FRESH START Ready, steady, Go!.

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1 FRESH START Ready, steady, Go!

2 Part One Preparation Activity 1: A Freshman’s Alphabet---description-and-guess game Direction: Some students will be given slips of paper, on which the word starting with a specific letter like a, b, c or anyone from the alphabet is printed. The students are required describe the word in sentences. The content must be related to college life and the exact word mustn't be mentioned. The other students are required to guess out the exact word with the hint of the first letter and what’s more to express their attitude towards the life aspect related to the word. Example: assignment. It can be described as: this word starts with the letter “A”. it’s the job left by the teacher to us. We have to hand in on time. The answer is assignment. T he attitude may be as following: it’s useful for us to review and to prepare. Yet too many assignments are a real burden. The teacher has better leave us some space and time to arrange our study.

3 Preparation Activity 2: a letter from College on pp106
what’s Susan’s real purpose to write this letter and how do you know? The letter is intended to tell her mom that everything is OK in school, but money is badly needed. The daughter dots the letter with a lot of $s, the symbol of money, to indicate the real intention of the letter. Obviously, Sudan is asking for money from her mother in a very tricky way. What’s mother’s attitude and tactics to deal with Susan’s trick? It can be seen that the mother has seen through her daughter’s trick. In a similar way she dots her letter with NOs, suggesting that she turns down Susan’s request and encourages her to study hard. 3) What’s your financial case? Have you got into financial shortage ever since you get into university? How do you solve the problem?

4 Preparation Recommended films related to American University life: Van Wilder (留级之王), “Dead Poets Society”(死亡诗社)

5 Excerpt from “Dead Poets Society”
I went to the woods, because I wanted to live deliberately; I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life. And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. What’s the message the poem is delivering? Does it help you to realize how to live through your college life?

6 Preparation After you have watched Van Wilder, and other films related to American university life, please compare the university life in your dream, in your real life and in America. The comparison can range from study, living place, extracurricular, love, relationship with parents, with teachers, students role, etc.

7 Pre-Reading Do you remember your first campus visit, registration or the first day of classes? How did you feel? And why did you get that kind of feeling? The following words might be useful. Lost, surprise, homesick, shock, disillusion, disappointed, different, free from constraints, independent, excited, proud, busy, messy

8 Passage reading---Fresh Start
Organization of the text: please read through the text and analyze the passage structure. (Para 1) Introduction: How I felt the first day on campus after my parents had left. (Para 2-7) Mistakes I made on my first class day and my reaction (Para 8) The mistake made by another college student and his reaction to it. (Para 9-12) My thoughts on making mistakes.

9 Part 1: introduction How did I feel the first day on campus after my parents had left? Lost, scared, self-conscious, Please identify words or phrases that can reflect his feeling. Pitifully, want nothing more than to find my way safely to dorm room, watching me, keep my ears open and my mouth shut, no one notice

10 Usage of fresh What meanings can you think of about “fresh”?
use a fresh page fresh vegetable/ fish/ bread/ air Let me make you a fresh pot of tea. fresh goods The plants look fresh after the rain. She's quite fresh to office work. She's trying to get fresh with my brother. 用新的一页 新鲜的蔬菜/鱼/面包/空气 我重新再给你沏一壶茶吧。 新到的货 雨后植物看起来生气盎然。 她对办公室工作缺乏经验。 她想对我弟弟无礼。 新(鲜) 的;刚到的、刚发生的;年轻的 、有活力的;无经验的; (对异性)厚颜的,无理的

11 Translation practice My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut and I hoped no one would notice I was a freshman. 我打顶主意: 竖起耳朵, 闭上嘴巴, 但愿别人不知道我是个新生.

12 Nothing more than仅仅, 只不过
What a woman wants from a man is nothing more than a few caring words. I’m calling for nothing more than telling you the truth I love you.

13 Translation practice I decided I wanted nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room. 我决定我最想做的就是平安无事地回到寝室.

14 “Nothing” related usage
nothing less than---不亚于, 完全 The room is nothing less than that in a five-star hotel. for nothing---免费的,徒劳无功的,白费的 All the preparation for nothing! Nobody pays any attention to it. not... for nothing---不是没有原由的;没有白费 What delicious food!’ ‘I didn't go to cookery classes for nothing!’“多好吃的食物啊!”“我没有白上烹饪班吧!” be good for nothing---一无是处 nothing but---adv.只 There is nothing but bread prepared for dinner.

