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Babies on ark 方舟上的幼兒 Flood legends 洪水的傳說 Dragons 龍 Ica 祕魯伊卡省 Dinosaurs in Bible 聖經與恐龍 Babies on ark 方舟上的幼兒 Flood legends 洪水的傳說 Dragons 龍 Ica 祕魯伊卡省 Dinosaurs in Bible 聖經與恐龍
Creation Science Evangelism
創造科學福音講座 第三講 (上) :聖經與恐龍 創造論講座 講員:Mr. Eric Hovind 29 Cummings Road Pensacola, FL USA (Slides Translated into Chinese by Emily Yang) Creation Science Evangelism Seminar Part Three A: Dinosaurs and the Bible
大爆炸 大爆炸 大爆炸 Big Bang
進化論者Evolutionist’s Time Line:
創造論者年代表 6000年前 (4000 BC) 創造 耶穌降生 2008 4400年前 洪水 進化論者年代表 20,000,000,000 大爆炸 西元前46億年 地球形成 西元前30 億年 生命出現 進化成為人 西元前300萬年 創造 Creationist’s Time Line: 1”=150 years 進化論者Evolutionist’s Time Line: 創造論者 20,000,000,000 years ago (200 億) 年以前 Earth Forms 4,600,000,000 BC Life Appears 3,000,000,000BC Man Evolved 3,000,000BC 地球形成 西元前 46 億年4,600,000,000 生命出現 西元前30 億年3,000,000,000 年 進化成為人 西元前300萬年 3,000,000 年
地球的上方有水天篷, 地球的外殼之下也有水。
Picture courtesy Dr. Carl Baugh 地球上方的水天篷 canopy of water overhead and water under the crust of the earth. 地球的上方有水天篷, 地球的外殼之下也有水。
最初的創造與我們今天見到的非常不同. Picture courtesy Dr. Carl Baugh 254-897-3200
The original 創造Creation was very different than what we see today. 最初的創造與我們今天見到的非常不同。
“沒有人曾經見過一隻活的恐龍.” “No human being has ever seen a live dinosaur.”
National Geographic Jan. 1993 “No human being has ever seen a live dinosaur.” National Geographic Jan. 1993 “沒有人曾經見過一隻活的恐龍。”
起初, 神創造 天地. 創世記 1:1 創世記 Genesis 1:1
六日之內, 耶和華造天、地、海, 和其中的萬物…
[亞當一定見過恐龍] 出埃及記 20:11 Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is… [Adam must have seen Dinosaurs] 六日之內,耶和華造天、地、海,和其中的萬物
我們在第 2 講探討伊甸園。 神說: 「諸水之間要有空氣,將水分為上下。」
我們在第 2 講探討伊甸園。 神說: 「諸水之間要有空氣,將水分為上下。」 創世記 1:6 (第 2天開始) 創世記 Genesis 1:6 (the start of day 2) (第 2天開始) 創世記 1:6 (the start of day 2) (第 2天開始) And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. In Seminar Part 2 we explain the Garden of Eden.
Antediluvian life span chart
洪水以前的平均年齡是912歲, 現在是70-80歲 Average age before theFlood was 912 years. Today, 70-80 洪水以前的平均年齡是912歲, 現在是七、八十歲
“恐龍有如其它爬蟲一樣, 只要是活著, 便繼續不斷的成長…” 恐龍是和亞當和夏娃一同生活的大的蜥蜴
“恐龍有如其它爬蟲一樣, 只要是活著, 便繼續不斷的成長…” 恐龍是和亞當和夏娃一同生活的大的蜥蜴 “Like all reptiles, it grows throughout its life…” Dinosaurs were big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve. 恐龍有如其它爬蟲一樣, 只要是活著, 便繼續不斷的成長 恐龍是和亞當和夏娃一同生活的大的蜥蜴。
???? ?恐龍有上方舟嗎????? 恐龍有上方舟嗎? Were there Dinosaurs on the Ark?
恐龍有上方舟嗎? Dinosaurs on the Ark?
Noah was 600 when he went into the ark.
挪亞進方舟時 600 歲. Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50., , Also available laminated $5. Noah was 600 when he went into the ark. 挪亞進方舟時 600 歲。
為何要帶幼兒進方舟? 1.他們體積較小 (已知最大的恐龍蛋比足球小) 為何要帶幼兒進方舟? 1. 他們體積較小 (已知最大的恐龍蛋比足球小) Why bring babies? 1. They are smaller. (the biggest dinosaur egg found is smaller than a football)
6. 洪水後,他們能活更久, 繁衍更多的後代。 (帶他們的目的在此!)
為何要帶幼兒進方舟? 1.他們體積較小 (已知最大的恐龍蛋比足球小) 2. 他們比較輕。 3. 他們食量小。 4. 他們睡得多。 5. 他們生存力較強 6. 洪水後,他們能活更久, 繁衍更多的後代 (帶他們的目的在此!) 為何要帶幼兒進方舟? 1. 他們體積較小 (已知最大的恐龍蛋比足球小) Why bring babies? 1. They are smaller. (the biggest dinosaur egg found is smaller than a football) 2. They weigh less. 3. They eat less. 4. They sleep a lot more. 5. They are tougher. 6. After the flood, they will live longer to produce more offspring. (That’s why he brought them!) 2. 他們比較輕。 3. 他們食量小。 4. 他們睡得多。 5. 他們生存力比較強。 6. 洪水後,他們能活更久, 繁衍更多的後代。 (帶他們的目的在此!)
