the like can be as satisfactorily explored by boring as the foregoing, precious-metal deposits excepting placers, and deposits of the metals where they exist as narrow veins cannot as a rule be explored by boring and underground workings are beat. Flat 扁平的; bodies of iron ore铁矿体;lens透镜/扁豆状的;sheet块状; Porphyry斑岩; porphyry copper deposits 次生辉矿体;admit 容许; exploration by boring钻孔勘探;mining work采矿工作; bedded deposits层状矿床;and the like =and so on等等;foregoing上述的; precious-metal deposits 贵金属矿床;placer砂金;vein 矿脉;beat开辟;

80 一定类型的矿床,例如扁平的铁矿体,扁豆状的和块状的铅锌矿,次生辉矿体容许钻孔初探,利用此法,事实上所有采矿工作规划/设计所必需的资料可以精确地确定,此法既快又经济,在条件允许应用的情况下,钻探不应被忽略(应首先应用)。层状矿床例如,煤石膏等可以利用上述的钻孔初探,除砂金以外的珍贵的金属矿床,以及以窄矿脉形式赋存不能用钻孔勘探的金属矿床,可通过开掘井下巷道勘探。

81 The main opening of a mine may be a tunnel, incline or shaft
The main opening of a mine may be a tunnel, incline or shaft. Good mining practice requires the construction and maintenance of at least another opening ,which may serve for ventilation and as an emergency exit in some cases and in other for working purposes as well. Main 主要的;opening 通道/巷道;tunnel=adit平硐/隧道;incline斜井;shaft 竖井;construction 建设;maintenance维护/保持;serve for/as 用作; emergency exit 安全出口/紧急通道;as well也;in other其它情况; Mining采矿/矿业;deep ~深井采矿;opencut(opencast,openpit)mining 露天开采;~ engineering采矿工程(学);the mining industry采矿工业;

82 矿山的主要通道(出口)可以是平硐、斜井或竖井,成功地矿山实践证明需要至少建设和维护另一个出口(通道),此出口可用于通风,在某些情况下可用作紧急出口,也可以用于开采。
If we assume a narrow vein dipping at a steep angle and a surface topography of low relief , a shaft is the most-suitable method of opening. It may be vertical, an incline in the plane of the vein or an incline in the footwall. The principal objections to the vertical shaft are its position in the hanging wall which is often unstable, the long crosscuts and difficulty of maintenance at the intersection of the vein and shaft.

83 Assume假定; a narrow vein 窄矿脉;dip倾斜; a steep angle 急倾角; surface topography地表地形;relief地形地势起伏;opening开拓; the plane of the vein 矿脉; in the footwall在下盘岩石中; principal 主要的;objections 缺点; the hanging wall 上盘岩石中; unstable不稳定的; long crosscuts长石门; maintenance 维护; intersection交叉点; 我们假定薄矿脉以急倾斜产出,并且地表地势起伏不大,最适合的开拓方法是井筒,井筒可以是垂直的(竖井),斜井可以开掘在矿脉中或者下盘岩石中。竖井的最主要的缺点是其位于不稳定的上盘岩石中。有很长的石门,在石门与矿脉的交叉点处难以维护。

84 The sinking of an incline in the plane of the vein has the disadvantage of increased maintenance where the vein is heavy. A shaft pillar must also be left on either side to protect the shaft. Sinking 开掘;pillar 矿柱;a shaft pillar 井筒保护矿柱; disadvantage缺点/不利条件;heavy厚(矿体) 在矿脉中开掘斜井,具有以下缺点,在矿脉量很大的位置增加了维护工作量且为了保护井筒,在井筒两边需留井筒保护矿柱。

85 The position of the incline in the footwall has the advantages of maximum stability, if the footwall is solid, minimum maintenance cost, and the avoidance of shaft pillars,on the whole, greater permanence is obtained with an incline in this position. Maximum最大量/最高值/最高的/最多的;minimum最小的; advantages 优点/有利条件; stability稳定性; solid坚固的; maintenance cost维护费用; avoidance避免;on the whole总之; permanence持久性; 若斜井位于稳固的下盘中,具有稳定性最高,维护费用最少,省掉了井筒矿柱等优点,总之,斜井处于此位置,可获得更大的持久性(实质上是服务年限最长)

86 Mode of opening up an ore body
矿床开拓方法 Mode of opening up an orebody involves a decision between vertical or inclined shaft or drift,or a combination of these to be driven for reaching the orebody from the surface, as to the lateral or subsidiary development, it deals chiefly with workings within the orebody. Mode 方式/方法/状态;involve 包括/包含;decision确定/决定;drift平硐/平巷;combination混合/联合; vertical or inclined shaft 竖井或斜井;drive 井巷掘进;lateral侧面的/横的/走向平巷;~ development 走向平巷;as to 至于;subsidiary辅助的/补充的/副的;~development辅助开拓;workings 巷道;

87 矿床开拓方法包括确定将要开掘的竖井或斜井或平硐或是联合法,以便从地表到达矿体,至于水平或辅助开拓,其主要在矿体中开掘巷道。
Access to the ore-bodies may be gained by means of vertical and inclined shafts or by adits, their choice depending on the mode of occurrence; steep dipping ore-bodies dipping more than 450 are best opened by vertical shafts; and for gently inclined ore-bodies with a dip not exceeding 40~450 inclined shafts are indicated. In mountainous regions adits

