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2014年9月英语统考 全面破解各题型.

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1 2014年9月英语统考 全面破解各题型

2 根据教育部文件精神,普通高校网络教育本科学生须参加部分公共基础课全国统考,所有统考科目成绩合格作为教育部高等教育学历证书电子注册的条件之一。
2014年共组织三次统考,时间分别为 4月 9月 12月

3 大学英语(B)考试新大纲于2014年12月份的考试开始使用,4月份和9月份的考试仍然是老大纲。

4 考试基本信息 考试时长:90分钟 考试形式:机考 出题特点:随机抽题

5 试卷结构 部分 项目 内容 题型 题量 分值 总分 时间 (分钟) I 交际英语 5个简短对话 单项选择 5 3 15 10 II 阅读理解
2篇短文,每篇5题 30 20 III 词汇与结构 5个单句 2 IV 完形填空 1篇短文 V 英译汉 4个单句 翻译 4 VI 写作 1篇作文 命题作文 1 总计 100 90

6 交际英语 5个考题,都是日常交际中人们为了获取所需的信息或达到交际的目的,在特定的情景中使用不同的交际功能的句型。
复习中要熟悉常见情景中的交际句型,找出答语或上下文的一些规律,如“礼貌原则”、“利他原则”、相关原则、时态、句型一致、肯定或否定的一致等规律来帮助自己作出正确的判断与选择。 相对来说,这部分较其他类型的题目简单。同学们如果复习得充分,应该争取尽量多得分,得全分。

7 礼貌原则 1、就是对于别人对自己的邀请、表扬、祝贺、赞美以及感谢等都要表示感谢(Thanks)。
2、对于别人的邀请,永远是先答应,即使不能赴约,也要说明不能去的理由 3、给别人带来不方便或者对方有请求时却不能给予帮助要说“对不起”,并要说明不能帮忙的理由或者告诉对方怎么做

8 拒绝请求时 礼貌原则还表现在: 1. 委婉地回绝, “I’m afraid not” …;
2. 先表同意,然后用“but”来个转折,表达出不同意的意思。例如: I would love to, but … That’s a good idea, but …

9 —That’s a beautiful dress you have on!
—____________ A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday. B. Sorry, it’s too cheap. C. You can have it D. See you later. 标准答案:A

10 --Thank you for inviting me.
--_____ A、I really had a happy time. B、Oh, it's too late. C、Thank you for coming. D、Oh, so slowly? 标准答案:C

11 I'm sorry to hear that you failed in the exam.
___________. A、Not at all B、Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you. C、You are welcome D、Yes, I'm really sorry 标准答案:B

12 礼貌原则 - I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________
A、Well, it's OK. B、No, it's all right. C、You are welcome. D、You are wrong. 标准答案:A

13 礼貌原则 -- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening?
-- ________ A、No, I already have plans. B、I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. C、No, I really don't like being with you. D、I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out. 标准答案:B

14 -- Please help yourself to the seafood.
-- ________ A、No, I can't. B、Sorry, I can't help. C、Well, seafood don't suit. D、Thanks, but I don't like seafood. 标准答案:D

15 -- Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?
-- ________ A、I'd rather stay here if you don't mind. B、Sorry, I don't like neither. C、Certainly, why not? D、Yes, we like these two places. 标准答案:A

16 利他原则 在日常交际中,英语国家人民形成了一种习俗,即要尽可能为对方提供帮助和方便,对别人遇到的好事/成功要表示高兴,坏事要表示难过/惋惜,因此在交际用语中也要体现出来这种倾向.