15 Keep related phrases Keep one’s eyes open Keep one’s chin up
keep one's body in shape keep one's eyes on keep one's fingers crossed keep one's head keep one's mind on keep one's temper keep one's voice down keep oneself above water 注意, 留心 不气馁 保持形体, 保持身体的健康 注视, 监视 祈愿, 祷告 保持冷静 专心于 忍耐 把声音降低 免遭灾, 不负债

16 the 1st mistake: I went to a wrong class.
Part 2. Mistakes I made on my first class day and my reaction (Para 2-7) Please scan from Para. 2 to Para. 7 and find out mistakes “I” made and “my” reaction. the 1st mistake: I went to a wrong class. the 2nd mistake : I stepped in a puddle of ketchup, dropped the food tray and fell to the ground. My reaction: I avoided going to the cafeteria for three days, feeling ashamed.

17 Questions related to the 1st mistakes from Para 2 to Para4
Why did he choose to sit to the side? (Para 2) He was late and shy. He didn’t want to catch other’s attention. Why did cold sweat break out on the back of his neck? What other symptoms do you have when you are nervous? ( Para 3) He found out his mistake and felt shameful and nervous. When I’m nervous, I will get sweaty palms, pounding heart. Sometimes I even feel dizzy and can’t think straight. I dare not make eye contact with others. I even bite nails and lips. Why didn’t he choose to leave? Why did he try to look serious? How can you look serious? ( Para 4) If he chose to leave, the others would notice him and it would be obvious he made a mistake. He tried to look serious because he wanted to pretend he was the student in the right room. He didn’t want others to know what was going on. When I want to look serious, I will make occasional eye contact with the teacher, occasionally concentrate on books, occasionally take notes. Oral practice: have you got similar embarrassing incident on campus, please share it with others.

18 Usage of march March---walk forcefully and regularly., vi.齐步走;正步走
The soldiers marched along the street. 强迫走(开) The police marched the thief out of the house.警察把小偷押出了房子 March---n.行进; 行军,行程,有规则地前进 It will make a full day‘s march.这要一整天的行程。 march at ease常步前进 进行曲 The national anthem of China is the March of the Volunteers. 游行 a hunger march饥饿游行 on the march在行进中;在发展中 Science is on the march.科学正在发展中。 march in---进入(攻占的城市等), (运动员的)进场 march in mountain area山地行军 march into长驱直入 march map行军图

19 Translation practice The next morning I found my first class and marched in. 第二天早上我找到了上我第一堂的教室, 大部走了进去.

20 Usage of Sweat Sweat---n.(汗)珠; 艰苦的工作;
Sweat poured down his face as he ran. I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. (Winston Churchill) “我没什么可以奉献,有的.只是热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水。” sweat---vi., vt.(使)出汗;冒出水,渗出;努力工作,拼命干活 She was sweating as she reached the top of the hill. 当她到达山顶时,出了一身汗。 to sweat a patient 使病人发汗 The flowers sweat dew. 花渗出水珠。 sweat blood拼命工作 sweat out发汗祛除 sweat like a pig---[口](因出力或恐惧而)全身冒汗

21 Translation practice A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck. I groped for my schedule and checked the room number. 我的后脖根上冒出了冷汗, 摸出课程表核对了一下教室号, 我走对了教室, 但走错了教学楼.

22 Usage of Grope Grope---vi.摸索,搜寻;探索,寻求
He groped for the door handle/ switch in the dark. 他在黑暗中摸索着找门把手。 We are groping after the truth. 我们在探索真理。 Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? (by Helen Keller)

23 Details related to the 2st mistakes from Para5 to Para6
As my rear end met the floor, I saw my entire life pass before my eyes; it ended with my first day of college classes. Please paraphrase this sentence. When I fell down to the floor, I was so desperate that it seemed that I could recall my whole life in a few seconds, and my life came to the end on my first day at college.

24 Typical western food Sandwich, Hamburger Pizza Fish and chip Macaroni
Spaghetti steak 三明治 汉堡 比萨 鱼和薯条 通心面 意大利细面条 牛排

25 Usage of tip Tip1--- n.尖,尖端 the tip of a finger 手指尖
have (sth.) on the tip of one's tongue 话到嘴边(却想不起来了) tip 2---vt., vi.(常与over, up连用)打翻,使弄翻;(使)倾斜; I tipped the bottle over and it broke. 我把瓶子弄翻了,瓶子摔破了。 I tipped the table and the glasses fell off it. 我把桌子弄歪了,玻璃杯掉了下来。 tip 3---vt.轻触,轻拍,轻打,给…小费,赏小费 I gave a tip to the man who carried my cases. 我给了那个替我拿箱子的人一点小费。

