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An Introduction of NATWA

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1 An Introduction of NATWA
北美洲台灣婦女會簡報 An Introduction of NATWA

2 宗旨 NATWA Mission 1.喚醒女性意識、確保女性尊嚴。 2.反對性別歧視、促進兩性平等。 3.發揮女性才能、參與公共決策。
To evoke a sense of self-esteem and enhance women's dignity. 2.反對性別歧視、促進兩性平等。 To oppose gender discrimination and promote gender equality. 3.發揮女性才能、參與公共決策。 To fully develop women's potential and encourage their participation in public affairs. 4.弘揚人權民主、開創台灣新局。 To contribute to the advancement of human rights and democratic development in Taiwan. 5.聯合全球婦女、致力世界和平。 To reach out and work with women's organization worldwide to promote world peace. 2

3 組織 NATWA Organization 會長,副會長 President, Vice President
理事會由會長、副會長及七位區理事組成 Board of Directors : President, Vice President, Seven Geographic Regional Directors 秘書處 - 秘書,會計 Secretary Office – Secretary, Treasurer 15個分會 Fifteen Chapters 19個工作小組 Nineteen Committees 美加有1,000名以上的會員 Over 1,000 members in Canada and the United States 3

4 NATWA Organization - continue
組織-接上頁 NATWA Organization - continue 七位區理事 Seven Geographic Regions 東北區、東南區、西北區、西南區、中西部、平原區及南區 North East, South East, North West, South West, Midwest, Plains & South 15 分會 Fifteen Chapters 亞利桑那州、波斯頓、北加州、南加州、聖地牙哥、底特律、 夏威夷州、堪薩斯州、路易斯安那州、紐澤西、紐約、俄亥俄州、聖路易斯、多倫多、溫哥華 Arizona, Boston, N. California, S. California, Greater San Diego, Detroit, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, St. Louis, Toronto & Vancouver 4

5 工作小組 19個工作小組 Nineteen Committees Committees 5
月 曆 製 作 組 Calendar Production Committee 月 曆 業 務 組 Calendar Sales Committee 關 懷 組 Care Network Committee 文 化 組 Culture Committee 選 舉 組 Election Committee 財務規範協助組 Finance Regulatory Committee 開 源 組 Fund Raising Committee 史 料 組 Historian Committee 會 員 組 Membership Committee 5

6 工作小組-接上頁 Committees-Continue
章程組 Constitution Committee 基金組 Fund Committee 聯手組 Networking Committee 提名組 Nomination Committee 出版組 Publishing Committee 獎學金組 Scholarship Committee 網頁組 Website Committee 年會組 Annual Convention 年中理事會 Mid-year Board Meeting NATWA II 6

7 活動計劃 NATWA Projects 獎學金 Scholarship
台灣學童協助基金 Taiwan Students Assistance Fund Project (TSAF) 關懷出征美軍 Caring for Soldiers Project 台灣隊 Team Taiwan 月曆 Calendar 台灣媒體專欄 Taiwanese Media Column 捐書回台 Book Project 7

8 獎學金 Scholarship 1.NATWA獎學金: 這是由第十屆會長吳美芬在1998年年會時,募集了一萬多元而開始發放的獎
學金。每年提供兩名,每人一千元。對象是該年年會所在地的應屆高中畢業 生,不分族裔、性別、膚色。惟申請人必需是計劃進入大學就讀且有經濟需 求者。獎學金支票直接寄至得獎者就讀之學校。 NATWA Scholarship : Offered to college-bound high school seniors from the area that hosts our annual convention. Offers are indiscriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, and sex. Two recipients, each receives US$1,000. 2.傅康平紀念獎學金: 第九屆會長林郁子為紀念過世的先生於1997年開始提供。每年一千元鼓勵年 輕第二代台美婦女一名,參與台美社團領導人才訓練及服務。申請人必需已 拿到社團活動的聘書。這幾年則改為男女各一名,每人五百元。 Dr. K. P. Fu memorial scholarship: Offered to second generation Taiwanese American students who intern at Taiwanese American public affair organizations. Two recipients, one male, one female, each receives US$500.

