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Unit 3 Space.

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1 Unit 3 Space

2 Today’s topic: Talk about the sun the Earth the moon

3 Who is he? He is Yang Liwei. He is an astronaut. (宇航员)

4 Part C A day in space

5 1.What does Dr Zhang Ling do?
Listen to the story ,answer the question: 1.What does Dr Zhang Ling do? 2.Where does Dr Zhang Ling work?


7 1.What does Dr Zhang Ling do?
Listen to the story and answer the question: 1.What does Dr Zhang Ling do? She is a scientist. 2. Where does Dr Zhang Ling work? She works in the space station.

8 Reading tips(阅读小贴士): Help each other with the new words and
sentences.(小组成员互相教读,解决生词和句子) 2. Leaders write down the unsolved words or sentences on the board. (组长把未解决的生词和句子写到黑板上) 3. The group leader check the unsolved words or sentences and gives stars to them. (组长检查并评价)

9 Read and answer. What does Dr. Zhang Ling do in the morning…? Time
In the afternoon In the evening Activities (活动) She walks in space. She must fix something outside the station. She has a rest. She looks out of the window. Then she goes to bed She makes new medicines.

10 Listen and repeat: Dr Zhang Ling is a scientist. She works in the space station. What does she do every day? In the morning, Dr Zhang makes new medicines. There is no gravity so it is easier to make them. In the afternoon, Dr Zhang walks in space. She must fix something outside the station.

11 In the evening, Dr Zhang has a rest.
She looks out of the window. There is a sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes. Then at 9:30 pm, Dr Zhang goes to bed. Look at the picture. She has to sleep like this so she does not float away. Then she has a good sleep.

12 Read by yourselves! (自己有感情地朗读课文)

13 Retell the story (根据表格内容,复述故事) .
Name Job(职业) Workplace (工作地点) Activities(活动) in the morning Activities in the afternoon Activities in the evening Dr Zhang Ling a scientist in the space station makes new medicines walks in space / must fix something outside the station has a rest looks out of the window goes to bed

14 Learn from the scientists! Love science and explore space!

15 Homework: 1.Listen and read PartC3times.
2. Surf the internet to collect more information about space, astronauts and space station. (上网搜索了解更多有关太空,以及宇航员在太空活动的信息)

16 According to the story, fill in the blanks.
space station Dr Zhang Lin is a She works in the In the morning, she new There is no so it is to make them. In the , she walks in space. She must fix the station. In the , She has a She out of the window. There is a or every She to bed at 9:30.She to sleep like this so she doesn’t scientist makes medicines gravity easier afternoon something outside evening looks rest sunrise sunset minutes goes has float away



19 space station 太空站

20 work in the space station

21 walk in space 太空漫步

22 fix something 修理一些东西 float away 飘走

23 gravity 万有引力 Why is it easier to make new medicines in space?
Because there is no gravity.

24 sunrise 日出 sunset 日落 There is a sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes(每45分钟).

25 She has to (不得不)sleep like this so she does not float away.

26 scientist work in the space station make new medicines gravity fix something outside the station There is a sunrise or sunset every 45 minutes. float away

27 神州5号是载人飞船是中国首次发射的载人航天飞行器,于2003年10月15日将航天员杨利伟送入太空,飞船于2003年10月15日09时00分在酒泉卫星发射中心发射 神州6号是载人飞船,飞船于2005年10月12日 09:00:00在酒泉卫星发射中心发射,宇航员有费俊龙和聂海胜 神舟七号载人航天飞船于2008年9月25日21点10分04秒988毫秒从中国酒泉卫星发射中心载人航天发射场用长征二号F火箭发射升空,宇航员有翟志刚、刘伯明、景海鹏 神舟八号无人飞船,于2011年11月1日5时58分10秒由改进型“长征二号”F遥八火箭顺利发射升空 神州9号载人飞船于2012年6月16日 18时37分24秒在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升 空,宇航员有刘洋,景海鹏,刘旺 神州10号载人飞船于2013年6月11日17时38分在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,宇航员有聂海胜、张晓光和王亚平

28 牛顿和苹果     1665年,那年牛顿23岁,在一个美丽的月夜,牛顿正坐在院子里,好像在想什么。突然一只苹果落到地上,打断了他的思路。爱想、爱问、爱思考的牛顿忽然把思路转向了苹果落地,他想,为什么苹果不能上去,而是落到地面?那是因为苹果熟透了,它离开了树枝无可依靠才向下面坠落。那可能就是因为大地对苹果有吸引力,所以它才能被吸到地面上来。我们人不也是一样吗?地面上的东西不都是一样吗?也都是紧紧被地面吸住而不能离开。但是那天上的月亮为什么不掉下来呢?它是挂在空中,无依无靠是不是也应该落到地上来呢?可事实并不是这样,那是什么道理呢?这一连串的问题叩响了牛顿的心扉,他紧追不放,一定要搞个明白。经过长期的研究,顽强拼搏,终于发现了自然界最大奥秘之一的万有引力定律——牛顿运动第三定律。

29 1.What does Dr Zhang do in the morning?
She makes new medicines. 2.What does she do in the after for a walk? She goes for a walk in the afternoon. 3.How often is there a sunrise or sunset? Every 45 minutes.

30 1.What does Dr Zhang do in the morning? She makes new medicines.
2.When does go for a walk? She goes for a walk in the afternoon. 3.How often is there a sunrise or sunset? Every 45 minutes. 4.Why does Dr Zhang sleep in a special (特殊的)way? She has to sleep in a special way so she doesn’t float away.

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