Mother and baby elephant Glencoe Biol p. 497
創世記 6:19 創世記 Genesis 6:19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark (seven of some), to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. 凡有血肉的活物,每樣兩個,一公一母,你要帶進方舟,好在你那裏保全生命。
創世記 7:14-15 Genesis 7:14-15They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort. And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. 他們和百獸,各從其類,一切牲畜,各從其類,爬在地上的昆蟲,各從其類,一切禽鳥,各從其類,都進入方舟。凡有血肉、有氣息的活物,都一對一對地到挪亞那裏,進入方舟。
挪亞並非帶 250 隻狗進方舟! Dog breeds 挪亞並非帶 250 隻狗進方舟!
Noah did not take 250 pairs of dogs on the ark! Noah did not take 250 pairs of dogs on the ark!
You can hardly tell what kind he is!
Hovind家的狗 Nikki A Canardly. 很難看出是什麼種類! Hovind’s dog Nikki A Canardly. You can hardly tell what kind he is! 很難看出是什麼種類!
Pliohippus, Cebra, Burro, Caballo
凡在旱地上、 鼻孔有氣息的生靈 都死了 創世記 7:22 Genesis 7:22
昆蟲呼吸不靠鼻孔, 是經過皮膚中的呼吸孔 World Book Encyclopedia Science Year 1981 Insects breath through spiracles in their skin not nostrils 昆蟲呼吸不靠鼻孔, 是經過皮膚中的呼吸孔 World Book Encyclopedia Science Year 1981
1.只有陸上動物 - 沒有魚 (創 7:22) 2. 只有用鼻孔呼吸的 - 沒有昆蟲 (創 7:22) 3. 只帶幼兒 (常識) 4. 每種動物只帶兩個 (創 7:14) 5. 有多少種類型? 8000?種動物需進方舟 (Creation Ex Nihilo Mar-May 1997) 1/4 小時 6. 方舟有多大? 懷疑論者說,“挪亞如何有可能將數以百萬計的動物容入方舟?” 1.只有陸上動物 - 沒有魚 (創 7:22) 2. 只有用鼻孔呼吸的 - 沒有昆蟲 (創 7:22) 3. 只帶幼兒 (常識) 4. 每種動物只帶兩個 (創 7:14) 5. 有多少種類型? 8000?種類型需要進入方舟。 Creation Ex Nihilo Mar-May 1997) 1/4 小時。 6. 方舟有多大? Skeptics say, “How did Noah fit millions of animals on the ark?” 1. Only land animals- no fish (Gen. 7:22) 2. Only those with nostrils- no bugs (Gen. 7:22) 3. Bring babies (Common sense) 4. Two of each kind not variety (Gen. 7:14) 5. How many were there? 8000? Kinds needed to be on the ark. Creation Ex Nihilo Mar-May 1997) 1/sec=2 1/4 hours. 6. How big was the ark?
創世記 6:11-12 Gen.6:11-12
Gen.6:13-14 Gen.6:13-14 And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an ark of gopher wood; 神就對挪亞說:「凡有血氣的人,他的盡頭已經來到我面前;因為地上滿了他們的強暴,我要把他們和地一併毀滅。你要用歌斐木造一隻方舟
亞法撒 沙拉 希伯 法勒 挪亞爺爺, 為什麼全世界只有我們是人類? (Israel) 亞法撒 Arphaxad: Grandpa Noah, how come we are the only people in the world? 挪亞爺爺, 為什麼全世界只有我們是人類?
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8. 50
Last page of seminar notebook, available from CSE $8.50., , Also available laminated $5.
洪水 Flood legend one (red book)
已知有270多個洪水傳說 洪水 Flood legend one (red book) Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish 已知有270多個洪水傳說
洪水 Flood legend one (red book)
夏威夷洪水傳說 “第一個人Kuniuhonna死後許久,世界變成了一個邪惡可怕的地方,只剩下一個好人,名叫 Nu-u 。他製造一個很大的獨木舟,上有一棟房子,其中裝滿動物。大水淹沒全地,所有的人都死了。 只有 Nu-u 一家人得救。” 洪水 Flood legend one (red book) 夏威夷洪水傳說 “第一個人Kuniuhonna死後許久,世界變成了一個邪惡可怕的地方,只剩下一個好人,名叫 Nu-u 。他製造一個很大的獨木舟,上有一棟房子,其中裝滿動物。大水淹沒全地,所有的人都死了。 只有 Nu-u 一家人得救。” Hawaii “Long after the death of Kuniuhonna, the first man, the world became a wicked terrible place to live. There was one good man left; his name was Nu-u. He made a great canoe with a house on it and filled it with animals. The waters came up over all the earth and killed all the people. Only Nu-u and his family were saved.”
中國古典文學《山海經.海內篇》伏羲的故事, 華人尊他為始祖。
中國古典文學《山海經》記載伏羲的故事, 華人尊伏羲為始祖。 One ancient Chinese classic called the “Hihking” tells the story of Fuhi, whom the Chinese consider to be the father of their civilization. 中國古典文學《山海經.海內篇》伏羲的故事, 華人尊他為始祖。
Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish 這卷歷史記載伏羲、他的太太、三個兒子、和三個女兒逃脫了一場很大的洪水。他們一家人是世上唯一倖存的人。洪水後他們重新繁衍後代、遍及全地。 This history records that Fuhi, his wife, three sons and three daughters escaped a great flood. He and his family were the only people alive on earth. After the great Flood they repopulated the world.
洪水 Flood legend three (red book)
第一個世界維持 1,716 年, 被洪水淹沒,甚至淹沒最高的山。 洪水 Flood legend three (red book) 遠古墨西哥的塔爾迪克族印第安人 Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish Toltec Indians of ancient Mexico The first world that lasted 1,716 years and was destroyed by a great flood that covered even the highest mountains. 遠古墨西哥的塔爾迪克族印第安人 第一個世界持續了 1,716 年, 被洪水淹沒,甚至淹沒最高的山。
洪水 Flood legend three (red book)
遠古墨西哥的塔爾迪克族印第安人的洪水傳說: 第一個世界持續了 1,716 年, 被洪水淹沒,甚至淹沒最高的山。唯一倖存的是Coxcox一家。 洪水 Flood legend three (red book) Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish Toltec Indians of ancient Mexico The first world that lasted 1,716 years and was destroyed by a great flood that covered even the highest mountains. 遠古墨西哥的塔爾迪克族印第安人的洪水傳說: 第一個世界持續了 1,716 年, 被洪水淹沒,甚至淹沒最高的山。唯一倖存的是Coxcox一家。 Only one family named Coxcox survived.
