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'04高考英语(浙江卷)评析 及 高考阅卷启示.

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Presentation on theme: "'04高考英语(浙江卷)评析 及 高考阅卷启示."— Presentation transcript:

1 '04高考英语(浙江卷)评析 高考阅卷启示

2 Outline ’04高考英语(浙江卷)试题简评 短文改错 / 书面表达阅卷情况简介 及相关信息反馈 3. 阅卷归来话高三英语之短文改错与
书面表达教学 我的个人感受

3 '04高考英语(浙江卷)简评 NMET命题基本思路 变中求新 稳中求变 立足语篇

4 '04高考英语(浙江卷)简评 第一部分:听力 1.仍采用全国卷的试题。涵盖对考生素质内容的考查,具有一定的创新性。
2.重点考查学生的听力理解力、敏捷的反应力和准确的推理判断能力 3.设置的情景丰富、真实,选材突出生活气息; 材料篇幅长,信息量大,具有较强的交际性。语速恰当,录音清晰。 4.听力对话内容涉及日常生活、文化教育、风土人情、时事和科普常识等方面。语言地道、简洁,非常口语化。音质清晰,材料基本没有生僻词汇,问题设置也不难,考生总体反映比较容易。

5 ▼在问题的选项判断上需要深层理解的题有增加趋势,应引起重视。(例第8段对话的3个问题)
'04高考英语(浙江卷)简评 第一部分:听力 ▼在问题的选项判断上需要深层理解的题有增加趋势,应引起重视。(例第8段对话的3个问题) 11. Where are the speakers? A. In a classroom. B. In a theatre. C. In an office. 12. Why does the man plan to leave early? A. He is going on vacation. B. He is going to a performance. C. He is going to the post office. 13. What does the woman offer to do? A. Clean the office. B. Pick up the man’s son. C. Finish the man’s work.

6 '04高考英语(浙江卷)简评 第一部分:听力 √ √ √ 11. Where are the speakers?
A. In a classroom. B. In a theatre C. In an office. 12. Why does the man plan to leave early? A. He is going on vacation. B. He is going to a performance. C. He is going to the post office. 13. What does the woman offer to do? A. Clean the office. B. Pick up the man’s son. C. Finish the man’s work. W: John, I thought you were going to leave early today to take your son to the show. M: I’m still planning to, but I can’t leave until I finish typing all the letters. W: Can’t you leave that until tomorrow? M: No, the boss wants them first thing tomorrow morning. W: How many have you got left? M: About 5. W: Why don’t you just go ahead, John? I’ll do the letters for you. M: Thank you very much, Janet. You’re so kind.

7 第二部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项填空 第二节:完型填空

8 1.测试覆盖面广但又相对集中 2.更注重基础。试题设计难易合适,更多地强调基础知识和语言的实际应用能力。
21. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. ____ most people say it was the worst winter of their lives. A. At last B. In fact C. In a word D. As a result 23. The discussion ____ alive when an interesting topic was brought in. A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came 25. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn’t quite ____ as planned. A. make out B. turn out C. go out D. come up

9 2.更注重基础。试题设计难易合适,更多地强调基础知识和语言的实际应用能力。
21. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. ____ most people say it was the worst winter of their lives. A. At last B. In fact C. In a word D. As a result 23. The discussion ____ alive when an interesting topic was brought in. A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came 25. We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn’t quite ____ as planned. A. make out B. turn out C. go out D. come up

10 3.题目设置更为巧妙 √ √ 31.____ modeling business is by no means easy to
get into, the good model will always be in demand. A. While B. Since C. As D. If 35. Anyway, that evening, _____ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place. A. when B. where C. what D. which

11 第二部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项填空 第二节:完型填空

12 2004年高考《考试说明》 “在一篇200 —250词的短文中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺,前后连贯,结构完整。” 2004高考英语(浙江卷)完形填空短文长度为251个词,考查学生对语义、语境、语篇的深层次理解,并在掌握文章主旨大意的基础上,正确理解句与句、段与段之间的内在联系,进而作出选择(这与考试说明较吻合)。

