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1 大学英语四级阅读理解部分


3 试卷构成和成绩报道 四级考试由以下四个部分构成 1)听力理解 听力理解部分分值比例为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写。成绩报道满分为249 2)阅读理解 阅读理解部分分值比例为35%;其中仔细阅读部分(Reading in Depth)25%,快速阅读部分(Skimming and Scanning)10%。仔细阅读部分分为:a)选择题型的篇章阅读理解;b)篇章层次的词汇理解(Banked Cloze)或短句问答(Short Answer Questions)成绩报道满分为249 3)完型填空或改错 完型填空或改错部分分值比例为10%。完型填空部分采用多项选择题型,改错部分的要求是辨认错误并改正。成绩报道满分为70 4)写作和翻译 写作和翻译部分分值比例为20%;其中写作部分(Writing)15%,翻译部分(Translation)5%。写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等;翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。成绩报道满分为142

4 试卷构成和成绩报道 成绩报道 一 听力理解 249分 1.听力对话 107分 2.听力短文 142分
一 听力理解 249分 1.听力对话 107分 2.听力短文 142分 二 阅读理解 249分 仔细阅读 178分 快速阅读 71分 三,完形填空或是改错 70分 四,写作和翻译 142分;写作 106分; 中译英 36分 成绩单上是分为四部分 听力249 阅读249 综合(完形/改错+翻译)106 作文106

5 试卷构成和成绩报道 英文提示 Part I Writing 30 minutes Answer Sheet 1
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)15 mins Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutes Answer Sheet 2 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) 25 minutes Part V Cloze 15 minutes Part VI Translation 5 minutes

6 时间分配(分钟) 大学英语四级题型与时间分数分布 写作(30) 快速阅读(15) 听力(35分钟) 篇章词汇和阅读理解(25)
完形填空(15) 翻译(5)

7 大学英语四级阅读理解 阅读的广泛理解 知识的源泉,能力的根本 ———利用阅读打天下,无往不胜

8 篇章阅读 ------寻找可能的技巧

9 阅读理解 新四级考试的阅读部分主要分为快速阅读和深度(仔细)阅读两个部分。深度阅读包括选词填空与题意选择两种题型, 阅读分数占全卷的35%.
阅读理解(40mins) 35% 快速阅读15 深度阅读25 10% 25% 篇章词汇10% 篇章阅读15%

10 篇章阅读要求 选材来源 命题来源 NewScientist Newsweek The New York Times Time
选材来源 命题来源 NewScientist Newsweek The New York Times Time The Washington Post 大学英语四六级 考试命题委员会

11 篇章阅读要求 题材方面 人文科学 自然科学 体裁方面 议论文 说明文 新闻评述 记叙文

12 题材评述 梳理把握广泛多样的题材,是“知己知彼”的第一步。以下是近五年阅读命题题材分布情况。 文化教育 2007.6 学习写作
文化教育 学习写作 远程教育 大学招聘美国高层管理人才原因 科技环保 全球变暖 环保时装, 一滴水一个世界 黑匣子的功能 热点新闻 性别歧视

13 题材评述 经济商贸 2006.12 瓶装水的成功推广 2008.12 商店如何应对顾客投诉 生命健康 2006.12 健康新解
经济商贸 瓶装水的成功推广 商店如何应对顾客投诉 生命健康 健康新解 男性比女性更易得病 社会生活 保护隐私 子女教育 美国黑人女性形象 正面思维与负面思维 人们工作角色转变的原因 婚姻与长寿

14 识别文体 说明文(最常见) 第一句通常为主题句 结构: 提出问题—分析问题—解决问题 格式: 比较, 对照,分类,列举。。。
说明文(最常见) 第一句通常为主题句 结构: 提出问题—分析问题—解决问题 格式: 比较, 对照,分类,列举。。。 Tip. 抓住文章主题,同时把握个层次的要点。 议论文 论点---论据 Tips. 抓住论点,论据,明确作者论证方法是归纳还是演绎 抓住表示因果because, as a result, therefore,递进moreover, in addition,转折but, however 等的信号词 注意作者使用的表达赞同反对等感情色彩的形容词,副词或句型。