按照聖經的日期,洪水發生於創造後 1656 年。塔爾迪克族4000 年之後的洪水傳說1716年, 只差 60 年。
The Bible dates put the 洪水 Flood 1656 years after creation. The Toltec legend is only 60 years off after 4000 years. 按照聖經的日期,洪水發生於創造後 1656 年。塔爾迪克族4000 年之後的洪水傳說1716年, 只差 60 年。
洪水 Flood legend four (red book)
亞特蘭提斯的傳說, 可能是一個洪水的傳說。整個美麗的世界被埋沒在波浪之下,只剩一家人。 有關其它洪水的傳說,參見: 洪水 Flood legend four (red book) Dinosaurs by Design by Duane Gish 亞特蘭提斯的傳說, 可能是一個洪水的傳說。整個美麗的世界被埋沒在波浪之下,只剩挪亞一家。 有關其它洪水的傳說,參見: The Atlantis story may even be a 洪水 Flood legend. To Noah the entire beautiful world sank beneath the waves. For many more Flood legends 洪水的傳說 see:
如果聖經是真實的,洪水前恐龍與人一同生活,出方舟以後,恐龍有何下場? 如果聖經是真實的,洪水前恐龍與人一同生活,出方舟以後,恐龍有何下場?
If the Bible is true, and man lived with Dinosaurs before the flood, what happened to the Dinosaurs when they got off the ark? 如果聖經是真實的,洪水前恐龍與人一同生活,出方舟以後,恐龍有何下場?
Silver Burdett & Ginn Earth Science, 1987, p. 379
“一位來自印地安那州的科學家提出令人吃驚的理論「恐龍死,是因為他們自己的腸胃內的脹氣(風) 」。他們產生的沼氣導致地球的大氣溫度暖化,造成一種 “溫室效應” ,增加全球暖化,到一個地步,恐龍無法忍受其熱氣.” The Young Oxford Book of The Prehistoric World by Jill Bailey and Tony Seddon, Copyright 1995 p. 115. “一位來自印地安那州的科學家提出令人吃驚的理論「恐龍死,是因為他們自己的腸胃內的脹氣 (風) 」。他們產生的沼氣導致地球的大氣溫度暖化,造成一種 “溫室效應” ,增加全球暖化,到一個地步,恐龍無法忍受其熱氣。” The Young Oxford Book of The Prehistoric World by Jill Bailey and Tony Seddon, Copyright 1995 p. 115. “A scientist from Indiana has even suggested the startling theory that the Dinosaurs killed themselves off with their own flatulence (wind). The methane they produced caused the earth’s atmospheric temperature to warm up creating a kind of “greenhouse effect”. This might have increased global warming to a point where Dinosaurs could not stand the heat.”
什麼因素導致恐龍滅種? What made the Dinosaurs go extinct? 什麼因素導致恐龍滅種?
© 2000, p. 58 What made the Dinosaurs go extinct? 什麼因素導致恐龍滅種?
恐龍離開方舟後,面對一個比較以往更不利生活的新世界。 洪水後幾百年間,多數的恐龍可能死於不適應氣候的改變。 洪水後的恐龍怎麼了?
Dinosaurs leaving the ark faced a new world with a more hostile climate. Many probably died from the climate changes within the first few hundred years after the flood. 恐龍離開方舟後,面對一個比較以往更不利生活的新世界。 洪水後幾百年間,多數的恐龍可能死於不適應氣候的改變。 Dinosaurs after the Flood? 洪水後的恐龍怎麼了?
Antediluvian life span chart
洪水以前的平均年齡是912歲, 現在是70-80歲
洪水以前的平均年齡是912歲, 現在是70-80歲 400 歲 200歲 400 years 200 years 100 years
洪水以前的平均年齡是912歲, 現在是70-80歲 100歲 400 years 200 years 100 years
洪水後的恐龍面對兩大問題: 1.洪水後,多數的恐龍可能因不適應氣候的改變而死。 2. 他們面對的第二個問題更嚴重 – 英雄屠龍 Dinosaurs had two problems after the flood: 1. Many Dinosaurs died after the 洪水 Flood due to the climate changes. 2. The second problem they had was worse- people hunted them. 洪水後的恐龍面對兩大問題: 1.洪水後,多數的恐龍可能因不適應氣候的改變而死。 2. 他們面對的第二個問題更嚴重 – 英雄屠龍
There are thousands of legends of people seeing or killing Dragons 龍 .