88 may give access to the orebody and this mode of opening up is the most economical and reasonable if conditions are favourable. Access通道/接近/进出;by means of 借助于;mode of occurrence 埋藏方式;occurrence发生/埋藏(矿体等);steep-dipping急倾斜的/陡斜的;gain到达;gently缓慢的/渐渐的;gently inclined缓倾斜的;dip 倾角;exceeding过度的/超过的;indicated需要/成为必要/指出/表明/象征/预示/暗示;mountainous 多山的;favourable有利的/合适的;economical 经济的/节约的;reasonable合理的; 借助于竖井、斜井或平硐可以到达矿体,其选择取决于矿体埋藏方式,倾角大于450的急倾斜矿体最好采用竖井,倾角不超过40~450的缓倾斜矿体,采用斜井是必要的。在多山地区,通过平硐可以通达矿体,若条件合适,这种开拓方法是最经济和最合理的。

89 The vertical and inclined shafts are usually sunk in the foot wall rocks beyond the possible limit to footwall rock movement. Combined shafts may be justified only if a sharp change of dip is encountered or for deep-seated deposits. The foot wall rocks下盘岩石;beyond超过/除…..之外/在….范围之外;justify正确的/认为…有理;encounter遭遇/遇见;deep-seated深的/位置深的/埋藏深的;footwall底盘/下盘;sharp change 突变;combined shafts 混合井/联合开拓;sink 挖掘/开掘;limit界限/界线/(复数)范围/境界;there is a limit to one’s life, but no ~to serving the people. 人的生命是有限的,但为人民服务是无限的。 竖井和斜井通常开掘在下盘岩石中,位于下盘岩石可能的移动界限以外。如果矿体倾角发生突变或矿体埋藏很深,联合开拓是合理的。

90 At great depths multi-stage hoisting shafts are used, one stage not exceeding 800 to 1300 meters, multi-shafts are also found in practice for opening up deep flatting deposits. Multi-stage多段的;multi-shaft多段提升井;flatting缓平的/平坦的;hoist 绞起/升起/提升;one stage一段; 矿井深度很大时,多段提升井被采用,一段(级)提升不超过800-1300米,在实际应用中,多段提升井多用来开拓深部倾角小的矿床(缓倾斜近水平矿体)。

91 For development at each level main crosscuts are driven from the shaft to the ore body, and from these crosscuts haulageways are turned off. In thin ore bodies haulageways are usually driven in the orebody,but in thick deposits field drifts are advanced in the footwall rocks at a distance of 10 to 100 meters from the contact. From these field drifts crosscuts are driven from 20 to 60meters apart. The haulageways are connected by a series of raises for ventilation, communication, transportation of materials and equipments and for ore transfer.

92 Each level 每一个水平;main crosscuts主石门;turn off转变方向;thin orebody 薄矿体;thick deposits厚矿体;field drifts阶段运输巷道= haulageway 运输平巷; ;advanced掘进;contact接触/触点;apart间距;raise天井/上山;ore transfer矿石运搬/转运;transfer转运; 每一个水平的开拓,主石门是从井筒向矿体开掘,从这些石门运输巷道转向,在薄矿体中,运输巷道通常开掘在矿体中,但在厚矿体中,水平巷道是在下盘岩石中开掘的,与矿体相距10到100米,从这些平巷每隔20~60米开掘一条石门。运输巷道是通过上山(天井)联系的,天井用来通风、通讯、运输材料和设备及矿石转运。

93 Lesson eight ventilation
通风 Coming into the mine workings, the atmospheric air takes some changes; the proportion of oxygen decreases and that of carbon dioxide increases; some fumes and gases are added as well as the suspended rock dust; its physical properties, namely temperature, moisture, pressure and specific weight (gravity) change as well. Fume烟/气味;dust 灰尘;dioxide二氧化物;carbon dioxide 二氧化碳;silicon/sulfur(sulphur) ~二氧化硅/硫;mine working矿山巷道;

94 Proportion比例/比率;the ~ of births to the population人口出生率;suspend悬浮/推迟/中止/暂停;atmospheric大气的;moisture湿度;rock dust 粉尘/岩尘; namely即/也就是;only one person can do the job ~you.唯独一人能够做这事,那就是你。 进入矿山巷道(井巷)内,空气就发生了一些变化,氧气的比例降低了,二氧化碳的比例升高了。增加了一些烟和瓦斯,还有悬浮的岩尘,其物理性质也就是温度、湿度、压力、比重也变化了。 Safety is the first mining law, and to make the conditions of underground work comfortable and safe the mine air must be greatly paid attention to. mining law采矿安全规程; underground work 地下采矿工作;mine air矿井通风; 在采矿安全规程中,安全是第一位的,为了使井下工作环境舒适和安全,必须非常注意/重视矿井通风。

