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Thirteen equals one.

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1 Thirteen equals one

2 Equal v. 等于 在何种情况下,一加一等于一?
Under which circumstance will one plus one equal one? A equal B 与 … 相匹敌 None of us can equal her, either in beauty or intelligence. 无论是美貌还是智慧,都没有人能和她相媲美。 没人数学比他强。 None can equal him in math. Her beauty is equaled by her stupidity. 她有多美,就有多蠢。

3 Equal adj. 公平的 法律面前人人平等。 All people are equal before the law.
妇女要求同工同酬。 Women demand equal pay for equal work.

4 be equal to + n 与…相匹敌 Mary is quite equal to Peter in brains. +doing 有能力做某事 I am equal to running the company. 这个工厂达不到我们的要求。 The factory is not equal to meeting our demands.

5 raise v. 募集;筹(款) Your speech and action will raise a debate.
筹集 Raise cash/capital/fund/money 我们为红十字会筹集了一笔五千镑的资金。 We raised 5,000 pounds for the Red Cross. 招募 Raise an army 抚养,种植 raise a horse/family/wheat 提高 raise the prices/one’s voice/one’s hand 引起 Your speech and action will raise a debate.   你的言行会引争论 。

6 n. 上升 他涨工资了。 He got a raise. 薪水的提高比率和物价的上升一致。 The percentage of the pay raise equals the increase in prices.

7 Raise one’s eyebrows at
To express surprise, distain, or disapproval at … 我们对姚晨离婚一事十分惊讶。 We raised our eyebrows at Yao Chen’s divorce. There are a lot of eyebrows raised at GE’s bankruptcy. 通用的破产令众人跌破眼镜。

8 Torchlight n. 电筒光 Torch 手电筒 火把 火炬手 Torch bearer 火炬接力 Torch relay

9 Our vicar is always raising … repaired. 
Sb. be always doing sth. 感情色彩 他总是吹牛。 He is always boasting. 他总是迟到。 He is always coming late.

10 现在进行时+频率副词或短语 Always/all the time/forever/constantly/never
有些男演员总是在照镜子。 Some actors are always looking themselves in the mirror。 他从来不帮助别人。 He is never helping others. 为什么总是我在洗碗? Why am I continually washing the dishes?

11 One … or another这样的或者那样的
出于这样或那样的原因,家长们都想送孩子出国留学。 For one reason or another, parents always want to send their children to study abroad. 他总能以这样或那样的方式取得成功。 He can always succeed in one way or another. 你再等两天,说不定哪天合适的买家就会出现。 Hold on for another 2 days, the right buyer will appear on one day or another.

12 Have sth. done 1)找某人来做某事have the church clock repaired 我把头发给剪了。
I had my hair cut. 我正在装修办公室。 I am having my office renovated. 2)某人所遭受到的意外某种情况,表示不慎发生——主语必须是 发出动作的人 He had his wallet stolen. 他又一次在打篮球时把脚踝搞骨折了。 He had his ankle broken/fractured again when playing basketball.

13 Strike v. 敲 Strike the hours 报时 罢工 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。
The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 我相信公共汽车司机会罢工的。 I am sure the bus drivers will strike.

14 (突然)出现于(某人的)脑海中 我看着他们时, 产生了一个想法。 As I watched them, an idea struck me.
我突然想到, 我们应该制订一个新的方案。 It suddenly struck me that we ought to make a new plan.

15 The big clock … ever since.
长句模仿 那个曾经日夜陪伴我的洋娃娃已经被弄坏了而且一直被好好地 保留在阁楼。 The doll which used to be with me day and night was damaged many years ago and has been kept ever since. 那个曾经不分昼夜驮着我满世界跑的老自行车好多年前就坏掉 了,从那儿以后就一直不声不响了。 The old bike which used to help me travel around day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.

16 Start n.惊跳、惊奇 (可数) Sb do sth with a start Sth give sb a start
他的脚步声吓了我一大跳。 The sound of his footsteps gave me quite a start. 关门声把她惊醒了。 She woke up with a start when the door slammed.

17 Start VS Surprise Start: 由于突如其来的恐惧或惊异而身体颤动,甚 至跳跃,即“惊跳,惊起”
那声音让他惊坐起来。 The noise made him start. 她的出现使在场的每个人都感到惊奇。 Her appearance surprised everybody present.

18 Looking at his watch,…
Looking around, I realized with a shock that I was the only passenger left on the bus. 听到这个消息时,他们都高兴得跳了起来。 Hearing the news,they all jumped with joy.(=When they heard the news,they...)

