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第三章 英汉语言对比 Comparative Studies of English and Chinese Languages 退出.

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1 第三章 英汉语言对比 Comparative Studies of English and Chinese Languages 退出

2 第三章重点 第三章 英汉语言对比 3. 1 英汉语言特征对比 3. 2 英汉词汇表达对比 3. 3 英汉句法结构对比
第三章 英汉语言对比 3. 1 英汉语言特征对比 英语重形合,汉语重意合 英语爱化零为整,汉语喜化整为零 英语爱用静态词,汉语多用动态词 英语语序变换多,汉语结构较固定 英语多用被动,汉语常用主动 课堂互动1 3. 2 英汉词汇表达对比 3.2.1 英语词汇含义多 3.2.2 英语词汇搭配多 3.2.3 英语词汇在句中的位置多 课堂互动2 3. 3 英汉句法结构对比 3.3.1 英汉句子结构的互换 A. 英语简单句可转换成汉语复合句 B. 英语并列句、复合句可转换成汉语简单句 3.3.2 英汉句子顺序的调整 A.调整时间顺序 B.调整空间顺序 C.调整逻辑顺序 课堂互动3 3. 4 英汉句意表达对比 英汉都有增补与省略 英汉都有词类转换 英汉都有巧妙重复 英汉都受上下文制约选择词义 课堂互动4 1.词句表达 2.语序调整 3.衔接表达 --end 第三章综合练习及参考答案 退出

3 Comparative Studies of English and Chinese
第三章 英汉语言对比 Comparative Studies of English and Chinese Languages 语言是文化的组成部分,是信息的载体,也是文化的载体。一定社会的语言是这个社会文化的组成部分,而每一种语言在词语上的差异都会反映使用这种语言的社会、事物、习俗以及各种活动在文化方面的重要特征,比如物质文化、社会文化、宗教文化和语言文化等。

4 不同语言间的差异不仅表现在语言、词汇和语法这些语言形式上,而且表现在语言文化特征上。语言文化特征不仅涉及到一种语言所代表民族的心理意识、风土人情、宗教信仰和历史传统等因素,而且涉及到历史文化、地域文化、习俗文化、宗教文化等方面,其范围是广泛庞杂的、内涵是多采丰富的。 世界上每个民族都有各自引以自豪的语言,每一种语言都有其自身的特点。汉语和英语是世界上的两大语言,代表着中西两种文化。由于中西文化的不同,在语言、文化、生活、工作、习惯、风俗、行为、爱好、兴趣等各个方面都存在着差异,所以说话习惯、行为看法就有所不同。

5 我们在翻译过程中就应该尽量平等地转达这些文化的方方面面,逐步使译文读者了解原文的文化背景。尽量保留其语言的比喻形象、语言特点,给读者一个忠实可信的译文。

6 吕叔湘先生曾说过,“要认识汉语的特点,就要跟非汉语比较,要认识现代汉语的特点,就要跟古代汉语比较;要认识普通话特点,就要跟方言比较。无论语音、语汇、语法,都可以通过对比来研究” 。英汉翻译教学,一定要对英语和汉语进行比较、分析,以期准确地把握英语的语言特点及精神风貌,尽量把这种“特点”和“风貌”真实地反映到汉语译文中。

7 翻译是两种语际间的转换、是两种文化信息间的转换。语言不是静止不变的,是随着社会实践的不断发展而发展的。词的意义、语言表达也是如此。语言是活的,运用语言的人也要灵活对待它。“实践,认识,再实践,再认识,这种形式,循环往复以至无穷,而实践和认识之每一循环的内容,都比较地进到了高一级的程度。这就是辩证唯物论的全部认识论”。翻译也是这样。

8 在跨语言、跨文化的翻译交际过程中,难免会出现差异,探索语言、文化的差异性并分析其原因,有利于避免产生失误,提高翻译质量。我们知道,英语重客体,重形式上的逻辑关系;汉语重关系,重意合,重主体。汉语重人际关系;英语重客观事实。汉语重含蓄;英语重精确。这便是英汉两种语言在风格上和文化上的差异,正是这种文化差异造成了翻译中的障碍和难题。

9 英汉语言对比主要通过实际英汉翻译例证,分析英语和汉语在语言风格上、句法现象上、词汇表达上的差异;要求学生懂得翻译的理论、方法和技巧是建立在英汉两种语言的对比之上的;了解两种语言在词汇意义、词的搭配、词序安排上的异同;掌握句子结构、句子顺序及内容在表达上的特点等,科学地进行翻译练习和翻译实践。 语言的表达方式不仅与文化有着密切的关系,而且与思维及逻辑方式有着密切的关系。这种思维及逻辑方式的差异在语言表达方式上的表现既存在于语篇的思路和结构上,也存在于句子水平上。

10 3. 1英汉语言特征对比 Comparisons between English and Chinese Language Features
英语重形合,汉语重意合 英语重形合(hypotaxis)是指英语语言符号之间有较强的逻辑关系;汉语重意合(parataxis)是指汉语句子主要通过字词的意义连结起来。汉字起源于象形文字,文字的图形表示其意义,并引起意义上的联想,发展形象思维;英语是拼音文字,字母是基本的文字表达符号,词的拼写与发音按一定的发音规则形成逻辑关系,而字母对意义而言只是意义的替代符号,语言信息的表达依靠符号按一定的语法逻辑关系排列组合,所以说英语是一种重形式逻辑的语言。

11 英语在词形变化上除了通过词的派生表示词性或词义的变化外,还有名词的复数形式,动词时态形式,人称代词格的形式等,这些词的形式变化表示着意义的变化。汉语里却没有这种词形的变化。汉语的一些字词也通过偏旁部首的改变产生词义的改变,如“他”改变偏旁部首则变为“她”或“它”;但在多数情况下通过增加、减少或改变字词引起意义上的变化,如“男大夫”,“女演员”等。在句子的结构上,英语句子的各个成分要由各种连词、介词、关系词等连接起来,特别强调句子成分之间的从属、修饰、平行、对比等关系。相比之下,汉语子成分之间的辅助词要少得多,句子成分靠意义连接。

12 例1:Accomplishment is often deceptive because we don’t see the pain and perseverance that produced it. So we may credit the achiever with brains, brawn or lucky break and let ourselves off the hook because we fall short in all three. 【译文】成就常常使人产生错觉,使人只看到功成名就,却看不到成就的来之不易,和为之所付出的艰辛困苦,总以为成功者之所以成功是因为人家身体棒、脑子灵、运气好,从而为自己找借口开脱,说自己没有获得成功是因为自己不具备上述这三条。 返回章重点 退出