有數以千計英雄屠龍的傳說 There are thousands of legends of people seeing or killing Dragons 龍 . 有數以千計人殺害龍的傳說。
”恐龍” (“dinosaur” ) 一詞是Richard Owen爵士於 1841 年發明。
在此以前,人一般稱之為龍 (Dragons )。 The word “dinosaur” was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1841. Before that time they were known as Dragons 龍 . ”恐龍” (“dinosaur” ) 一詞是Richard Owen爵士於 1841 年發明。 在此以前,人一般稱之為龍 (Dragons )。
他們的酒 是大蛇 (龍) 的毒氣 申命記 32:33 他們的酒是大蛇的毒氣
他們的酒 是大蛇 (龍) 的毒氣 申命記 32:33 Deut. 32:33 Their wine is the poison of Dragons 龍 , 他們的酒是大蛇的毒氣
你曾用能力將海分開,將水中大魚 (龍) 的頭打破。 聖經 35 次龍提到龍 (龍)
你曾用能力將海分開,將水中大魚 (龍) 的頭打破。 聖經 35 次龍提到龍 (龍) 詩篇 74:13 Psalms 74:13 thou brakest the heads of the Dragons 龍 in the waters. Dragons 龍 are mentioned 35 times in the Bible Dragons 龍 are mentioned 35 times in the Bible 聖經 35 次龍提到龍 ()
Human Population Chart
人口圖 數以億計的靈魂 估計人口 二億五千萬 挪亞洪水 (8人倖存) Human Population Chart 人口圖 Billions of souls數以億計的靈魂 250,000,000 二億五千萬
恐龍大多數是死於人的手: 1. 龍肉 2. 恐龍對人是個威脅 3. 人想要作英雄 (救援全村脫離恐龍的威脅) 4. 人要證明自己的優越 5
恐龍大多數是死於人的手: 1. 龍肉 2. 恐龍對人是個威脅 3. 人想要作英雄 (救援全村脫離恐龍的威脅) 4. 人要證明自己的優越 5. 人稠地稀 6. 醫學的目的 恐龍大多數是死於人的手: 1. 龍肉 2. 恐龍對人是個威脅 3. 人想要作英雄 (救援全村脫離恐龍的威脅) 4. 人要證明自己的優越 5. 人稠地稀 6. 醫學的目的 Man killed off most 恐龍 Dinosaurs: 1. For Meat 2. Because they were a menace 3. To be a hero (save the village from the dragon) 4. To prove his superiority 5. Competition for land 6. Medicinal purposes
Gilgamesh killing dragon (make)
The Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor p. 37 Gilgamesh killing dragon (make) Gilgamesh屠龍 Gilgamesh slaying a dragon The Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor p. 37
“One Chinese legend tells of a famous Chinese man named Yu. After the great 洪水 Flood Yu surveyed the land of China and divided it into sections. He built channels to drain the water off to the sea and
使土地適合人類居住。許多蛇和龍被驅逐離開沼澤地,開創新的 農地.”
The Great Dinosaur Mystery. P. 42 Available from CSE-$15.50 使土地適合人類居住。許多蛇和龍被驅逐離開沼澤地,開創新的農地。” The Great Dinosaur Mystery. P. 42 Available from CSE-$15.50 helped make the land livable again. Many snakes and Dragons 龍 were driven from the marshlands when Yu created the new farmlands.”
巴比倫主神馬爾杜克 from Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia 巴比倫主神馬爾杜克
p B.C. 巴比倫主神馬爾杜克 from Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia p B.C. Marduk, the chief god of Babylon from Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia
以賽亞書 14:29 Isaiah 14:29
從牠口中發出 燒著的火把, 與飛迸的火星; (Leviathan, 中譯作鱷魚, 英文聖經中是“巨大海獸” )
約伯記 41:19 約伯記 Job 41:19 從牠口中發出燒著的火把,與飛迸的火星;(Leviathan, 中譯作鱷魚, 英文聖經中是“巨大海獸” ) Out of his (leviathan) mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.
約伯記 41:20 Job 41:20Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.
牠的氣點著煤炭,有火焰從牠口中發出。 See topical video “Leviathan” for much more.
約伯記 41:21 Job 41:21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth. See topical video “Leviathan” for much more.
古巴比倫城已被重建,正在使用中 古巴比倫城已被重建,正在使用中。 The ancient city of
The Rise of Babylon by Charles Dyer 古巴比倫城已被重建,正在使用中。 The ancient city of Babylon has been rebuilt and is in use today. The Rise of Babylon by Charles Dyer
巴比倫 伊施他爾門的遺跡。 Remains of the Ishtar Gates at Babylon. Babylon Found!
(buried under the sand) 巴比倫 伊施他爾門的遺跡。 巴比倫伊施他爾城門的遺跡。 Remains of the Ishtar Gates at Babylon.
巴比倫 舊牆上的 龍和獅子 巴比倫舊牆上的龍和獅子
The Rise of Babylon Charles Dyer p. 128 巴比倫舊牆上的龍和獅子 Dragons 龍 and Lions on the old walls of Babylon The Rise of Babylon Charles Dyer p. 128
巴比倫城牆上的龍。現藏於柏林古代近東博物館(Vorderasiatisches Museum) Dragon from gate in Babylon. Now in Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin 西亞細亞博物館(Vorderasiatisches Museum)藏有伊施塔爾城門(Ischtar Tor)和行進大街(Prozessionsstraße)、來自蘇梅爾、巴比倫、亞述、北敘利亞-東安納托利亞地區,
巴比倫施他爾城門上有 獅子和龍。 現藏於柏林 Staatliche 博物館。
Photo from On the Track of Unknown Animals by Bernard Heuvelmans p. 573 巴比倫施他爾城門上有獅子和龍。現藏於柏林 Staatliche 博物館。 The Ishtar Gate from Babylon showing lions and Dragons 龍 . Now in the Staatliche Museum in Berlin. Photo from On the Track of Unknown Animals by Bernard Heuvelmans p. 573
Alexander the Great and dragon (redraw)
亞歷山大大帝在西元前 326 年征服了現在印度之地,有住在洞穴中的大龍使他的士兵飽受驚嚇。 Alexander the Great and dragon (redraw) 100/291 亞歷山大大帝說, 他在西元前 326 年征服了現在印度之地,有住在洞穴中的大龍使他的士兵飽受驚嚇。 Alexander The Great reported that, when he conquered parts of what is now India in 326 B.C. his soldiers were scared by the great Dragons 龍 that lived in caves.
