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工程硕士考前辅导(语法) 时态 ( 一般现在时) 习惯动作,一般状态,客观规律,永恒真理。

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Presentation on theme: "工程硕士考前辅导(语法) 时态 ( 一般现在时) 习惯动作,一般状态,客观规律,永恒真理。"— Presentation transcript:


2 工程硕士考前辅导(语法) 时态 ( 一般现在时) 习惯动作,一般状态,客观规律,永恒真理。
在以as soon as, when, after等引导的时间状语从句中; 以if, unless等引导的条件状语从句中: 用一般现在时表将来的事情。 * I’ll ring you as soon as he comes back. * You’ll succeed if you try your best. * Even if it _____ this afternoon, I’ll go there. A) has rained B) will rain C) rains D) will have rained

3 现在进行时 并不是所有动词都有进行时。 部分表状态和感觉的动词无进行时 (除非其词义发生变化)
这类动词有:be, love, like, hate, believe, think, feel, seem 等 Compare: Do you see any one over there? Are you seeing someone off?

4 现在进行时的其它用法 表将来的动作(计划、安排、将开始进行) I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow.
给习惯动作加上赞赏或讨厌等感情色彩: He is always finding fault with his employees. The naughty boy is constantly making trouble. Cindy is always cooking delicious food for her husband.

5 现在完成时 明显标示:句中出现表示到现在为止这段时间 的状语,用完成时,
此类状语有:up to/till now, so far, these days, For 后接表一段时间的短语: The conference has lasted for five days. Since 后接某个具体时间: We haven’t seen each other since we graduated in 1982.

6 过去时态种种 一般过去时: 不强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去。
He smoked forty cigarettes a day until he gave up. 倒底用一般过去时还是用完成时主要取决于动作 是否对现在有影响 Cf: What did she say about it? I have lived in Beijing for 15 years.

7 过去完成时 (过去的过去) 句中有明显的参照动作,或有表达“到过去某时为止”的时间状语。
They found that a stream had formed in the field. By the end of war, the small shop had become a large one.

8 将来时态种种 一般将来时 Be going to, be to, be about to 表将来的动作,但含打算,计划,安排。
Will 表说话人认为、相信、希望或假定要发生的动作。 将来进行时: I’ll be having an English class this time tomorrow.

9 将来时态种种 将来完成时 They will have stayed here for five months next week.
现在完成进行时: I have been thinking it over. 我一直在考虑此事。 Cf: I have thought it over 我已考虑过

10 试一试 1.They fulfilled the plan earlier than they _____.
A) have expected B) expected C) were expecting D) had expected 2. “ Will she finish the work soon?” “Yes, she ____ it by next Friday.” A) shall finish B) finish C) have finished D) will have finished

11 3.It _____ almost every day so far this month. A) is raining B) rained
C) rains D) has been raining 4.My wife _______. A) has forever criticized me B) forever criticized me C) would be forever criticizing me D) is forever criticizing me.

12 Go on trying 5. My grandma _____ rural life. A) has used to B) used to
C) is used to D) uses to 6. Yesterday afternoon Tom _____ his experience as a spy. A) was telling B) told C) tell D) is telling

13 被动语态 动作的行为者无需指出或不明确: Rome was not built in a day. 强调动作的承受者:
Susan was injured in the bomb attack. 及物动词和相当于及物动词的短语有被动态.

14 不及物动词/表状态的动词无被动态 不及物动词: happen, rise, occur, take place, break out…
表状态的动词: lack, fit, suit, equal, become, resemble, befall, consist of, look like, etc. 将主动态变被动态: 若有双宾语,将其中之一变主语,另一保持不变: I gave my brother a tie as a present. My brother was given a tie as a present. A tie was given TO my brother as a present

15 形式主动,意义被动 1. Look, smell, sound, taste, feel, prove, wear
(磨损)+形容词, 表被动. The cloth feels soft. The stone has worn smooth.(磨得光滑) 2. Easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, fit, nice, pleasant, dangerous 等描述事物特征的形容词 +不定式, 作状语. The picture is pleasant to look at. The fish is delicious to eat.