13 【解析】这两句话都是典型的英语主从复合句,都由“because”引导原因状语从句,主句在前,从句置后。第一句中的“because”原因状语从句带有一个由“that”引导的定语从句,汉译时虽然原文主语仍做主语,但状语从句不译从句,主从句放一起译成了四个并列分句。第二句主句带有一个由“with”介词短语作“the achiever”的定语,连词“and”连接并列谓语“let…”;“because”引导状语从句,其从句中的“all three”作“fall short in”的状语,在翻译时不但把“because”译成了状语说明自己失败的原因,并且把作定语用的介词短语“with brains, brawn or lucky break”译成了状语来说明“the achiever”成功的原因是人家“身体棒、脑子灵、运气好”。汉语译文意义清楚完整,表达符合习惯。从结构上,英语呈现了重形合的特点,从表达上,汉语展现了重意合的优势。 返回章重点 退出

14 例2:And yet it almost provokes a smile at the vanity of human ambition, to see how they are crowded together and jostled in the dust; what parsimony is observed in doling out a scanty nook, a gloomy corner, a little portion of earth, to those, whom, when alive, kingdoms could not satisfy; and how many shapes, and forms, and artifices are devised to catch the casual notice of the passenger and save from forgetfulness, for a few short years, a name which once aspired to occupy ages of the world’s thought and admiration. 返回章重点 退出

15 【译文】现在这些伟人只是横七竖八地挤在一起,埋在黄土中;他们在世之时,堂堂英国却不足以供他们驰骋,如今却遵照经济的原则,他们只分得那么小的一块土地,那么黑暗而又贫济的一个角落;他们曾企图让声名占有世代人的思想,获得人人的敬羡。如今他们的坟墓却千方百计地雕出种种装饰,只是为了吸引游客偶然的一顾,免得在短短的几年中就把他们的名字匆匆忘怀。看了这些,想到人生的虚空,我又几乎忍不住要惨然一笑了。 【解析】该句的翻译在语序的处理上完全打乱了英语的语序,英语以意义的主次轻重安排,汉语则按自然顺序排列,不是顺次照搬,而是按照事情的内部逻辑的顺序逐次道来,把主句“…it almost provokes a smile at the vanity of human ambition, to see…”中it所表示的内容全译在前面,主句的谓语全译在最后,该断即断,要截便截,需连则连,能接就接,前呼后应,一气贯通。句子散而不乱,潇洒自然,正好表现出原作的思想内容与风格。 返回章重点 退出

16 英语爱化零为整,汉语喜化整为零 “英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中国人则化整为零”(王力)。这说明英汉两种语言写作在篇章结构方面和句子互译方面的差异。我们在汉译英时,常常要将汉语的几个意义片段用不同的关联词按照英语的语法关系将它们连结为并列句或复合句;而英译汉时,则需要将从属或修饰关系的英语句子,再根据时间的先后、逻辑的顺序、意思的主次把长句“化整为零”,分切成为若干个意义片段,用结构紧凑的汉语短句,层次清楚地依次译出。

17 例1:Meanwhile he took the mutton off the gridiron, and gravely handed it around. We all took some, but our appreciation of it was gone, and we merely made show of eating it. (Charles Dickens: David Copperfield) 【译文】这时候,他从烤架上拿了些羊肉,庄重地送到我们面前,我们各自取了一些,可是我们早已没有了胃口,只不过做做样子,装吃罢了。 【解析】这段话共两个句子,第一句为简单句,一个主语“he”带有两个谓语“took…”“handed …”;第二句是个并列句,由三个简单句并列而成。两句话中三处用“it”以避免重复,形成一个整体概念意义,翻译时可按照汉语“化整为零”的特点,把句子分成不同的小片段,仍按英语语序从前往后按顺序译出,就是符合习惯的汉语表达。

18 例2:Harvard Business School opened in the early 20th century, and pioneered the case-study method of teaching—making use of real-world scenarios, instead of relying on academic theory—a methodology that has remained the bases for many MBA programmes around the world today. 【译文】哈佛商学院成立于20世纪初,它开了个案研究教学法之先河,即在教学中运用现实生活中的案例,而不是单纯依靠学术理论,这种方法业已成为当今世界MBA课程的基础。 【解析】这是一个复合句,主句由一个主语带有两个谓语“opened”和“pioneered”、一个现在分词短语“making use of…”和介词短语“instead of…”作状语和一个由“that”引导的定语从句,这是其句子的完整结构,翻译时仍按“化整为零”的特点,把句子分成不同的小片段,从前往后译出,就是符合习惯的汉语表达。

19 英语爱用静态词,汉语常用动态词 英语在表达意义时,喜欢使用静态词汇,如名词(抽象名词)、介词短语、形容词、副词以及表示状态的弱式动词(be, have, become, grow, feel, go, come, get, do等)和虚化动词(have a look, take a walk, pay a visit, do shopping, do some reading等)来表示动作意义;而汉语则多使用动态词汇,英译汉时常常把原文中表示动作意义的静态叙述转换成汉语的动态叙述。

20 例1:Inspiration is the number one cause of greatness
例1:Inspiration is the number one cause of greatness. If information is power, then inspiration must be the power of our potential. The power that moves us from the systematic to the spontaneous. From ideas to results. 【译文】灵感——伟大成就之源。如果说信息为力量的话,那么灵感便是一种使我们从按部就班到挥洒自如、从构思意念到取得成果的潜能。

21 【解析】把英语静态系动词“is”译成汉语的动态动词“说”,并把“The power that moves us from the systematic to the spontaneous”和“From ideas to results”两句合并一起,译成“一种使我们从按部就班到挥洒自如、从构思意念到取得成果的潜能”三个并列介词短语结构作“the power of our potential”的定语,把其中的几个静态名词“the systematic”“the spontaneous”“ideas to results”都译成了动词“按部就班到挥洒自如”“构思意念到取得成果”,改变了原文的句法结构,将两句英语合译为一句汉语,译文完全符合汉语表达习惯。

22 例2:In order to resolve these problems, the Chinese and American experts agreed that youth organizations should call on the whole of society to create favorable conditions for the healthy growth of young people, as well as to encourage them to meet the urgent needs of society and to challenge the assumption that young people are apathetic and uncaring. 【译文】为了解决这些问题,中美两国专家一致认为,各青年团体应该动员全社会,既鼓励青年急社会之所急,又要向那种认为年轻人冷漠无情、对社会漠不关心的思想进行挑战,为他们的健康成长创造有利条件。 返回章重点 退出

23 【解析】英语原文运用动词的非谓语形式“to resolve …”“to create …”“to encourage …”“to meet…”“to challenge …”,在句子中分别作介词“In order to”的宾语、“to create favorable conditions for the healthy growth of young people”“to encourage them”作“the whole of society”的宾语补足语、“to meet the urgent needs of society”“to challenge the assumption”作状语等,使整个叙述呈现静态,而在汉译文中这些非谓语形式变成了整个句子的目的状语“为了解决这些问题”,“既要鼓励青年急社会之所急”,“又要向那种认为年轻人冷漠无情、对社会漠不关心的思想进行挑战”、还要“为他们的健康成长创造有利条件”,汉译成动态叙述。 返回章重点 退出