羅馬的馬賽克顯示兩隻長頸龍, 西元二世紀 羅馬的馬賽克顯示兩隻長頸龍, 西元二世紀
羅馬的馬賽克顯示兩隻長頸龍, 西元二世紀 The Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor 羅馬的馬賽克顯示兩隻長頸龍, 西元二世紀 The Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor Roman mosaic showing two long-necked Dragons 龍 , 2nd century A.D.
聖喬治屠龍, 西元 275 年 303 年四月 23 日, 聖喬治因信仰殉道成仁。 他是英格蘭和葡萄牙的守護聖徒。
303 年四月 23 日, 聖喬治因信仰殉道成仁。 他是英格蘭和葡萄牙的守護聖徒。 Dinosaurs by Design Duane Gish p. 81 聖喬治殺龍, 西元 275 年 303 年四月 23 日, 聖喬治因信仰殉道成仁。 他是英格蘭和葡萄牙的守護聖徒。 St. George slaying a dragon in 275 A.D. St. George was martyred for his faith April 23, 303 AD. He is the patron saint of England and Portugal.
貝奧武夫屢次屠龍, 西元 583 年,時88歲, 與一條有翼龍打鬥時被殺!
Beowulf slew many Dragons 龍 and was killed while fighting a winged dragon in 583 A.D. at age 88! 貝奧武夫, 貝爾沃夫(Beowulf),或是貝武夫、北武夫,是古老的英國英雄史詩
1500 年的英文, 與現在大不相同! 1500 年的英文, 與現在大不相同!
English has changed in the last 1500 years!
The story says Beowulf killed Grendel the dragon by pulling off one of its small front arms and the creature bled to death later.
巴比倫的圓筒印章。西元前600年? 巴比倫的圓筒印章。西元前600年?
After the Flood Bill Cooper p. 157 巴比倫的圓筒印章。西元前600年? After the 洪水 Flood Bill Cooper p. 157 A Babylonian cylinder seal. 600 B.C.?
Heirakonpolis 石板,顯示埃及第一聯合王國法老納爾邁的凱旋,以及長頸龍 .
The Ancient Near East in Pictures by Pritchard p. 93 See also: Technology of the Gods by David Hatcher Childress-p.115, Heirakonpolis 石板,顯示埃及第一聯合王國法老納爾邁的凱旋,以及長頸龍。 The Ancient Near East in Pictures by Pritchard p. 93 古埃及歷史上第一個統一了上下埃及的法老---納爾邁(Narmer) See also: Technology of the Gods by David Hatcher Childress-p.115, Slate palette from Heirakonpolis, showing triumph of King Nar-mer (first Pharoah of a united Egypt) and long necked Dragons 龍 .
Heirakonpolis 石板,顯示埃及第一聯合王國法老納爾邁的凱旋,以及長頸龍
The Ancient Near East in Pictures by Pritchard p. 93 Heirakonpolis 石板,顯示埃及第一聯合王國法老納爾邁的凱旋,以及長頸龍。 Slate palette from Heirakonpolis, showing triumph of King Nar-mer and long necked Dragons 龍 . The Ancient Near East in Pictures by Pritchard p. 93
俄國 大獎章 Russian medallion 俄國大獎章
保加利亞郵票 保加利亞郵票 Bulgarian Postage Stamp
西元 900 年, 一位愛爾蘭作家描述一個動物, 尾有鐵釘, 頭類似馬, 腿壯爪強。
The Great Dinosaur Mystery by Paul Taylor, available from CSE. 西元 900 年,一位愛爾蘭作家描述一個動物,尾部有鐵釘,頭類似馬,腿部壯實,爪也強而有力。 In 900 A.D. an Irish writer told of an animal with iron nails on its tail and a head similar to a horse. It also had thick legs and strong claws.
The Unexplained, vol. 8, 1985, p. 995
維京人的船往往有龍頭 西元1000年 The Vikings p.17
維京人的船往往有龍頭。西元1000年 The Vikings p.17 Viking ships often had a dragon head A.D. The Vikings p.17
See also the Voluspa account of the dragon called Nithhoggr by
The Unexplained, vol. 3, 1985, p. 386 See also the Voluspa account of the dragon called Nithhoggr by the Vikings as recorded in After the Flood by Bill Cooper p. 142 維京人稱為Nithhoggr的龍 The Unexplained, vol. 3, 1985, p. 386 See also the Voluspa account of the dragon called Nithhoggr by the Vikings as recorded in After the 洪水 Flood by Bill Cooper p. 142
挪威傳說此龍在 Gnitahead 守衛寶藏.
齊格弗里德屠龍 Fafnir. 挪威傳說此龍在 Gnitahead 守衛寶藏. Dragons A Natural History by Karl Shuker p. 45 齊格弗里德屠龍 Fafnir。 挪威傳說此龍在 Gnitahead 地守衛寶藏。 Siegfried Slaying the dragon Fafnir. According to Norse legend the dragon guarded a treasure in the land on Gnitahead.
西元 1271 年左右, 在中國住了17 年的馬可波羅聲稱中國的皇帝養龍拉車
西元 1271 年左右, 在中國住了17 年的馬可波羅聲稱, 中國的皇帝養龍拉車。 此說有疑點(Emily) Marco Polo中國lived in China for 17 yrs. around 1271 A.D. and reported that the emperor raised Dragons 龍 to pull his chariots in parades.
此說有疑點(Emily) 1611 年皇帝設立 “御用飼龍者” 職位。有書籍甚至指出中國家庭飼養龍,使用龍血作為中藥,並且高度珍視龍蛋。
DeVisser, Marinus Willem, The Dragon in China & Japan, 1969.) 1611 年皇帝設立 “御用飼龍者” 職位。有書籍甚至指出中國家庭飼養龍,使用其血作為藥物,並且高度珍視龍的蛋。 DeVisser, Marinus Willem, The Dragon in China & Japan, 1969.) 此說有疑點(Emily) In 1611 the emperor appointed the post of a “Royal Dragon Feeder.” Books even tell of Chinese families raising Dragons 龍 to use their blood for medicines and highly prizing their eggs. DeVisser, Marinus Willem, The Dragon in China & Japan, 1969.)
add story about city in france being re-named Nurluke?