15 词汇要求 1. 题干中的关键词有50%能在原文中找到,还有一小部分是同义词替换。(定位原文) refine the story---correct the story 2.定位原文后,不一定能直接找到答案,很多时候是同义替换 A.背高频词汇 (复用单词 一词多义一词多性) B。加强同义替换意识 同义替换的重要性 1.找出答案位置需要同义替换意识 2.得出正确答案需要同义替换意识 Example: The success of Bill Gates and other non-MBAs, such as the late Sam Walton of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has helped insipire self-conscious debates on business school campuses over the worth… Q. it seems that the ocntroversy over the values of MBA degrees has been fueled by __________. Controversy---debate fueled---inspired 2. Farming emerged as a survival strategy because man had been obliged _______. 原文: …, people were forced to abandon their old way of life for a radically new survial strategy. Answer: to give up their former way of life

16 攻克长难句 常常涉及考点,所以不能跳过略过。 会影响我们整体阅读的流畅性
突破长难句:四级阅读中的很多句子都比较长,很多句子都在20个单词以上,它们不时的出没于四级阅读中,构成了一个个obstacle。其中,1995年6月大学英语四级考试阅读理解的第三篇文章的第三句话长达80个词,句子结构的复杂程度不亚于GRE阅读,现展示如下:   In the past our own blocks of flats have been associated with the lower-income groups and they have lacked the obvious provisions, such as central heating, constant hot water supply, electrically operated lifts from top to bottom, and so on, as well as such details, important notwithstanding(然而), as easy facilities for disposal of dust and rubbish and storage places for baby carriages on the ground floor, playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings, and drying grounds for washing.

17 长难句 从真题一篇阅读理解的首句也可以看出四级阅读中部分句子的结构的复杂程度。
 从真题一篇阅读理解的首句也可以看出四级阅读中部分句子的结构的复杂程度。   A breakthrough(突破) ﹝in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Economic Community(EEC) ﹞ could be brought forward ﹝ by up to two decades, if a modest increase could be provided in the EEC’s research effort in this field, according to senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EEC’s scientific laboratories at Ispra, near Milan. ﹞

18 长难句  实用的原则: 修饰成分全找出来之后,用括号把每个修饰成分括起来,留在括号外面的就是主干. 然后,按照一般顺序,谓语在前,宾语(或表语)在后,这样我们就有了主谓宾(或主系表)的主干结构了.最后把修饰成分按对应的位置加上去,整个句子的结构就把握住了。

19 长难句常涉及的类型 1.双重否定句 负负得正,把两个表示否定的结构都去掉。No, not, hardly,seldom,never little, few, small 应注意的词根词缀 de-/dis-/un-/in- There are probably no questions (that)we can think up that can’t be answered, sooner or later, including even the matter of consciousness. Answer: Man can find solutions sooner or later to whatever questions concerning nature he can think up.

20 长难句常涉及的类型 解决方法:理清主动和被动关系。一般来说现在分词与主语之间是主动关系;而过去分词与主语之间是被动关系。
2.分词做状语类 (主干,现在分词、过去分词) Eg.1 Motivated in part by Christian compassion for the helpless as well as a practical political impulse to undercut the support of the socialist labor movement, Chancellor Bismarck created the world’s first workers’ compensation law in 1884. Motivated by Chancelloer Bismark Q: The world’s first compensation law was introduced by Bismark ______________ Answer: out of religious and political considerations. Eg 解决方法:理清主动和被动关系。一般来说现在分词与主语之间是主动关系;而过去分词与主语之间是被动关系。

21 长难句常涉及的类型 3. 定语从句类 规律:找真正的谓语动词时, 如果定语从句修饰主语,找第二个可以做谓语的动词,第一个是属于定语从句的谓语动词。 Tips. 先括出定语从句部分,跳出从句,抓住主干再解题。 The mother of the young man Wilde was intimate with accused him at the banquet of sexually influencing her son.