13 第三部分:阅读理解

14 近年高考阅读理解命题的基本特点 (一)把考生对语篇的领悟能力作为检测的 重点和基本点。
 重点和基本点。 (二) 题材、体裁多样, 选材更趋现代化、生活化和知识化,更注重突出语言与文化相结合的特点,突出实用性与时代性。 (社会现象、环境保护、城市旅游交通、传统工艺的传承以及体育运动 ) (三)逐年大幅度增加阅读量,提高对阅读速  度的要求,力求与教学大纲接轨。

15 第四部分:写作 第一节:短文改错 第二节:书面表达

16 ’04高考英语(浙江卷)短文改错介绍 选用文体: 议论文 总字数: 99 主题: 邮票收集已成为各年龄层次人的兴趣爱好
特点: 共5个句子,分10行。平均句长为19.8字,平均行长 为9.9字。最短的句子8个单词,最长的句子有11个单 词;所有句子均跨行,其中2个句子跨2行,3个句子跨 3行。短文含1个简单句,4个复合句。4个复合句中有 三个定语从句 ( … in a hobby which is both interested and fun. … an interest which can even last lifetime. … Club which exist to add more stamps to your collection. 两句状语从句 (… because they are everywhere. So once you’ve started collecting seriously, ….)

17 ’04高考英语(浙江卷)短文改错 ages ---ing a is √ But ╲ in ╲ exists 原 文 题 号
原   文              题 号    Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a ____ hobby which is both interested and fun. And every year ____ more and more people start a stamp collection of your own ____ and discover an interest which can even last lifetime. Starting 79. ____ your collection of stamps are easy because they are everywhere, ____ Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives and letters ____ from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over ____ the world. So once you’ve started collecting seriously, you ____ will probably want to join in the Stamp Collectors’ Club ____ which exist to add more stamps to your collection ____ ages ---ing their a is with But in exists

18 两年高考短文改错抽样结果反馈 '04(浙江卷)(抽查108份) NMET'03(抽查1209份) ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲

19 第四部分:写作 第一节:短文改错 第二节:书面表达

20 高考英语网上阅卷程序 输入用户名及密码 阅读考生答卷 评分(扣分有理,给分有据) 提交 回评 重新打分及提交






26 高考英语网上阅卷程序 输入用户名及密码 阅读考生答卷 评分(扣分有理,给分有据) 提交 回评 重新打分及提交

27 阅卷过程中遇到的几种特殊案例 (提醒学生注意!!!)

28 Make what you have written clear enough!

29 Try not to cheat yourself!

30 Avoid Chinese English!

31 ’04高考英语(浙江卷)书面表达

32 NMET书面表达评分原则 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。
2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3.词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。 4.评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性,上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。 5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 6.如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。

33 考生书面表达典型错误 1. 审题不清,提示信息与表列信息判断 不全面(看错、信息欠缺) 2. 词汇问题不过关 (词汇、拼写、词义)
3. 句子结构紊乱 (单词堆积、句子结构不完整) 4. 篇章 (乱用连贯词 ) ◆主要问题 语言功底不够扎实 2. 语用能力相对较弱 ◆具体表现

34 ◆具体表现例析: 考生书面表达典型错误 一、语言功底不够扎实: 1、单词拼写 2、词语辨析 3、名词单复数 4、时态不一致 5、汉式英语
6、词语搭配不当 7、主谓不一致 8、画蛇添足 9、表达不确切

35 ◆具体表现例析: 考生书面表达典型错误 二、语用能力较弱 1、词汇堆积 2、不注意上下文、缺连贯过渡 3、信息处理不恰当

36 高考阅卷启示 英文写作是一种综合能力训练,临阵磨枪是不能取得好成绩的,也是不可取的,应该重视平时的英语作文训练。

37 一、注重写作教学的基本训练阶段 二、注重写作训练的多样化 三、注重写作训练的规范化 四、注重教师的指导作用 高考阅卷启示 --- 我的建议

38 一、注重写作教学的基本训练阶段 疑问句、感叹句、倒装句 … S + V + P 【主 + 系动词 + 表】
S + Vi. (+A) 【主 + 不及物动词 (+ 状语)】 S + Vt. + O 【主 + 及物动词 + 宾语】 S + Vt. + IO + DO【主 +及物动词 + 间宾+直宾 S + Vt. + O + OC【主 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾补】 ☆从这五种最简单的基本句型 可以演变出许多意义更加丰富生动的句子! 疑问句、感叹句、倒装句 …

39 ▲ 加强对学生进行“一句多译”的训练 一听到铃响,学生们立即停止谈话。
As soon as the students heard the bell, they stopped talking at once. The moment … The minute … The instant … The second … The time … Immediately … Instantly … Directly … Hardly had the students heard the bell, … Rarely had the students heard the bell, …. Scarcely had the students heard the bell, …. No sooner had the students heard the bell, ….