26 Translation practice My food tray tipped and I lost my balance.
手中的托盘倾斜了, 我失去了平衡.

27 Usage of Cheer Cheer--- n.欢呼, 喝采;高兴愉快
Let's give three cheers for our team — they've won! 让我们为我们队欢呼三声,他们赢了。 He's always full of cheer at Christmas. 圣诞节他总是兴致勃勃。 Cheer---int.干杯,(打电话用语)再见 cheer-leader---n. 啦啦队长 cheer oneself hoarse---v.欢呼时喊哑嗓子 cheer sb. on---v.激励某人 cheer sb. to the echo---v.对某人大声喝采 Cheer---vt., vi.欢呼;喝采;(常与on连用)以欢呼声激励;为…加油 The good news of our football team winning the game cheered up everybody who heard it. 我们足球队获胜的喜讯使每一个听到的人都感到高兴。 Cheer up! The news isn't too bad. 振作起来吧!消息还不算太坏。 The crowd cheered at the sight of the honored guests' motorcade. 群众一看见贵宾的车队,就欢呼起来了。 The crowd cheered their favorite team on. 观众为自己支持的球队欢呼加油。

28 Translation practice But as all the students in the cafeteria came to their feet, cheering and clapping, I knew they had not only noticed, they were determined that I would never forget it. 但是食堂里所有的学生都站了起来, 欢呼鼓掌, 我知道他们不仅看见了刚才的情景, 而且下定决心要我永远都不会忘掉那一幕.

29 My reaction to these above two mistakes (Para 7)
What’s the reaction? I avoided going to the cafeteria for three days, feeling ashamed. What would be your reaction if you suffered from the same mistakes?

30 Usage of Dine Dine on---(在进餐时)吃... dine out---v.外出吃饭
diner-out---n.应酬多的人 My father is a diner-out, who is busy with his social events. In fact, he hates dining on sea food every day. On Sunday, he strongly insists on not dinning out anymore.

31 Translation practice For the next three days, I dined alone on nothing more than shame, and some junk food from a machine placed outside my room. 接下来的三天里, 我独自品尝羞辱, 用以果腹的也只是没有营养的食品,是从安放在房间外的机器上买的。

32 Usage of Shame put sb./ sth. to shame---使羞愧;使相形见绌
My sister’s excellence puts me to shame. Shame!---(反对演说者时的喊叫)真可耻! Shame on you---不知羞耻 What a shame!多可惜呀! Shameless---不要脸 shame-making---adj.难为情的, 不好意思的 Spitting anywhere is a shame-making behavior.

33 Usage of Junk junk ---n.废物;废旧货; 质量低劣的东西 The room is full of junk.
那间屋子里满是破烂儿。 His writing is all junk. 他的书法作品一文不值。 His latest novel is junk.他最近的一本小说很差劲。 Junk food--- 垃圾食品,无营养食品 junk mail---n.邮寄宣传品 junk market---废旧品市场 junk shop---旧货店 junk dealer---废旧品商人

34 Usage of badly badly---adv.---worse, worst不好;坏;差
He is badly down; something unhappy must have happened to him. 他情绪很不好,一定是发生什么不愉快的事情了。 大大地,非常; 极度 badly beaten in the race 比赛中惨败 She was badly hurt when she fell from the ladder. 她从梯子上跌下来,伤得很厉害。 Even now some universities are badly off for English teachers. 即使现在有些大学英语教师也很缺。 badly-wounded---adj.受伤严重的 Badly-treated---虐待的

35 Translation practice On the fourth day I thought I needed some real food badly. 到了第四天, 我感到自己极需补充一些真正的食物.

36 Usage of Population Population---住在某一地区的人或动物 population boom---人口爆炸
population census---人口普查 population density---人口密度 Population ratio---人口比例

37 Translation practice Perhaps three days was long enough for the campus population to have forgotten me. 兴许三天时间已经足以让校园里的人把我忘在脑后.

38 I looked up to find that another poor soul had met the same fate as I had.
我抬头看见一个可怜的家伙遭遇了和我一样的命运。 这里的动词不定式用以引导结果状语, 通常前面可以加上only I returned home only to find a letter on the table.

39 Para 8 What does he mean by “met the same fate as I had”?
He accidentally stepped in a large puddle of ketchup. His food tray tipped and he lost his balance and fell to the ground. What’s this guy’s reaction to the incident? He got up, hands held high above his head in victory clasp, grinning from ear to ear. He turned around and began preparing another tray. What did the incident help the author realize? I had been taking myself far too seriously.

40 Usage of Crash Crash--- vt., vi.突然轰击,闯入;轰然碰撞作响
The elephant crashed through the forest. 大象冲进森林。 The cars crashed into each other. 小汽车轰然相撞。 Crash---n.突然的响声,撞坏;坠毁;严重意外 The car hit the tree with a crash. 汽车轰隆一声撞到树上。 The film “Crash” has been nominated for the Oscar award.