法國Nerluc市的命名, 是為了紀念在那裡被殺的 “龍”, 它比牛還大, 頭上有又長又尖銳的角.. The Great Dinosaur Mystery p. 40 add story about city in france being re-named Nurluke? 法國Nerluc市的命名, 是為了紀念在那裡被殺的 “龍”, 它比牛還大, 頭上有又長又尖銳的角. The Great Dinosaur Mystery p. 40 The city of Nerluc, France was renamed in honor of the “dragon” slain there. It was described as being bigger than an ox and having long, sharp, pointed horns on its head. The Great Dinosaur Mystery p. 40
大峽谷的印地安人繪畫. 大峽谷中的 Havasupai 峽谷. 大峽谷印地安人的繪畫文字。 大峽谷中的 Havasupai 峽谷。
photo taken by Dr. DeLancy 719 S. Main St. Perkasie, PA 18944 His widow has the originals. 大峽谷印地安人的繪畫文字。 大峽谷中的 Havasupai 峽谷。 Indian pictograph, from the Grand Canyon. Found in the Havasupai canyon in Grand Canyon.
carving compared to dinosaur (great dinosaur mystery)
cave sketching of dinosaur (QL 89?)
“沒有人曾經見過一隻活的恐龍.” 為什麼有人在牆上刻出恐龍的圖像?
National Geographic Jan. 1993 為什麼有人在牆上刻出恐龍的圖像? “No human being has ever seen a live dinosaur.” National Geographic Jan. 1993 “沒有人曾經見過一隻活的恐龍。” 印地安人為什麼在牆上刻出恐龍的圖像? Why did they carve them on cliff walls? 101
秘魯首都利馬 祕魯伊卡省 This is the most arid desert in the world.
祕魯伊卡省(Ica)Ica, Peru 祕魯Lima, Peru秘魯首都利馬
卡佈雷拉博士在他的博物 館中. 他是在利馬執業的 醫生、伊卡大學的教授 Dr. Cabrera in his museum.
卡佈雷拉博士在他的博物館中。 他是在利馬執業的醫生、伊卡大學的教授。 Dr. Cabrera in his museum. He is a medical doctor in Lima and a professor in the university in Ica.
Baugh 博士有祕魯伊卡區出土的兩塊石頭、一些紡織品和一捲資料豐富的錄影帶。
or Don Patton, 813 Trails Pkwy, Garland, TX 75043, , Baugh 博士有祕魯伊卡區出土的兩塊石頭、一些紡織品和一捲資料豐富的錄影帶。 or Don Patton, 813 Trails Pkwy, Garland, TX 75043, , Marcus Cannon , 5215 Tevey Rd. Longview, TX found some similar stones in Arkansas. Dr. Baugh has two of the stones, some textiles and a great video about the Ica area or Don Patton 813 Trails Pkwy, Garland, TX 75043, ,
Over 50,000 “ICA stones” have been found in Peru since 1961.
自從 1961, 在祕魯伊卡已發現 超過 50,000 件 “伊卡石塊” Over 50,000 “ICA stones” have been found in Peru since 1961. 自從 1961, 在祕魯伊卡已發現超過 50,000 件 “伊卡石塊”
Circle patterns in the skin.
皮膚上的 圓圈形。 Circle patterns in the skin. 皮膚上的圓圈形。
前印加印第安人 騎在恐龍 上面 Pre-Inca Indian riding dinosaur Pre-Inca Indian
此石出現 於祕魯 伊卡省 Cabrera 博士 在伊卡省 博物館 有大約 11,000 塊類似收藏 Pre-Inca Indian riding a dinosaur This Ica stone found in Peru is one of about 11,000 in Dr. Cabrera’s museum in Ica, Peru. 前印加印第安人騎在一隻恐龍上面 此石出現於祕魯伊卡省, Cabrera 博士在伊卡省的博物館有大約 11,000 塊類似的收藏。
前印加印第安人 騎在恐龍 上面 Pre-Inca Indian riding dinosaur 第三講 有更多 有關 “伊卡 石塊” 的資料
There is much more about the Ica stones in SeminarPart 3b.
“沒有人曾經見過一隻活的恐龍.” National Geographic Jan. 1993 為什麼有人把恐龍的圖像刻在岩石上,編入織物中? “No human being has ever seen a live dinosaur.” National Geographic Jan. 1993 “沒有人曾經見過一隻活的恐龍。” 為什麼有人把恐龍的圖像刻在岩石上、編入織物中? Why did they carve them on rocks and weave their pictures on fabrics? 115
1572 年五月 13 日 義大利科學家 Ulysses Aldrovandus 獲得的一條 “龍” 的死屍, 置於博物館中展示。
May 13, 1572 Italian Scientist Ulysses Aldrovandus obtained the dead body of a “dragon” and had it mounted for a museum display.
航海的年代 蒸氣和瓦斯船取代借風使船 航海的年代 哥倫布 1492 蒸氣和瓦斯船取代借風使船。
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 哥倫布 1492 蒸氣和瓦斯船取代借風使船 航海的年代 哥倫布 1492 蒸氣和瓦斯船取代借風使船。 The Great Age of Sailing Ships Columbus 1492 Steam and gas powered ships replace wind powered ships.
sea monster and sailing ship “””
格陵蘭宣教士Hans Egede 的素描, 是他在 年在格陵蘭岸外看到的 “海怪"。 S.M. McAllister is a living descendant. 格陵蘭宣教士Hans Egede 的素描, 是他在 1734 年在格陵蘭岸外看到的 “海怪"。 S.M. McAllister 是一個仍然在世的後裔。 Hans Egede, Missionary to Greenland, drew this sketch of the “sea monster” he saw off the coast of Greenland in 1734. S.M. McAllister is a living descendant.
