新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第三讲 继续教育学院

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1 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第三讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第三讲 授课教师:曹瑜

2 Text Study Para This spelling is not easy. It is partly phonetic, but only partly, and it has many maddening inconsistencies. Even native speakers find it hard and children who speak their native English fluently take years to learn how to spell their own language. Even well-educated people in Britain and America have to consult the dictionary more often than they generally admit!

3 adj. 语音的;语音学的;表示发音的 e.g. a. Is the text marked with phonetic symbols? 课文有注音吗? b. international phonetic alphabet 国际音标

4 vt. 使疯狂 e.g. The colonel's calmness maddened Pluskat. 上校的镇静激怒了普拉斯凯特。 maddening adj. 令人疯狂的 The box has spat forth maddening nine second sound bite. 电视机整整吐放了九秒钟令人疯狂的插播。

5 n. 不一致,矛盾 e.g. There is a great inconsistency between what he says and what he does. 他的言行极不一致。

6 Para. 3 这种拼写并不容易。它部分是根据发音而
成,但仅仅是部分而已,而且有一些令人发狂的矛 盾之处。甚至说母语的人也觉得它很难,连那些说 一口流利英语的孩子们也要花好几年的时间才能学 会拼写他们的母语。在英国和美国,甚至那些受过 良好教育的人也不得不经常查阅字典,其频率比他 们通常承认的要高得多。

7 Text Study Para. 4 There have been many attempts to “reform” English spelling. The most important spelling reformer was an American Noah Webster, who in 1828 produced a frankly nationalistic American Dictionary of the English Language. Webster added some thousands of “American” words that were unknown to Dr. Johnson and he mounted an all-out assault on the “traditional” English way of spelling.

8 n. 尝试,努力 e.g. He made an attempt to escape, but he failed. 他企图逃跑,但失败了。 vt. 企图,试图(做) I will attempt to answer all your questions. 我将试着回答你所有的问题。

9 Noah Webster (1758 –1843) 美国所有词典编纂家中最著名的一位,他一直坚定不移地支持美国英语。从1789 年的《论英语》到1828 年的《美国英语词典》(今简称《韦氏大词典》),他的作品像塞缪尔・约翰逊的作品一样举世闻名。

10 nationalistic: 国家主义,该词本意是指国家主义,在此处指带有国家主义色彩,原因是诺亚・韦伯斯特在当时坚持不懈地在美国推行美国英语,并撰写了《美国英语词典》(今简称《韦氏大词典》)对美国英语进行规范,所以说带有美国国家主义色彩。

11 vt. 发动 e.g. a. The soldiers have been ready to mount another attack. 战士们已经做好了发动又一次进攻的准备。 b. The women in this country mounted another campaign for equal rights with men. 这个国家的妇女又一次发起了要求拥有与男性 同等权利的运动。

12 adj. 竭力的; 全部的 e.g. a. He made an all-out sprint and won the first prize in the race. 他竭尽全力地冲刺,取得了跑步比赛的第一名。 b. They worked out an all-out conservation program. 他们制定了一个全方位的资源保护计划。

13 n. 攻击,袭击 e.g. They responded with assaults against the enemy's bases. 他们向敌人阵地发起反攻。 vt. 攻击,袭击 We assaulted the city on all sides. 我们从四面八方向该城发起攻击。

14 Para. 4 历史上曾出现过许多“改革”英文拼写的
尝试。 最重要的拼写改革家当数美国的诺亚· 韦伯 斯特, 他在 1828 年编纂出了一本带有不加掩饰的 国家主义色彩的词典——《美国英语词典》。 韦 伯斯特增加了数以千计的“美国词汇”,这些词汇并 不为约翰逊博士所知。而且,他还竭力攻击“传统 的”英文拼写方式。

15 Text Study when we do not pronounce the letter “b”? But
Para Why, he asked, should we spell “thumb” when we do not pronounce the letter “b”? But even the Americans of his time ignored him and it remains “thumb" to this day in modern editions of Webster.

16 n. 拇指 e.g. a. This glove has a hole in the thumb. 这只手套的大拇指处有个洞。 b. The man swore when the hammer hit his thumb.  那个男人咒骂起来,他的拇指让锤子砸了 一下。

17 Para. 5 他曾说:“thumb(拇指)”中的“b”不发音,为什么我们却拼成“thumb”
Para. 5 他曾说:“thumb(拇指)”中的“b”不发音,为什么我们却拼成“thumb”? 但是,甚至他那个时代的美国人也都对他不予理睬,所以直到现在,韦伯斯特现代版的词典还是将“拇指”拼成“thumb”。

18 Bye for now!

19 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四讲 授课教师:曹瑜

20 Text Study Para. 6 However, Webster was triumphant in other words. His “reformed spelling” of English in “-our” words has won the day, “favor”, “labor”, “honor”, replacing the English “favour”, “labour”, “honour”. Similarly, American English spells words like “centre”, “theatre”, “calibre” as “center”, “theater”, and “caliber”.

