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UNIT SEVENTEEN GREAT WOMEN 1893-1981 1867-1934 1892-1973.

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3 1893-1981 1867-1934 1892-1973

4 1915.10.25 Married to Sun Yat-sen ( 孙逸仙,即孙中山) 1927. 3 Member of Kuomintang Government Council 1949 Vice President of the PRC state government (1959/1965.1.) 中华人民共和国副主席 1949.12 Honorary President of National Women’s Federation 1954 Vice-Chairperson of The CPPCC (政协) 1981.5.16 Honorary President of China 1981.8.29 Passed away in Beijing

5 welfare activities

6 居里夫人, 出生于波兰,法国籍。 是最著名 的女物理学家。 1894 年她认识 了法国物理学家皮埃尔. 居里 (Pierre Curie, 1859-1906), 翌年結婚。他们共同 研究放射性物质( radioactive materials) 并 最终发现了镭 (radium) 。她曾两次获诺贝 尔奖, 1903 年的物理奖, 1911 年的 化学 奖。

7 the couple “ Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” --- Madame Curie

8  被授予 1938 年的诺贝尔文学奖

9 赛珍珠是一位在中国生活了 40 年并以她的中国 故事获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国女作家。 1949 年,赛珍珠建立美国第一家为亚洲和其他 民族混血儿童提供服务的收养院,在此后的近 50 年中为 5 千名儿童找到了家。 1964 年,赛珍 珠建立了以自己名字命名的基金会,为亚洲国 家几万名美亚混血儿提供医疗和教育援助。此 外,她还致力于美国黑人的人权斗争和妇女解 放运动 。 The Nobel Prize for Literature

10 One Heart Full of Love

11 She was a world famous Catholic nun( 天主教 修女). From the age of 18 she worked in India to help the poor. She worked for the poorest of the poor all her life. The nun devoted her life to alleviating ( 减轻 ) the mentally or physically disabled. Her work had won her a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and acclaim( 赞誉 ) as a living saint (圣徒).

12  inspire 鼓舞、感动、激发 The teacher who teaches us chemistry always inspires us with wonderful metaphors( 比喻). I was inspired to study English even harder by 2008 Beijing Olympics.  admire 钦佩、欣赏 I admire Yaoming very much. Van Gogh’s works are amired by the whole world.

13  It has been said that life is difficult as it is. (1) It is said that… It is thought that… It is believed that… It is hoped that… (2) as it is 根据现在的情况看;就现在的样子 I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse.

14  For women it sometimes seems twice as difficult. 对妇女来说, 有时生活似乎是难上 加难。 His room is twice bigger than mine. His room is twice as big as mine. His room is twice the size of mine.

15 Lily serious smart friendly helpful good at maths She is now a Teacher. Rose loyal honest fat singing She is married and had a daughter. Jane quiet warm kind painting She works in a department store Sandra pretty strong hardworking nothing She has her own company.

16  Who were the other girls you used to be friends with?  She was loyal and very honest.  I think you told me about her and the fights she used to have with other girls.  You’ve got it all mixed up.  Sandra and Lily were like fire and water.  …just what you would expect from such a gentle person  She works in a department store in Dalian.  It isn’t true to say that she was lazy as a student, but she did not do too much if she could help it.

17 A detailed description of the picture. What does each of the women look like? What do you think of each of these women?

18 Summary: New Words  inspire ~ sb. with sth. be inspired to do  admire ~sth/sb. (for sth.) 羡慕、赞赏  generous a ~ gift/~ harvest be ~ with one’s money  cheerful cheer+ful/care+ful/help+ful/use+ful  mean v./ adj./ n.(pl.) 意味着/吝啬的/ (pl.) 手段  tense 拉紧的 → 紧张的

19 New Words  dull a dull mind /a dull book All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. [ 谚 ] 只学习, 不玩耍, 聪明孩子也变傻。  dishonest dis+honest/dis+abled/dis+advantaged  champion World Championship European Football Championship

20 Summary new phrases  be friends with/make friends with  have a fight with sb.  mix up 混淆  fire and water  expect from  department store  be on the phone You’re wanted on the phone.  mobile phone/cellphone

21 New sentence patterns usded to describe a person See the table on P30 Summary

22  NO.1: The teacher pick up three students as the group leaders, and they each pick up another three group members. Each group member has a number. The leader is NO 1. The others are No. 2-4.  NO.2: No 2 to NO. 4 have to stand against the screen and ask questions. No. 1 has to face the screen and answer their questions with “yes” or “no”.  No.3: If the answer is “yes”, one can ask more questions. If the answer is “no”, the next student gets a chance to ask questions. So on and so forth.  NO.4: The group that gets the right answer with the least questions wins. The Rules:


24 A filial and brave daughter  花木兰 Hua Mulan

25 A beautiful and kind actress  Audrey Hepburn

26 孙雯 Sun Wen A great woman football player

27 Thank you!

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