22 长难句常涉及的类型 4.倒装句类 类型 1) only/ not only/ nor/ neither在句首 2)介词短语在句首 较难
2)介词短语在句首 较难 Example: Along with them goes social mobility, ambition to rise in the urban world, a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the 19th century. 找主语 along with----prep them ---objective form so, social mobility 后面两个同位语 Tips: 分析词性找出谓语与主语,将主语调至谓语之前再理解文章。

23 长难句涉及的类型 5.强调句型 It is…that 应对方法:

24 考题要求 深度阅读中篇章阅读 考查考生要点(大纲决定考点) 1. 掌握主旨要义 2. 了解文中具体信息
 1. 掌握主旨要义  2. 了解文中具体信息  3. 根据所读材料进行有关的判断、推理和引申  4. 理解作者的意图、观点或态度 5. 依据上下文推测生词的词义,理解个别(重点)句子的含义

25 速度要求 70w/ m —350 words m/p In fact, 只需读懂70% 20—30sentences/ article 5Qs 1-2sen.s/ Q 2/3sentences 没考到 (慧眼时才,学会跳读,该略的略。) 必读内容1.作者的观点 判断是否为作者观点的标准:A。语句位置是否靠前—靠前寻找 B. 用语是否抽象概括----闭上眼睛无法联想到现实生活中某个实际事物的词。 2.首段,尾段,首尾句 特别注意转折词 略过内容:1.支持观点的例证和细节 (位置通常靠后) 2. (), 内的内容 3.人名后的修饰

26 阅读训练方法 平时多做泛读练习以提高阅读速度 1.英文原版材料 (作者) 2.适合自己水平的材料 名著的简易读本
平时多做泛读练习以提高阅读速度 1.英文原版材料 (作者) 2.适合自己水平的材料 名著的简易读本 3. 国内杂志中的英文材料 英语世界 海外沙龙 四步阅读法 1.浏览文章,抓住大意 看懂文章主题句,段落主题句 2. 猜词 (词性,感情色彩,所处语境,所搭配的介词) 3.精读 查词,摘抄长难句并翻译 一天一篇就足够 4.换位思考 与作者换位,如果我是作者,该如何写这篇文章。 In most cases, offensive breath emanates from bacteria(细菌) in the mouth, although there are to her, more surprising causes. A. thrive on B. account for C. originate from D. descend from

27 篇章阅读方法 整体阅读法(先看文章后做题) 优点:全局感或整体感 缺点:记不住细节,找答案费时间 查找阅读法(适合段落较多文章) 读完第一段做第一题,做完第一题读第二题,带着问题去读第二段 优点:符合题文同序的出题原则 缺点:不适合主旨题和全文态度题 两者结合:1.略读全文,把握文章大意 2m (将注意力放在文章的主题句、关键词等部分。其余内容如具体论述、细节、数字等则可以跳过不读。) 2. 根据题干中的关键词定位原文 3.以原文为依据,进行同义替换、判断推理。 略读文章 读题干(选项) 做题

28 命题考点及规律 1、列举处常考 列举处指的是First,…,second, …,Third,
1、列举处常考   列举处指的是First,…,second, …,Third, …等逐步列出,然后要求考生从列举出的内容中,选出符合题干要求的答案项。该考点常出题型是"细节事实题"。

29 命题考点及规律 例1. 原文:The third big difference between the drama detective and the real one is the unpleasant pressures: firstly, as members of a police force they always have to behave absolutely in accordance with the law. Secondly, as expensive public servants they have to get results. They can hardly do both. Most of the time some of them have to break the rules in small ways. Q: What's the policeman's biggest headache? (A) He has to get the most desirable results without breaking the law in any way. (B) He has to justify his arrests while unable to provide sufficient evidence in most cases. (C) He can hardly find enough time to learn criminal law while burdened with numerous criminal cases. (D) He has to provide the best possible public service at the least possible expense.   (分析:选A。属事实细节题。依据文章,与电影中的警察很不相同的是,现实中警察既要绝对遵守法(firstly,…),又要及时破案(secondly,…),这令他们很难两头兼顾,有时只有犯规。很明显,B、C、D三项都与文章内容不符。)