95 The ventilation of a mine means the supplying of a large amount of air to the various parts of a mine. As great depth is reached, mechanical ventilation becomes a necessity. Two main airways (shafts and adits) are necessary in mechanical ventilation. one for the incoming and the other for outgoing current. means意味着/就是/打算; airway 风巷/风道;incoming进来的;outgoing出去的;adit平硐/石门;fan 扇风机;outgoing current回风; 矿井通风就是向矿井中各部位提供大量空气,随着深度增加,机械通风就成为必要了,在机械通风中两种主要风道(井筒和石门)是必不可少的,一条进风另一条回风。

96 Ventilation by ducts alone utilizing the main fan pressure is less costly, simpler and more reliable in operation as compared to auxiliary ventilation. duct风筒/风道/通道;fan 扇风机;reliable可靠的/确定的;auxiliary辅助的/局部的;auxiliary ventilation 局扇通风;costly昂贵的;alone单独的/独自/(用在名词或代词后面)只/只有/仅仅; 与局扇通风相比,在通风过程中,利用主扇压力仅通过风道/筒通风较便宜、简单而且更可靠。 Auxiliary ventilation can be of the following types:(a) forcing (b) exhausting (c) over-lapping (d) reversible.

97 forcing压入式;exhausting抽出式;over-lapping混合式;reversible可逆式的/倒转的;
局扇通风可分为如下类型: (a)压入式;(b)抽出式;(c)混合式;(d)可逆式。 In coal mines brattice are now restricted to very short headings less than 20 m in length. Brattice need careful maintenance and have to be kept extended right up to the face which is essential for good face ventilation. Brattice风幛;restrict 限制/约束/控制;heading巷道;maintenance维持/保持;extended伸出的/伸展的/延长的/持续的; right up to 垂直于; 在煤矿中,风幛在长度上被限制在少于20米的很短巷道中,风幛需要细心的维护且必须始终垂直于工作面,这对于工作面良好通风是必不可少的。

98 In a metal mine the fan is generally used as an exhaust through a system of raises connecting with the fan at the surface, the air coming in by all other shafts and openings. Underground the air current along the workings is regulated by gates, stoppings, curtains and so on. exhaust排气/抽风机;fan风机;gate风门;raise通风井/回风井/上山/天井;stopping风墙;regulate调节/调整; 金属矿山中,扇风机通常用作排风/抽风机,通过通风系统与地表扇风机相连,进风是通过别的井筒与通道,地下巷道中的风流调节是通过风门、风墙、风帘等等。

99 The problem of modern deep mine ventilation becomes much more complicated with increasing depth of mining. The temperature in deep mines depends upon several conditions the chief being the atmospheric temperature and rock temperature at depth. Complicated复杂的; depth of mining开采深度; depend upon 取决于; the chief being 主要是; atmospheric temperature 大气温度; rock temperature 岩温;intake 进风巷;flexible软的/易弯曲的;gassy瓦斯的;install安装/放置;desirable合乎需要的;humid潮湿的;flexible ducting 软风筒;exposed strata 暴露围岩;the path of exhaust air 乏风通路。 现代深部矿井通风的问题,随着采矿深度的增加已经变得更加复杂了,深井中的温度主要依赖于几种情况,主要是大气温度和深部岩温。

100 Lesson nine Shafts In metal mines shafts are used as the main development openings by any method of the development within deposit. Now the development methods of vertical shafts are used in most of big and medium-sized metal mines in our country. the main development openings主要开拓巷道; the development methods of vertical shafts竖井开拓法; big and medium-sized metal mines大中型金属矿山; 在金属矿山中,在矿床中采用的任何开拓法都以井筒作为主要开拓巷道,如今竖井开拓法被应用在大多数的大中型金属矿山中。(或者说如今国内大多数大中型金属矿山都应用竖井开拓法)

101 Shafts are the vertical or inclined openings through which men, supplies, ore and waste are transported. They are the chief service openings during the development and operation of a mine, and at some mines serve only as an airway, for the pumping of water, or as a space for compressed-air pipes or electric cables. Supplies材料设备;waste 废石; service openings 服务性巷道; development开拓;operation生产;airway通风道/风井; pumping of water排水; compressed-air pipes压风管路; electric cables电缆。 井筒就是指竖井和斜井,可用作上下人员,运送材料设备,提升矿石和岩石,在矿山的开拓和生产过程中井筒作为主要的服务性坑道,且在有的矿山中只用作通风道(风井)排水或只用作铺设压风管路和电缆。

102 For ore deposits in a vertical or horizontal direction, the vertical shaft is indicated. For inclined deposits, the dip is the important factor in making the choice between inclined and vertical shafts, whether to have an inclined or a vertical shafts depends on the result of a careful study of mine conditions and the relative costs of the two shafts. For 对….来说; vertical or horizontal direction垂直或水平方向; indicated必需的;dip倾角; making the choice选择;whether ….or 或者 ; a careful study of 仔细研究; mine conditions 矿山具体情况; the relative costs 相关费用; 对于近乎垂直或水平的矿床的开拓,竖井成为必要(多采用竖井)对于倾斜的矿床,在选择采用竖井或斜井时倾角是重要的影响因素,采用斜井还是竖井取决于仔细研究矿山具体情况的结果,以及这两种井筒的相关费用。