21 adj. 胜利的,成功的;(因成功而)欢欣鼓舞的, 洋洋得意的
e.g. a. The victorious general made a triumphant return. 战胜的将军凯旋而归。 b. In the summer of 1958 the pianist had a sensationally triumphant return. 1958年夏天这位钢琴家非常成功地复出了。

22 (在竞赛或争论中)获胜,占上风 e.g. a. Despite strong opposition, the ruling party won the day. 尽管对手实力很强,执政党还是获胜了。 b. New products grab headlines, but useful products that give good value often win the day. 虽然新产品抢占了媒体的重要新闻,但物有所 值的实用产品通常获胜。

23 n. [ 英](枪、炮等的)口径 e.g. A small bore rifle means that the weapon is in the 0.22 to 0.38 calibre range. 小口径步枪是指枪的口径为0.22~0.38。 n. 才干,水准 e.g. There are few workers left of her calibre. 像她那种工作人员剩下的不多了。

24 Para. 6 然而,韦伯斯特却成功地改革了其他的
一些词汇。 他在“-our”的拼写改革上就取得了成 功。“favor”,“labor”,“honor”替代了(以前) 英式英语中的“favour”,“labour”,“honour”。 同样, 美式英语把诸如“centre”,“theatre”, “calibre”拼写成“center”,“theater”,“caliber”。

25 Text Study Para. 7 One of the other ways in which American spelling differs from the British is in the treatment of the letter “I” in the middle of a word. The difference is clearly visible in American Express checks. If they are issued in UK pounds they bear the title “Traveller’s Cheque”; if in US dollars “Traveler’s Check”. Fortunately a trader will accept either! If the money is good why worry about spelling?

26 a. Birds differ from mammals. 鸟类与哺乳动物不同。
vi.(from, in)与……不同,相异 e.g. a. Birds differ from mammals. 鸟类与哺乳动物不同。 b. The testimony of the two witnesses differed from each other. 两个目击者的证词不一致。 vi. (with, from) 与······意见不同 For More

27 vi. (with, from) 与······意见不同 e.g.
I’m sorry to differ with you on that. 对不起,在那件事上我们看法不同。 End

28 Para. 7 美式拼写与英式拼写的另一个不同之
处,是在处理一个单词中间的字母“l”的问题上。 这种不同在美国捷运公司的支票上显而易见。 如 果它们是以英国英镑发行,那么它们就叫 “Traveller’s Cheque”, 如果是以美国美元发行, 那就是“Traveler’s Check”。幸运的是,商人会接 受两者中的任何一种! 如果钱没错,为什么要在乎 它的拼写呢?

29 Text Study Para. 8a In vocabulary there are also numerous differences. The British take a “lift” to the upper floors of a building, the Americans an “elevator”; British motor cars have a “bonnet” and a “boot” and are protected by “bumpers”, American cars have a “hood” and a “trunk” and are protected by “fenders”; British passengers travel in railway “carriages”, Americans in railway “cars”.

30 Para. 8a ( 美式英语和英式英语) 在词汇方面也有很多不同之处。英国人乘“lift(电梯)”到 一栋建筑的高层,而美国人则乘“elevator(电梯)”;英国的机动车有一个“bonnet(引擎罩)”及一个“boot(行李箱)”并且受“bumpers(保险杠)”的保护;而美国汽车则有一个“hood(引擎罩)”及一个“trunk(行李箱)”,并受“fenders(保险杠)”的保护;英国乘客在铁路上的“carriages(车厢)”中旅行,而美国人则乘坐在铁路上的“cars(车厢)”里。

31 Text Study Para. 8b Dead Britons get buried in a “coffin” by means of an “undertaker”, dead Americans in a “casket” by means of a “mortician”; British children progress in school from “form” to “form”, American children from “grade” to “grade”; the British walk on a “pavement”, Americans on a “sidewalk”. There are hundreds of such variants.

32 n. [ 英] 棺材 a. The coffin was placed in the grave. 那口棺材已安放到坟墓里去了。 b. Every time he drinks wine, he drives a nail in his coffin. 他每喝一次酒,就等于加速死亡一步。 c. Coffin Nail, a slang term used to describe a cigarette. Something that might hasten or contribute to one's death, as in Every cigarette you smoke is another nail in your coffin.