17 利他原则 -- I failed the maths exam again. -- _________ A、Well done.
B、What a pity! C、That's right. D、I'm glad. 标准答案:B

18 利他原则 - Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bus stop? - _________
A、Yes, go straight down this way to the end. B、Why do you ask me the way? C、Yes, I will. D、No, I can't tell you that. 标准答案:A

19 — Excuse me, I am going to the airport, could you please tell me the way?
— ____________ A. Really? B. You can ask him. C. No, I don’t know. D. Sorry, I am new here too. But you can ask the policeman over there. 标准答案:D

20 -- May I use your bike for a moment?
-- ________ A、It's well. B、It doesn't matter. C、By all means. D、I have no idea. 标准答案:C

21 May I use your dictionary?
____________. A、Yes, here you are B、No, you won't C、Never mind D、Sorry,here it is 标准答案:A

22 相关原则 - How was your trip to London, Jane? - ___________
A、Oh, wonderful indeed. B、I went there alone. C、The guide showed me the way. D、By plane and by bus. 标准答案:A

23 相关原则 -Can I help you? - _____.
A、OK, I'll take it B、That's good C、Yes, I'd like a sweater D、It's too dear 标准答案:C

24 相关原则 - - ____________. - - He teaches physics in a school.
A、What does your father want to do? B、Who is your father? C、What is your father? D、Where is your father now? 标准答案:C

25 - What is she? - _________ A:She is a typist. B:She is talking to her friend. C:She is having a holiday. D:She is my sister. 答案:A

26 相关原则 - Haven't seen you for ages! What are you busy with now?
- _____________ A、I hate the weather here. B、My hair is getting a bit longer. C、Yeah, thanks for coming. D、I am working part time in a bookshop, you know. 标准答案:D

27 - I've heard that you are going to Thailand?
- Yes, I'll leave on Sunday. - That's great! _______ - Thank you! A、Have a nice journey! B、Watch out! C、How are you! D、You are so smart! 标准答案:A

28 时态一致、句型正确 - I think he is a good lecturer. - _________
A、Sorry, it doesn't matter. B、So do I. C、Yes. It's a good idea. D、I don't mind. 标准答案:B

29 时态一致、句型正确 - - ____________.
- - ____________. - - Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A、When did your parents arrive in Paris? B、How long have your parents been in Paris? C、Did your parents arrive in Paris last Wednesday? D、When will your parents go to Paris? 标准答案:B

30 肯定或否定的一致 Do you mind my smoking here? - _______
A、No, thanks. B、Yes, I do. C、Yes. I'd rather not. D、Good idea. 标准答案:B You’d better not.

31 -- Would you mind changing seats with me?
-- ________ A、Yes, you can. B、Of course, I like to. C、No, I don't mind. D、Certainly, please do. 标准答案:C

32 电话英语 A. Hello!May/Could/Can I speak to …?
Is … in/over there? (你好!请找…接电话好吗?) B. ① 当你就是对方要找的听话人时: This is … (speaking). Speaking. Who is that (speaking)? (你是哪位?) ② 当对方要找的人不在场时,需要去叫他/她 Hold on, please/One moment. (I’ll get him/her.) (请稍等,我去叫他/她。)

33 电话英语 ③ 当对方要找的人不在或不能接电话时, Sorry, he is busy at the moment.
Sorry, he isn’t here / is out right now. (Can I take a message for you?)

34 ④ 当发现对方拨错电话号码时, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number. (我想你拨错号码了。)

35 电话英语 Hello, may I speak to Zhao Hua? __________. A、My name is Zhao Hua
B、I'm Zhao Hua C、This is Zhao Hua speaking D、Zhao Hua is me 标准答案:C

36 - May I speak to Dr. Brown? - _________ A、Yes, he is not in at the moment. B、No, you can't. C、Yes, this is Brown speaking. D、Sorry, speaking. 标准答案:C

37 - Hello. Is Jim there? - _________ A、This is Jim. Who's speaking, please? B、I'm afraid I won't be free. C、This is the right number. D、There's no hurry. 标准答案:A

38 -- Hi, is Mary there, please?
-- _____ A、Hold on. I'll get her. B、No, she isn't here. C、Yes, she lives here. D、Yes, what do you want? 标准答案:A

39 - Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?
- _________ A:Who's there? B:Who's speaking? C:Who are you? D:Who wants to speak to Mark? 答案:B

40 - Excuse me, is this the Sale's Department?
- _________ A:I'm afraid you have the wrong number. B:You are wrong. C:What's wrong with you? D:What are you talking about? 答案:A