24 英语语序变换多,汉语语序较固定 英语为了获得句子形式上的平衡或修辞上的强调效果,经常将句中的某些成分的位置进行调整,如主谓倒装、宾语后置、或与其它成分的位置调换等,以产生修辞上的生动效果。这种句子成分的位置调换在汉语中是没有的,所以,汉译时要恢复正常的语序,符合汉语习惯表达。

25 例 1:Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr
例 1:Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waited on Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit him, though to the last always assuring his wife that he should not go; and till the evening after the visit was paid, she had no knowledge of it. (J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice) 【译文】班纳特先生尽管在太太面前始终都说不想去拜访彬格莱先生,实际上他一直都打算去,而且还是最先去拜访的人员之一。直到他去拜访后的那天晚上,他太太才知道实情。 【解析】英语常用变换其句法结构方式,巧妙地将重要的东西依次前置,而汉语在表达时又按其语言习惯恢复正常,但所强调的重要东西仍保持不变。如像“among the earliest of those who waited on Mr.Bingley”本来在句首,汉译时却放在句末,但其意义和作用未改变。

26 例2:The saga of the White Star liner Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage in 1912, carrying more than passengers to their deaths, has been celebrated in print and on film, in poetry and song. 【译文】白星公司的班轮泰坦尼克号在1912年处女航中因撞上冰山而沉没,船上1 300多名乘客遇难。此后关于她的种种传说便成为各种刊物、电影以及诗歌、歌曲的内容而广为流传。 【解析】这是一个复合句,主句是“The saga …has been celebrated”,其中定语从句“which struck an iceberg and sank”和伴随状语现在分词短语“carrying more than passengers to their deaths”位于主句的主语和谓语之间,使主语和谓语相隔甚远;谓语动词后接连用了三个介词短语“in print”“on film”和“in poetry and song”作方式状语,插入这么多成分,句子显得很长,但结构完整,关系合理清楚。汉译时把定语从句译成原因状语“因……”,现在分词短语译成一个分句,把三个介词短语另译成句子。

27 英语多用被动,汉语常用主动 英语重物称(inanimate),常采用无生命词汇作主语,所以多被动句,并且不指出动作的执行者;汉语重人称(animate),习惯用表示人或物的词汇作主语,大都以主动句的形式出现。

28 例1:The little cares, fears, tears, timid misgivings, sleepless fancies of I don’t know how many days and nights, were forgotten, under one moment’s influence of that familiar, irresistible smile. (Thackeray: Vanity Fair) 【译文】他那熟悉的笑容有一股不可抵抗的魔力,多少天来牵肠挂肚、淌眼抹泪,心里疑疑惑惑,晚上胡思乱想睡不着,一看见他,顷刻之间就把一切忧虑忘得精光。(扬 必译) 【解析】用“cares, fears, tears,timid misgivings, sleepless fancies”作主语来描绘了“I”(爱米丽亚)在见不到心上人乔治时的焦灼不安、牵肠挂肚、魂牵梦追的心情,被动语态“were forgotten”译成汉语主动形式“忘得精光”,将少女思念、忧虑、流泪、睡不着觉的那种按捺不住地热恋情人的动人情景跃然纸上。

29 例2:By August 23 the Seine was reached southeast and northwest of the capital, and two days later the great city, the glory of France, was liberated after four years of German occupation when General Jacques Leclerc’s French 2nd Armored Division and the U.S. 4th Infantry Division broke into it and found that French resistance units were largely in control. (William L. Shirer: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) 【译文】到8月23日,盟军就抵达了巴黎东南面和西北面的塞纳河,两天以后,雅克·勒克莱克将军率领的法国第二装甲师和美国第四步兵师攻进了巴黎。被德国占领了四年之久的这座法国引以自豪的伟大名城就此解放。他们发现法国抵抗运动部队已经基本上控制了巴黎。 【解析】被动语态“was reached” “was liberated”译成汉语主动形式“抵达”和“解放”,而且在语序上也作了适当调整。

30 课堂互动1: 翻译句子,注意语序、语态 1.I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile. 返回章重点 退出

31 课堂互动1: 翻译句子,注意语序、语态 2.I sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavour to seek a just and practical solution to the problem which has bedeviled the United Nations for so many years.

32 课堂互动1: 翻译句子,注意语序、语态 3.They often do not realize that bribery in various forms is on the increase in many countries and, in some, has been a way of life for centuries.

33 课堂互动1: 翻译句子,注意语序、语态 4.Culture to him, as to the Orientals, with whom he lived so much and sympathized so deeply, was an affair of the spirit and of mind not to be measured by material progress, or, even by the arts.

34 课堂互动1: 翻译句子,注意语序、语态 5.With Asia’s economic meltdown rattling the Beijing leadership, Zhu and his colleagues now have a powerful argument that China must get its own house in order to prevent meddling by the International Monetary Fund or other outsiders. (China: Zhu is Taking a Broom to the Bureaucrats)

35 3.2英汉词汇表达对比 Comparisons in English and Chinese Dictions

36 3.2.1 英语词汇含义多 每个词都有个词义,这是基本意义。毫不夸张地说,除了科技词汇以外,英语和汉语中几乎没有两个词在所有的意义和用法上是完全对等的。一个词的意义常常由于语言环境改变而改变,产生多个词义,其实这都是词的词典意义。有时候这个词在词典里根本找不到这个意义,这便是词的延伸意义,另外还有内涵意义、风格意义、情感意义、联想意义、搭配意义、主题意义等,因为文化交际本身是处于一个动态的、不断发展变化的过程。因为在认知语境里,新旧两种信息在不断地相互作用着,不是新信息和旧信息相结合产生新语境含义,就是新信息加强旧信息,要么就是新信息排除旧信息。英汉翻译中一定要注意词义的变化和这种“新信息”的产生,给读者一个真实的“信息”。

37 例1:He stole her a watch. A. 他给她偷了一块表。 B. 他偷了她一块表。 C. 他偷看了她一眼。
D. 她偷看了他一眼。 【解析】答案A. “watch”既有“手表”又有“看,凝视”的意思, 和“steal”搭配成“steal sb. sth.”意思是“为某人偷窃某物”;“steal one’s things”是“偷窃某人的东西”;“偷看某人一眼”,英语应是“steal a glance”。

38 例2:That girl student is in the green.
B. 那个女生正值青春年少。 C. 那个女生毫无经验。 D. 那个女生涉世不深。 【解析】答案B. “be in the green” 译为“处于青春期;血气方刚”,去掉其中的冠词“the”,写成“be in green”这样才是“身着绿装”。英语中像这样的词汇很多,比如“be in the red”“负债”;“be in the black”“盈利”;“be in the pink”“身体健康”等等。

