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当你觉得软弱和疲乏 认为自己的罪孽重大 When you feel week and tired

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Presentation on theme: "当你觉得软弱和疲乏 认为自己的罪孽重大 When you feel week and tired"— Presentation transcript:

1 当你觉得软弱和疲乏 认为自己的罪孽重大 When you feel week and tired
dang ni jue de ruan ruo he pi fa When you feel week and tired 认为自己的罪孽重大 ren wei zi ji de zui nie zhong da Believing you have sinned too much 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 1/12

2 记起十架 回到十架 Remember the cross Come back to the cross ji qi shi jia
hui dao shi jia Come back to the cross 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 2/12

3 当你觉得自己没办法 起来面对自己的过犯 When you think you have no solution
dang ni jue de zi ji mei ban fa When you think you have no solution 起来面对自己的过犯 qi lai mian dui zi ji de guo fan To face up to your wrong doings 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 3/12

4 记起十架 回到十架 Remember the cross Come back to the cross ji qi shi jia
hui dao shi jia Come back to the cross 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 4/12

5 当你觉得亏欠主基督 别怕主知道你的软弱 When you feel in debt to Lord Jesus
dang ni jue de kui qian Zhu Ji Du When you feel in debt to Lord Jesus 别怕主知道你的软弱 bie pa Zhu zhi dao ni de ruan ruo Do not be afraid to let Lord know your weaknesses 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 5/12

6 他已为你 钉上十架 He has already been crucified On the cross for you
Ta yi wei ni He has already been crucified 钉上十架 ding shang shi jia On the cross for you 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 6/12

7 主他是道路真理生命 以他宝血洗净你罪孽 Lord is the way the truth and life
Zhu Ta shi dao lu zhen li sheng ming Lord is the way the truth and life 以他宝血洗净你罪孽 yi Ta bao xue xi jing ni zui nie His precious blood is cleansing your sins 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 7/12

8 在十架前 可得赦免 To be remitted Before the cross zai shi jia qian
ke de she mian Before the cross 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 8/12

9 来到十架 宝贵十架 Come to the cross The precious cross lai dao shi jia
bao gui shi jia The precious cross 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 9/12

10 在主里有赦免之恩 他满有怜悯和慈爱 He is full of mercy and love
zai Zhu li you she mian zhi en In Lord there is the grace for remitting one’s sins 他满有怜悯和慈爱 Ta man you lian min he ci ai He is full of mercy and love 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 10/12

11 回到十架 荣耀十架 主正张开他的双手 Come back to the cross to glorify the cross
hui dao shi jia rong yao shi jia Come back to the cross to glorify the cross 主正张开他的双手 Zhu zheng zhang kai Ta de shuang shuo Lord is opening up both of His arms 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 11/12

12 等待你回到他跟前 蒙恩典 Waiting for you to come before Him Receiving the grace
deng dai ni hui dao Ta gen qian Waiting for you to come before Him 蒙恩典 meng en dian Receiving the grace 回到十架 hui dao shi jia 12/12

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