41 Man has always wanted to fly
Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of from chicken feathers and fixed them to his shoulders. Then he jumped from a tall building. As you can imagine, he did not fly very far , he fell to the ground and broke several bones. The first real attempt at flying took place in France in The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose. If they could fill a large balloon with hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and They were right. They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper. It measured ten meters in diameter. They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air. It fell to earth about three kilometers At the next attempt, they arranged for a balloon to carry passengers . We do not know what the passengers felt about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep. But we know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safety. A. Instead B. wings C. do D. away E. fly

42 完型填空技巧讲解 题型特点: 5个选项,每个选项用只能用一次 =选词填空 难度较以往降低 多为新题

43 完型填空技巧讲解 做题方法: 1.首先看5个选项,判断其词性
2. 看每个空的上下文,判断该空应该填什么词性的词,找出最好填的选项,各个击破。 3. 在不确定或者看不懂的情况下,可以把剩余的几个选项挨个放进去试,根据自己的语感,判断出正确选项。 4.实在什么也看不懂的情况下,5个选项都选A,那么必然有一个选项填A,能得2 分。

44 Man has always wanted to fly
Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of from chicken feathers and fixed them to his shoulders. Then he jumped from a tall building. As you can imagine, he did not fly very far , he fell to the ground and broke several bones. The first real attempt at flying took place in France in The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose. If they could fill a large balloon with hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and They were right. They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper. It measured ten meters in diameter. They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air. It fell to earth about three kilometers At the next attempt, they arranged for a balloon to carry passengers . We do not know what the passengers felt about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep. But we know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safety. A. Instead B. wings C. do D. away E. fly

45 1.选项分析 首先看5个选项,判断其词性 A. Instead B. wings C. do D. away E. fly 1)初步选项分析: A,D为副词 C,E为动词 B为名词

46 A. Instead B. wings C. do D. away E. fly
2)进一步分析 A. Instead首字母大写了,很有可能出现在句首 Instead本身可以单独使用,处于2个有转折关系的句子之间。 He reached for the wine but did not drink, instead, pushed it across the table towards Joanna. C. do作为动词,除了在不多的词组里出现,如do one’s homework, do one’s job, 还可以出现在其他动词前,起强调作用。 I do love you.

47 2. 分析各空白 看每个空的上下文,判断该空应该填什么词性的词,找出最好填的选项,各个击破。

48 各空分析 Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of from chicken feathers and fixed them to his shoulders. Then he jumped from a tall building. As you can imagine, he did not fly very far , he fell to the ground and broke several bones. The first real attempt at flying took place in France in The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose. If they could fill a large balloon with hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and They were right. They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper. It measured ten meters in diameter. They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air. It fell to earth about three kilometers At the next attempt, they arranged for a balloon to carry passengers . We do not know what the passengers felt about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep. But we know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safety. 1. 应该填名词 2. 单独出现 3. 不确定 4. 句末 5. 动词know 前

49 3. 匹配及试填

50 选项 空 A. Instead 1. 应该填名词 B. wings 2. 单独出现 C. do 3. 不确定 D. away 4. 句末
E. fly 1. 应该填名词 2. 单独出现 3. 不确定 4. 句末 5. 动词know 前 B A 不确定 C

51 Man has always wanted to fly
Man has always wanted to fly. Even as long as eight hundred years ago, an Englishman had tried. He made a pair of from chicken feathers and fixed them to his shoulders. Then he jumped from a tall building. As you can imagine, he did not fly very far , he fell to the ground and broke several bones. The first real attempt at flying took place in France in The two Mongolian brothers knew that hot air rose. If they could fill a large balloon with hot air, they thought it would rise into the air and They were right. They made a very large hot air balloon of cloth and paper. It measured ten meters in diameter. They filled it with hot air and the balloon got two hundred meters into the air. It fell to earth about three kilometers At the next attempt, they arranged for a balloon to carry passengers . We do not know what the passengers felt about the trip as they were a cock, a duck, and a sheep. But we know that the trip lasted eight minutes and the animals landed safety. A. Instead B. wings C. do D. away E. fly 3, 4 不确定 D. away E. fly 3空前有and, 应该和前半部分并列,away 是副词,前半部分没有副词,排除,故选E 4空前有完整的句子,副词可以位于句末,故选D 全篇答案: B A 3. E D 5. C

