Tim Berners-Lee (II) Hello everyone,it’s our honour to give you a speech. Maybe many of you don’t know us, today it’s our turn to introduce us to you!

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1 Tim Berners-Lee (II) Hello everyone,it’s our honour to give you a speech. Maybe many of you don’t know us, today it’s our turn to introduce us to you! We are …

2 Teammates From left: 陶涛 郭华巍 张志伟 王保军 孙小明

3 Tim Berners-Lee,(1955年6月8 日),生于英国伦敦,是万维网的发明者,现任麻省理工学院正教授。1990年12月25日,在罗伯特·卡里奥与CERN的一名年轻学生的帮助下,他成功地通过Internet实现了HTTP代理与服务器的第一次通讯。他是监视万维网发展的万维网联盟(总部位于麻省理工学院)的主席。2009年4月,他在华盛顿成为美国国家科学院院士。

4 Tim Berners-Lee (II) From the thousands of interconnected thread of the Internet ,he wove the World Wide Web and created a mass medium for the 21st century 通过成千上万相连的互联网线程,他创建了万维网,一个面向21世纪的大众传播媒介。

5 But what if he wanted to add stuff that resided on someone else’s computer? First he would need that person’s permission, and then he would have to do the dreary work of adding the new material to a central database. An even better solution would be to open up his document—and his computer—to everyone and allow them to link their stuff to his. He could limit access to his colleagues at CERN, but why stop there? Open it up to scientists everywhere! Let it span the networks! In Berners-Lee’s scheme there would be no central manager, no central database and no scaling problems. The thing could grow like the Internet itself, open-ended and infinite. “One had to be able to jump,” he later wrote, “from software documentation to a list of people to a phone book to an organizational chart to whatever.” 但是,如果他想添加的东西在别人的电脑里,怎么办?首先,他需要该机主的许可,然后他要做把新材料加入到一个中央数据库的沉闷工作 。一个更好的办法就是让他的文件(还有他的电脑)开放给每一个机主,允许每个机主和他互联。他可能会限制他的同事们在欧洲核子研究中心的访问,但为什么就此打住呢?让它对世界各地的科学家开放!让它跨越网络!在伯纳斯 - 李的方案里将没有中央管理器,没有中央数据库,没有结垢问题。事物能像互联网本身开放式的和无限的成长。 他后来写道:“人们可以做到从软件文档跳到任何一个文档如人名单,电话薄或结构组织”

6 So he cobbled together a relatively easy-to-learn coding system—HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)—that has come to be the lingua franca of the Web; it’s the way Web-content creators put those little colored, underlined links in their text, add images and so on. He designed an addressing scheme that gave each Web page a unique location, or URL (Universal Resource Locator). And he hacked a set of rules that permitted these documents to be linked together on computers across the Internet. He called that set of rules HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). 所以他拼凑了一个相对容易学习的编码系统,HTML(超文本标记语言),它成为了网络的通用媒介,网页创建者通过这个系统把那些小声色和下划线的链接添加到他的文本中以及添加图片等 。他设计了一个解决方案,给每个网页一个独特的位置,或URL(统一资源定位器)。他开辟了一套规则,允许这些文件在计算机上通过互联网连接在一起。他称这套规则为HTTP(超文本传输协议)

7 And on the seventh day. Berners-Lee cobbled together the World Wide Web’s first (but not the last) browser, which allowed users anywhere to view his creation on their computer screen. In 1991 the World Wide Web debuted, instantly bringing order and clarity to the chaos that was cyberspace. From that moment on, the Web and the Internet grew as one, often at exponential rates. Within five years, the number of Internet users jumped from 600,000 to 40 million. At one point, it was doubling every 53 days. 在第七天,伯纳斯 - 李整合起来了万维网的第一代(但不是最后一代)浏览器,这使得各地用户可以在他们的电脑屏幕上观看他的杰作。1991年,万维网面世,即刻给混乱的网络空间带来了秩序和清晰度。从这一刻起,它和互联网成为一体,并常常成指数型增长。五年内,互联网用户量从六十万一跃至四千万。在某一个时期,用户量每53天便翻一番。

8 Raised in London in the 1960s, Berners-Lee was the quintessential child of the computer age. His parents met while working on the Ferranti Mark I, the first computer sold commercially. They taught him to think unconventionally; he’d play games over the breakfast table with imaginary numbers (what’s the square root of minus 4?). He made pretend computers out of cardboard boxes and five-hole paper tape and fell in love with electronics. Later, at Oxford, he built his own working electronic computer out of spare parts and a TV set. He also studied physics, which he thought would be a lovely compromise between math and electronics. “Physics was fun,” he recalls. “And in fact a good preparation for creating a global system.” 十九世纪六十年代,伯纳斯-李出生在伦敦,是计算机时代下的精英孩童。他的父母相遇时,两人都在从事费伦蒂马克一号的开发工作,这是第一台商业化量产的电脑。他们教他突破传统;他曾在早餐桌上玩虚数游戏(-4的平方根是多少?)。他用硬纸箱子和五洞纸带做成电脑模型,然后慢慢爱上了电子 。后来,他在牛津用零部件和一套电视装置制作了他自己的可用电脑。他还研究物理,认为物理会是数学和电子学之间的一个微妙的折衷。“物理很有趣,”他回忆说,“事实上它为创建一个全球性系统做了很好的准备。”