9 Scholarship -Continue
獎學金-接上頁 Scholarship -Continue 3.分會(社區)獎學金: 總會每年提供各分會 US$200 獎學金及社區服務補助金 US$500,鼓 勵各分會設立社區獎學金。 Chapter Scholarship/Community Service Fund: Run by NATWA local chapters, one scholarship of US$200 and community service fund of US$500. 4.單親媽媽獎學金: 自2001年開始。前四年由加州邱女士提供,後來則由婦女會提供。每 年一名一千元。本獎學金不限族裔、年齡和教育程度,但需是單親的 在學學生,且需有一位本會會員背書。 Single-mother-student Scholarship: Applicant must be a student and a single mother recommended by NATWA member. Offers are indiscriminate on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, color and educational level.  One recipient each year will be awarded US$1,000.

10 Taiwan Student Assistance Fund
台灣學童協助基金 Taiwan Student Assistance Fund 在1999年9月21日台灣大地震後成立。 為台灣的災區孤兒提供經濟援助。 Established after the 9/21, earthquake in Taiwan. To provide financial aids for orphans of the disaster struck regions of Taiwan. 主要資金來源 - NATWA姐妹的捐款 Major Source of Funds – Donations from NATWA sisters 作業程序: -與埔里的“台灣女獅子會”做為合作夥伴 -尋找符合條件並需要的學生 -資金的發放 Operating Procedures: Partner with “Taiwan Women Lion’s Club in Pu-Li. Searching for eligible students in need Distributing the funds

11 我們做了什麼? What Have We Done ? 自2000年以來收到的捐款:$131,667.36美元
Donations received since 2000: US$131,667.36 自2000年以來捐贈分配:$127,115.00美元 Donations distributed since 2000: US$127,115.00 年度捐款分配,從2001年的$2,525美元到2009年的$20,000美元。 Annual donation distribution increased from US$2,525 in 2001 to US$20,000 in 2009. 已超過 1,330個學生受益 Over 1,330 students have been served.

12 感謝姊妹們的愛心!!!

13 關懷出征美軍 Caring for Soldiers
2005年堪薩斯分會的高文莉開始 Started in 2005 by Vandy Chang of Kansas Chapter 2006年聖地牙哥分會的王金碧加入陣容Greater San Diego Chapter, Jin Barnsdale joins force in 2006 新澤西分會 New Jersey Chapter 夏威夷分會 Hawaii Chapter 波士頓分會 Boston Chapter 華盛頓DC會員 DC Members

14 我們能做什麼? What do we do? 寫信,寄賀卡關懷在阿富汗和伊拉克的士兵 Write letters, greeting cards to soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq; 寄送“關愛包裹”給駐紮戰地的士兵 Send “Care Packages” to deployed soldiers 拜訪及提供援助在堪薩斯州受傷的士兵 Visiting & providing supports to wounded soldiers in Kansas

15 2009年完成的工作 2009 Accomplishment 駐紮戰地士兵:與9個單位合作,其中3人在2010年1月回國。
Deployed soldiers: Have partnered with 9 units, of which 3 were returning home in Jan 受傷回美士兵:幫助9位受傷士兵的家屬,其中大部分轉到VA醫學中心。 Wounded soldiers: Have helped 9 wounded solders’ families, most of whom were referred by VA Medical Center. 美國特別節慶:寄送“關愛包裹”給駐紮在伊拉克,阿富汗和埃及的士兵 被關懷認養有31位,5個家庭和8個單位。 For holidays: Adopted 31 individuals, 5 families, and 8 units of deployed solders in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt.