16 形式主动,意义被动 3.need, require, want, won’t bear, be worth 等 + 动名词
The house needs wants (repairing) requires That won’t bear thinking of 那是不堪设想的

17 4. Sell, wash, write, shut, open, cut, saw(锯)
The pen writes smoothly. ……书写流畅 That type of computer sells well. ……销路很好 The door won’t shut. …关不上 Wood saws easily. 木材易锯

18 5. Let, blame, seek 等少数动词, 用在+ 不定式结构中: Examples: The flat is to let. 公寓出租 I am to blame for it. 这事应怪我

19 Have a try 1. He returned a week later and found his house ______.
A) had broken into B) was broken into C) to be broken into D) had been broken into 2. The house suddenly collapsed while it _____ down. A) was pulled B) pulled C) was being pulled D) had been pulled

20 review The sixth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _____ and perfected now. A) developed B) will have been developed C) have developed D) are being developed

21 Agreement( 一致) 三条原则: 语法一致,意义一致,就近一致 1.语法一致:
* She listens to 6:30 news broadcast every day. * These students are listening to a lecture.

22 意义一致 1. The red and white rose is beautiful.
2. The red and the white roses are beautiful. 1.两个形容词被and (并列)连接, 这两个形容词 修饰两个并列做主语的单数名词, 并共用一 个表限定的词(the)时, 谓语用单数. 2. 两个名词各有自己的限定词(the)时,谓语用 复数

23 就近一致 * The majority of the damage is easy to repair.
* The majority of the representatives are for the proposal. All, most, some of, the great part, lots of, the rest, the remainder, the last, the majority of…等后跟名词/代词作主语, 谓语与名词/代词的数一致.

24 就近一致 * Tom or I am mistaken. * Not only the switches but also the old
wiring has been replaced. * Either fans or an air-conditioner is needed for this lab. 由or, nor, not only…but also…, either …or… neither… nor…连接的两个主语, 谓动与第二个主语一致.

25 就近一致 然而: 由 as well as, rather than(more than), no less than, together, along with, etc.连接的两个主语, 谓动与第一个主语一致. * In time of danger, the passengers rather than the ship are first taken into consideration. * The girl as well as the boys has learned to drive.

26 集体名词作主语: 整体概念(单数形式)具体成员(复数形式) 例如:
army, audience, class, crowd, crew, couple, family, group, staff, team, public, cabinet, band, etc. * The population of the earth is increasing rapidly. * One third of the population here are farmers. * The public now know the whole story. * The public has every reason to be cautious of deception.

27 书名、报名、剧名、国名等作主语 The New York Times is not available here.
The United States was founded in 1776. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain.

28 单复数同形的名词做主语(根据句意确定) 此类词有:
Aircraft, deer, fish, sheep, means, species, series, works, crossroads, headquarters. 例如: We caught several fish. The quickest means of travel is by plane. There are 137 species of butterflies known in the world.

29 表示时间、距离、度量、价值的复数名词做主语
抽象概念(视一整体,用单数); 具体多少(用复数) Ten minutes is all that I can spare for you. Thirty thousand dollars is a large sum of money to him. The fifty miles were covered by the winner in three hours.

30 with, as well as 等词修饰的单数名词作主语:单数形式
The teacher as well as the students likes the novel. The boss, rather than his employees, is to blame. A scientist, together with some assistants, was sent to help solve the problem.

31 And 连接的两个名词做主语 And 连接的两个名词若指同一人物、同一事物、同一概念时,用单数。 通常表一个概念的标示:
1) 两个名词只有一个限定词或无限定词; 2) and 连结的两个单数名词均有each, every,many a, no 等词修饰;

32 Examples: War and peace is a constant theme in history.
The wear and tear on the machine is obvious. Every hour and every minute is vital to me now. Bacon and egg is my breakfast

33 Review: 连词 or 等连接的两名/代词做主 (就近一致)
此类连词有:or, either… or…, neither… or… , not only .. but also… Either I or they are responsible for it. Neither your words nor your attitude has caused me any distress. Not only he but his family members are interested in it.

34 More specifications: Either, neither 作主语,谓动用单
One and a half 后接名词用复数,谓动用单 One or two 后接复数名词作主语,谓动用复 动词不定式、动名词短语、名词性从句等作主语,谓动用单: Seeing is believing. To hesitate means failure.

35 其它一些形式 None 本身做主语,或它修饰的名/代词做主语; 如代表不可数名词, 谓动用单; 如代表可数名词,谓动既可单也可复。

36 Have a try 1.Professor Smith, with four lecturers, _____ attending a symposium now. A) is B) are C) was D) were 2. One and a half hours ____ passed. A) has B) are C) is D) have One and a half 后接复数形式名词, 用单数形式谓语动词

37 More examples: One and a half days is all I can spare.
One and a half apples is left on the table. Agreement: 句子主语是表度量,时间, 金钱的复数名词, 作为整体看待时, 谓动用单数. Examples: Seven days is too long to wait. Sixteen miles seems like a long walk to me. a

38 3. What matters ____ not winning but
participating now . A) are B) to be C) was D) is 4.Passenger ships and ____ are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephone. A) aircrafts B) aircraft C) the planes D) also the planes

39 Go on trying 5. John is the only one of the students who ____ to
France. A) has been B) have been C) had been D) has being One of + 复数名词是其后面定从句中的主语先行词时, 谓语动词用单数, 也可用复数. 例如: 6.John is one of those people who go out of their way ( 竭尽全力) to be helpful.