30 命题考点及规律 2. 强调处、绝对处、最高处 the only… only在句首做状语
It is… that… must all , anyone, never, most, sole, just, simply, unique best only

31 命题考点及规律 3、举例子打比喻的地方常考 为了使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者经常用具体的例子打比方,句中常由as, such as, for example, for instance, as an illustration, that is, to name a few, as follows等引导的短语或句子作为举例句,这些例句或比喻成为命题者提问的焦点。考生需注意的是例子或比喻一般是和文章或段落中心紧密相关的,常以“细节事实性”题型和“推断性”题型出现,但偏倾于“推断性”题型。关注其前或后总结性的句子 .答案基本符合“中心思想即是答案的解题思路”

32 命题考点及规律 4. 特殊标点处 破折号,冒号,引号等
作者为了正确表达出自己观点或使论点更有依据,常常引用某名人的论断或重要发现等。命题者常在此作文章。多以“推理性”题为主,有时也出“细节事实性”题型。 例."There is a senseless notion that children grew up and leave home when they're 18, and the truth is far from that,"says sociologist Larry Bumpers of the University of Wisconsin…. Q: There was apparently a trend in the USA ________

33 命题考点及规律 5、转折处与强对比处常考   however, nevertheless, in contrast, otherwise, on the other hand, by comparison, but ,yet, while, although, whereas , even if, likewise, similarly, in the same way, in the same manner, as if, as

34 命题考点及规律 6.主题句处 段首段尾处 主旨题 、态度题较多 7.因果关系处
段首段尾处 主旨题 、态度题较多 7.因果关系处 信号词 for this reason, for, as , because, since, as a result of, owing to, thanks to, due to, as a result, therefore, consequently, thus, accordingly, so

35 命题考点及规律 8. 定义结论处 In my opinion, my view is, as I see, conclude
通常考查文章的中心观点或引用的观点 9.数字年代处 关注数字、年份 常出现于细节题

36 命题考点及规律 10.复杂句常考 复杂句常是命题者出题之处,包括同位语、插入语、定语、长句后半句,从句、不定式、副词等,命题者主要考查考生对句子之间指代关系。 一般来说,备选项的长度不会超过15个单词,这就意味着长难句中的大部分信息只是起干扰作用。要找到真正与答题相关的信息,关键在于根据题干信息在长难句的内部进行定位,然后从备选项中找出意思一致的答案。

37 Example But my own worry is less that of the overwhelming problem of elemental literacy than it is of the slightly more luxurious problem of the decline in the skill even of the middle-class reader, of his unwillingness to afford those spaces of silence, those luxuries of domesticity and time and concentration, that surround the image of the classic act of reading………….. 32. The author’s biggest concern is ____. Concern-worry biggest—less…than D. the reading ability and reading behavior of the middle class. ↓ ↓ skill act of reading

38 正确答案特征 (一)答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项
这些语气词有: must, always, never, the most, all, only, have to, any, no, very, completely, none, hardly等。 例(1) One of the great changes brought about by the knowledge society is that _____ A. the difference between the employee and the employer has become insignificant. B. people's traditional concepts about work no longer hold true. C. most people have to take part-time jobs. D. people have to change their jobs from time to time. (分析:四个选项中,C、D两项中都含有"have to",语气太绝对化,一般被排除。考生在剩下两项中进行选择,就大大降低了难度。)

39 正确答案特征 (二)选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。这些语气词有: can, could, may, should, usually, might, most(大多数),more or less, relatively, be likely to, possible, whether or, not necessarily 等。 例(1)It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes_______ A.Americans are more ambitious than people in other countries B. in many countries success often depends on one's social status C. American businesses are more democratic than those in other countries D. businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those in America (分析:选项B中often 一词,语气委婉,不十分肯定,故为答案。而其它三项中所表达出的语气都明显绝对化。)

40 正确答案特征 (三)选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义替换的一般是选项。
例(1)According to Dr. David, Americans ______ A.are ideally vigorous even under the pressure of life B. often neglect the consequences of sleep deficit C. do not know how to relax themselves properly D. can get by(应对) on 6.5 hours of sleep (分析:答案项中A、D两项基本上是原文中句子的原现,故被排除。B项中有often 一词,语气委婉,不十肯定,故为答案。)