39 例3:He tried to seem angry, but his smile betrayed him.
C. 他试图生气忍住不笑。 D. 他心里很生气,却笑不出来。 【解析】答案A. 这句话的关键是对“betrayed”的理解,“betray”本意是“背叛”,常可以搭配“背叛事业,背叛祖国,背叛人民”,而这里的意思是指背叛“angry” “情感”,所以就可译成“暴露了他的真实情感”,合情合理,符合汉语表达习惯,合情合理。

40 例4:Science is a servant of mankind.
B. 科学是人类的工具。 C. 科学服务于人类。 D. 科学造福于人类。 【解析】答案D. “servant”意为“仆人,奴隶,工具”,可理解为“服务”“造福”,科学可改变人类,优化环境,丰富生活,给人类带来许多好处,“ 造福于人类”。

41 例5:In an odd way the two leaders diminished each other.
B. 两位领导人用一种奇异的方式互相贬低对方。 C. 两位领袖用一种奇怪的方式互相排挤对方。 D. 奇怪的是, 这两位领袖站在一起,都不如原来的形象 那么伟大了。 【解析】答案D. “diminish”是使彼此无意识地形成感觉,如果这两位领导人(丘吉尔Churchill和罗斯福Roosevelt)在一起就用一种奇怪的方式来“贬低”“排挤”对方,则令人费解,也不是领导、领袖的作风。

42 3.2.2 英语词汇搭配多 英语中词汇与词汇的固定搭配占了总词汇量的很大部分,同一个词搭配不同意义不同,如果只按词的基本意思去译,往往就会变为望文生义,搞出很多笑话。 例1:Any literate person on the face of the globe is deprived if he does not know English. 【译文】世界上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语就算不上个真正的文化人。 【解析】“be deprived of ”是“剥夺某人享有或使用某事物的权利”,若译作“地球上任何有文化的人,如果不懂英语将被剥夺”,让人感到莫名其妙,不明白到底在说什么,因此要补全它的搭配省略部分。

43 例2:She is forty, if she is a day.
【译文】她至少40岁了。 【解析】“if she is a day”对主语肯定,语气较强,表示“确实”,“肯定”之意。 例3:The housewife is not at home to visitors. 【译文】家庭主妇不接待客人。 【解析】不能译为“家庭主妇不在家,去看客人了”。“at home to visitors” 意思是“ready to receive visitors” “在家接待客人”,如:Mrs Hill is not at home to anyone except close relatives(希尔夫人不会客,但近亲除外)。

44 例4:He pretends to be as modest as anything.
【译文】他装得极为谦虚。 【解析】“as modest as anything” 是形容词比较结构。 例5:We should find truth in the light of science. 【译文】根据科学,探求真理。 【解析】“in the light of” 是“根据;按照”。

45 (Mark Twain: Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
例6:Beyond the light of the fire everything was swallowed up the blackness of darkness. (Mark Twain: Adventures of Tom Sawyer) 【译文】在火光照不到的地方,一切都被吞没在夜的黑暗之中。 【解析】“the blackness of darkness”是意义相同的词重复强调。

46 例1:It’s no legend. My father knew the two men involved.
3.2.3 英语词汇在句中的位置多 A. 定语的位置 英语中单个的形容词、名词作定语一般放在所修饰的名词前面,短语或从句作定语一般放在所修饰的名词后面,译成汉语时,英语的定语无论在前还是在后,一般要放在所修饰的词前,但有时两种语言都有例外。 例1:It’s no legend. My father knew the two men involved. 【译文】这可不是瞎说。那两个与本案有关的人我父亲都认识。 【解析】英语分词作后置定语,汉译成前置定语。

47 例2:They are to send a government trade delegation to China.
【译文】他们将派一个政府贸易代表团到中国来。 【解析】名词词组→汉译成前置定语,英汉一致。 例3:The fundamental way out for agriculture lies in mechanization. 【译文】农业的根本出路在于机械化。 【解析】介词短语→汉译成前置定语。 例4:She was happiness incarnate. 【译文】她是幸福的化身。 【解析】形容词“incarnate”用作后置定语,汉译成名词,作中心词,抽象名词“happiness”译作前置定语。

48 例1:He left today week. B. 状语的位置 【译文】她上星期的今天离开了。
英语中无论是副词、形容词、短语还是从句作状语时位置都比较灵活,可置句前,插入句中,放在句后,也可插在所修饰的词前后,译成汉语时要观察推敲,不能按词性一味译作汉语的状语。 例1:He left today week. 【译文】她上星期的今天离开了。 【解析】“today week”是“a week from today”,这是个表示时间的惯用语,具体的词义依照句中时态判断来翻译,在此句中译作“上星期的今天”。

49 例2:He will leave today week.
【译文】他将在下星期的今天离开。 【解析】“today week”在此句中译作“下星期的今天”。 例3:It isn’t half hot today. 【译文】今天热得很。 【解析】“not half”置于形容词前表示“非常;很”,以此 来加强语气。 例4:I shall be only too pleased to come. 【译文】我非常愿意来。 【解析】副词“only”与“too, just, not”等副词连用,构成固定讲法,用在形容词、副词之前加强语气,起强调作用。

50 例5:I’m nothing of a scholar.
【译文】我不识字。 【解析】“nothing of ”相当于一个副词短语作状语,表示“根本不”,而“something of”作状语,表示“有点”,比如:Mr Li is something of a philosopher.(李先生略有哲学家的风度)。 例6:Bunyan was sent to school for a short time, where he learned to read and write after a fashion. (Wu Weiren: History and Anthology of English Literature) 【译文】班扬上学少,学习也不怎么好。 【解析】“after a fashion”短语作状语,意思是“not very good”。

51 1.That woman walks the streets.
课堂互动2: 翻译句子,注意词义选择 1.That woman walks the streets. 2.Bill is taking his bird to the pictures tonight. 3.He is not so ill but he can come to school.

52 4.She is at home in English.
课堂互动2: 翻译句子,注意词义选择 4.She is at home in English. 5.He and he alone could control the situation. 6.It is raining cats and dogs outside.

53 7.It is not half bad for a beginner.
课堂互动2: 翻译句子,注意词义选择 7.It is not half bad for a beginner. 8:Don’t make light of their design. 9.He is a foreign-language student.

54 10.I came to the university this day 25 years ago.
课堂互动2: 翻译句子,注意词义选择 10.I came to the university this day 25 years ago. 11.We’ll be there this time next month. 12.I’m something of a carpenter.

55 13.Xiao Gao is anything of a gentleman.
课堂互动2: 翻译句子,注意词义选择 13.Xiao Gao is anything of a gentleman. 14.He is nothing of a musician. 15.We sang the old year out and the New Year in.

56 3. 3 英汉句法结构对比Comparisons in English and Chinese Sentence Structures
英汉句子结构的互换 A. 英语简单句可转换成汉语复合句 例1:This attitude has been described as anything from a “merciful loss of memory” to “escapist therapy”. 【译文】人们对这种态度议论纷纷,有的说是“好心的遗忘”,有的说是“逃避现实的疗法”。 【解析】英语简单句→汉语联合复句.