40 Compare: 7. This is one of the books on the subject
that has ever been written in Chinese. 但若One 前有only 或定冠词,谓语动词只能用单数.(见前5,7例)

41 Review: 一个单数名词,被and(并列)连接的两个形容词修饰,共用一个表限定的词时, 谓语用单数.
The leather and silk handbag is very cute. 两个名词各有自己的限定词时, 谓语用复数: The leather and silk handbags are very cute.

42 句中两个单数名词指得是同一概/事物, 谓语动词用单数
句中两个单数名词指得是同一概/事物, 谓语动词用单数 A needle and thread was given to him to sew the button on. A fork and knife was on the table.

43 Try: 7. Linguistics _____ very difficult to learn.
A) is not B) are not C) were not D) wasn’t 8. The flight service crew ____ largely women in this plane. A) is B) were C) are D) was

44 Still More 9. Three hours ____ the limit of this exam.
A) is B) were C) are D) were 10. His Selected Poems ____ first published in 1993. A) was B) were C) had been D) are

45 形容词、副词比较级 等比句: as… as .. . 即:主语+谓语+as +形容词/副词+as +比较对象
We have accomplished as much in the past three years as would have taken ten years in the past. 否定的同等比较: John doesn’t work as(so) hard as Henry. 比较级:1)优等比较(甲胜于乙)more than 2)次等比较 (甲不如乙)less than 最高级:一般要有一表范围的词(组) Of all the students, Betty works hardest.

46 若干特殊情况 *表达“最”的概念另一方式:句型“否定词+比较级” (原意为“没有……比……更…… ,”)
There is nothing in the world more important than words. * The … the …结构, 表“越 …… 越……” The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 少数形容词比较级不用连词 than, 用to. His strength is superior to mine His knowledge is inferior to hers. 另有 Senior,(年长于) junior(年幼于)

47 一些表示两者之间有所选择和比较的句型 Better to do well than to say well 说得好不如做得好
I would rather join you in research work than go on holidays to the seaside. I prefer to work rather than sit idle. 我宁愿工作也不愿无所事事 He would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals. 他宁愿辞职也不愿参于那种不诚实的勾当

48 Exercises 1. His salary as a doctor is much higher _____.
A) than a nurse B) than that of a nurse C) that of a nurse D) than those of a nurse 2. ____ all the poems I have recently read, “Moon-lady” seems most relevant to our times. A) Of B) With C) In D) About 3. The new method of refining aluminum was ____ that it became practical for many purposes. A) so more cheaper B) so much cheaper C) so many cheaper D) such much cheaper

49 not better than; no better than
表面否定, 内在肯定。 (译成汉语时,往往译出 no 后的那个形容词的反义) She is no taller than he. She is no older than he.

50 not better than 不如……好 no better than 同……一样坏
表面否定,内在肯定。 (译成汉语时,往往译出 no 后的那个形容词的反义) She is no taller than he. 她同他一样矮 She is no older than he. 她同他一样年轻

51 用 not 为比较级的本义 She is not taller than he. 她不如他高
She is not older than he. 她不如他大(年龄)

52 Try: Some people can eat what they like and get no fatter.
All his school education was no longer than one year.

53 Key: Some people can eat what they like and get no fatter.
有些人爱吃什么吃什么,照样廋。 All his school education was no longer than one year. 他在校读书的时间仅短短一年

54 5.We often advise him not to drink more wine
_____________ is good for his health. A) as B) that C) but D) *than

55 4.Radio, television and press ____ of
conveying news and information. A) are the most three common means B) are the most common three means C) are the three most common means D) are three the most common means.

56 修饰词排序: 冠+数+形+名(作定语)+被修饰名词
Key to 4: C 5. Edward prefers orange juice ___ any other drinks. A) than B) to C) over D) against

57 部分 / 全否定 否定词所否定的部位、范围不是固定不变的一种模式,不同的否定句型会有不同的否定范围。 不都:部分否定
1)not … all … 2) all… not… 其中的 All 还包括 everybody, everything, whole, both等 Cf: I do not know all of them. I do not know any of them. He hasn’t paid it all . He hasn’t paid any of them.