19 Be armed with用 ... 武装起来; 装备有; 带着
He who teaches the deaf and dumb must be armed with patience. 教聋哑学生的人必须有耐心。 他们既有知识又有智慧。 They are armed with knowledge and wisdom. 他用知识武装自己的头脑。 He armed his mind with knowledge. Armed to the teeth They were armed to the teeth, ready for any emergency. 他们已全副武装,随时准备应急。

20 Armed …过去分词 伴随状语,注意与逻辑主语要呼应一致
Armed with the new machine, a search party went into the cave hoping to find buried treasure. 厌烦了看书,我开始打游戏。 Tired of reading books, I started playing games. 被警察逼得走投无路,凶手自杀了。 Cornered by the policeman, the murderer committed suicide.

21 Catch sight of 看见,发现 人群中,我看到了一个长发男子。
I caught sight of a man with long hair in the crowd. Lose sight of 忘记,忽略;看不见 Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main goals. 在任何情况下, 我们都不能忘记自己的目标 。 Out of sight, out of mind

22 figure:n 数字;人物;价格; (人的)体形;画像
She always complains about her weight, but in my eyes, she has a beautiful figure and doesn't need to lose any weight. 她总是抱怨自己的体重,但在我看来,她身材很正,根本 不需要减肥。 Figure skating consists of single skating(man and ladies), pairs skating and ice dance. 花样滑冰包括男女单人滑,双人滑和冰舞。

23 Whatever/what ever 强调!语气上比what强很多
Ever放在how/what/when/where/who/why后面,用来加强问句 的语气和力量。 我才不在乎他说什么。 I don’t care whatever he said. 他昨晚到底去哪啦? Wherever did he go last night?

24 Do/did/does 肯定句中常用助动词加强语气和感情色彩,一定要位于动词原形 之前;与祈使句连用则常常使邀请听起来更加礼貌、诚恳或友好。
You do look nice today! 务必小心! Do be careful! A: Why didn’t you tell him? B: I did tell him.

25 still Still位于句首,用逗号与句子其他部分分开,表达一个转折的关 系:虽然如此,但是……依旧…… still VS yet
表示“还是”时,很多情况下可替换;但still比较常用。Yet,文学用 语,用于非常正式的场合。 He is yet/still a child. Still与yet均可用来加强比较级的语气,表示“甚至,更加”的意思, 与even相同。 现在很冷,但晚上还要冷. It is cold now, but it’ll be still/yet/even colder tonight.

26 It’s working all right, …
All right: reasonably good还凑合(文中指 钟走是 走了……) 他在美国过得还行。 He is doing all right in the States. 她这次考试考得还行。 She is doing all right in the exam.

27 There is nothing I can do about it.
先陈述一个坏的事实,再加上这句。 他一直哭,我却什么也做不了。 He kept crying, however, there was nothing I could do about it. 外公的身体每况愈下,我却什么也做不了。 My grandpa’s health is getting worse, but there is nothing I can do about it. 需要帮忙的,随时打招呼。 Let me know if there is anything I can do. 对于金融危机,大家都无能为力。 There is nothing anyone can do about financial crisis.

28 Better than nothing 还能凑合,还行 即使只拿到一块钱,都聊胜于无。
Even $1 is better than nothing. 他唯一可以找到的工作便是在饭馆里当服务生, 不过这总比没工作强。 The only job he could get was being a waiter, but it was better than nothing.

29 Better … than … Better late than never ! 亡羊补牢!
Better silence than cry ! 无声胜有声! Better safe than sorry ! 早作准备! Better a witty fool than a foolish wit ! 与其作一个愚蠢的智者,不如作一个聪敏的愚人。

30 In 表达惊奇,恐惧,失望或生气等感情色彩的名词搭配连用在句中 ,起状语作用。
In surprise; in astonishment; in alarm; in embarrassment In amazement; in despair; in dismay; in anger; in disappointment 表示“以,用”,用于语言,书写材料,色彩或声音等方面 In English; in pencil; in ink; in a few words In such a high voice; in red 表示状态,情况或处境 In trouble; in difficulty; in bed; in a hurry; in debt In tears; in good health; in the bad mood; in poverty

31 翻译 The school is always raising money for one reason or another, but it has never managed to collect enough money to have the school bus repaired. The school bus which used to carry students to and fro day and night was damaged last month, and has been lying there since then. One night, however, we awoke with a start: the bus had been started and was making a lot of noise. In the moonlight, we recognized that the man sitting in the cab was a strange man.

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