33 Para. 8b 去世了的英国人通过一个“undertaker(丧葬承办人)”将其埋葬在一个“coffin(棺材)”里,而在美国则由一个“mortician(丧葬承办人)”将死者埋葬在一个“casket(棺材)”里;英国小孩在学校里从一个“form(年级)”升到高一个年级,而美国小孩则从学校的一个“grade(年级)”升到高一个年级;英国人走在“pavement(人行道)”上,而美国人却步行在“sidewalk(人行道)”上。诸如此类的差异还有数百种。

34 Bye for now!

35 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第五讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第五讲 授课教师:曹瑜

36 Text Study Para. 9 After Webster, the most influential advocate of the separateness of American English was H.L. Mencken, whose book The American Language was first published in But the even more influential magazine The New Yorker, first published in 1925, insisted that contributors conform to the style of the H. W. Fowler’s very British Modern English Usage.

37 adj. 有影响的,有势力的 e.g. a. He is a very influential man in the government. 他在政府中是个很有影响的人物。 b. In his days, he was a very influential politician. 他在走红时是非常有影响力的政治家。

38 n. 拥护者,提倡者 e.g. He is an advocate of civil rights. 他是公民权利的拥护者。 vt. 提倡, 鼓吹 Scientists advocate a reduction in saturated fats in the human diet. 科学家们提倡人类饮食应减少对饱和脂肪的 摄取。

39 a. We insist that you (should) accept these gifts. 我们坚决要求你收下这些礼物。
vt. 坚持, 强调 vi. 坚持,坚决认为 (on) insist 后接以that引导的宾语从句,表示强烈并持续 地主张或要求(某物),常采用虚拟式should加动词 原形表达(should可省略)。 e.g. a. We insist that you (should) accept these gifts. 我们坚决要求你收下这些礼物。 insist on: 坚持, 坚决认为,执意(做) For More

40 b. He insisted on giving me a second helping. 他坚持再给我一次帮助。

41 a. He contributed 5$ to the charity every payday. 他每逢发薪日都捐5美元给慈善事业。
vt. 捐献,投稿,贡献 e.g. a. He contributed 5$ to the charity every payday. 他每逢发薪日都捐5美元给慈善事业。 b. He used to contribute to several charities. 他过去常常捐助一些慈善团体。 For More

42 a. Exercise contributes to better health. 锻炼有助于健康。
vi. 捐献,投稿,导致(to) e.g. a. Exercise contributes to better health. 锻炼有助于健康。 b. He often contributes to the school newspaper to express his own opinions. 他经常投稿给校报以发表自己的观点。 contributor: n. 投稿者;捐助者;贡献者 End

43 大一新生虽然有比他们在中学时更多的自 由,但是也得遵守校规。
符合, 遵照 e.g. a. Freshmen were required to conform to the school rules although they had more freedom than when they were in the high school. 大一新生虽然有比他们在中学时更多的自 由,但是也得遵守校规。 For More

44 b. The kinds of books in her library conform to her level of education.
她的藏书种类和她的教育程度相符。 c. The building does not conform to safety regulations. 这座 建筑物不符合安全条例。 d.  Many of us conform to the outdated customs laid down by our forebears. 我 们许多人都遵循祖先立下的过时习俗。

45 是一份美国美知识、文艺类的综合杂志,内容覆盖新闻报道、文艺评论、散文、漫画、诗歌、小说,以及纽约文化生活动向等。

46 Para. 9 在韦伯斯特之后, 路易斯· 门肯则是提倡
美式英语独立性的最有影响的人物, 他所著的《美 国语言》于1919 年首次出版。但是更有影响力的 杂志《纽约客》——1925 年首次出版——却坚持 让投稿者遵循 H. W. 福勒的《现代英语用法词典》 中那种带有明显英式英语特点的风格。

47 Bye for now!

48 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第六讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第六讲 授课教师:曹瑜

49 Text Study small differences between British and American
Para. 10a The truth is that there are numerous small differences between British and American usages. All major languages show the same kind of regional variation. It is inevitable. The question is: Are they important? With the spread of English as an international medium the answer seems to be “not very”.