41 正确答案特征 (四)较全面、有针对性地表达文章中心思想的,选项一般是答案项。
例(1)which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? A.Musical instruments developed through the years will sooner or later be replaced by computers. B. Music can't be passed on to future generations unless it's recorded. C. Folk songs can't be spread unless they are printed on music sheet. D. the development of music culture is highly dependent on its material aspect. (分析:根据短文内容可以看出,A、B、C三项的内容都只是从某一个方面阐述了一种观点,而D项句子所表达的意思就较全面,高度囊括了全篇短文的主旨。)

42 正确答案特征 (五)选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的(字面意思)一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。
Eg. From the passage it can be seen that employeeship helps one be more successful in his career B. to solve technical problems C. to be more specialized in his field D. to develop his professional skill (分析:题意是"从文中看出员工素质有助于人们 ...。" B"解决技术问题";C"深化专业";D项"发展职业技能"。这三项表达的意思都比较具体,而A项则概括地有深度,包括了B、C、D三项内容。)

43 正确答案特征 (六)选项中较符合常识的,易明白的一般不是选项;而似乎不太合理,一时较难理解的往往是正确选项。
例(2)Raising children, in the author's opinion, is _____. A.a moral duty B. a thankless job C. a rewarding task D. a source of inevitable pain (分析:题目问的是,“依作者观点,抚养孩子是 ”。 依据我们日常生活所闻所见,抚养孩子就是A. “一种道德责任” B.“不求回报的工作”。我们都觉得抚养孩子是人生义务,是天经地义的。这两项太熟悉了,因而一般不是答案。而C项“有回报的任务",似乎不太合人情味、合乎常识。但这样的选项就是答案。D项有inevitable一词,语气太绝对化,故排除掉。)

44 正确答案特征(总结) 1.经常与中心有关 2.位置: 和复杂句,长难句,转折句有关,或是段首句、段尾句
3.原则: 同义替换 正话反说 反话正说 4. 语气: 不肯定语气词 委婉表达用词 May might possible not necessarily 5.具有概括性和深刻性 Passage.2

45 Sample passage 09.1 If you are a male and you’re reading this, congratulations: you are survivor. According to statistics, you’re more than twice s likely to die of skin cancer than a woman, and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of you natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you’ll die on average fives years before a woman.

46 Sample passage 09.1 There’re many reasons for this---typically, men take more risks than women and as more likely to drink and smoke---but perhaps more importantly , men don’t go to the doctor. “Men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should,”says Dr. Gullotta. “this is particularly so for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike.” Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45, it should be at least once a year.

47 Sample passage 09.1 Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year. “When I finally say him it had already spread and he has since died for lung cancer,” he says.”Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him, but it would have prolonged(延长)his life.”

48 Sample passage 09.1 According to a recent survey, 95% women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group. “A lot of me think they’re invincible(不可战胜的)”。 Gullotta says. “They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think, ‘Geez, if it could happen to him…’”

49 Sample passage 09.1 Then there’s the ostrich approach.”Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,” says Dr. Ross Cartmill. “most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,” Carmill says. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.

50 Sample passage 09.1 Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain on the public purse,Carmill says. “But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the disease. Besides, the ultimate cost is far greater: it’s called premature death.”

51 Sample passage 09.1 57.why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of this passage? They are more likely to survive serious disease today. They average life span has been considerably extended. They have lived long enough to read this article They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.

52 58. what does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than women? A.Men drink and smoke much more than women. B.Men don’t seek medical care as often as women C.Men are’t as cautious as women in face of danger. D.Men are more likely to suffer fatal diseases.

