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2013届高三英语语法 专题一 冠 词.

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1 2013届高三英语语法 专题一 冠 词

2 请仔细分辨,用a或an填空。 an egg a cooked egg a house an umbrella
a man an honest man a book an interesting book a task an impossible task an apple a big apple an idea a wonderful idea _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

3 play a part in play an important part in
an hour a university play a part in play an important part in a conversation an amazing conversation take part in an activity take part in an interesting activity _____ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

4 高考链接 While she was getting me settled into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to small town some 20 kilometres away where there was a garage. (07广东) a 2. Besides, shopping at this time of the year was not pleasant experience: people stepped on your feet or (09广东) a 3. A young man, while traveling through a desert, came across a spring of clear water water was sweet. (10广东) The

5 高考链接 4. After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had amazing conversation. (11广东) an 5. But she quickly realized that it wasn’t her, it was probably the fact that she sat in last row. (12广东) the

6 【总结】 题量 冠词 功能 空格后的词 07 1 a 一个 a small town 08 09 一次 a pleasant experience 10 The The water 11 an an amazing conversation 12 the the last row 特别提醒: 在语法填空中, 一般会有1空是考查冠词的。

7 I gave him a book yesterday. 一本书
熟读深思(《名师指津》P223) 熟读下列各句, 体会句中不定冠词的用法。 A bird can fly. (任一) I gave him a book yesterday. 一本书 3. A boy came to see you just now. 有一个 4. It happened on a Sunday morning. 一个星期天的早上 5. I went to the library twice a week. 每一周 不定冠词用于单数可数名词前, 泛指一类人或事物, 可译作“一个/本/个/条……”。

8 熟读下列各句, 体会句中不定冠词的意思。 6. Tom and Kate are of an age. 同一年龄 7. He is a Lei Feng in our class. 像…样的人 8. He works as a doctor in that hospital. 他在那家医院做医生。(职业身份前) 9. The cakes are delicious. He’d like to have a third one because the second one is rather too small. 再吃一块 (又一, 再一)

9 熟读深思 熟读下列各句, 体会句中定冠词的用法。 10. Take the medicine. (双方知道的) 11. He bought a computer. The computer is very nice. (上文提到的) 14. The rich should help the poor. (一类人) 15. I live on the second floor. (序数词前) 16. He is the tallest boy in the class. (最高级前)

10 熟读深思 熟读下列各句, 体会句中定冠词的用法。 17. The earth goes around the sun. (独一无二的)
18. Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. (表示整个类别) 19. She plays the piano very well. (乐器前)

11 熟读深思 熟读下列各句, 体会句中定冠词的用法。 20. The Greens have been to China twice.
格林一家人(或格林夫妇) (姓氏复数前) 21. Beijing lies in the north of China. (有介词的方位名词前) 22. He was born in the 1980’s. 二十世纪80年代。(年代前) 23. We are paid by the month. 按月 (固定搭配)

12 定冠词the的用法归纳: 意义相当于指示代词this, that, these, those,用于不可数名词、单复数可数名词前,特指某个或某些人或事物。 此外,还有以下主要用法: ⑴ 特指谈话双方都明白的人或物。 ⑵ 用于世上独一无二的事物名称前。

13 (3)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。 (4)与形容词或分词连用, 表示一类人或事物。 (5) 用在play后的西洋乐器名词前。 (6)用于逢十的复数基数词前表示年代。 (7)用在姓氏的复数之前, 表示一家人。

14 特别提醒 解题时, 若 “(形容词+)名词”前没有其它限定词时, 很可能就是填冠词。然后, 根据下列三种方法确定用定冠词还是用不定冠词。
⑴ 理解法。不是特指, 不用the。 ⑵ 翻译法。凡是译作“一(个\本\种…) , 有一个\ 任一个\每一\同一”的, 一般用不定冠词a/an; 凡是译为“这/那…” 的, 一般用定冠词the。 ⑶ 观察法。若名词后有of短语、不定式或者定语从句等一般用定冠词。

15 an The director was proud to have such extraordinary painting in his museum and congratulated John on his discovery. (12年南海摸底) 2. The government of the U.S. has special birdbanding department that makes all the birdbands. (12年佛山一模) 23 symbol of the organization was originally just the red cross. (12年佛山二模) a The

16 1. There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to mirror that said: … (11南海摸底) 2. Although he can’t see the national flag with his own eyes, eight-year-old pupil carried the flag in his hands with his mother walking along, …… (11年佛山一模) 3. As I was going through the air, I saw a horse, which was a white one and had a harness(马具) on, ……. By the way horse kicked and struggled as it was thrown about, I knew it was alive. (11年佛山二模) the the the