103 Considering crosscuts in the two cases, it is usually stated that a dip of 70o is about the critical angle, above which the vertical shafts is indicated and below which the inclined shafts should be used. Crosscut 石门/短联络横巷;critical临界的;critical angle临界角; 在这两种情况下考虑到石门,矿体临界角通常是700,大于700时采用竖井,小于700时采用斜井。 In general, the hoisting speed in an inclined shaft is less than that in a vertical shaft, but the loss in speed can be compensated to some extent by increased load. For two shafts of the same cross-section and length,

104 an inclined shaft has a capacity about is to 20% less than that of a vertical shaft.
In general一般来说; hoisting speed 提升速度;loss 损失; compensate补偿/弥补;load装载量;cross-section横截面;capacity生产能力; 一般来说,斜井中的提升速度小于竖井中的提升速度,但是提升速度方面的损失在一定程度上可以通过增加装载量来弥补,相同横断面及相同长度的竖井和斜井相比,斜井的提升能力比竖井的提升能力少约20%。 The combination shaft in which the vertical shaft turns into an inclined shaft at depth is a second choice to stage hoisting in a separate vertical and a separate inclined shaft.

105 In a combination shaft, because of the bend, the speed of hoisting must be reduced, the skips cannot be fully loaded and a high maintenance cost results, stage hoisting has the advantage of increasing the output. In some deep mines three-staged hoisting is used. combination shaft联合开拓; a second choice另一选择; separate独立的;bend 转运;skip 箕斗; high maintenance cost 高的维护成本; stage hoisting分段提升; 联合开拓是在独立的竖井和斜井中分段提升的又一选择;即上部采用竖井开拓,深部采用斜井,由于转运,提升速度降低了,箕斗不能装满,且维护费用很高,但分段提升具有增加产量的优点,在有的深井矿山中采用三段(级)提升。

106 Site of shafts 井筒位置 The site of shafts determines the cost of their maintenance, expenses on the haulage of mineral, filling, water as well as transportation of men and ventilation cost. The site of shafts is primarily determined by the method of its opening. The ultimate selection of the shaft location, however, implied additional consideration of the combined effects produced by many other factors.

107 Cost 成本;expenses费用;haulage运输;filling充填; primarily首先; ultimate最后的/最终的;location位置; additional 附加的/额外的; consideration考虑; combined effects 综合影响;imply 暗示/意指; 井筒位置决定了其维护费用,矿石运输费用,充填费用,排水费用及人员运输和通风费用。井筒位置首先根据开拓方式确定,但是最终确定井筒位置还要综合考虑其它许多因素的影响。 1、The broken ore is hoisted through the shaft therefore, it has to be situated so as to be as close as possible at the center of the deposit so that haulage ways may be minimized. The broken ore采下的矿石;situate位于/坐落于; at the center of the deposit矿床储量中心; haulage ways运输线路;minimize减到最少; 采下的矿石通过井筒提升,因此井筒坐落位置应尽可能接近矿体储量中心以便于使运输路线最短。

108 2、All the transport of ore should be towards the shaft, and not away from the shaft.
所有的矿石都是向井筒运输,而不是背离井筒。 3、Through the shaft the air should be carried to the lowest level of the mine and the air-current passing through the various sections of the mine rises to the return shaft. 风流通过井筒先进入矿井的最低水平,然后到达了井下各部位,最后回到上部回风井。 4、The shaft pillar for the protection of the shaft should contain as little ore as possible.

109 井筒保安矿柱应留的尽量少。 5、During the whole age of the mine the shaft should remain unaffected by the ground pressure and movement of the rock beds. unaffected 未受影响的; 在矿山的服务年限中,井筒应免受地压和岩层移动的影响。 6、It should be situated in rocks through which it can be easily sunk and maintained. 井筒应当位于容易掘进和易于维护的岩层中。

110 9、It has to be opened at the surface as close as possible to railways.
7、It must not be situated in fractured zones and in places where the area is traversed by the faults. Fractured破碎的/折断的;traverse横过/横断;fractured zones 破裂带; 井筒不应位于/座落在破裂带或被断层横断(破坏)地带。8、We have to avoid places where strong inflows of water may be expected. strong inflows of water大涌水量;inflow 流入;an ~ of air空气的流入;an ~ of bank deposits银行存款的增加; 井筒须避开预计可能有大的涌水量的地带。 9、It has to be opened at the surface as close as possible to railways. 地表井口应尽可能接近铁路。

111 10、Access to it on the surface should be easy .
从地表进出井筒应该容易。 11、It must not be in a place which is likely to be flooded. flood淹没/使泛滥; 井筒应避开可能被洪水淹没的地带。 12、It should be situated in a place where there is enough space for the erection of workers’ settlements, as well as for stores, yards etc. Erection 建立/安装;settlement新住宅区; store贮藏/贮存(复数)贮藏品/备用品;yard 场地/铁路车场; 井筒应座落在地表有足够的空间的位置,以便能建立工人住宅区及仓库、铁路车场等。

112 As it is not always possible to fulfil all these conditions, the site of a shaft is the resultant of as many these factors as possible. Resultant结果;fault断层; fulfil 达到/满足/执行/完成/; 因为井筒位置并不总是能够满足所有这些条件,井筒位置是许多可能因素综合作用的结果。

113 Lesson ten Advantages and disadvantages of open-cut work
露天开采的优缺点 It’s known that open-cut work has many advantages as comparaed to underground mining. 众所周知,露天开采与地下开采相比有许多优点。 1、The main advantage is that the efficiency of labour is much higher in open pits, while the cost of mining is lower. A miner achieves 3-4 times as much in open-cut mining as he does underground.

