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5 Theme C Daily Life 5 Special Clothes Special Clothes We can learn about ourselves by examining how we think and feel about clothing. 重庆市凤鸣山中学高 2013 级英语备课组.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Theme C Daily Life 5 Special Clothes Special Clothes We can learn about ourselves by examining how we think and feel about clothing. 重庆市凤鸣山中学高 2013 级英语备课组."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Theme C Daily Life 5 Special Clothes Special Clothes We can learn about ourselves by examining how we think and feel about clothing. 重庆市凤鸣山中学高 2013 级英语备课组

2 Unit 5 Special Clothes Special Clothes 5 Theme C Daily Life

3 5 Theme C Daily Life 5 Special Clothes Special Clothes Reading 蒋红梅、周聪

4 5 Getting ready Reading Reading Comprehending Word power Writing 任务型阅读课件。紧扣新课程理念,体现新三维目标. 1 . Getting Ready 作为 Reading 部分的引入,复习已学词汇,并引入单元新词汇。 2 .在阅读教学中训练学生 predict through listening 的技能。并教给学生找 topic sentence 的技巧。读中,进一步强化 skimming 和 scanning 两项技能。完成 comprehending 中的各项任务 ( task 3 ,原为回答问题,为了降低难度,特改成了选择题 ) 。 3 . Word power 的词汇练习第一题视作高考试题中的词义猜测题,对学生进行这 方面的专门训练,并为课文深层理解扫清障碍。故放在 skimming 之后进行。 Scanning 环节可以采用 jigsaw 阅读方式,小组合作探究, 让学生进行合作学习, 实现语言的再现。第二题则作为词汇运用练习,布置成家庭作业。第三题实际 上在课文的 retell 中已有所体现,本课件中则忽略了此题。单元主题句紧跟在课文 复述之后,对学生进行情感价值观的教育渗透,同时又是很好的过度环节。 4 .我们根据一贯的思路:在阅读中渗透写作。所以,在课件的最后部分,先是 通过说( share your story ), 最后落实到写。并给出相应的问题提示、过渡词和 模板,帮助学生完成这一任务。最后把作文布置成作业,交给学生课后完成。 5 .整堂课把听说读写进行了全面的整合。由听、读进行输入,再由说和写体现 输出。 Special Clothes

5 jacket scarf skirt T-shirt sunglasses dress glovespants 5 Shopping time Special Clothes

6 shirt 男式衬衫 trousers 裤子 boot 靴子 skirt 短裙 shoes 鞋子 T-shirt T 恤 blouse 女士衬衫, 短上衣 jumper 套头衫 trainers 运动鞋 dress 长裙 tie 领带 suit 套装 jacket 夹克 5 shorts 短裤 Special Clothes

7 sneakerhigh heels slippers leather boots leather jacket striped shirt ski-wear jeans 5 Special Clothes

8 1. Listen to Para 1 to fill in the table below. Item NameColorBrandPriceWhen bought Who bought Why bought 2. Predict what happened to them at last. jeans (faded) blue Silver Tab a bit expen- sive April, 2007 Mom fell in love with them the moment she put on it. 5 Listening & Predicting Special Clothes

9 Find the topic sentence for each paragraph. Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 How I bought my favorite jeans. They are still my favorite jeans. How I killed my favorite jeans. I kept my promise that I had gotten my mom’s money worth. 5 Special Clothes

10 fadenail bonfire washer wardrobe back pocket 5 Special Clothes

11 Word power Match the words with explanations. fade confident bother beyond right special sometime edge 1. at a time that you do not know exactly 2. not ordinary or usual 3. to lose or cause to lose color or brightness 4. to take the trouble to do sth 5. feeling sure about one’s own ability to do things 6. exactly, directly 7. the outside limit of an object, area or surface 8. passing a certain point or degree 5 Special Clothes

12 Scanning Fill in the table about the author’s jeans. The new jeans I ______ a couple of jeans, but I __________ the blue jeans as soon as I put them on. Although they were a little ________, I decided to buy them. The faded jeans Because I ________ the jeans, they became more ____ and were ________. However, I still _________. The broken jeans The next year, they were ________ under the right back pocket, so my mum ________, and I continued to wear them for __________. I ________ from the old shed in my garden, but a nail __________. There were such a ______ that they were ______. tried on fell in love with expensive liked wearing faded wearing worn liked them best wearing through repaired them another 6 months or so jumped down caught the patchbig rip killed 5 Special Clothes