9 It’s hard to overstate the impact of the global system he created
It’s hard to overstate the impact of the global system he created. It’s almost Gutenbergian. He took a powerful communications system that only the elite could use and turned it into a mass medium. “If this were a traditional science, Berners-Lee would win a Nobel Prize,” Eric Schmidt, CEO of Novell, once told the New York Times. “What he’s done is that significant.” 简直难以用语言来描述他创建的全球系统的影响。 几乎可以与古腾堡等同。他创建了一个强大的通信系统,从只有精英可以使用,变成一个大众传播媒介。“如果这是一个传统的科学,伯纳斯-李会赢得诺贝尔奖”,Novell(网络系统公司)的CEO埃里克施密特曾告诉“纽约时报”,“他的所作所为是多么重要。”

10 You’d think he would have at least got rich; he had plenty of opportunities. But at every juncture, Berners-Lee chose the nonprofit road, both for himself and his creation. Marc Andreessen, who helped write the first popular Web browser, Mosaic—which, unlike the master’s browser, put images and text in the same place, like pages in a magazine—went on to co-found Netscape and become one of the Web’s first millionaires. Berners-Lee, by contrast, headed off in 1994 to an administrative and academic life at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From a sparse office at MIT, he directs the W3 (World Wide Web ) Consortium, the standard-setting body that helps Netscape, Microsoft and anyone else agree on openly published protocols rather than hold one another back with proprietary technology. The rest of the world may be trying to cash in on the Web’s phenomenal growth, but Berners-Lee is content to labor quietly in the background, ensuring that all of us can continue, well into the next century, to Enquire Within Upon Anything.

11 你会认为他至少会暴富;他有这么多机会。但在每一个关口,伯纳斯-李为自己和他的创作选择了非营利性的道路。马克-安德森,曾经帮写出第一个流行的浏览器,莫扎克——它不像专家们用的浏览器,它把图像和文本放在一起,像网页杂志一样——紧接着他联合创办了Netscape(美国网景公司)并成了网络界里第一批百万富翁的一员。相比之下,伯纳斯-李在1994年率领麻省理工学院的行政和学术生活。在麻省理工一个人员稀少的办公室里,他领导着万维网联盟(非赢利性的环球国际集团) ,一个帮助网景、微软及其他网络公司达到WWW技术标准化的协议而不是利用专有技术另立其它公司的标准制定集团。其他人也许正忙着从网络的快速成长中捞钱,而伯纳斯-李则在幕后安静而悦然的工作着,确保我们能在任何可能内查询,到下一个世纪。

12 New Words and Expressions
reside [ri‘zaid] v. 属于,归于;住,居住 1,When you look up at the night sky, the stars that you see all reside in our own galaxy, the Milky Way. 当你抬头仰望夜空,触目可见的所有恒星都属于我们的星系──银河系之 内。 2,I reside, of course, in a well-protected fortress. 当然,我住在一座守卫森严的堡垒中。 cobble [‘kɔbl] vt. 马马虎虎地修补;胡乱拼凑,粗制滥造 n.圆石子,鹅卵石,大卵石 1,She cobbled together an essay in half an hour. 她用半小时胡乱拼凑了一篇文章。 2,My person collects cobble to play by. 我一个人在旁边捡石子玩。 browser [‘brauzə] n. 浏览器 Finally, the data reach the application, such as a Web browser. 最后,资料才被传送到某个应用程式,比如网页浏览器。

13 cash in on 靠...赚钱, 乘机利用 debut [‘deibju:] n.首次露面,初次登台,开张 vi.初次登台
1,Tonight's dinner is my husband's debut as a cook. 今晚的晚餐是我丈夫首次掌厨的成果 2,He decided to debut with several other guitarist . 他决定与其他几名吉他手一起首次登台演出。 exponential [,ekspəu‘nenʃəl] adj.指数的,幂的 n.指数,指数函数 I’m writing a book about exponential functions. 我在写一本关于指数功能的书。 quintessential [,kwintə‘senʃəl] adj. 典范的,完美的 Barbie is the quintessential American icon. sparse [spɑ:s] adj.不充足的,稀少的,稀疏的 Other commitments remain sparse on the ground despite the plan having been floated since 2007. 但其他国家的承诺依然很少,尽管这个计划早在2007年就提出了。 cash in on 靠...赚钱, 乘机利用 Manufacturers of rainwear were not slow to cash In on the prediction of a wet summer 雨具制造商们不失时机地利用对多雨的夏季的预测来赚钱。.

14 That's all,thank you!

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