114 That is because it is possible to use highly efficient mining and transport equipments.
主要优点是露天开采的劳动效率很高而成本很低,露天开采中工人的劳动效率是地采中工人效率的3-4倍,那可能是因为露采应用了高效率的采矿和运输设备。 2、Large working faces and the use of highly efficient machines for the open mining of large deposits yield considerable tonnages. The same factors make it possible to increase output in a newly-built open pit much faster than in an underground mine. The reconstruction of an active open pit enables to raise production

115 more quickly than is the case with an underground mine.
Large working faces 工作空间广阔;large deposits大型矿床;yield 产生/出产;considerable大量的;tonnages吨位/产量;newly-built open pit新建露天矿;reconstruction重建/改造;active生产中的;raise production提高产量; 工作空间广阔及采用高效率的设备开采大型矿床,可提高矿石产量,与地下矿山相比,相同的因素使一个新建的露天矿很快的增加产量成为可能。与相同情况的地下矿相比,正在生产过程中的露天矿的重建(改造)能够更快地提高产量。 3、Open pits need no support, filling, ventilation and artifical lighting(except at night).

116 4、The percentage recovery of the mineral is higher in open work .
露天矿不需要支护、充填、通风、照明(晚上除外) 4、The percentage recovery of the mineral is higher in open work . recovery恢复/回收率; 露天开采矿石回收率高; 5、Working conditions are better in the open than underground. 露天比地下劳动条件好。 6、There is less danger of accidents. 事故的威胁少。

117 We know that there are some disadvantages of open-cut mining
We know that there are some disadvantages of open-cut mining. The disadvantages of open-cut mining are: 我们知道露天开采有一些缺点,露采的缺点是: 1、It is more difficult to work in open pit during rainfall or severe cold. And in cold winter conditions labour and machine efficiency drops considerably. 雨季和寒冷的冬季,在露天矿中工作是很困难的,在寒冷的冬季,劳动效率和机械效率都大大降低了。

118 2、Modern open-cut work requires considerable areas of land for pits and barren rocks. Thus it is often lost to agriculture. 现代露天开采需要大量土地当作矿坑和排弃废石,这对农业来说通常是损失。 3、Open work at night requires large areas to be provided with artificial lighting. 夜间开采大量区域需提供照明。 These advantages of open-cut mining are outweighed over the underground mining method, so in conditions permitted preference

119 should be given to the open-cut method.
outweigh多于/重于/在价值(重要性,影响等)上超过;The advantages ~ the disadvantages有利条件超过不利条件; preference偏爱/优先/优先权;have a ~for 偏爱;in ~ to优先于;have a ~ of sth to/over another喜爱某物甚于另一物。 露天开采的优点多于地下开采,因此在条件允许的情况下,应优先选择露天开采。

120 Rock mass structure 岩体结构 Rock differs from most other engineering materials in that it contains fractures of one type or another which render its structure discontinuous. Thus a clear distinction must be made between the rock element or rock material on the one hand and the rock mass on the other. Render 致使/使变为;distinction区别/差别; 岩石不同于其它的工程材料,因为岩石包含有一种或几种破裂/裂隙,这会使岩石结构不连续。因而岩石单元或岩石材料与岩体之间存在明显的区别。

121 Rock material is the term used to describe the intact rock between discontinuities; it might be represented by a hand specimen or piece of drill core examined in the laboratory. The rock mass is the total in situ medium containing bedding planes,faults, joints, folds and other structural features. Term 术语;intact完好的/致密的; hand specimen手大小的矿石标本;discontinuity不连续性/不均匀性;in situ在原地/在现场; 岩石材料是术语被用作描述致密岩石;其可以用实验室中矿石标本和岩心代替/代表。岩体是指原位介质的总体,其中含有层面、断层、节理、褶皱及其它结构特征。

122 Rock masses are discontinuous and often have heterogeneous and anisotropic engineering properties.
heterogeneous非均质的; anisotropic 各向异性的; 岩体是不连续的,通常有非均质性和各向异性等工程特性。 The nature and distribution of structural features within the rock mass is known as the rock structure. Obviously, rock structure can have a dominant effect on the response of a rock to mining operations. Nature 自然状态/种类/性质;distribution分布状态;dominant支配的/占优势的;

123 岩体中结构特征的原始状态与分布被称作岩体结构/构造,很显然,岩体结构/构造对于岩石对采矿作业的响应具有支配性的影响。
It can influence the choice of a mining method and the design of mining layouts because it can control stable excavation spans, support requirements, subsidence,cavability and fragmentation characteristics. Layout 规划/布局/设计; 岩体结构/构造可以影响采矿方法的选择和采矿规划的设计。因为其可控制坑道跨度的稳定,支护的要求,沉陷,塌落性以及破碎特性等。