13 Read between the lines 1. Why is the word “r-i-p” spelled like this? A. Because she didn’t know how to spell the word. B. The author was too sad to speak the whole word. C. To emphasize the action. D. The hyphens between the letters are specially used to emphasize the process and the sound of being ripped. 2. How do you understand the word “special” in the title? A. She fell in love with them the moment she tried them on. B. She still liked wearing them most though they were faded and worn. C. She still kept them in her wardrobe though they were beyond repair. D. All of the above. 5 Special Clothes

14 3. Why is the word “over-wore” in quotation marks? A. It indicates the jeans were worn out. B. The quotation mark is used here to attract the reader’s attention. C. The author herself liked the jeans so much that she didn’t think she had worn the jeans too often though she actually had. D. It means the author wore the jeans too frequently. 5 4. We can describe the author with the following adjectives except______. A. active B. shy C. brave D. cheerful Special Clothes

15 5. The sentence “I could tell my mum that I had gotten her money’s worth” means _______. A. The author felt sorry that the jeans had cost so much of her mother’s money. B. The jeans were not worth the money because they were of low quality. C. The author felt sad because the jeans were broken. D. The author felt relieved that the expensive jeans were good value for her mum’s money. 5 Special Clothes

16 1. Use the information in the table as a guide. Item NameColorBrandPriceWhen bought Who bought Why bought What happ- ened … jeans faded blue Silver Tab a bit expensive April, 2007 Mom fell in love with them the moment she put on it. 2. Try to use the words & expressions below. 1)try on, the moment, fall in love with 2) wear thin, faded 3) wear through, nail, patch, rip, beyond repair, kill 5 Retell the story Special Clothes

17 The trousers I liked wearing very much were the “Silver Tab” blue jeans. They were slightly faded but I fell in love with them the moment I put them on.Though they were a bit more expensive than the other jeans, mother took them for me. They became more and more faded and were wearing thin because of my over-wearing. Sun or rain, wind or snow-- they were still my favorite. Once they were wearing through the right back pocket, my mother repaired them well and I go on wearing them for another 6 months or so. But one day, when I jumped from the old shed in my garden, a nail caught the patch and the jeans were beyond repair, so I killed my favorite jeans. I was sad because they had been my special jeans, and we shared the best times together, so I kept them in my wardrobe till now. 5 Special Clothes Summary

18 Show time Show 1 5 Special Clothes

19 We can learn about ourselves by examing how we think and feel about clothing. 5 Theme C Daily Life Special Clothes

20 Chatting time Is there any item you especially treasure and is good value for money? 1.What is your favourite item? 2. What color is it? 3. What material is it made of? 4. When and where did you get it? 5. Who gave it to you? Why? 6. What is it like today? ( new, old, worn-out, faded…) 7. Do you still own it? Why or why not? 5 Special Clothes

21 Write about your favorite item. The following structure may help you. (Suggested transitional words: and, but, because, although, first, second, besides, so…) The____ I like very much is_____________________. It’s(description)_________________________________. It’s (specially)__________________________________. It was (history)_________________________________. I like it (reason)_________________________________. In my opinion (your opinion on it)_____________________ _______________________________________________. Writing 5 Special Clothes

22 Homework 1. Surf more words about clothing on the Internet. 2. Read the text again. 3. Finish your writing. 5 Special Clothes

23 Special Clothes 5 Theme C Daily Life

24 down jacket 羽绒服 slippers 便鞋 overcoat 男式大衣 sandal 凉鞋 coat 女大衣 canvas shoes 帆布鞋 fur coat 裘皮大衣 headdress 头饰 dust coat 风衣 lace/shoe-lace 鞋带 evening dress 晚礼服 wide legs 宽腿 short-sleeved 短袖 pocket 口袋 roll-neck 高翻领 round-neck 圆领 casual 休闲便服的 V-neck V 型领 formal 正式庄重 striped 条纹的 flowered 有花卉图案的 loose 宽松的 tight 紧的 Appendix: Useful words 5 Theme C Daily Life Special Clothes