“1734 年, 在離開的我們新屬地 64 度的海面, 由水中出現一隻十分可怕的巨形海怪, 水的表面之上顯示它本身, 牠的頭高及 桅杆頂尖; 它的身體 龐大如船, 比船身長 三或四倍。
“1734 年, 在離開的我們新屬地 64 度的海面, 由水中出現一隻十分可怕的巨形海怪, 水的表面之上顯示它本身, 牠的頭高及桅杆頂尖; 它的身體龐大如船, 比船身長三或四倍。 “As for other Sea Monsters……none of them have been seen by us, or any of our Time, that I ever could hear, save the most dreadful Monster, that showed itself upon the surface of the Water in the year 1734, off our New Colony in 64 Degrees. This monster was of so huge a size, that coming out of the Water, its Head reached as high as the Mast Head; its Body was as bulky as the Ship, and three or four times as long.
許多人見過海中的巨形章魚. 1989年聖誕夜, 南菲律賓巨形章魚攻擊事件.
See Rumors of Existence by Matthew A. Brille p. 153 1989年聖誕夜, 南菲律賓巨形章魚攻擊事件. 菲律賓南部發生海難. 漁夫在 Manticao 救起救生艇上的十二位生還者, 以及一個十二星期大男孩的身體。生還者聲稱一條巨形章魚攻擊他們的船, 抓住浮舟。生還者之一Agapito Cabellero 說, “突然間海水開始冒泡, 然後我們看見一條巨形的章魚, 好像一隻母牛那麼龐大。” 章魚攻擊之後,便沈下水面, 沒有傷害生還者。 來源: Ben S. Roesch from Denver Post, December 巨形章魚 許多人見過海中的巨形章魚. 參見: Rumors of Existence by Matthew A. Brille p.153 1989年聖誕夜, 南菲律賓巨形章魚攻擊事件. 菲律賓南部發生海難. 漁夫在 Manticao 救起救生艇上的十二位生還者, 以及一個十二星期大男孩的身體。生還者聲稱一條巨形章魚攻擊他們的船, 抓住浮舟。生還者之一 Agapito Cabellero 說, “突然間海水開始冒泡, 然後我們看見一條巨形的章魚, 好像一隻母牛那麼龐大。” 章魚攻擊之後,便沈下水面, 沒有傷害生還者。 來源: Many accounts of giant octopus exist in sea lore. See Rumors of Existence by Matthew A. Brille p. 153 Philippine Giant Octopus Attack On Christmas Eve, 1989, a sea accident occurred in the southern Philippines. Off Manticao, fishermen recovered twelve survivors hanging onto the overturned motorized canoe, as well a as the body of a twelve-week old boy. Survivors claimed that a giant octopus had attacked the vessel, grabbing its pontoons. Agapito Cabellero, one of their number, said, “Suddenly the waters began to bubble. then we saw something that looked like a giant octopus. It was as huge as an imported cow.” After the attack, the beast submerged rather than injure any survivors. Source: Summarized by Ben S. Roesch from Denver Post, December
在海灘發現龐大的章魚遺跡, St. Augustine, Florida, 189
octopus (200 foot) poster 在海灘發現龐大的章魚遺跡, St. Augustine, Florida, 189 Dr. De Witt Webb of the St. Augustine Historical Society and Institute of Science 在海灘發現龐大的章魚遺跡 Dr. De Witt Webb of the St. Augustine Historical Society and Institute of Science with remains of a giant octopus, found on beach in St. Augustine, Florida, 1896
Gainesville 的章魚專家Joseph Gennaro教授, 有最後的巨形章魚遺跡樣本, 長達200呎, 或 61 公尺
Prof. Joseph Gennaro, an octopus specialist in Gainesville, has the last remaining sample. It was 200 feet or 61 meters
Whale cut open with octopus arm (drawing)
西雅圖一隻死鯨胃裡有150呎長的章魚腳! 西雅圖一隻死鯨胃裡有150呎長的章魚腳! A whale was killed near Seattle, WA that had a 150 foot octopus arm in it’s stomach!
龍涎香[<amber gris, 灰色琥珀]鯨獨有的似蠟物質, 製造香水用.
韋氏詞典, 1989 龍涎香 [<琥珀色的 gris,使變] 鯨獨有的似蠟物質, 製造香水用。 韋氏詞典,1989 Ambergris [<amber gris, gray amber] a waxy substance secreted by certain whales, used in making perfumes. Webster’s New World Dictionary, 1989
“ 1966年 (紐芬蘭外海,), 美國海軍海洋學的研究潛艇 San Pablo 觀 察到一個 巨形烏賊 和一隻 抹香鯨交手”
皮博迪博物館 -耶魯大學 “ 1966年 (紐芬蘭外海,), 美國海軍海洋學的研究潛艇 San Pablo 觀察到一個巨形烏賊和一個隻抹香鯨交手” 皮博迪博物館-耶魯大學 “In 1966, (off Newfoundland,) U.S. Navy Oceanographic Research Vessel San Pablo observed an encounter between a giant squid and a sperm whale.” Peabody Museum-Yale University
聖經有提到 恐龍嗎? Are Dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? 聖經有提到恐龍嗎?