53 59. Which of the following best completes the sentence”Geez, if it could happen to him,…”(Line2, para.8) It could happen to me, too. I should avoid playing golf I should consider myself lucky It would be a big misfortune. 60. What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach” (Line1, para.9)

54 A casual attitude towards one’s health conditions
A new therapy for certain psychological problems Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved. Unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear. 61. What dose Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men? They may increas public expenses. They will save money in the long run They may cause psychological strains on men They will enable men to live as long as women

55 篇章阅读要求 题型介绍 事实细节题 推理判断题 语义理解题 主旨大意题 观点态度题

56 事实细节题通常从一个句子中找到答案 提问方式: 灵活多样,涉及短文的各种细节,如时间 地点原因结果方式等 理解要点: 具体信息和概念性含义
解题步骤: 定位分析和选项分析

57 事实细节题 步骤: 1.准确定位 1)关键词---A。 专有名词 (人名,地名)B。比较明显的描述性词汇C。副词、形容词,尤其一些程度词,比较词。D.特殊印刷字体 及其同义替换 Eg.1According to the passage, people often wrongly believe that in pursuing a career as a manager __________. 原文: A few common misconceptions. Beauty is only skin-deep. One’s physical assets … don’t count all that much in a managerial career… (make every day count) Eg.2The author ends the passage with the implication that ______. Starts. Why---middle (put forward question---analyze---solve) solution—end 2)顺序定位 例: 36. 。。。。the years What influences the birth rate most in the United States is …(the US 整个选材依据,不能作为关键词). 38. The sentence “” (Line 4, Para 2)

58 事实细节题 2.选项分析 同义替换 (很少原文照搬)
同义替换 (很少原文照搬) B. a person’s outward appearance is not a critical qualification. 排除干扰项 ---- 联系主题

59 事实细节题 干扰项特征: 1) 偷梁换柱 越像的越不对 十个单词有九个与原文一致,只有一个不一样。 2)他处细节
干扰项特征: 1) 偷梁换柱 越像的越不对 十个单词有九个与原文一致,只有一个不一样。 2)他处细节 The idea of “improvement factor”(para.3 line 8) implies roughly: A. wages should be paid on the basis of length of service (P. 3, L.7) B. (P.3, L.8) C.(P.3, L2) D. (P.2, L6) 距离远的免谈。 A, C.D

60 细节题的常考点 举例、列举处。关键词:for example, such as, firstly, on the other hand, in addition… not only…but also 例证题 example 看不懂没关系,收索例证周围区域,10%向下,90%向上 Eg. It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once…One thing, however, is certain: your chances of getting the raise you feel you deserve are less if you don’t at least ask for it. Men tend to ask for more, and they get more, and this holds true with other resources, not just pay increase. Consider Beth’s story: I did not get what I wanted when I didn’t ask for it…. 58.What can be inferred from Beth’s story? A. If people want what they deserve, they have to ask for itl

61 细节题的常考点 特殊标点处 如引号、冒号、破折号 08.1 64 2007.1 62 2006.6 65 2006.1 62
特殊标点处 如引号、冒号、破折号 07.1 原文As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease--- especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behavior, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise…. 62. Today medical care is placing more stress on ____. A. keeping people in a healthy physical condition B. Monitoring patients’ body functions C. Removing people’s bad living habits. D. Ensuring people’s psychological well-being.

62 细节题的常考点 指代关系 关键词如:it, that these those they 08.1 57
例:08.1 原文 By almost any measure, there is a boom in Internet-based instruction. In just a few years, 34 percent of American universities have begun offering some form of distance learning. And among the larger schools ,it’s closer to 90 percent. If you doubt the popularity of the trend, you probably haven’t heard of the University of Phoenix. It grants degrees entirely on the basis of online instruction. It enrolls 90,000students, statistic used to support its claim to be the largest university in the country. 57. What is the most striking feature of the University of Phoenix? A.All its courses are offered online. B. Its online courses are of the best quality. C.It boasts the largest number of students on campus. D. Anyone taking its online courses is sure to get a degree.