124 At shallow depths and in de-stressed areas, structurally controlled failures may be the prime concern in excavation design. At depth and in areas of high stress concentration, the influence of structure may be less marked, and limiting the induced boundary stresses or energy release rates may be more important consideration. Structurally结构上; controlled受约束的;marked显著的;limiting 限制的;induced促使/导致; consideration考虑; 在浅部和应力释放区域,在坑道开挖设计中结构控制地破坏也许是主要应关注的。在深部和应力集中区,构造的影响并不明显,而更要考虑的可能是限制诱发边界应力或能量释放速率。

125 Structural features and their origins are well described in several textbooks on general, structural and engineering geology. All that will be given here is a catalogue of the major types of structural feature and brief descriptions of their key engineering properties. textbook 教科书;catalogue 目录; 结构特征和起因在结构与工程地质学等几本教科书里被全面详细的描述了。这里将要给出结构特征的主要类型的目录和关键/主要工程性质的简要描述。

126 Shear zones are bands of material, up to several metres thick, in which local shear failure of the rock has previously taken place. They represent zones of stress relief in an otherwise unaltered rock mass throughout which they may occur irregularly. shear zones剪切区域;band 带;up to等于; local shear failure 局部的剪切破坏;irregularly不规则地; previously以前/先前/已经; 剪切区域是等于几米厚的材料带,其中岩石局部的剪切破坏已经发生了。在未被改变的岩体中其代表应力消除区域,岩体中剪切区域的出现可能是不规则的。

127 Fractured surfaces in the shear zone may be slickensided or coated with low-friction materials, produced by the stress relief process or weathering. Like faults, shear zones have low shear strengths but they may be much more difficult to identify visually. Fractured断裂的; slickensided 岩石光滑面/断面擦痕;low-friction低摩擦力 在剪切区域中断裂的表面可能是断面擦痕或低摩擦力材料在表层,由于应力消除过程或风化侵蚀产生。正如断层,剪切破坏区域具有比较低的剪切强度,但是明确的确定也许更加困难。

128 Dykes are long, narrow intrusions of generally fine-grained igneous rock with steep or vertical and approximately parallel sides. They may vary in width from a few centimeters to several metres and may appear as dyke swarms. dyke岩脉;intrusion侵入; fine-grained有细密纹理的;igneous rock 岩浆岩/火成岩;swarms 岩脉群; 岩脉/岩墙是长而窄通常具有细密纹理的很陡或者垂直并且大约是互相平行的岩浆岩/火成岩。其厚度变化从几个厘米到几米,并且以岩脉群出现。

129 Dykes may also be of considerable length
Dykes may also be of considerable length. The dyke margins are frequently fractured and altered during the intrusion. dyke margin岩墙边缘;intrusion侵入; fractured 断裂的; altered改变的 岩脉/岩墙可能会很长,岩墙边缘在侵入期间通常是破裂/断裂的和变化的 。 They form potential seepage paths and zones of low stiffness and shear strength in which movements will tend to be concentrated. Form 形成/构成;seepage渗流;stiffness硬度/ 刚度;strength力/强度; 它们形成潜在的渗流通道和低硬度区,并且运动中剪切力趋向于集中。

130 Because of their high stiffness,unweathered dyke rocks can develop high stresses and so be susceptible to stress-induced failure or, as in the deep-level gold mines of South Africa,be associated with rockburst conditions. Susceptible易受影响的;and so 因此; unweathered未受风化的;develop 发展/发育/获得;stress-induced应力诱发的; 由于岩墙的高硬度,未风化的岩脉可获得高应力,易受由应力诱发的破坏/断裂影响或与岩爆是有关系的,如南非金矿深部水平 。

131 Joints are the most common and generally the most geotechnically significant structural features in rocks. Joints are breaks of geological origin along which there has been no visible displacement. Geotechnically岩土技术方面/地质工艺方面; 节理通常是岩石中最普通的和地质工艺方面最重要的结构特征。节理是地质源的破裂/折断/突变,其没有明显的位移。

132 A group of parallel joints is called a joint set, and joint sets intersect to form a joint system. Joints may be open, filled or healed. They frequently form parallel to bedding planes, foliations or slaty cleavage, when they may be termed bedding joints, foliation joints or cleavage joints. Joint set 节理组;intersect相交/交叉; 一组平行的节理被称作节理组,节理组交叉就形成了节理系。节理可是敞开的,填满的或合拢的。它们通常平行于层面、叶理、板状劈裂,这时其可称为层理、片理或者劈理。

133 沉积岩通常包含两组约互相直交的节理 并且节理与层面垂直。
Sedimentary rocks often contain two sets of joints approximately orthogonal to each other and to the bedding plans. Orthogonal直交的; 沉积岩通常包含两组约互相直交的节理 并且节理与层面垂直。 dip joint 倾向节理; strike joints 走向节理;oblique joints 斜节理;shear joints 剪切节理;tension joints at crest of fold 褶皱顶部的张节理;

134 Roof, Floor and Ribs 顶板,底板,两帮 There are two broad types of roof as far as support is concerned: the immediate roof above the coal and the main roof. broad主要的;as far as……is concerned 就…..而论; 就支护而言,主要有两种类型的顶板:位于煤上的直接顶和老顶。