58 部分 / 全否定 否定词所否定的部位、范围不是固定不变的一种模式,不同的否定句型会有不同的否定范围。
不都:部分否定 1)not … all … 2) all… not… 其中的 All 还包括 everybody, everything, whole, both等 Cf: I do not know all of them.不全认识 I do not know any of them. 全不认识 He hasn’t paid it all . 还未付完 He hasn’t paid any of them.全部未付

59 不都:部分否定 I can’t promote both of you. I can’t promote either of you.
Both of his children are not college students Neither of his children are college students. Everybody wouldn’t like him Nobody would like him. All is not gold that glitters.

60 不都:部分否定 I can’t promote both of you. 不能同时提拔你们两
I can’t promote either of you. 谁也不提拔 Both of his children are not college students 不都是 Neither of his children are college students. 都不是大学生 Everybody wouldn’t like him 不是每人都喜欢他 Nobody would like him. 没人会喜欢他 All is not gold that glitters. 闪闪发光者,并非皆黄金

61 都不:全部否定 (none ) None have arrived yet. ( 用has也可 )
There are none left____ not one. None of us are perfect; we all make mistakes. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear. 格言:部分否定 It’s a long lane that has no turning. It’s a good horse that never stumbles.

62 都不:全部否定 (none ) None have arrived yet. 还没人来( 用has也可 )
There are none left____ not one. 一个未留 None of us are perfect; we all make mistakes. 世无完人 There are none so deaf as those who will not hear. Proverb:充耳不闻的人是最聋的人 格言:部分否定 It’s a long lane that has no turning. 没不拐弯的路 It’s a good horse that never stumbles. 好马也有失蹄时

63 名词的数 常用不可数名词:advice, baggage, cash, clothing, damage, equipment, furniture, homework, information, jewelry, knowledge, laughter, leisure, luggage, machinery, mail, money, music, news, peace, rain, recognition, research, scenery, soap, snow, traffic, violence, water, etc. 其单数形式:an act of violence 其复数形式:many pieces of furniture. 数字当形容词/名词使用时的注意点: 1。当名词用,其词尾可变复数; 2。当形容词用,其词尾不能变复数。

64 请辨别正误 Hundred of example three foot
An eight-feet-long tail ten thousands people Two millions years ago fifty percents of the inhabitants a fifties-percent decrease The boys students have come up with the solutions to the problem. Li Ying has three brother-in-laws If you are frightened, tell one of the growns-up

65 若干难点解析 In that, but that, except that 引导的句子
I enjoy country life better in that the air and water are less polluted there. Human beings differ from animals in that they can think and speak. He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time. She is a competent teacher except that she is occasionally not very strict with her students.

66 If only 和 only if 的区别 hardly/scarcely…when和no sooner…than 代词一致
If only I had known about his coming, I would have met him at the airport. The strikers will go back to work only if they get the salary raise they are asking for. No sooner had I stepped on the train than it got started.

67 Expressions of surprise or annoyance
My God /Jesus / Christ / Jesus Christ Who Pays? Bob: Say, Tommy, how about going out to lunch? Tommy: I’d love to, but you know I’m living on a shoestring. Bob: Well, I’m not exactly a Rockefeller myself. How about McDonald’s? Tommy: O.K. I guess I can afford that once in a while.

68 Live on a shoestring 勉强维持生活(美俗)手头无多余款项
Who Pays: Jones: I’d like to have a chat with you, Reed. How bout lunch tomorrow at the faculty club? Reed: I’d like that very much, but I’m afraid I’m living on a very tight budget. Jones: Oh, no, no. This one is on me. Reed: Well, thank you. When? Jones: I’ll meet you in front of the faculty club at 12:30 tomorrow. Good-bye.

69 Customs: A: Why are you rushing around like a
chicken with its head cut off? B: I’ve been invited to a party at Ralph and Carol’s house tonight. A: So what’s the big rush? B: I was told the party starts at eight. A: .Relax. Relax. In America if someone tells you a party starts at eight, you’d better arrive between 8:30 and 9. B: You’re kidding! How come? A: I don’t know____ it’s just the custom here.

70 Explanation of expressions
*Like a chicken with its head cut off. 没头没脑,不知所措 *What’s the big rush_____Why re you in such hurry. * You’re kidding: (slang)hoax 开玩笑, 逗乐 Cf: you’re pulling my leg.

71 Common remarks about the weather
They say we’re in for hurricane.会遇上… It’s raining cats and dogs. I’m sweating bullets. It’s hot as hell. What a downpour! The fog is beginning to lift. It’s beginning to let up.

72 Useful Expressions: Please help yourself. Please pass the …
Would you like a second helping of … ( baked, mashed, French---French fries/chips) Can I get you another T-bone steak? ( rare, medium, well, medium rare, medium well) For here or to go?


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