63 事实细节题 转折、对比之后的观点。关键词:but, however, rather, yet, instead
, … ,62。。。 08.6 原文 …when opinion polls ask Americans about privacy most say they are concerned about losing it… But people say one thing and do another, Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. 65. What do most Americans do with regard to privacy protection? They change behaviors that might disclose their identity. They use various loyalty cards for business transactions. They rely more and more on electronic devices. They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it. 强调处 only … 比较处 more…than… less….than… most

64 事实细节题 强调处 only … 08.6 66 08.1 59 (primarily)
例 08.6 原文 But privacy does matter—at least sometimes. It’s like health; when you have it, you don’t notice it. Only when it’s gone do you wish you’d done more to protect it. 66. According to the passage, privacy is like health in that ____. People will make every effort to keep it. Its importance is rarely understood. It’s something that can easily be lost. People don’t cherish it until they lose it.

65 事实细节题 比较处 more…than… less….than… most 07.6 60 09.1 61
原文:(10.12 )Even if the odds are stacked against you(一切对你不利), marriage can more than compensate. Linda Waite has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart. Q. Linda Waite’s studies support the idea that___. C. marriage can help make up for ill health.

66 事实细节题 事实细节题关键词: 同义替换 对四级细节题的总结: 1、答案不跨段。 2、90%根据关键词定位。10%利用题目的顺序。

67 这类题不会直接出现在文中,需根据字里行间的含义通过逻辑推理来判断
推理判断题 这类题不会直接出现在文中,需根据字里行间的含义通过逻辑推理来判断 判断方式 判断内容 1 上下文的连贯 原因结果观点立场 2 有关部分暗示 数字知道逻辑 标准问题: 1 what conclusion can be drawn for the passage? 2 From the passage we can conclude 3 We can infer from the passage------ 4 The passage seems to indicate that------ 5 which of the following is true from the passage----

68 推理判断题 tips: 1. 1)通过题干返回原文 2) 根据选项返回原文(题干中无具体的关键词)
2.一般要围绕文中的一两个重点进行推理,如文章主题,段落主题。根据原文意思进行判断。若有一选项与原文意思一模一样,必定是正确答案。(意思而不是表达方式一模一样。表达方式通常是同义词替换) 3。不要想得太多,推得过远,关键是理解原文。

69 推理的两点总结: conclude — 1、如果该词在第一题,通常考文章主题。2、如果该词在中间题,通常考中间段落的主题。3、如果该词在第五题,通常考文章主题或者最后一段的主题。 infer — 1、如果用该词提问的题目,题干的信息比较多,比较具体,则利用细节题的方法来解。2、如果题干的信息不多,不具体,则利用文章主题或段落主题找答案。 例06.1 原文 In a 2001 study of 158 hospital nurses, those who faced considerable work demands but coped with the challenge were more likely to say they were in good health than those who felt they couldn’t get the job done. 59. We can conclude from the study of the 158 nurses in 2001 that _____. People who can’t get their job done experience more stress Doing challenging work may be good for one’s health. Stress will weaken the body’s defense against germs. People under stress tend to have a poor memory. It can be inferred from the passage that ______. 66. What do we learn about Ana Castro from the last paragraph? What can be inferred from the last para?

70 推理判断题 本质都是细节题 抛开自己主观判断,自己就是一张白纸,任由作者在自己身上开始写。所有一切按文章走。
本质都是细节题 抛开自己主观判断,自己就是一张白纸,任由作者在自己身上开始写。所有一切按文章走。 一个细节题对应一句话。一个推理题对应的可能是一句话,也可能是一个段落,甚至一篇文章。 围绕文章主题或段落主题进行推理。 It can be inferred from the passage that ____. 66. What do we learn about Ana Castro from the last paragraph? What do we learn from the first paragraph?

71 语义理解题 语义理解题就是对生词、句子或短语进行提问,需要考生推断考点的近义含义或引申含义 。 提问方式:
1 “---” is used in the passage to refer to “---” 2 The word “---” most probably means ____. 3 according to the author, “---”most probably means _____.