57 例2:His superior grades at high school enabled him to enroll at the tuition-free Beijing University.
【译文】由于中学成绩优异,他免费上了北京大学。 【解析】英语简单句→汉语偏正复句的因果句. 例3:His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade. 【译文】她很疲惫,也感到越来越热,于是决定一遇到有阴凉的地方就坐下来休息。

58 例1:He doesn’t know what life means to him.
B. 英语并列句、复合句可转换成汉语简单句 例1:He doesn’t know what life means to him. 【译文】他不知道人生的意义。 【解析】英语主从复合句→汉语简单句. 例2:What troubles me is that I don’t have much experience in this kind of work. 【译文】使我苦恼的是我做这种工作经验不多。 例3:He was very clean and his mind was open. 【译文】他为人单纯而坦率。 【解析】英语并列句→汉语简单句.

59 英汉句子顺序的调整 “语义表达没有明确的从左向右或从上到下的顺序,但语义在句法上尤其是横向组合关系上有具体的线性体现。语序的实质是根据思维之流来安排句法单位的排列顺序”(邵志洪:2001)。但S-V-O句子结构是人类语言最优化的结构,最符合人类的认知顺序,使用最为广泛。

60 A. 调整时间顺序 英语叙述较灵活,其从句可在主句之前,也可在主语之后,而汉语则按事情发生的先后顺序来叙述。

61 例1:If she had long lost the blue-eyed, flower-like charm, the cool slim purity of face and form, the apple-blossom coloring which had so swiftly and oddly affected Ashurst twenty-six years ago, she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion, whose cheeks were faintly mottled, and whose grey-blue eyes had acquired a certain fullness. 【译文】如果说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的、花儿般的魅力,也失掉了她脸儿和身段的那种玉洁冰清、苗条多姿的气质和那苹果花似的颜色儿——二十六年前这种花容月貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过爱舍斯特——那么在四十三岁的今天,她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,不过脸颊淡淡地有点儿斑驳,灰蓝的眼睛也已经有点儿饱满了。 返回章重点 退出

62 【解析】这是一个复合长句,一个主句带有四个从句,句首是一个由“if”所引导的假设条件从句其中并包含有一个由“which”所引导的定语从句,主句是“she was still at forty-three a comely and faithful companion”,后又跟两个分别由“whose”引导的定语从句,全局有五层意思,也是按照逻辑关系安排的,所叙述的事情基本上是按动作发生的时间先后顺序安排的。所以,翻译时也可按照这些动作顺序进行,译文也符合汉语表达。 返回章重点 退出

63 例2:Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by conscious choice. 【译文】遗传和行为的继承一直是支配环境的惟一方式, 当这种继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时,人类历史便开始了。

64 【解析】这句话由一个主句“Human history began”,一个时间状语从句 “when the inheritance of genetics and behavior was first broken through by conscious choice” 和一个定语从句“which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment”组成,可译为“人类历史便开始了”,“当遗传和行为的继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时”,“这种继承一直是支配环境的惟一方式”。从动作发生的顺序上看,“支配环境的惟一方式”在先,然后有“继承被打破”的动作,最后才是“历史开始”的事件。英语主句在前,时间状语随后,定语从句含于状语从句之中。汉译时,调整语序,按动作发生先后顺序安排语言。

65 例3: He smelled the breeze and he listened for any foreign sound of secrecy or creeping, and his eyes searched the darkness, for the music of evil was sounding in his head and he was fierce and afraid. After he had probed the night with his sense he went to the place by the side post where the pearl was buried, and he dug it up and brought it to his sleeping mat, and under his sleeping mat he dug another little hole in the dirt floor and buried his pearl and covered it up again. 返回章重点 退出

66 【译文】他吸闻着微风吹来的气息,听听有什么奇异声响,两眼在黑暗中搜索,因为邪恶之歌又在耳边响起。他有点凶猛,也有点害怕。他用眼睛和耳朵在黑夜里仔细审查一番之后,又回到屋里,来在侧柱旁埋珍珠的地方,把珍珠挖出来,拿到席子上,又在席子下面的地上挖了一个小洞,把珍珠埋进去,再盖上土。 【解析】吸闻气息→听声响→歌又响起→用眼耳审查→回到屋里→来在侧柱旁→把珍珠挖出→拿到席子上→又挖个小洞→把珍珠埋进去,这一系列动作都按一定的时间顺序依次发生,汉语译文和英语原文在时间顺序上完全一致。 返回章重点 退出

67 B. 调整空间顺序 英汉两种语言一般都遵循由上到下、由左到右、由里到外的顺序排列;但是汉语由背景到焦点、由参照体到目标体;英语由焦点到背景、由目标体到参照体,翻译时要注意这种认知差异在句法上的体现。英语大都把最重要的或者较紧急的信息放在最前面,而汉语则相反,最重要的却在最后,遵循“尾心”原则。 例1:I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of water. 【译文】和煦的微风吹拂着我的肌肤,凉爽的海水托浮着我的身体。我享受着那种纯净的飘飘欲仙的感觉。 【解析】从外到内:肌肤→身体→感觉;微风吹拂→海水托浮→享受;和煦→凉爽→飘飘欲仙;感觉→享受→飘飘欲仙,都符合空间发展排列顺序。 返回章重点 退出

68 例 2:An individual human existence should be like a river—small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. 【译文】人生像条河,开始是涓涓细流,夹在两岸之间,河水奔腾咆哮,流过巨石,飞下悬崖。后来河面逐渐展宽,两岸离得越来越远,河水也流得较为平缓,最后融入大海,与海水浑然一体,看不出任何界线,从而结束其单独存在的那一段历程。 返回章重点 退出

69 【解析】“An individual human existence should be like a river”译为“人生像条河”,接着译文在句式上先用语句短小,气势连贯,节奏紧凑,拍子急促的句子,给人一种紧迫感;然后语句渐渐拉长,节奏变慢,拍子舒缓,给人以轻松舒缓、开阔自由的感觉;读音上,前面为短元音,显得节奏急促,后用长元音,使节奏平缓;空间上是开始→涓涓细流→加在中间→流过→飞下,后来→展宽→离远→平缓,最后→入海→浑然一体→结束→单独存在的经历,留给读者一个宽阔深远的印象。 返回章重点 退出