41 Translation practice Suddenly I heard a crash that sounded familiar.

42 笑的种种说法 laugh, giggle, chuckle, grin, guffaw, beam, smile
Laugh foolishly 傻笑 Laugh grimly 狞笑 Laugh hysterically 歇斯底里地笑 Laugh maliciously 不怀好意地笑 Laugh lightly 轻松地笑 Giggle音调高或尖声地笑, 常指儿童或女孩咯咯笑 The girls whispered and giggled together. Chuckle轻笑, 暗笑, 常用比喻意义, 指觉得满意 He was chuckling to himself over what he was reading. He must be chuckling at his success. Grin指露齿而笑 He grinned broadly at me. Guffaw放声大笑,哄笑 The company guffawed at the silly answer. beam笑逐颜开 Her face beamed with joy. Smile 微笑, 反义词frown He smiled to see the children play.

43 Translation practice He got up, hands held high above his head in victory clasp, grinning from ear to ear. 他站起身, 咧嘴大笑, 双手紧握高举在头顶上, 作出胜利的姿势.

44 Usage of Slip slip---vi., vt.滑落;跌跤
The floor is slippery. She slipped on the shiny floor and fell. 她滑倒在发亮的地板上了。 (常与in, out, away连用)溜走;悄悄She slipped away without being seen. 她悄悄溜走未被人看见。 脱身,摆脱(束缚) The dog slipped his collar.狗挣脱项圈。 let slip---错过;失言,无意中说出 I felt extremely sorry for letting slip the bad news to the children. slip a disc---椎间盘膨出 The doctor diagnosed that his backpain was caused by a slipped disc. 医生诊断说他背疼是因腰椎间盘突出引起的。 Slip---n.滑,失误,小错误 slip of the pen---笔误 slip of the tongue---口误 I mean to write 'week' not 'weak'--it was just a slip of the pen. 我本来想写'week'而不是'weak'──这只是个笔误。 to make a slip 犯了个错误 slip---n.小纸条 Pink slip解雇单

45 Translation practice I expected him to slip out of the cafeteria as I had, but instead he turned around and began preparing another tray. 我料想他会象我一样溜出食堂, 可他一转身重新装了一盘食物.

46 My thoughts on making mistakes. (Para 9-12)
Please read through this part and find out his thoughts on making mistakes. It didn’t matter if one made mistakes in college. Making mistakes is forgivable even after graduation. What’s his new attitude toward making mistakes?

47 Usage of Bare bare---无遮蔽的;赤裸的
Don't walk on that broken glass with bare feet. 不要光着脚走在那些碎玻璃上。 空的 a bare room (没有家具的)空房间 仅有的 A bare word of appreciation from husband would be enough to a devoted wife. 丈夫的一句感激的话对奉献了一生的妻子来说就够了。

48 Translation practice I dressed a little differently, I discovered a taste for jazz, and I decided I liked going barefoot. 我稍稍改变了自己的穿着, 开始欣赏爵士乐, 还认定自己喜欢光着脚走路.

49 Usage of Act Act--- n.行为;举动 a foolish act 愚蠢的举动 a brave act 勇敢的行为 法令
Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals. 国会通过了一项法令,禁止捕杀珍稀动物。 〈戏〉幕节目 Act 5 Scene 2第五幕第二景 缺乏诚意之举 to put on an act装装样子

50 在以后的大学生活里, 我不再试图做什么姿态, 而是顺其自然.
Translation practice I gave up trying to act my way through college and began not acting at all. 在以后的大学生活里, 我不再试图做什么姿态, 而是顺其自然.

51 Usage of Act act---vi., vt.扮演, 表演 He acted his part well.他扮演的那个角色很成功。
A newly-devised microcomputer can act as a guide to a blind person. 一种新设计的微型计算机能够充任盲人的向导。 Don't act fool.别装傻。 装作;以…自居 He is always acting the experienced man.他一向以经验丰富者自居。 He acted as host to visitors.他以主人身份接待来客。 做作得好像演戏一样 He always seems to be acting. 他老是像演戏似的。 行动 Think before you act! 三思而后行! You should act according to your conscience. 你要凭良心办事。 表现;行为 to act bravely and quickly 表现勇敢、敏捷 起…作用;产生…效果 Does the drug take long to act?这药要很久才能起作用吗? act out---用动作而不是用言语表达

52 Oral practice question
What’s the importance of making mistakes? Without making mistakes, without growing mature. Making mistakes helps to learn. Mistakes helps people to be tougher.

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