50 adj. 地域性的;整个地区的 e.g. a. Regional joint operation of schools was pushed forward actively. 区域性联合办学积极推进。 b. Four-hundred-and-fourteen US companies have regional headquarters or offices there. 有414个美国公司在这儿设立分区总部或 办事处。

51 adj. 不可避免的,必然的 e.g. a. We explained to everyone that the delay is inevitable. 我们向大家解释延迟是免不了的。 b. Most lawyers felt such an outcome was nevertheless inevitable. 多数律师认为这是必然的。

52 prep. 以······的身份,作为 e.g. a. She often acts as a mediator between this hot tempered couple. 她经常充当这对脾气暴躁的夫妇之间的调解人。 b. As your best friend, I want to warn you that your boyfriend does not deserve you. 作为你最好的朋友,我想提醒你:你的男朋友配 不上你。

53 n. 媒体, 媒介;方法 e.g. a. Communication Medium — this field specifies the communication medium type. 通讯媒介--该字段指定通信介质类型。 b. This is an effective medium. 这是一种有效手段。

54 Para. 10a 事实上, 英式英语和美式英语之间在用
法上有许多细微的差异。所有的主要语言都有着同 样的地域性差异,这不可避免。但问题是: 它们很 重要吗? 随着英语作为一个国际媒介被广泛传播, 答案似乎是“不是很重要”

55 Text Study Para. 10b The variations between American English and British English are slight when set beside what the two have in common. Readers of English anywhere can move from the Financial Times or The Economist (published in England) to Time or the Reader’s Digest (published in America), well aware that they are reading the same language.

56 相当于 when (the variations are) set beside or compared with...
当(它们的差异)与······相比之时。 set beside: 与······相比; 与······对比 e.g. a. She looks so small when she is set beside her husband. 比起她的丈夫来,她看上去是那么娇小。 For More

57 b. Your difficulty is not a big deal when set beside his trouble.
你的困难和他的相比就不是什么大不了的事了。 c. There is no one to set beside him as a leader. 作为一位领袖, 他是无与伦比的。 End

58 在······方面有相同之处 e.g. a. They are deeply in love with each other although they have nothing in common. 虽然他们彼此之间没有任何共同点,但是他 们彼此深深相爱。 b. They became great friends after they found they have a lot in common. 当他们发现相互之间有很多共同点之后便成 了非常要好的朋友。

59 www.ft.com/home/uk www.ftchinese.com
《金融时报》是培生集团旗下一份国际性报纸,一般大众对其评价颇高,公信力享誉全球。总部设于伦敦。The Financial Times (FT) is a British English-language international daily newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news internationally. The paper, was founded in 1888.

60 1843 年创刊于英国的周刊。该刊的创办目的是“参与一场推动前进的智慧与阻碍我们进步的胆怯无知之间的较量”(to take part in a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress),这句话被印在每一期《经济学人》的目录页上。《经济学人》主要关注政治和商业方面的新闻,但是每期也有一两篇针对科技和艺艺术的报导,以及书评。

61 Time is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City
Time is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. It was founded in 1923.  现今的《时代》共有四种版本,包括了美国版、欧洲版、亚洲版、南太平洋版。欧洲版(Time Europe,旧称Time Atlantic)出版于伦敦,亦涵盖了中东、非洲和拉丁美洲的事件。亚洲版(Time Asia)出版于香港。

62 德威特・华莱士 DeWitt Wallace 与妻子莉拉 Lila Bell Wallace 创立于1922 年初。如今《读者文摘》是全球最大的文摘杂志,同时也是世界上最成功的杂志之一:月发行量2,000 多万册,用19 种文字发行48 个版本,读者多达1 亿,年收入超过25 亿美元。

63 12. Readers of English anywhere can move from the Financial Times or The Economist (published in England) to Time or the Reader’s Digest (published in America), well aware that they are reading the same language. (Para. 10) 任何地方的英文读者都既能读《金融时报》和《经 济学人》(英国出版),也能读《时代周刊》和 《读者文摘 》( 美国出版), 同时也很清楚地知道, 他们读到的是相同的语言。 For More

64 1) move from…to...: 此处指能轻松地阅读美国或 英国出版的各种刊物
2) aware: adj. 知道的, 明白的, 意识到的 be (well) aware that … /of something e.g. a. She is well aware that she has lost him forever. 她很清楚地意识到她已经永远地失去了他。 For More

65 b. I am aware that the Congress has passed the legislation.
我知道议会已经通过了立法。 c. Are you aware of the danger of being expelled from school? 你意识到了你有被学校开除的危险么? End

66 Para. 10b 与它们的共同之处相比, 美式和英式英
语之间的差异只是微乎其微的。任何地方的英文读 者都既能读《金融时报》和《经济学人》(英国出 版),也能读《时代周刊》和《读者文摘 》( 美国 出版), 并很清楚地知道,他们读到的是相同的语言。