70 例3:He entereth smiling and—embarrassed
例3:He entereth smiling and—embarrassed. He holdeth out his hand to you to shake, and—draweth it back again. He casually looketh in about dinner-time— when the table is full. He offereth to go away, seeing you have company—but is induced to stay. He filleth a chair, and your visitor’s two children are accommodated at a side-table.(Charles Lamb: Poor Relations) 【译文】他微笑着走进来(自然是想讨好主人,让人家高兴并喜欢他),但又忸怩不安(自己心里明白,我这个穷亲戚,人家是不欢迎的)。他刚伸出手想同主人握手(既然是亲戚真没这个必要,可穷亲戚又矮人一节,还是主动先伸手,常言“礼多人不怪嘛”,可发现主人根本就没有握手的意思,所以伸出去的手)又缩回去了。他称本来无事只是随便来坐坐(是想给主人一个解释,你别怕,我不是来借钱,也不是要东西),正巧赶上主人宴请宾客(看似巧合,但实际上,每逢酒宴之日他总是不请都来),因有客人,他声言就走(并非本意,只是做做样子,他知道,主人一定会出于礼节或碍于面子而虚留一番的),可主人刚一劝(虚情假意也好,正中下怀,便来个“顺水推舟”),就不走了,留下吃饭(本想就如此这般)。他占了一个座位(混一顿算一顿),把客人的两个孩子挤在了桌旁(顾不了那么多,人穷志短嘛)。 返回章重点 退出

71 【解析】这段文字用空间顺序来描写“穷亲戚”的复杂心理,含而不露,将其心理状态勾画得淋漓尽致,入木三分。动作语言活灵活现地展示出来了主客双方的内心活动,人物关系十分清楚。翻译时,译文同样保持“含而不露”的表现手法,给读者留下思索回味的空间,以便体会、捕捉、翻译这种表达上的空白。 返回章重点 退出

72 C. 调整逻辑顺序 英语因果叙述较灵活,表示原因的从句可在主句之前,也可在主语之后,而汉语常是“因”在前,“果”在后;表示条件假设的从句和表示因果从句差不多,而汉语常是“条件假设”在前,“结果”在后;英语表示目的行为,常是“行为”在前,“目的”在后,而汉语有时为了强调目的,常把目的放在行为之前;表示结果理由的从句,常是“理由”在前,“结果”在后,汉语也常是“理由”在前,“结果”在后。汉语一般是由大到小、或由整体到部分这样排列;而英语一般是由小到大,由部分到整体排列。 例1:The young cyclist dashed about madly and was knocked down by a truck. 【译文】那个骑车的青年横冲直撞,结果被一辆卡车撞倒了。 【解析】把英语并列句译成了汉语因果句,虽然语言顺序一致,但其结构发生了变化,前面的“横冲直撞”是因,后边的“被撞倒”是果。 返回章重点 退出

73 例2:Instead of the sublime and beautiful, the near, the low, the common, was explored and poetized. That which had been negligently trodden under foot by those who were harnessing and provisioning themselves for long journeys into far countries, is suddenly found to be richer than all foreign parts. The literature of the poor, the feelings of the child, the philosophy of the street, the meaning of household life, are the topics of the time. It is a great stride. 返回章重点 退出

74 【译文】人们着意发掘并谱写成诗章的,不是崇高优美的阳春白雪,而是发生在身旁、卑微而平凡的事物。那些束装远游、寄情异国的人踩在脚下不屑一顾的事物,忽然被人发现其实远比一切外国事物更绚烂多彩。穷人的文学、童稚的感情、街头的哲学、家庭生活的意义,都是当代的题材。(石幼珊译) 【解析】诗章→阳春白雪→平凡的事物→不屑一顾的事物→外国事物更绚烂多彩→当代的题材(穷人的文学、童稚的感情、街头的哲学、家庭生活的意义),这就是所描写事物的发展轨迹。诗章的内容构成了“当代的题材”,层层递增、衔接、并连结成一个整体结构。 返回章重点 退出

75 例3:She kicked her shoes, and stepped into a pair of slippers which were too big for her tiny feet; without shoes she lost some of her elegance and height. 【译文】她踢脱鞋子,踏进一双拖鞋。可对她那双纤纤细脚来说,拖鞋显得太大了。换鞋之后,她便失了几分风度,也失了几分高度。 【解析】第一句中动作前后明显,按时间顺序排列,先脱鞋再穿拖鞋;“which”引导限定性定语从句,意义上属于转折关系,汉译时则须加上“可”来表示;第二句中的介词短语“without shoes”和“she lost some of her elegance and height”表示因果关系,可理解为“没穿鞋子;换鞋之后”“她便没了几分韵味,个子也矮了些”。由此可见,这句话将逻辑顺序和时间顺序融合在一起了。

76 1.That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.
课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意结构转换 1.That region was the most identifiable trouble spot. 2.I closed my eyes and said a prayer of thanks before putting the car in gear and returning to the highway. 3.The station chief would have to be close to the director, a member of the inner circle.

77 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意结构转换 4.This place is really beautiful, and many people bring their wives and families out here to live. 5.The music world and the world at large became poorer places on April 8, when Marian Anderson, the greatest alto from Philadelphia, died at 96.(按照时间顺序) 返回章重点 退出

78 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意结构转换 6.This preface must necessarily by short and modest, for I cannot claim to be an expert in painting, merely an ardent lover of the art.(按照逻辑顺序) 返回章重点 退出

79 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意结构转换 7.He accomplished this by getting rid of the irons with which his wrists and ankles were shackled, cutting through a double grille of oak and iron bars, descending twenty-five feet by a knotted sheet and blanket, and climbing a twenty-two-foot wall.(按照空间顺序) 返回章重点

80 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意结构转换 8.A quarter of century ago the General Assembly and the Security Council symbolized, especially for the small countries, the supreme guarantee of a new international order based on peace and justice.(按照信息中心) 返回章重点

81 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意结构转换 9.This man fished alone in a small boat; just like the protagonist of Ernest Hemingway’s the Old Man and the Sea, and endured a struggle just as epic, but lost the battle and his life. (按照搭配需要)

82 课堂互动3: 翻译句子,注意结构转换 10. She had spent a sleepless night, and rising early had stood, wrapped up, at her window, with the cool air blowing on her face, to watch the dawn.

83 Comparisons in English and Chinese
3. 4 英汉句意表达对比 Comparisons in English and Chinese Contexts

84 英汉都有增补与省略 例1:Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice. 【译文】勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;感情过度,即成溺爱;节约过度,即成贪婪。 【解析】在“affection”和“thrift”之后省去了“in excess becomes”, 汉译根据上下文都补译出来,而且译文全都是四字一句,既符合原文意思,又合乎逻辑,结构平行对称,语言符合习惯。

85 例3:He stands on the threshold of a distinguished career.
例2:He turned to the columns in which were announced the births, deaths, and marriages. 【译文】他转而去看报上登载添丁得女、红白喜事的专栏。 【解析】“the births, deaths, and marriages”几个词放在一起,很自然地给人一个情景,汉语增译成“添丁得女、红白喜事”,既忠实于原文意思,又符合汉语习惯,表达十分地道。 例3:He stands on the threshold of a distinguished career. 【译文】他前程似锦。 【解析】汉语“前程似锦”正好符合英语“stands on the threshold of a distinguished career”所表达的意思,这样译,既简练又不违背英语原文之意。