135 The immediate roof is generally a few feet thick but can vary from inches to 6.1m(20ft) or more. There are examples of where there is no immediate roof as the massive main roof lies directly on the coal bed, but this is rare. massive厚/笨重的/块状的; 直接顶通常是几英尺厚,但是其变化可从几英寸到6.1m(20英尺)或者更厚。也有没有直接顶,厚重的老顶直接位于煤层之上的例子,但是这种例子很少。

136 Main roof is composed of strata above the immediate coal bed roof that forms the overburden to the surface. Frequently ,the term is applied only to a massive, strong rock layer that does not break or bend until all of the coal is removed by pillaring or by longwall mining. overburden覆盖层/荷载;frequently经常;layer层; 老顶是由位于直接顶上的多层地层构成的,形成了直到地表的覆盖层/荷载. 这个术语经常地只应用于厚大的坚硬岩石层,其不会破坏或弯曲直到所有的煤应用矿柱或长壁法采出之前。

137 Most miners ordinarily class the immediate roof as “slate” or “rock”
Most miners ordinarily class the immediate roof as “slate” or “rock”. The term “slate” can cover shale, sandy shale, black shale, draw slate, stone, and other classification. Rock ordinarily means sandrock, or sand-stone; sometimes it means limestone. slate板岩/煤中页岩;shale 页岩;draw slate随着采煤崩落的板岩; 工人们通常把直接顶分类为煤中页岩或岩石.术语slate可以是页岩,砂质页岩,黑页岩,板岩伪顶,岩石和其它分类。岩石通常意思是砾岩有时它指石灰岩。

138 Shale is a fine grained clay rock formation of many varieties
Shale is a fine grained clay rock formation of many varieties. It is often carbonaceous in character,due to intermingling with some coaly material. It may or may not be able to support its own weight. It is often dark or bluish in color. Shale is found overlying most coalbeds and thus forming the immediate top for those deposits. 页岩是细粒的粘土岩,形成许多种类。由于混合了许多含煤的物质,其通常具有碳的特征。其能或不能支撑自身重量。通常为黑色或浅蓝色。页岩见于绝大多数煤层之上,从而构成了这些矿床的直接顶。

139 Slate is just another term for a shale that splits into thin horizontal laminations with straight cleavage planes. It is of various colors,black, gray,and greenish being most common. lamination分层;cleavage plane解理面/晶体的劈裂面; Slate/板岩 只是页岩的另一种叫法,其分成薄的水平分层,具有直的解理面。其有多种颜色,其中黑色,灰色和浅绿色最常见。

140 Black slate is high in carbonaceous material and may even approach coal in composition. As with other types of roof, slate can be strong or weak, and may contain irregularities. approach接近;as与….一样; irregularity不规则/不均匀/奇异性; 黑页岩含碳的杂质量很高,甚至在成分上接近于煤。与别的类型的顶板一样,页岩可能坚固也可能较差,并且可能不均匀/规则。

141 (Draw slate) In general, any shale, fire clay, or soapstone that comes down, or must be taken down, after the supporting coal has been removed, is termed draw slate. Draw slate usually contains many slips and cleavages that make it very treacherous. 一般的,那些页岩、防火粘土、滑石在支撑的 煤被采出后就跨落或崩落下来,称作伪顶。伪顶通常含有许多的节理和劈理这使其很不可靠。

142 Where coal height permits,it is often deliberately shot or cut down in the mining operation, especially if overlain with a better roof stratum. 在煤层厚度允许的位置,开采中经常故意地将伪顶爆落或切割掉,特别是在有较好的顶板岩层覆盖的条件下。

143 A limit to this practice is the balance of overall cost between better roof support and mining conditions at the face compared to increased contamination of the coal, which causes a higher transportation,cleaning,and refuse handling expense. compared to与….相比;contamination污染/污染物;cleaning清洗/洗选; refuse handling 矸石/废渣/尾矿/尾煤/废物处理; 这种实践的限制是工作面良好的顶板支撑和开采条件与煤污染增加后导致比较高的运输费用,洗选费用和矸石处理费用等总成本之间的平衡。

144 Bone is also termed bone coal or boney
Bone is also termed bone coal or boney. It is a slatey or argillaceous coal, or carbonaceous shale. This material may be found anywhere in the seam of coal,in the roof, or in the floor,as may the others that are listed. Argillaceous 泥质的/含泥土的;carbonaceous碳质的/含碳的; Bone 也被称作骨煤或劣质煤。它是板岩或者泥质的煤或含碳的页岩。这种材料在煤层里,顶板里或底板里随处可见,也可在列出的其它物质里见到一样。

145 Often, when it is at the top of the bed, it may be used for the roof if the height is sufficient to leave it in place. As with other rocks, it varies in strength with the content of shale or the content of coal,as it is made of both. 当其位于煤层的顶部时,如果厚度足以留在原位的话,其可用作顶板。正如别的岩石一样,当其由两部分组成时,其在强度方面的变化与页岩的含量或者煤的含量有关。