52 例2 Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year. Chinese cities have more cars than before. Every day many people are while they cross the road. Most of are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they usually can’t see clearly or hear very well are killed because they are careless. A car, truck or bus can’t stop very quickly if it is going very fast. The faster a car is traveling, the longer it takes to stop. But people walking in the street do not always understand this. It’s for people to know how fast a car is traveling. The new traffic laws were put into use May 1st, The new traffic laws will make the streets safer for walking and driving. 1. A. killed B. on C. children D. difficult E. them 2. A. killed B. on C. children D. difficult E. them 3. A. killed B. on C. children D. difficult E. them 4. A. killed B. on C. children D. difficult E. them 5. A. killed B. on C. children D. difficult E. them

53 killed v.过去式或 v.过去分词,有待于在原文中进行判断(killed为过去分词,be killed 为被动语态)
on Prep. children N. difficult Adj. them Pron. 答案:AECDB

54 阅读理解技巧讲解(一) 1、 先易后难,先做细节题,最后做主旨题 2、每段首尾句必看,找到主题句。 3、读题干,找出关键词
4、定位到原文中的内容 5、与选项进行比对 6、确定答案 7、确定全篇文章主旨。

55 阅读理解技巧讲解 基础欠佳,请看《30分钟搞定18篇阅读理解》 见《2014年9月决胜英语统考复习宝典》 下载:

56 Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. Your education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching, that is, tutoring in math and English. You’d have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors — he’ll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this community service … and you’ll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you’ve had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you’d like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge’s office this week. (220 words)

57 1. What is the purpose of the talk?
____________ A. To explain a new requirement for graduation. B. To interest students in a new community program. C. To discuss the problems of elementary school students. D. To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program. (Pr.1 S2) B

58 2. What is the purpose of the program that the speaker describes?
____________ A. To find jobs for graduating students. B. To help education majors prepare for final exams. C. To offer tutorials to elementary school students. D. To provide funding for a community service project. (Pr1,Pr2 ) C

59 3. What does Professor Dodge do? ____________
A. He advises students to participate in certain program. B. He teaches part-time in an elementary school. C. He observes elementary school students in the classroom. D. He helps students prepare their resumes. (Pr 3 S2) A

60 4. What should students who are interested in the tutorials do
A. Contact the elementary school. B. Sign up for a special class. C. Submit a resume to the dean. D. Talk to Professor Dodge. (Pr4 LS) D

61 5. Whom do you think the speaker addresses? ____________
A. Faculty. B. Students. C. Residents D. Graduated students. (Pr1 S2) B

62 Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called “One On One” helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. Your education majors might be especially interested in it because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching, that is, tutoring in math and English. You’d have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors — he’ll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I’m sure you’ll enjoy this community service … and you’ll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too, showing that you’ve had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you’d like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge’s office this week. (220 words)

63 《30分钟搞定18篇阅读理解》 社区服务 (不错啊大奔) Community service … 背诵词:

64 阅读理解技巧讲解(二) T/F 题 T=true 正确 F=false 错误

65 1、 先易后难,先做细节题,最后做主旨题 2、每段首尾句必看,找到主题句。 3、读题干,找出关键词 4、定位到原文中的内容 5、与选项进行比对 6、确定答案 7、确定全篇文章主旨。

66 Taking away a city's rubbish is a big job
Taking away a city's rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we can't eat or use. If we kept these things, we would soon have a mountain of rubbish. In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside the city to a dump. Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs and other places. To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally, a house or a school may be built there, and then you'd never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump. In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything except the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus(腐殖质), which looks like black earth. It is rich with the kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow.