86 例1:The love of money is the root of all evils.
英汉都有词类转换 例1:The love of money is the root of all evils. 【译文】爱财是万恶之源。 【解析】the love of money是兼动名词结构,翻译时可改变词类,把英语名词the love汉译成动词“爱”;兼动名词结构汉译成动宾结构“爱财”或“贪财”。 例2:It’s really worrying that a lot of nonsense which is meant merely to be for the entertainment of adults becomes accepted as authoritative by minors. 【译文】这些娱乐成年人的东西,在未成年人心目中却成了向往追求的东西,真让人担心。 【解析】“Authoritative”是形容词“有权威的;可相信的”,却汉译成名词“偶像权威;追求向往的东西”。

87 例3:In all or most of our dealings with other states, the Charter will be our guiding star.
【译文】在处理我国与其他国家之间的全部或大部分事务时,宪章将成为我们的指路明灯。 【解析】“dealings”是名词,虽然汉译时没改变“对待,处理”的词意,却改变了词性,把名词译成了动词。

88 英汉都有巧妙重复 例1:Asia’s strength of economic management has not been in its perfection, but in its pragmatism and flexibility. 【译文】亚洲经济管理向来不以完美见长,而是以务实和弹性取胜。 【解析】这里把“strength”一词没有译成“力量;长处”,而是译成“见长”,并进一步巧妙地重复翻译成“取胜”,结构上形成完整搭配,文字表达完美,也没有提供新的信息,而且读起来有节奏,流畅上口。

89 例2:Let me just stand here a little and look my fill. Dear me
例2:Let me just stand here a little and look my fill. Dear me! It’s a palace—it’s just a palace! And in it everything a body could desire, including cosy coal fire and supper standing ready. Henry, it doesn’t merely make me realize how rich you are; it makes me realize to the bone, to the marrow, how poor I am—how poor I am, and how miserable, how defeated, routed, annihilated! 【译文】让我在这儿站一会儿吧,我要看个够。好家伙!这简直是个皇宫——地地道道的皇宫!这里面真是应有尽有,有温暖惬意的炉火,还有现成的晚饭。亨利, 这不仅叫我明白你有多么阔气;还叫我深深地意识到我自己的处境——我一贫如洗,又倒霉透顶,多么令人沮丧,我无路可走,真是一败涂地! 【解析】这里把“It’s a palace—it’s just a palace”和后面的“how poor I am—how poor I am, and how miserable, how defeated, routed, annihilated”分别译为“这简直是个皇宫——地地道道的皇宫”和“我一贫如洗,又倒霉透顶,多么令人沮丧,我无路可走,真是一败涂地”,原文重复,译文也重复,读起来有力、有层次、有递增感;后边虽然少译一个“我多么贫穷”,但“我一贫如洗”足以说明问题,若再译,反倒显得累赘。 返回章重点 退出

90 例3:The Queen must act on Mrs
例3:The Queen must act on Mrs. Thatcher’s advice in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but she has to act on the advice of other people in other places. And now we have a case where the advice she is getting from some of her ministers in some of those other places is at variance with the wishes of Thatcher. It puts her in a difficult position. 【译文】在有关大不列颠与北爱尔兰的问题上,女王必须听取撒切尔夫人的意见,但她还需要听取其他地方人们的意见。而现在的情况是,有些地方的领导人的意见却与撒切尔夫人的愿望有分歧,这就使她陷入了困难的境地。 【解析】介词短语“in Great Britain and Northern Ireland”、“in other places”、“in some of those other places”从表面上看是表示地点,但实际上“in Great Britain and Northern Ireland”中的“in”是“with regard to”“关于……”的意思。为此,把第一个“in…”译为“关于……的问题”,把后面的两个“in…”分别重复译为“其他地方”“有些地方”。 返回章重点 退出

91 英汉都受上下文制约选择词义 不论多么详尽的词典,也不能将单词的全部涵义收录在内。更何况语言灵活多变,一个单词,不论词典释义有多少,一旦进入句子,便受上下文制约,只能有一个意思,这个意思只能根据上下文意,仔细揣摩,以词典释义为依据,适当变通。有时,一个词还会由作者根据需要赋予某种新义,译者只有根据上下文的意境,细加体味,推测作者的思路、意图,予以确定。记得有位语言学家说 “在新的上下文里使用的每一个词都是新词”,的确如此。

92 例1:After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the development of the computers. This development permitted the automation of many repetitive office tasks as well as complicated engineering and scientific calculations. 【译文】战后,这种知识大量地用于研制计算机,计算机的研制成功使很多重复的事务性工作及复杂的工程和科学计算实现了自动化。 【解析】世界上第一台电子计算机是在1946年才问世的,若把这两个“development”都译为 “发展”,会使人们认为电子计算机在第二次世界大战以前就已经有了,只是战后在以前的基础上得到了发展,在性能和质量上会更好一些,从发展的时间上说,这显然不符合事实. 从翻译上说,“development”都译成“发展”词义重复。根据发展过程和上下关系,第一个“develop”译为“研制”,第二个译为“研制成功”更加符合译文需要。

93 例2:The following morning, she was given another shock by the woman who finally found her papers. There was a missing form—… 【译文】第二天上午,那个女人终于找到了她的材料,但又冒出了一个想不到的问题,少了一份表格——……。 【解析】 若译成“第二天一早,那个女人又一次使她吃惊,报告最终还是那个女人找到的。而有一份表格被漏掉了——……”其中“又一次使她吃惊”指什么?是什么事使她“吃惊”?从译文中看不出来,译文的几句话似乎没有联系。对照原文,“吃惊”是从单词shock译的,表示“使人感觉意外、震惊之事”。看看原文,“shock”实指下面一句“There was a missing form”(缺少一份表)。这里应理解为“使人感觉意外、震惊之事”是“一个想不到的问题”,才使前后一致。

94 例3:Just then, Bolek, swaggered in, a young man of medium height, husky, with a red pock-marked face, pale blue eyes, yellow hair … 【译文】这当儿,博莱克摇摇晃晃地走进来,他是个中等身材的小伙子,身体健壮,一脸红麻子,淡蓝眼睛,黄头发…… 【解析】“husky”会很自然地译为“嗓音沙哑”,从表面看没什么问题,可是刚从外边走进一人,先赌其面,只知外表长相、身材高矮、胖瘦特征;尚未开口,未闻其声,何以知其“嗓音沙哑”。再查辞典,“husky”意思是“嘎声的;(声音)沙哑的;结实健壮的”,所以,根据上下关系,“husky”译为“结实健壮的”没错。

95 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 1.Failure to greet a person you recognize or to answer a greeting given to you is an unkindness to the other person, and very bad manners.

96 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 2.It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in January. 返回章重点 退出

97 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 3.Now Jane is delighted to get her diploma. For twice she had wanted to quit school, but she changed her mind with the help of her teacher. 返回章重点 退出

98 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 4.He saw advertised in the local newspaper a teaching post from a school not far from where he lived. (宾语后置) 返回章重点 退出

99 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 5.Have to be tough with you, I know that. Talking nicely is just waste of time. 6.Although they were promised better housing in the North, some families were forced to live in overcrowded and unhealthy quarters.