16 What are in the care Package?
關愛包裹裡面有什麼? What are in the care Package? 預付國際電話卡,襪子,潤唇膏,護眼藥品,巧克力糖。 pre-paid international phone card, Sock, lip balm, eye care, chocolate candy. 內汗衫,飲料粉,口香糖,水果糖,水果粉,葡萄乾,堅果,香蕉片,棗子,水果乾及其它維生素- C 的豐富補充; under-armor T-shirt, Kool-Aid powder, chewing gum, fruit candy, fruit powder, raisin, nuts, banana chip, dates, dry fruits and other Vitamin-C enrich supplement; 根據要求,在炎熱的夏天我們添加防曬霜,驅蚊液; We add sun block cream, insect repellent upon request during the hot summer days; 牙刷,牙膏,牙線,香皂,刮鬍刀,刮鬍霜,體香止汗劑,紙巾等四季的用品。如果單位有女戰士,我們添加女性的用品。 Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, soap, razor, shaving cream, deodorants, body-wipe are all-season items. If the unit has female soldiers, then we add feminine items.

17 Cost and Financial Resources
費用及財務資源 Cost and Financial Resources 費用:各個12”x 12”x 5.5”的包裹估計花費40美元左右再加 上運費$11.95美元; Cost: Around US$40 for each 12” * 12” * 5.5” box plus shipping cost of US$11.95; 財政資源:由NATWA支持者和NATWA姐妹捐款。從 年 盈餘$6,000美元設立一個特別基金。 Financial Resources: Donations from NATWA supporters and NATWA sisters. One special fund at US$6,000 from operational Surplus.

18 2009年9月2日NATWA堪薩斯姐妹在高文莉家和給前線戰士的聖誕禮品包裹。
2009 Sep2: NATWA Kansas sister at Vandy’s home & Christmas gift packages for troops.

19 Beautiful Hawaii sisters shipping packages in the USPS
美麗的夏威夷姐妹在美國郵政局寄出包裹 Beautiful Hawaii sisters shipping packages in the USPS

20 台灣團隊活動 TEAM TAIWAN Project 2003年9月與台灣同鄉會和美國的台灣獨立聯盟推出“台灣團隊為乳癌競走”
Launched “Team Taiwan Race for the Cure” in September 2003, together with TAA and WUFI-USA “台灣團隊”的活動目的 增進台裔美國人對乳腺癌的警覺性 捐助乳腺癌研究 鼓勵會員經常運動 宣傳祖國的名字-台灣到美國主流社會 Purposes of the “Team Taiwan” Project To promote the awareness of breast cancer among Taiwanese Americans To contribute to the breast cancer research To encourage members to exercise regularly To promote our motherland’s name, Taiwan in the mainstream America

21 2009年台灣團隊- 堪薩斯城 2009 Team Taiwan – Kansas

22 2009年台灣團隊-夏威夷 2009 Team Taiwan – Hawaii

23 2009 Team Taiwan – New Jersey
2009年台灣團隊-紐澤西 2009 Team Taiwan – New Jersey

24 2009年台灣團隊-聖路易斯 2009 Team Taiwan – St. Louis

25 2009年台灣團隊-聖地牙哥 2009 Team Taiwan - GSD

26 月曆的故事 NATWA Calendar - Story
1990年3月,吳秀惠邀請郭榮桔先生及呂秀蓮來參加年會。呂秀蓮對她催生的NATWA非常關心,向將繼任的會長王明玉建議NATWA製作月曆介紹臺灣的歷史、地理及文化,把促進臺灣民主自由及獨立的重要紀念日都用漢、英文明確記載。且動員會員收集國際友人名單,尤其是美加國會議員的名單,每年把NATWA製作的「臺灣人月曆」贈送給國際友人趁機推行國民外交。王明玉合同副會長黄美惠與吳秀惠及呂秀蓮一起向郭榮桔先生提出這份構想,獲得有「聖誕老公公」美名的郭先生慷慨捐出一萬美元,做為種子錢。 NATWA第一本月曆於1990年11月問世,第一期1991年月曆的主題是「臺灣傳統建築之美」,由林郁子統籌策劃。郭榮桔先生已於1998年離開世間,但他對NATWA的貢獻將永遠不會被遺忘。郭夫人孫雪娥女士是NATWA第四屆名譽會長,也是永久會員。 In March 1990, Ms. Annette Lu suggested to the new President Dorothy Hung that NATWA publish a special kind of calendar. Every important date relating to Taiwan’s democratic and independent movement would be posted. Every year would have a different theme to introduce Taiwan’s culture and beautiful sceneries. This NATWA calendar would be a nice gift to our international friends to promote Taiwan. Dorothy, accompanied by Elena Ling, Vice President; Grace Chou, immediate past president; and Annette Lu then met with Mr. Kao, a well-established businessman as well as a physician in Japan to promote the calendar idea and was to obtained a generous donation of $10,000 from Mr. Kao as seed money for the NATWA calendar project. With this seed money, NATWA’s first calendar was published in November 1991.