72 语义理解题 Then there is the ostrich approach,” some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know, ” says Dr. Ross Cartmill. 60 What does Dr. Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach” (line q para.9) A. a casual attitude towards one’s health conditions B. a new therapy for certain psychological problems C. refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved D. unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear

73 语意理解题 命题点 1.考察生僻词:结合文章整体分析,与主题保持逻辑上一致的就是答案 2.考查常用词。选项中常见、常用意思往往不是答案
3.考查代词:紧密跟踪上下文,顺藤摸瓜 解题依据:上下文意义;并列逻辑与转折逻辑体现出来的同义关系或反义关系;篇章中对词的定义阐释;构词法

74 语意理解题 Eg. ( ) 原文:It is pretty much a one-way street. While it may be common for university researchers to try their luck in the commercial world, there is very little traffic in the opposite direction. Pay has always been the biggest deterrent, as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to a university job. 57. By “a one –way street”, the author means ____. B. few industrial scientists would quit to work in an industry. 58.The word “deterrent” most probably refers to something that _____. A. brings someone a financial burden B. helps to move the traffic C. keeps someone from taking action D. attracts people’s attention. 虽为语意题,但仍需结合上下文细节进行判断。

75 语意理解题 When the author says the creative mind and the critical mind “cannot work in parallel”(line.4.Para.1) in the writing process , he means____. 原文: while you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so. (转折结构—反义关系) Answer: D. One can not use them at the same time.

76 主旨大意题 主旨大意题主要考查学生对整篇文章的理解能力。
主旨题题干中标志性的关键词 名词main idea purpose title; 形容词、副词 major , mainly, generally 主旨题常见的提问形式 What is the main point of this passage? What is the passage mainly about? What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage? What may be the most appropriate title of this passage?

77 主旨大意题 找到文章的主题句 (1)文章的首句或首段(短文1、2句后由转折词引出的句子) 首段末句 (末句出现转折或总结)
(2) 二段开始 (对第一段进行转折或总结) (3)前后呼应句 答题方法 1。 主题句 2.各段首句相加 ,共有的词汇为文章的主题词 3.问题相加 4.关注反复重复的词

78 主旨大意题(解题要点) 1.特别关注结论性语言和转折性语言 关键词如 conclusion, therefore, as a result, thus, so, moreover, furthermore, what’s more, most important of all, but , however, rather , yet等 2.尽量避免过于绝对的选项,如 all, never, only, completely, almost, absolutely, definitely等 3.正确答案应具有一定的概括性和结论性,过于细节的一般不选( 抽象性) 4. 主旨题一般会放在第一个或最后一个考。如果放在第一个,可读完全文再做。 5.主旨大意题最常出现的地方: 开头和结尾

79 观点态度题 根据、阅读材料,理解作者的意图观点、语气态度是赞同还是反对,是同情表扬还是失望批判。 全文情感态度题---作者本人
局部情感态度题---例证人 观点态度题基本出现在论说性质的文章中,在字里行间流露出自己的态度,或对某一现象进行肯定否定怀疑等

80 观点态度题 eg. 原文 (08.6 ) AL Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don’t know enough to believe global warming, and …we can’t do much about it.

81 观点态度题 eg. 58. According to the author’s understanding, what is AL Gore’s view on global warming? It is a reality both people and politicians are unaware of It is a phenomenon that causes us many inconveniences It is a problem that can solved once it is recognized. It is area we actually have little knowledge about.

82 常见的态度词 (1) positive(积极的)   (2) negative(消极的)   (3) neutral(中立的)   (4) approval(赞成的)   (5) disapproval(不赞成的)   (6) indifferent(漠不关心的)   (7) sarcastic(讽刺的)   (8) critical(批评的)   (9) optimistic(乐观的)   (10) pessimistic(悲观的)

83 常见的态度词 11.biased 12.objective 13.subjective
14.partial impartial sensitive 17.puzzled 18.scared gloomy 20.content doubtful cautious 23.supportive 24.opposition 25.suspicion 26.contempt 27.tolerance 28.dissatisfaction

84 观点态度题(解题方法) 一 依据词汇 寻找文章中具有感情色彩的词,如 fortunately, execssively, too many
二,依据结论判断 1。Objective 情况特征 1)花开两朵,各表一枝 2)有问无答 3)引用别人的话进行总结,无自己观点 2.subjective 情况特征 有问有答 注意形容词,副词

85 观点态度题( tips) 1.精确理解四个选项的含义。 2.不要掺杂自己的观点 3.看清谁对谁的态度。

86 结束 再见

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