100 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 7.The most valuable in life is life; the greatest necessity in life is study; the greatest pleasure in life is work, while the most important in life is friendship. (Stalin)

101 8.All the problems can be solved by ourselves when we use our brain.
课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 8.All the problems can be solved by ourselves when we use our brain.

102 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 9.The modern nuclear family was rooted in the desire to live happily in a more equal marriage, where the raising of children and investment of both parents in the children’s lives were guaranteed by bonds of friendship between the parents, which were based on rational love.

103 课堂互动4: 翻译句子,注意句意表达 10.A labor inspector took the Disney organization to court this week, contending that the company’s dress and appearance code — which bans moustaches, beards, excess weight, short skirts and fancy stockings — offends individual liberty and violates French labor law.

104 1)He is little of a scholar. 2)He is very much of a poet.
第三章综合练习及参考答案 1.翻译下列句子,注意斜体词句的表达差异 1)He is little of a scholar. 【译文】他没有学者的风度。 2)He is very much of a poet. 【译文】他大有诗人之气派。 3)He’s only not a boy. 【译文】他简直是个孩子。 4)Not knowing her telephone number, I can not contact her immediately. 【译文】由于不知道她的电话号码,我无法立刻与她联系。

105 5) Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration.
第三章综合练习及参考答案 1.翻译下列句子,注意斜体词句的表达差异 5) Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of admiration. 【译文】无知是恐惧的根源,也是敬佩的根源。 6) With all his achievements he remains modest and prudent. 【译文】她虽有很多成就,但还是谦虚谨慎。

106 7) Everything considered, your essay seems better written.
第三章综合练习及参考答案 1.翻译下列句子,注意斜体词句的表达差异 7) Everything considered, your essay seems better written. 【译文】如果各方面都考虑到,你的论文似乎会写得更好些。 8) We maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take into account the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any country. 【译文】我们认为,如果不尊重一个国家大多数人民的正当愿望,任何和平局面都不会是持久的。

107 第三章综合练习及参考答案 1.翻译下列句子,注意斜体词句表达差异
9) It would have been of as much avail to interrogate any stone face outside chateau as to interrogate that face of his. 【译文】从他那张脸上审视不出什么,正如从城堡外面任何一张石脸上审视不出什么一样。(as much …as 在这里相当于as little … as,用以衬托否定含义。) 10) Surgeon that Fleming was, he did not know penicillin which kills bacteria and germs. 【译文】虽然弗莱明是外科医生,他当时并不知道杀死细菌和病菌的是青霉素。 【解析】英语让步状语从句,从句在前,主句在后,汉语译文和英语结构、意义一致。

108 第三章综合练习及参考答案 2. 翻译下列句子,注意调整语序 1)He felt a qualm in his stomach, and it was more in memory of his own loneliness than anticipation of hers.(按照信息中心) 【译文】他感到一阵心酸,与其说是预见了她的凄凉,倒不如说是想到了他自己的孤独。 2)For example, a girl student who had difficulty studying made dramatic strides when she got a better desk lamp and moved her desk away from her bed.(按照时间顺序) 【译文】例如,有位女学生,原来学习很吃力,但自从换了一盏好台灯,并把桌子从床边搬开以后,学习就取得了长足的进步。

109 第三章综合练习及参考答案 2. 翻译下列句子,注意调整语序 3)A reader’s perception of the loose, slangy, colloquial, shirt-sleeved quality of much modern prose will be sharpened if he has experienced the conscious elegance of eighteenth-century writers and the solemn lecture-hall pronouncements of the Victorians. (按照逻辑顺序) 【译文】如果一位读者读过18世纪作家的作品,体会到其刻意追求典雅的语言风格.又读过维多利亚女王时代的人在演讲大厅上所作的庄严的发言,他定能更深刻地理解很多现代散文作品那种结构松散、口语色彩浓、好用俚语、不拘形式的语言风格。

110 第三章综合练习及参考答案 2. 翻译下列句子,注意调整语序 4)Based on national realities and taking reasonable aspects of foreign economies, Chinese economists are working to establish socialist market economy, which ensures economic activities follow the requirements of the law of value and the changing relationship between supply and demand. (按照搭配需要) 【译文】在立足本国实际和借鉴海外经济合理成分的基础上,中国经济学者正致力于建立社会主义市场经济,要保证经济活动遵循价值规律的要求,适应供求关系的变化。

111 第三章综合练习及参考答案 2. 翻译下列句子,注意调整语序 5)There are few moments in life that bring husband and wife closer in reflective communion than the first October moment by a blazing hearth when they inhale the odor of mothballs in each other’s sweaters and agree it’s time they once again had a long talk. 【译文】十月初临,夫妻俩傍倚着融融的炉火,都能闻到对方毛衣散发出的卫生球气味,默契地认为是他们在一起促膝长谈的时候了,如此亲密无间地沉浸在感情交流之中,一生能有几回。 【解析】 这是个主从复合句,主句“There are few moments in life”位于句首,接着是由“that”引导的定语从句和一个由“when”引导的状语从句。翻译时,把从“than”开始的后半句挪到前面,“closer…than”的关系在译文中通过“如此”体现,英语表达关系紧密,结构形式完整,汉语译文完全打破了英语的结构形式,语序作了全面调整,把一个完整的英语句子分译成了五个汉语句子,主句位于最后,译文符合汉语习惯表达,主句位于最后。

112 第三章综合练习及参考答案 3. 翻译下列短文,注意衔接表达方式 1)No matter how bad the world may become, no matter how much the mass man of the future may lose such of the virtues as he still has, one fact remains. If one person alone refuses to go along with him, if one person alone asserts his individual and inner right to believe in and be loyal to what his fellow men seem to have given up, then at least he will still retain what is perhaps the most important part of humanity. 【译文】不管世界会堕落到什么地步,不管未来的大众人会丧失多少他们迄今还保留着的美德,有一个事实依然不变:只要有一个人不肯跟着随波逐流,只要有一个人还会坚持自己植根于心灵深处的权利,信守他的同胞似乎已经放弃的美德,那他至少还会保留着也许是人性中最宝贵的东西。

113 第三章综合练习及参考答案 3. 翻译下列短文,注意衔接表达方式 2) Four days after setting out, while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout. After the alarm had been given, the great ship turned sharply to avoid a direct collision. The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing the immense wall of ice which rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her. 【译文】“泰坦尼克”号起航后的第四天,正行驶在北大西洋冰冷的海面上。突然,瞭望员发现正前方有一座冰山。警报拉响后,巨轮急转弯,以避免与冰山正面相撞。“泰坦尼克”号这个弯儿拐得及时,紧贴着高出海面100英尺的巨大冰墙擦了过去。

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