25 5 Theme C Daily Life 5 Special Clothes Special Clothes Listening & Speaking 蒋红梅、袁泉

26 5 Listening & Speaking 1.Lead-in & Pre-listening :通过对 Cathy 这个时尚女孩的介绍从听觉、视觉感知他人 对时尚的理解,然后由学生讨论, 进行探究他们自己对时尚的理解并得出结论: Fashion refers to popular style of clothes, behaviour, etc. at a given time or place. 最后要求学生根据他们对时尚概念的理解做出正确的选择。 2. While-listening: 通过听力练习了解课文中人物对时尚的理解并完成 Task1 、 2 、 3 , 并对其中的生词 wig/appropriate 进行词义猜测。在每一个任务之前皆贯穿预测技能训 练。 3. Post-listening: 以采访形式讨论 “Is uniform fashionable?” ,作为对听力理解、时尚 概念理解的一种形式进行输出,并把观点表达的句型进行运用,体现新课程倡导的 “ 在真实的语境中运用所学知识 ” 的理念。 并用辩论 “Should students wear the school uniform at school?” 的形式,进一步细化主题,渗透爱校教育,并深化主题。 4 . Homework: 学生继续操练所学表达和有用句型,提高口语表达。预习 Further Reading, 是为下一步学习打下基础,并进一步体会 fashion 的定义。 Special Clothes

27 Special Clothes I will introduce a fashionable girl. 5 Lead-in

28 Getting Ready NAME: AGE: HOMETOWN: BLOG: 5 Special Clothes Theme C Daily Life Tavi 14 Chicago Style Rookie

29 Discuss what fashion is. Read the following sentences and decide which you agree with (A) or disagree with (D). Write A or D in the brackets. 5 Special Clothes Pre-listening Pair work

30 Fashion refers to popular style of clothes, behaviour, etc. at a given time or place. 5 Special Clothes What’s Fashion?

31 A B C D E Special Clothes 5 恰当的 When you are at school/ at a party/in the office/doing sports, which one is fashionable and appropriate?

32 5 A B C D E F When you are at school/ at a party/in the office/doing sports, which one is fashionable and appropriate? Special Clothes

33 The topic is ______. The host is _______and three guests have been invited. They are Cathy from Class__, Grade__, Della from Class __, Grade__ and Eric from Class__, Grade __. They are talking about their ______on fashion. ______thinks fashion is one’s own style and is also______________. Della thinks ______always reveal what groups people are in. ____ think fashion is a language which tells a story about the person who wears it. fashionWilson 26 3 4 clothes 13 opinions a big business Cathy Eric 1. Listen and fill in the following blanks. Special Clothes 5 While-listening

34 2. Listen again and complete the following table with the information you have got. doesn’t likefashionable personal style likes less expensive more comfortable doesn’t likehigh heelsa wig 5 Special Clothes

35 What does Cathy do in order to afford her Fashionable clothes? Why does Della think fashion is harmful to the environment? Many animals are killed to make leather shoes, and leather bags. Earn some money in the summer vacation. 3. Listen and answer the following questions. Special Clothes 5 Why does Cathy think fashion is also a big business? Because it has created a lot of jobs.

36 Interview pair work Is uniform fashionable? Special Clothes 5 Post-listening

37 1. If you ask me, I think …is good for you. 2. As far as I am concerned/ From my point of view, …is useful/necessary. 3. To be honest/frank, I am not interested in… 4. It is fashionable to wear…, and … 5. I’d just like to say… is fashionable…, because…, but it is expensive/bad for the environment /not comfortable… Useful expressions Special Clothes 5 Example: Cathy: Hello, …, You are wearing a set of new uniform. Della: Well, what do you think of it? Cathy: You know, clothes always reveal what groups people are in. From my point of view, it is quite perfect on you. And you look formal and energetic. Cathy: Then how do you find it yourself? Della: Oh, to be honest, I don’t like it. I’m not myself wearing it. I like the clothes showing off my personal style.