146 Top cutting causes less disturbance in the roof and may permit bone and coal to remain in place where shooting would bring it down. Akin to bone is rash which is more brittle, in thinner layers, and contains very thin streaks or beds of coal. 顶部掏槽对顶板的扰动/干扰小,可使煤质页岩和煤保留在原来的位置,通过爆破崩落下来。同族的劣质煤是脏煤,其更易破碎,更薄并且含有很薄的煤的夹层。

147 Fire clay(Clay stone) This material is a deposit of mud that time and pressure have changed to rock. It is chiefly derived from kaolin and ranges in color from white to deep gray. It may be interspersed with coal, bone, shale, or sandstone streaks. Deposit沉积;derive from起源于;kaolin高岭土;be interspersed with 散布/点缀;streak夹层; 耐火粘土(粘土岩)这种材料是淤泥的一种沉积,随着时间和压力的变化而成为岩石。其主要来源于高岭土,颜色变化范围从白色到深灰色。其中可能散步着煤、板岩、页岩或砾岩的夹层。

148 It may occur over the coalbed, in it, or form the floor
It may occur over the coalbed, in it, or form the floor. For most coal seams it forms the immediate floor. It may be hard and firm, or it may be soft. Usually it softens when exposed to air and water, and this can make movement of mining machinery a slow, muddy affair. 其可能出现在煤层上覆,煤层中,或者形成煤层底板。对于大多数煤层来说,其形成煤层的直接底。其可能坚硬牢固,也可能松软。通常当其暴露在空气中和水中/受潮就会软化,这会使采矿机械移动缓慢,在淤泥中工作。

149 As the floor of a coal bed is frequently weaker than the roof, the size of pillars and the method of mining must also be geared to the floor. This is because the fire clay will have plastic flow under too much roof pressure, causing the pillars to sink and the development work to have heavings floor. Both results play havoc with mining. 因为煤层的底板稳固性通常比顶板差,矿柱的尺寸和采矿方法必须适合于底板。这是因为防火粘土在太大的顶板压力下会发生塑性流动变形,导致矿柱下沉和开拓工程具有隆起的底板。这二者引起开采混乱。

150 Most often the floor under the coal is composed of a fire clay or clay stone that varies in thickness from a few inches to several feet. Sometimes it is a hard shale, a sandy shale, or even a sandstone. 大多数煤层底板是由耐火粘土岩构成的,其厚度变化从几英寸到数英尺。有时它是硬页岩,砂岩或是砾岩。

151 如果开采系统设计恰当并且规划随后进行,通常底板对顶板没有影响。当煤柱留设的太小或者矿柱开采时老顶不破碎/断裂困难就出现了。
Usually a floor has no material effect on the roof if the mining system is properly designed and the projections followed. Difficulty arises where coal pillars are too small or where the main roof does not break when pillaring. arises出现/发生;projection规划/设计/方案; 如果开采系统设计恰当并且规划随后进行,通常底板对顶板没有影响。当煤柱留设的太小或者矿柱开采时老顶不破碎/断裂困难就出现了。

152 In such a situation the bottom will heave(“hoove”)in rooms and entries due to pressure on the coal pillars pushing them into the bottom because of displacement by plastic flow of a weaker floor. This greatly aggravates mining operations and roof control. heave隆起/鼓胀;bottom底板;entry主平巷/水平巷道;aggravate加重/加剧/使恶化;plastic flow 塑性流动; 在这种情况下,矿房和巷道中的底板将会隆起,这由于矿柱上的压力传递到底板中致使软弱底板发生的塑性流动产生位移造成的。这使采矿作业和顶板管理更难。

153 Some coal seams are hard and without definite cleats (vertical joints or faces). others are weak have pronounced cleats, and break easily with pressure. Any tendency to weakness shows up more in thicker than in thinner coal beds. cleat割理;pronounced显著的;definite明确的;tendency倾向/趋向/可能性;show up 显现; 有些煤层很坚硬并且没有明确的割理(垂直的节理或面)。有些煤层不稳固(软弱)具有明显的割理,在压力下很容易破碎。软弱/不稳固显现的趋势/倾向在厚煤层中比在薄煤层中更多。

154 煤从矿柱上剥落/破裂由于其自身的易碎性和顶板压力,这减少了矿柱的尺寸,反过来增加了尺寸减少的矿柱的压力。
Coal that breaks from the solid pillar due to its own fragility,plus roof pressure,reduces the size of the pillar which, in turn, increases the weight on the reduced size pillar. fragility脆性/易碎性;plus加上; 煤从矿柱上剥落/破裂由于其自身的易碎性和顶板压力,这减少了矿柱的尺寸,反过来增加了尺寸减少的矿柱的压力。

155 Not only is this loose coal costly to clean up but the progressively smaller size of pillar creates stresses in the roof which often increase the cost of support. In extracting pillars, such fracturing and spalling can be an asset in mining. In longwall mining, it is a decided advantage. Loose coal松软/疏松的煤; progressively逐渐地;create产生; decided确定的/坚决的;costly昂贵的;clean up 清扫/清理;asset优点; 不但这疏松煤的清理费用高,而且逐渐减小尺寸的煤柱还会在顶板产生应力,这常常会增加支护费用。在回采矿柱过程中,这种破裂和剥落在开采中是有用的。在长壁式开采中它确实是一种优点,

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