進化論者Evolutionist’s Time Line:
創造論者年代表 4400年前 洪水 6000年前 (4000 BC) 耶穌降生 2008 1809年, 恐龍多半已經消失, 也已被人遺忘。 其後 4000 年大部分恐龍相繼死去或者被人殺死 撒旦無法欺騙亞當有關恐龍的事, 亞當為恐龍命名! 撒旦無法欺騙挪亞有關恐龍的事, 挪亞每天餵恐龍! 撒旦無法欺騙亞當有關恐龍的事。為恐龍命名的就是亞當! 撒旦無法欺騙挪亞有關恐龍的事。挪亞每天餵恐龍! 其後 4000 年大部分恐龍相繼死去或者被人殺死。 1809年, 大部份的恐龍已經消失,也已被人遺忘。 創造 Creationist’s Time Line: 1”=150 years 進化論者Evolutionist’s Time Line: 創造論者 20,000,000,000 years ago (200 億) 年以前 Earth Forms 4,600,000,000 BC Life Appears 3,000,000,000BC Man Evolved 3,000,000BC 地球形成 西元前 46 億年4,600,000,000 生命出現 西元前30 億年3,000,000,000 年 進化成為人 西元前300萬年 3,000,000 年 Satan couldn’t fool Adam about the 恐龍 Dinosaurs. He named them! Satan couldn’t fool Noah about the 恐龍 Dinosaurs. He fed them every day! Over the next 4000 years most of Dinosaurs died off or were killed by man. By 1809 most Dinosaurs were gone and people had forgotten about them.
幾百萬年以前 幾百萬年以前 Millions of years ago
I Can Read About Prehistoric Animals p. 1
幾百萬年以前 I Can Read About Prehistoric Animals p. 1
How many kids are being taught this in your town? At your expense?
你的城巿中, 有多少孩子被這樣洗腦? 由你付錢? 幾百萬年以前 I Can Read About Prehistoric Animals How many kids are being taught this in your town? At your expense? 你的城鎮中, 有多少孩子被這樣洗腦? 由你付錢?
約伯記 40:21 Job 40:21 He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
位於剛果 (扎伊爾)的利庫阿拉 (Likouala) 沼澤,面積 55,000 平方哩
The Likouala swamp in Congo and Zaire is 55,000 square miles.
位於剛果 (扎伊爾)的利庫阿拉 (Likouala) 沼澤,面積 55,000 平方哩
The Likouala swamp in Congo and Zaire is 55,000 square miles.
55,000 sq. mi. 55,000 sq. mi. 50,000 sq. mi. 55,000 sq. mi.
其中 80% 人跡未至 位於剛果 (扎伊爾)的利庫阿拉(Likouala) 沼澤, 面積 55,000 平方哩.
The Likouala swamp in Congo and Zaire is 55,000 square miles. It is 80% unexplored. 其中 80% 人跡未至
42 年資深傳教士Eugene Thomas (現已退休, 3216 Dove Dr. SW
42 年資深傳教士Eugene Thomas (現已退休, 3216 Dove Dr. SW. Warren, Ohio ) 認識二位剛果矮人族(Pygmy)原住民, 宣稱在 1959 年殺死一隻剛果恐龍(Mokele-Mbembe)). 42 年資深傳教士Eugene Thomas (現已退休, 3216 Dove Dr. SW. Warren, Ohio ) 認識二位剛果矮人族(Pygmy)原住民, 宣稱在 1959 年殺死一隻剛果恐龍(Mokele-Mbembe). 42 year veteran missionary (retired now, 3216 Dove Dr. SW. Warren, Ohio ) had two pygmies in his mission in Congo, Africa that claimed to have killed a Mokele-Mbembe in 1959.
恐龍今天 仍然存在嗎? 所有的歷史都提到恐龍 (例如: 龍) 。一些小的恐龍有可能仍然存在嗎?
詳情見下一講。 所有的歷史都提到恐龍 (例如: 龍) 。一些小的恐龍有可能仍然活著嗎? 詳情見下一講。 恐龍今天仍然存在嗎? Are some Dinosaurs still alive today? Dinosaurs are mentioned (as Dragons etc.) all through history. Could some small ones still be alive? We will cover that in the next session.
這個生物長32呎, 重 4000 磅, 於1977 年紐西蘭海岸外從海面下900呎撈上海面. 已死, 腐臭難聞。經過檢查後, 被丟回海底。
This 32 foot long creature weighing 4000 pounds was hauled up from 900 feet down off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. It was dead, rotting and smelled terrible. After examining the creature it was thrown back.
Japanese catch Plesiosaur
搭乘 Zuiyo-maru 的海洋生物學家 Michihiko Yano 畫的素描
搭乘 Zuiyo-maru 的海洋生物學家 Michihiko Yano 畫的素描. After the Flood Bill Cooper, p. 140 搭乘 Zuiyo-maru 的海洋生物學家 Michihiko Yano 畫的素描。 Sketch drawn by Michihiko Yano, the marine biologist aboard the Zuiyo-maru. After the Flood, Bill Cooper,
Japanese stamp with Plesiosaur
Monterey, California 1925
擱淺加州 中央海岸 的海怪 擱淺加州中央海岸的海怪
Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California’s Central Coast by Randall Reinstedt p. 167 available from CSE-$9 擱淺加州中央海岸的海怪 Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California’s Central Coast
擱淺加州中央海岸的海怪 Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California’s Central Coast by Randall Reinstedt, p. 167 Available from CSE- $6.50
擱淺加州中央海岸的海怪 Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California’s Central Coast by Randall Reinstedt, p. 167 Available from CSE- $6.50
擱淺加州中央海岸的海怪 people looking at it 20 feet
Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California’s Central Coast by Randall Reinstedt p. 166. Available from CSE- $9
我們在第三講(下)會繼續研究恐龍是否仍然存在的問題。錄音帶 #3. 我們在第三講(下)會繼續研究恐龍是否仍然存在的問題。錄音帶 #3.
We cover lots more on Dinosaurs still living in the next session.- Creation Seminar 3B on tape #3.
17 hour seminar on DVD or VHS Seminar series is upgraded often.
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