17 They entered the Credit Lyonnais branch using building equipment to dig holes and destroy walls on Saturday night. They tied up a security guard and spent next nine hours robbing the bank. (2010年佛山二模) the Most of us have been in both positions: the giver and the receiver. And while a certain amount of joy can be picked from being a receiver, enormous amount of joy comes from giving. (09年佛山一模) an

18 unclear who a recorded It
语法填空 [2009佛山二模] Valentine’s Day is the time of the year when couples show their love for each other by sending cards,flowers and chocolates.Its origins are (clear) and hidden in the river of time.Nobody knows exactly St. Valentine was,although some historians suggest he was Roman killed in the third century AD by a Roman Emperor. It is said that the first (record) Valentine’s card was sent by the imprisoned Duke of Orleans in 1415. is believed that he tried to find comfort from his imprisonment by writing love poems to his wife. unclear who a recorded It

19 is celebrated as While/but developments in
Now,Valentine’s Day (celebrate) in many countries around the world. However, the traditions often differ from place to place.In Japan,for example,it is normal for the woman to send chocolates to the man, in Korea April 14th is known “Black Day” and is when the unfortunate men who received nothing on Valentine’s Day gather to eat noodles and show sympathy for each other. Technological (develop) have also played their part keeping Valentine’s Day relevant in the 21st century.Valentine’s e-cards have been very popular in recent years. is celebrated as While/but developments in

20 pressing the to that (2012深圳一模)
One day, I went to the supermarket in the new shopping center. In the toys section, I noticed a small boy of about five years old __16__ (press) a doll against his chest. He kept on touching ___17__ hair of the doll and looked very sad. I wondered who he wanted to give the doll __18___. So I walked towards him and asked him all about it. "It is the doll __19__ my sister loved most and wanted so much for this Christmas. She was so sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her. pressing the to that

21 where sadness has gone her wholly until
I told him not to worry. However, he replied sadly, "No, Santa Claus cannot bring it to ___20__she is now. I'll have to give the doll to my mother so that she can give it to her when she goes there." His eyes were filled with _21__ (sad) while saying this. "My sister ___22__ (go) to be with God. Daddy said that Mommy will also join God very soon, so I think that she can bring the doll with ___23_ to give it to my sister." My heart almost stopped beating __24_ (whole). The little boy looked up at me and said, "I told Daddy to tell Mommy not to go yet. I asked him to wait __25__ I come back from the store." where sadness has gone her wholly until

22 a a 灵活运用《名师》P224 一、单句填空 用a, an或the填空。
1. It’s ___ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them pleasure. a good feeling “一种不错的感觉”。 a 2. In most countries, a university degree can give you ___ flying start in life. a flying start “成功的开始, 顺利的开端”, 句意为:在大多数国家, 拥有大学文凭可以让一个人的事业有个顺利的开端。 a

23 3. This area experienced ___ heaviest rainfall in ___ month of May.
第一空填定冠词, 是因为其后的名词受最高级形容词的修饰; 第二空也填定冠词, 是因为特指“五月”这个月。 4. To make up ___objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. 泛指“一份”客观题试题。 the the an

24 5. His special air-letter may cost him less than ___ loaf of bread or his own bus fare to work.
6. Experts think that ___ recently discovered painting may be _____ Picasso. the a 7. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get ____ second chance to make ____ first impression. a the 8. It’s ____ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them pleasure. a

25 课后练习: [2011汕头一模] Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse. But if you get a 16 ______ (close) look you will notice one of them is blind. 16. 形容词比较级, get a closer look指“近距离地看一看”。 closer

26 Instead of abandoning him, his owner has made him a safe and comfortable barn to live in. And if you stand nearby and listen, you will hear the sound of a bell 17________(come)from 18 ___ smaller horse. Attached to 19 ___ (it) halter is a small, copper-colored bell assisting the blind friend to follow him. 17. 动名词短语作后置定语。 18. 指“比较小的那匹马”。 19. 形容词性物主代词作定语。 coming the its

27 20 _________ you watch them, you’ll find the horse with the bell always checking on the blind one, and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to 21_____ the other one is, trusting he will not 22 _____ (lead)astray. 20. 指“当……时”。 21. 关系副词where在定义从句中作地点状语。 led astray “被引入歧途”。 As/When where be led

28 When the horse with the bell returns to the barn each evening, he will stop 23__________ (frequent)to look back, making sure that the 24 ______isn’t too far behind to hear the bell. 23. 修饰动词stop。 24. 指“二匹马中的另一匹”。 frequently other

29 Life does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of our acquaintances; 25 __ other times we are the guide horse, who helps others to find their way. 25. 搭配: at other times在其它时候, 平时。 at

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