38 5 Special Clothes Debate group work Side A (For) Side B (Against) A: B: C: D : A: B: C: D: Should students wear the school uniform at school?

39 Homework 1. Practice talking about your favorite clothes. 2. Preview Further reading. 5 Special Clothes

40 Special Clothes 5 Theme C Daily Life

41 5 Theme C Daily Life 5 Special Clothes Special Clothes Further Reading 龚成云、刘燕群

42 5 Further Reading 1.A Brief Review: 通过这个环节,复习本单元关键词,亦是本篇阅读标题 “Fashion” 的 定义,扩展学生对时尚的认识。 2.Pre-reading: 这一个环节主要是为学生学习课文做准备。首先通过列举生活中的时尚 元素,引入本课第一个需要讨论的话题,即时尚与科技的关系。并随着讨论的深入, 缩小讨论范围以扣扣主题 —— 服装与科技的关系。 3. While-reading: 分两次阅读。通过两次阅读,结合词汇练习、文章结构分析以及选择 题,训练培养学生 Skimming 和 Scanning 能力。 4. Post-reading: 分组讨论图片中的民族服饰。引导学生认识这些民族服饰并通过问题 来展开话题,培养学生的英语表达能力。 5. Homework: 综合学生对本单元主题 —— 时尚的认识,结合现实生活,鼓励学生在课后 结合两个主题: 1 )对时尚的理解,你心目中的特别服装; 2 )时尚与科技的联系进行 服装设计,并用英文写出对作品的描述。这是一个探究性学习和合作学习的完美结合。 Special Clothes

43 5 Special Clothes

44 A Brief Review Fashion refers to popular style of clothes, behaviour, etc. at a given time or place. Audrey Hepburn’s hairstyleMarilyn Monroe’s pose Blair’s hairband( 束发带,发箍 ) 5 Special Clothes

45 1. Can you list the fashionable items in your mind? 2. Why do you think they are fashionable? A yellow dress An MP3(50G) An apple mobile phone A Sony computer 5 Pre-reading Special Clothes

46 Is there any connection between fashion and technology? computer: wireless network connection webcam mobile phone: bluetooth Mp3,Mp4: storage(1G,2G…50G) cars: GPS (Global Positioning system) 5 Special Clothes

47 Clothes and Technology leaves animal hide cotton and silk terylene and nylon leather, fur, etc. The skill of clothes- making The history of clothes 5 Special Clothes

48 What are the future clothes like? The color __? The material__? The style__? The usage__? ………..? 5 Special Clothes

49 The first reading The second reading 5 While-reading Special Clothes

50 Word Guessing reflect absorb designer customer advance disappear take sth. in person whose job is designing machinery, furniture, fashionable clothes throw back light, heat and sound no longer be visible come or go forward person who buys sth. from a shop tights stripe ski-wearrainbow 5 Special Clothes

51 Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? A. 1 1234 B. 1 1 2 3 2 c. 123 1 A general-specific structure( 总分结构 ) includes a general statement and several specific ideas. 5 Special Clothes

52 Item Speciality A jacket by Stone Island A sweatshirt by Osti Leisure wear for golfers Ski-wear Tights It changes its color in warm weather. The company’s trademark on the chest will disappear when you breathe on it. The sweater will change from white to a rainbow of colours as golfers leave the warm club house. It will turn it colour according to the temperature. It contains pleasing smell which lasts up to three hand-washes. 5 Special Clothes

53 Select the best choices 1) We can judge from the passage that “fibre technology” is a skill in__ A. designing clothes B. making cloth C. making clothes D. creating fashion 2) What does Peter White mean when he says “There’s not much more that designers can do with the old cloth.”? A.Designers have made great advances in the fashion world. B. There are too few fashion designers in the world C. Designers can’t make any achievement unless they have new cloth. D. There are many things for designers to do in fashion in the future. 5 Special Clothes

54 Select the best choices 3) Which of the following statements about leisure wear for golfers is NOT true? A.It’s kind of leisure clothes B.It’s suitable for people to play golf in different weathers. C.When the temperature drops, it becomes colourful. D.When the temperature becomes warm, it will change into a rainbow. 4) What does the sentence “The sweet smell lasts up to three hand-washes.” mean? A.The tight can only be washed three times. B.The smell in the tights will last unless you wash them by hand. C.The smell will last unless you wash them in a special way. D.The sweet will last until you have washed them three times. 5 Special Clothes