67 1、You can most probably read this kind of passage in a telephone book.
A、T B、F 标准答案:B

68 2、The main idea of the passage is to tell people to take useful things out of rubbish.
A、T B、F 标准答案:B

69 3、The underlined word “sewage” in the second paragraph means laundry.
A、T B、F 标准答案:B

70 4、According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again to feed plants.
A、T B、F 标准答案:A

71 5、We should take care of a used metal box by reusing and recycling it.
A、T B、F 标准答案:A

72 词汇与结构

73 There isn't any difference between the two. I really don't know _____.
A、where to choose B、which to choose C、to choose what D、to choose which 标准答案:B

74 _______ these honours he received a sum of money.
A、Except B、But C、Besides D、Outside 标准答案:C

75 Everyone except me got an invitation.
除了我以外, 所有人都收到了请柬. The meal was excellent except for (ie with the exception of) the first course. 这顿饭好极了, 只是第一道菜稍差. There will be five of us for dinner, besides John. 除约翰外, 还有我们五个人要一起吃饭

76 This kind of material expands ____ the temperature increasing.
A、to B、for C、with D、at 标准答案:C

77 The young lady coming over to us _____ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
A、must be B、can be C、would be D、could be 标准答案:A

78 第五部分:英译汉 一、解题技巧 考试的英译汉部分要求在10分钟内把4个难度适中的英语句子翻译成汉语。英译汉考试的重点是测试大家对英语的理解能力及汉语表达能力。它不仅要求大家对词汇、语法有较好的掌握,还要求大家有着一定的组词成句的能力。将英语翻译成汉语后,语言必须符合汉语的习惯和规范,用词要准确,文字要流畅、明白、易懂。 出题方向: 1.简单句:考查正确分析句子结构的能力,做到恰当造词、合理搭配、正确翻译时态 2.复合句:能正确处理从句,翻译恰当

79 英译汉 多为简单句 多复习、查生词、背下来 把认识的单词尽量写出通顺的句子




















99 作文复习 一定要重视,要认真写 复习期间多看,多背,多练习在计算机上输入范文。

100 作文 请按类别进行复习: 第一类:节日计划 第二类:我的…/ 我喜爱的… / 我最爱的… 第三类:英语学习 第四类:关于看法或观点
第二类:我的…/ 我喜爱的… / 我最爱的… 第三类:英语学习 第四类:关于看法或观点 第五类:书信 作文范文下载地址:

101 作文复习重点 第二类:我的…/ 我喜爱的… / 我最爱的… 第四类:关于看法或观点。
第二类:我的…/ 我喜爱的… / 我最爱的…  第四类:关于看法或观点。 相比之下,第二类容易些,第四类难些。所以一定要把第二类看熟,第四类尽力看,总的来说,抽到第二类的作文几率大得多。

102 第一类:节日计划 第三类:英语学习 请各记一篇,灵活处理。 第五类:书信,建议从后往前看,后面的题目是最近常出现的题。 一定要注意书信类作文的格式。

103 My Plan for the National Day Holiday
The National Day Holiday is coming. It is a very important festival in China. Everybody has his or her plan for the National Day Holiday. I have a plan, too. My plan is as follows: First, I’ll take a good rest, as I’m always busy with my work. Second, I want to stay with my parents. I’m not usually together with them. Third, I want to meet some of my friends and relatives, as these days we don’t see each other often. Fourth, I want to give my room a god cleaning. Finally, I will study English for the coming examination. This is my plan for the coming National Day Holiday.

104 如何背一篇范文却可以应对各种考题?

105 My Teacher My English teacher is Miss Wang. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. Miss Wang is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells us what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats us as her own children and takes good care of us. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is Miss Wang, my favorite teacher. I feel so lucky to have her as my teacher. I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her.

106 My Mother My mother is an English teacher. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. My mother is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells her students what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is my mother. I feel so lucky to have her as my mother and I love her. I hope that someday I can be a teacher just like her.

107 My Best Friend Li Xia is my best friend. She is an English teacher. She is a beautiful lady. She has a round face and bright eyes. She is always smiling. Li Xia is a good teacher. She works very hard. Every day she comes to the school early and is always the last one to leave. She speaks very good English and she teaches well. She also tells her students what are the right things to do. She is a motherly teacher. She treats her students as her own children and takes good care of them. She is so kind that everyone loves her. This is Li Xia, my best friend. I feel so lucky to have her as my best friend. I hope that we will be best friends forever.