40 我们应尽己所能帮助那些有困难的人。 We shall do / try our best / utmost to help those in trouble. We shall do everything to … We shall do all we can to … We shall do what we can to … We shall make a great effort to … We shall make great efforts to … We shall spare no efforts to … … people who have some / much trouble … people who are in trouble … people who have some / much difficulty … those who have some / much trouble / difficulty … those who are in trouble

41 培养学生运用连接词的能力

42 一、注重写作教学的基本训练阶段 二、注重写作训练的多样化 三、注重写作训练的规范化 四、注重教师的指导作用 高考阅卷启示 --- 我的建议

43 高考阅卷启示 目前的“书面表达”还不是真正意义上的写作,阅卷时只须写出要表达的内容要点,语言恰当即可。 可原谅“因为应用较复杂的语言语法结构,为了按提示要求而表达更丰富的语言内容所造成的些许错误”,要求“文章流畅,语言丰富,语法正确。” 建议学生:勤练 多思 善摹


45 02高考英语书面表达

46 03高考英语书面表达

47 内容要点 '02NMET '03NMET '04高考英语(浙江卷) 1. 60 % 的同学认为不应收门票 2. 公园是公众休闲的地方
3. 如收门票,需建大门、围墙,影响城市形象 4. 40 % 的同学认为应收门票,但票价不宜高 5. 门票收入支付园林工人工资、购新花木 '03NMET 1. 开头 2. 公寓(一室带浴室、厨房) 3. 面积、家具(25平米,床、沙发、书桌、椅子) 4. 公寓位置(芳草街,离学校一站远) 5. 月租500元 6. 结尾 '04高考英语(浙江卷)

48 Some of the common errors
1. I write to tell you I found a house for you. It's near to the school. 2. I welcome you to go to our school for learning Chinese. 3. You wanted me to rent a house that I had already found it. 4. The room is in the 3rd storey. 5. The house has 3 rooms: reading-room, cookroom, washroom. 6. In the front of the building is a bus station. You take 11 bus to the next station which is your school. 7. The room costs you 500 RMB every month. 8. Now I introduce you your flat. 9. Your flat is very bright. What's more, you don't have to buy anything. Besides, you will pay 500 yuan a month for the rent. 10.Though the flat is not very large, you only need pay 500 yuan for it every month. Is he joking? 1.You can take a bus to your school. It's just next door. 2.You open the door see a sofa, behind the sofa is a chicken also have a bath. 3.The room also have a comfortable WC.I hope you enjoy it all the time!

49 NMET2002短文改错 a √ when us visited passed down ╲ ╲ but at ╲ ╲ 原 文 题 号
原   文             题 号     Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan.As everyone knows, it's famous ____    mountain with all kinds of plants and animals,The weather 77. ____ was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of ____ the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we ____ climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples ____ and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture ____ since the scenery was so beautiful.The time passes quickly ____ Evening came down, We spent the night in a hotel at the top 83. ____ of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was 84. ____ good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my ____ head touched the pillow. a when us visited pictures passed down but at

50 NMET2003短文改错 √ ╲ ╲ in a ╲ ╲ it read words 原 文 题 号
原   文             题 号    When I learned to write in English, I ran into many ____ difficulties. The main problem was in that I always thought 77. ____ in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English ____ My teacher advised me to keep my diary. I followed her _____ advice and should put down 100 words or so each day ____ Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was _____ learning to express me in simple English. One day I wrote 82.____ a little story and showed to my teacher .She liked it ____ very much and reads it to the class. All said the story was 84.____ a good one. Their word were a great encouragement to me. 85.____ in everything a should talking myself it read words

51 两年高考短文改错抽样结果反馈 NMET'02(抽查1101份) NMET'03(抽查1209份) ▲ ▲

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