27 The first NATWA calendar - 1991
1991年第一本月曆 The first NATWA calendar

28 2011年月曆- 綠色台灣 NATWA calendar- 2011 Green Taiwan

29 Taiwanese Media Column
台灣的媒體專欄 Taiwanese Media Column 婦女信箱: 1991年 年 5月 1991年3月25日正式於台灣公論報登場。剛開始為每週一次的專欄,後來因廣受歡迎,遂循報社之請,於同年10月改為每週兩次。11月應自立週報海外版之要求,亦開始刊載於該報。打開NATWA知名度的功臣該屬「婦女信箱」 Women Mailbox: May, 2001 NATWA’s “Women Mailbox” first appeared on March 25, 1991 in the Taiwan Tribune. Mei Tsai from Boston used “A-Hsiang” (meaning aroma) as her pen name and acted as a kind of “Ann Landers” or “Dear Abby” to solve problems for Taiwanese Americans. “Women mailbox” became very popular, and NATWA also became well known in the overseas’ Taiwanese community. 點心擔: present 台灣公論報專欄,每週一次.歡迎投稿. 文章的題材不拘,以小品文為重. 文長以 字為宜,文章刊登後馬上會轉載在 網站上。來稿請寄 陳桂蘭 Taiwan Tribune Column: – present The “Women’s Mailbox” was closed in 2001 and replaced by another column called “Snack Bar” for overseas Taiwanese to express their life experiences. Selected short articles ranging from words will be published on Taiwan Tribune and NATWA website, Contact: Sandy Chen

30 捐書回台 Book Project ”回收英文書,回饋鄉里” 2004年成立。
財務贊助:NATWA會員和支持者捐款,從 年的盈餘 $5,000美元設立一個特別基金。 目的:把美國兒童讀物送給台灣的孩子。該活動的目標是幫助台 灣的偏遠地區小朋友能接觸英文兒童讀物。 "Turn Trash into Treasure, Recycling Children's Books” Established in 2004. Financial Support: Donations from NATWA members and supporters; One special fund at US$5,000 from operational Surplus. Purpose: To bring American Children's books to Taiwanese children. This project targets remote and under supported areas of Taiwan where children are not exposed to English children‘s books.  

31 捐書回台 Book Project 快覽 -已出貨130次。 -每次裝運出貨30箱至50箱,或1,000本至2,000本的圖書。 -至今已分發20萬冊。 -250所台灣的小學和圖書館受惠。 -由84個美國圖書館贈書。 -台灣有3個配送中心和3個聚集中心在紐澤西/紐約市。 -20位熱心的義工。 Quick Facts 130 big shipments have been made 30 to 50 boxes per shipment, or 1000 to 2000 books per shipment. 200,000 books have been distributed so far. 250 local elementary schools and libraries have been impacted. 84 American libraries donated books. 3 distribution centers in Taiwan and 3 Collection centers in NJ/NYC. 20 frequent volunteers

32 Please visit NATWA website
感謝!!! THANK YOU !!! 請上網 Please visit NATWA website

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