108 How I Study English English is an international language. It is very useful. I like English very much. And this is how I study English. First, I remember 30 English words every day. Second, I go over the grammar points regularly. Third, I read articles in English newspapers and I read simple novels in English. Fourth, I listen to English radio programs and watch English TV programs. Finally, I listen to English music and watch English movies. This is how I study English. As a result, I’m more and more interested in English and my English has improved greatly. Practice makes perfect. If I keep practicing, I believe that my English will be better and better.

109 About Television TV plays the vital role in the world. TV can be seen everywhere in our daily life. Almost each family has one TV set. However, there is a good side and a bad side to everything, and TV is no exception. TV has its advantages. TV is very important to help me to get information and knowledge. Various TV programs make me get to know the world and help me with my studies. However, TV also has its disadvantages. Watching too much TV program can waste a lot of time. Some programs are boring and useless, and they can bring us bad information. So, every coin has two sides, we should choose the right one.

110 假如你叫李华,在因特网上找到一个叫David的网友,请根据下列要点给David写个e-mail,介绍你自己的一些情况。【本文适用另一篇作文A letter to a friend(写给朋友的一封信)】
1、 李华,在职学生,家住上海。 2、 喜欢集邮和运动。 3、 对英语很感兴趣,会唱不少英文歌曲。 4、 班里同学也很想找网友,希望得到帮助。 5、 想去英国看看。

111 Dear David, How are you? It’s so nice chatting with you online. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Li Hua. I was born and brought up in Shanghai. I am now working in a trade company and studying in TV University at the same time. I like collecting stamps and sports very much. I’m especially interested in English and I can sing several English songs like “I believe I can fly”. Many other students in my class also want to find online pen pals. We can become language partners so that we can help each other. When I have enough money and time, I’d like to go to Britain to have a look. And welcome to shanghai too. Yours, Li Hua

112 复习重点 务必要重视2010版大纲9套题。 一般情况下,其具体分布为: 交际用语: 有2-3道原题。(共考5道题)
交际用语: 有2-3道原题。(共考5道题)  阅读理解:必有一篇原题。(共考2篇)  词汇与语法:有2-3道原题 (共考5道题)  英译汉:有2个原题。(共考4道题)  作文:有1原题(以作文范文为主)。 (共考1题)  所谓原题,就是题目不变,选项顺序不变,答案不变。所以,这9套题是复习重点,希望大家一定认真复习,熟练到一看题就知道答案,从而增加考试通过率。

113 必看! 2010版大纲9套题下载地址

114 必练! 统考英语仿真练习系统地址:

115 阅读理解复习重点 常规题型: 理解、掌握做题技巧 (基础欠佳)9套题里的18篇文章 T/F题型(无复习范围) 找关键词,到原文中进行信息比对

116 完型填空复习重点 (无复习范围) 理解、掌握做题技巧 (基础欠佳)全选A,或者B,C,D,E,能蒙对1道题,正确率20%。

117 英译汉复习重点 共考4个句子 最容易得分 英译汉练习题一定都背过

118 作文复习重点 一定要重视,要认真写 复习期间多看,多背,多练习在计算机上输入范文。

119 请按类别进行复习: 第一类:节日计划 第二类:我的…/ 我喜爱的… / 我最爱的… 第三类:英语学习 第四类:关于看法或观点 第五类:书信 作文范文下载地址:

120 作文复习重点 第二类:我的…/ 我喜爱的… / 我最爱的… 第四类:关于看法或观点。
第二类:我的…/ 我喜爱的… / 我最爱的…  第四类:关于看法或观点。 相比之下,第二类容易些,第四类难些。所以一定要把第二类看熟,第四类尽力看,总的来说,抽到第二类的作文几率大得多。

121 第一类:节日计划 第三类:英语学习 请各记一篇,灵活处理。 第五类:书信,建议从后往前看,后面的题目是最近常出现的题。 一定要注意书信类作文的格式。

122 Thanks ! Good Luck!

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