55 5) We know from the passage that____. A. Japan is very advanced in fiber technology B. new cloth can change its colour when the temperature changes C. The new fashion in the new century is very interesting D. all kinds of clothes can be designed and made in the twenty-first century 5 Special Clothes

56 cheongsam/mandarin gown Kurta ( 无领长袖衬衫 ) kimono hanbok/ Korean traditional dress sari Group work 5 1.Which country do these clothes belong to? 2. When do people wear them? Post-reading Special Clothes

57 Homework 5 Special Clothes Design a new kind of clothing together with your its usage and characteristics. group members and select a reporter to explain

58 Special Clothes 5 Theme C Daily Life

59 5 Theme C Daily Life 5 Grammar Special Clothes The Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause 蒋红梅、李映诺

60 5 Grammar (非限制性定语从句) 1.Review& Lead-in 以猜谜复习前面所学定语从句,并引出后面将学的新内容。 2. Studying the rule 。通过比较,初识、感知限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句, 引出定语从句的分类。再比较两种定语从句在各方面的异同。 Analytical and comparative method (分析法和比较法). 3.Finding the rule 。采用归纳法 Inductive method. ,以实例让学生自己总结非限制性 定语从句的运用规则。 4. Applying the rule. 1 )采用教材 P71 第三题,对非限制性定语从句进行具体的感知和训练。 2 )用学生自己的初级习作作为范本,在此基础上要求学生运用所学定语从句对该 文进行 润色修改,提升文段的档次。 ( 若课堂时间不够,可以处理成课后作业。 ) 5.Homework: 要求学生熟记语法规则,并在练习中实际感知和运用。 Special Clothes

61 5 Special Clothes Guess the following riddles. 1. It is an animal that jumps on its strong legs and carry its young in a bag on the front of its body. What is it? 2.He is a player who was born in Shanghai and is playing in NBA now. Who is he? Q: 1. ---- Use an attibutive clause to describe kangaroo. Q: 2. --- Use an attributive clause to introduce YaoMing. Review & Lead-in Kangaroo is an animal that jumps on its strong legs and carry its young in a bag on the front of its body. Yao Ming is a player who was born in Shanghai and is playing in NBA now.

62 Studying the rule 3) The town where I live is beautiful. 4) Kenli, where I live, is beautiful. 1) Teachers who are kind are popular with the students. 2) Mr Wang, who is kind, is popular with the students. Special Clothes 5 Please compare

63 限制性定语从句 Restrictive Attributive clauses 非限制性定语从句 Non-restrictive Attributive clauses 定语从句的分类 1. Teachers who are kind are popular with the students. 2. Mr Wang, who is kind, is popular with the students. Special Clothes 5 Please compare: 分析两种定语从句省略后的结果

64 The town where I live is beautiful. Kenli, where I live, is beautiful. 分析两种定语从句省略后的结果 形式作用能否省略翻译 限制性定 语从句 非限制性 定语从句 插入成分 修饰限定 补充说明 不能 能 …的…的 Special Clothes 5 两个单句

65 Conclusion: 限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语, 如 果去掉,主句的意思就不完整或失去意义。这种从句和 主句关系十分密切, 写时不用逗号分开。 非限制性定语从句和主句关系不很密切,只是对先行词 作些附加说明, 如果去掉,主句的意思仍然清楚。这种 从句, 写时往往逗号分开。 Special Clothes 5

66 Please compare His son who is a doctor is now working in the USA. His son, who is a doctor, is now working in the USA. 他当医生的儿子,现在在美国工作。 (不止一个儿子) 他儿子是医生,现在在美国工作。 (只有一个儿子) 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句: Special Clothes 5

67 The house which I showed you last week has been sold off. Mrs. Moore’s house , which I like very much, has been sold off. 限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 紧跟先行词 用逗号隔开 Please compare Special Clothes 5

68 限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 This is the most beautiful city that I have ever visited. Sydney, which I visited last year, is the most beautiful city in the world. that√that Please compare Special Clothes 5