67 Text Study used in your community. Then stick to it. Do not
Para Which then to choose? Use the variant used in your community. Then stick to it. Do not mix the two. (699 words)

68 Para. 11 那么该选择哪一个呢? 答案是使用你所

69 Bye for now!

70 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第七讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第七讲 授课教师:曹瑜

71 British or American English?
Complete the following outline for a better understanding of the text organization.(P10) British or American English? Main idea: (Para.1) Although British English and American English do exhibit many differences, they are basically the same. Supporting points: 1. (Paras.2—7) Although American English shows some differences from British English after it has been reformed, the differences are not so significant. For More

72 2. (Para.8) There are also many differences in the vocabulary between British English and American English. 3. (Paras.9—10) Differences in British and American usage of English are numerous; however, they are only the regional variation and are not important. Conclusion: (Para.11) We should choose either British or American English and stick to it. End

73 Turn the following nouns into adjectives that end with “-al”, and then give their Chinese meaning. (P13) Noun Adjective Chinese influence influential 有影响的, 有势力的 profession professional 专业的, 职业的 origin original 最初的, 原始的; 独创的, 新颖的 virgin virginal 处女的; 无瑕的 For More

74 Noun Adjective Chinese
incident incidental 附带的, 伴随的; 非主要的, 偶然的,容易发生的 vocation vocational 职业的 End

75 A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences
A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (P13) 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D

76 B. Replace each of the underlined parts with the best choice given
B. Replace each of the underlined parts with the best choice given. (P14) 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A

77 C. Complete the following sentences with the expressions given in the box. (P14)
1. If you have much spare time when you are on business in Japan, you can pick up some Japanese. 2. Although you are the leader here, you cannot lay down the rules totally according to your own will. For More

78 3. They succeeded by means of patience and carefulness.
4. New citizens are required to conform to the local customs. End

79 Bye for now!

80 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第八讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第八讲 授课教师:曹瑜

81 Rewrite the following sentences after their model. (P15)
1. The truth is that she is too young to shoulder such important responsibilities. 2. The truth is that he never truly loved her. 3. He made a huge mistake in the English Speaking Contest, well aware that he lost the first prize. 4. She walked onto the stage confidently, well aware that she would be the final winner. For More

82 6. Those people who have worked in this company for more than five years can have the chance to go abroad. 7. Her father insists that she (should) come back to China after she finishes her study abroad. 8. The teacher insists that the students (should) come to class on time. End

83 A. Put the following into Chinese or vice Versa. (P11)
1. 新闻的“ 观点” 2. 受过良好教育的人 3. 获胜,占上风 4. Traveler’s Check 5. take a lift/an elevator 6. regional variation

84 Translation B. Put the following sentences into English using the expressions given in the brackets. (P16) 1. She went over to the crying baby and picked her up. 2. To this day, I still don’t understand why he did it then. 3. Different people may have different “slants” on the same incident. For More

85 Translation 4. After marriage, he had continually made attempts to change her way of life, but failed. 5. Betty Friedan is a very influential advocate of the equality of men and women in the United States. 6. The Suzhou dialect has a lot in common with the Shanghai dialect. For More

86 Translation 7. He was triumphant in defeating his opponent.
8. If you want to be successful, you must stick to your own principles. End

87 Bye for now!

88 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第九讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第九讲 授课教师:曹瑜

89 Writing 1. S V O 2. S V P 3. S V 4. S V O C 5. S V o O
A. Please write down the structures of the following sentences. (P17) 1. S V O 2. S V P 3. S V 4. S V O C 5. S V o O

90 Writing B. Please make simple sentences using the structures given. (P18) 1. The phone is ringing. (The phone rings.) 2. He looked frightened. 3. They smiled at the baby. 4. The monitor handed us our books. 5. These pictures made the book more interesting.

91 Writing C. Turn the following pairs of sentences into compound sentences using proper connecting words. (P19) 1. It was windy, so I stayed indoors. or: I stayed indoors, for it was windy. 2. He was short-sighted, so he was not able to join the army. or: He was not able to join the army, for he was short-sighted. For More

92 Writing 3. John wanted to ski and Mary wanted to fly kites.
or: John wanted to ski,but Mary wanted to fly kites. 4. She can’t sing, nor/neither can she dance. End

93 Writing D. Please judge whether the connecting words in the following compound sentences are used correctly or not. If a connecting word is not correctly used, correct it. (P19) 1. 不当, but → and 2. 不当, so → but 3. 不当, and → but或while 4. 使用得当

94 Reading Comprehension(P 21)
2. B 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D

95 Bye for now!

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