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Has redeemed us from all our sins

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Presentation on theme: "Has redeemed us from all our sins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Has redeemed us from all our sins
Verse 1 主因祢的爱 Zhu Yin Ni de ai Lord Your love 使我们得赦免 Shi wo men de she mian Has redeemed us from all our sins 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

2 Our lives as a living sacrifice
Verse 1 主我们将一生 Zhu wo men jiang yi sheng Lord we offer 完全的献给祢 Wan quan de xian gei Ni Our lives as a living sacrifice 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

3 主因祢的灵 使我们得释放 Lord Your Holy Spirit Give us our liberty
Verse 2 主因祢的灵 Zhu Yin Ni de ling Lord Your Holy Spirit 使我们得释放 Shi wo men de xi fang Give us our liberty 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

4 主我们合一 同心的仰望 Lord in oneness We come and look to You Zhu wo men he yi
Verse 2 主我们合一 Zhu wo men he yi Lord in oneness 同心的仰望 Tong xin de yang wang We come and look to You 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

5 我们俯伏 跪拜在袮面前 凡有气息的 都要赞美祢 Let us bow down humbly before your face
Pre Chorus 我们俯伏 跪拜在袮面前 Wo men fu fu Gui bai zai ni mian qian Let us bow down humbly before your face 凡有气息的 都要赞美祢 Fan you xi qi de Dou yao zan mei NI Let all that has breath Praise your holy name 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

6 We extol You Halleluyah Halleluyah Halleluyah
Chorus 我们歌唱 哈利路亚 Wo men ge chang Ha li lu ya We extol You Halleluyah 哈利路亚 哈利路亚 Ha li lu ya Ha li lu ya Halleluyah Halleluyah 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

7 Halleluyah We worship You
Chorus 哈利路亚 我们敬拜祢 Ha li lu ya Wo men jing bai Ni Halleluyah We worship You 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

8 Ending A~~men A~~men A~~men 哈利路亚, Amen ha li lu ya, Amen /8

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