Unit title: 爱好 Hobbies Area of interaction focus Significant concepts

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1 Unit title: 爱好 Hobbies Area of interaction focus Significant concepts
Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Health and Social Do I take responsibility for my own health and wellbeing? What are the health and social issues that face different parts of the world and how are they different to that of the UK? The hobbies that you choose to have can directly determine how healthy your lifestyle is. The culture you live in may affect your choice of favoured hobby. MYP unit question What factors affect the choice of hobbies that teenagers have?

2 Hobbies LO: Read and recognise the words and sentence structures from last lesson to describe your hobbies

3 a.听 b.买 c.看 d.上 c d b a 小丽的爱好是________书。 2.弟弟的爱好是________ 网。
Complete the following sentences with the correct verb from the box EXT: Translate the sentences into English. a.听 b.买 c.看 d.上 c 小丽的爱好是________书。 Xiao Li’s hobby is reading books. d 2.弟弟的爱好是________ 网。 Younger brother’s hobby is surfing the internet. b 3.Mark 的爱好是_______ 东西。 Mark’s hobby is going shopping. a 4.Debbie 的爱好是_______音乐。 Debbie’s hobby is listening to music.

4 阅读 第三十七页, 练习五。 Choose the characters from the box to match the sentences and translate the sentences into English. EXT: How many other sentences can you create using characters from the box?

5 阅读 我看书。 = 1, 12, 5; I read books 你听音乐。 = 他上网。 = 妈妈看书。 = 爸爸不买东西。 =
6, 13, 3, 2; You listen to music 16, 14, 11; He surfs the internet 10, 12, 5; Mum reads books 7, 4, 15, 8, 9 Dad doesn’t go shopping EXT: How many other sentences can you create using characters from the box?

6 1.我看书今天。 我今天看书。 or 今天我看书。 2.妹妹今天上网不。 妹妹今天不上网。or 今天妹妹不上网。 3.爸爸听早上音乐。
Sentence errors – Find the mistake in each sentence EXT: Write out the correct sentence into your books 1.我看书今天。 我今天看书。 or 今天我看书。 2.妹妹今天上网不。 妹妹今天不上网。or 今天妹妹不上网。 3.爸爸听早上音乐。 爸爸早上听音乐。or 早上爸爸听音乐。 4.今天我买不东西。 今天我不买东西。or 我今天不买东西。 5.早上看书, 不听音乐妈妈。 早上妈妈看书,不听音乐 or 早上妈妈看书,不听音乐。

7 我叫小丽。我的爱好是看书。 我今天看书。 妈妈的爱好是买东西。她早上买东西,不听音乐。 你叫什么?你多大?你的爱好是什么?
阅读 Answer the questions in English. EXT: What questions does Xiaoli ask? Now answer these questions. 我叫小丽。我的爱好是看书。 我今天看书。 妈妈的爱好是买东西。她早上买东西,不听音乐。 你叫什么?你多大?你的爱好是什么? What is Xiaoli’s hobby? When does Xiaoli do her hobby? What is Xiaoli’s mum’s hobby? When does Xiaoli’s mum do her hobby? What doesn’t Xiaoli’s mum do? Reading Today Shopping In the morning Listen to music

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