69 限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 The teacher ( whom/who/that ) I told you about came back yesterday. Miss Black, whom I told you about, came back yesterday. whom 作宾语时,可用 who, that 替代 不可替代 先行词在从句中作宾语 时关系词可以省略 关系词不可省略 Please compare Special Clothes 5

70 The test has been put off, which makes us very happy. 限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 只可修饰先行词可修饰先行词或代替主句 Please compare Special Clothes 5

71 1) Football, _______is a very interesting game, is played all over the world. 2) All the books there, _______have beautiful pictures in them, were written by him. which a. 非限制性定语从句中, 指物时, 用 which 而不用 that 。 Finding the rule b. 指人时主格用 who, 宾格用 whom, 物主格用 whose ( 也可指物 ) 。 1) Miss Howe, ____you met in the library, is our new teacher. 2) The Arabs, _____are famous for their horses and camels, use these animals for work and in sports. 3) Li Ming, _____mother has been ill for two days, is absent from school today. whom who whose Special Clothes 5

72 c. 关系副词 when, where 可以引导非限制性定语从句; why 不能引导非限制性定语从句, 可用 for which 替代。 1)He lives in the city, ______there is a high tower. 2) The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949, ______he was born. 3)I had told them the reason ______ I didn’t attend the meeting. 4) I had told them the reason, ___________ I didn’t attend the meeting where when why for which ( the reason why) 我已经告诉了他们我不去开会的原因。 我已经把理由告诉了他们,为此我没有去开会。 Special Clothes 5

73 d. “ 介词 + 关系代词 ” 也可以引导非限定性定语从句。 6) Wu Dong, _________I went to see the film, enjoyed it very much. 7) Her bag, ______she put all her books, has not been found. 8) The story about the Long March, ________this is an example, are well written. with whom in which of which e. as, which 可引导非限定性定语从句代替整个主句,相当于 and this 或 and that 。 As 一般放在句首, which 在句中。 1 ) ____ we know, smoking is harmful to one’s health. 2 ) The sun heats the earth, ____is very important to us. As which Special Clothes 5

74 g. 当在从句中作主语时,后面常接动词的被动语态。如果从句中动 词是主动语态,一般用作主语. 1. She has been absent again, ____ is expected. 2. Tom has made rapid progress, _____ makes me very happy. as which As 常用在以下固定结构中: as (it) often happens; as (it) is often the case; as (it) was said earlier; as it appears. 1.He came here very late, ______ was unexpected. 2.Mr. Smith, usually praises his students Rose in public, ______ she doesn’t like at all. which f. 当非限制性定语从句是否定句或表示否定时只能用 which. Special Clothes 5

75 非限制性定语从句和单句的比较 1. He failed in the exam. _______ made his parents angry. 2. He failed in the exam, _______made his parents angry. 3. He has two sons. Both of ________ are teachers. 4. He has two sons, both of ________ are teachers. This which whom them × that Please compare Special Clothes 5

76 5 Special Clothes 1. Read the book report of a student carefully, then find out and correct the five mistakes about relative clauses., who which 去掉 “,”, Applying the rule

77 5 Special Clothes 2. Rewrite the following passage, using Attributive Clause if necessary. Mary’s Party Everybody went to Mary’s party last Saturday evening. Everybody had a good time. Mary cooked the food. It was super. I liked the dress. Lucy was wearing it. It suited her well. I also met someone. I had not seen him for years. His name is James. He told us that he had just flown from Greece. He had been living in Greece for the past five years. He came back here to give an exhibition. The exhibition is about Greek art. Applying the rule

78 5 Special Clothes Example: Mary’s Party Everybody who went to Mary’s party last Saturday evening had a good time. Mary cooked the food, which was super. I liked the dress Lucy was wearing and it suited her well. I also met someone I had not seen for years. His name is James. He told us that he had just flown from Greece where he had been living for the past five years. He came back here to give an exhibition which is about Greek art. Applying the rule

79 Homework 5 Special Clothes 1. Try to be familiar with the grammatical rules. 2. Student’s Book Ex. 1 & 2. 3. Finish the papers on Attributive Clause.

80 Special Clothes 5 Theme C Daily Life

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