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Chinese Foot Binding----畸形的审美 In the country , most of more than 80 years old Chinese women are still having really small feet , they had foot.

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5 Chinese Foot Binding----畸形的审美
In the country , most of more than 80 years old Chinese women are still having really small feet , they had foot binding when they were young . That was really painful . But at that time people feel small feet are sexy and pretty , so if your feet did not bind it might be really hard to get any man's interested ! The smaller the better - the girls with the smallest feet would be able to marry to the richest families . Also it was mandated by the king .

6 The foot-binding’s women

7 Details Rich families daughters started doing this from 2 years old . The poor families couldn't afford binding materials so they usually started later , age 6 or so . Just like the little girl .

8 According to size discriminate beauty or not
According to size discriminate beauty or not . The feet in three inches , people called them lily feet , in four , called silver lotus , more than four , called Tielian . So , the lily feet must be three inches . 后来金莲也被用来泛指缠足鞋,金莲成了小脚代名词。 三寸金莲的“三寸”是言其极小的意思,并非一定要小到三寸。

9 Background The origin of Chinese foot binding have different versions . Somebody said it began in the sui dynasty , another said it from the tang dynasty or five dynasties it have began . 有一说法,指这风俗始於南唐(公元937年-975年),李后主令宫女窅(粤音妖)娘用布帛缠足,使脚成新月形状,以便在高六尺、用黄金制成的莲花台跳舞,此后宫内外一直仿效,成为风俗。 清朝时,顺治、康熙等皇帝都有严令禁止民间妇女缠足,辛亥革命成功,当时的政府又把禁止缠足作为解放妇女的一项措施。五四运动时,也有制定“禁止妇女缠足”的规条。辛亥革命后,中国人的思想逐步开放,己经再没有人缠足了。

10 While foot binding was finally outlawed in 1911, it was not until the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the 1940s and '50s that it was genuinely obliterated . In the late 19th century, the Chinese began to look at themselves through new eyes and to see the practice of foot binding as barbaric, uncivilized, and as weakening to Chinese society. Many women with bound took to wearing larger shoes, stuffed with straw or newspaper, to hide the condition of their feet .

11 缠足前需要准备的物品 1、蓝色的裹布六条。大约要八尺到十尺以上,裹布要比一般的长且要浆好,缠到脚上才不会挤出皱折。
2、平底鞋五双。 鞋形稍带尖,鞋子大小宽窄要能随着缠脚的过程慢慢缝小、缝瘦。 3、睡鞋两三双。睡觉时穿着,可防裹布松开来。 4、针线。裹布缠妥后,把裹布的缝及裹布的头密密缝好。 5、棉花。缠足时脚骨凸出的部位,穿鞋时用棉花垫着,免得把脚磨破生鸡眼。 6、脚盆及热水。缠足前用温水洗脚。 7、小剪刀,修脚趾甲及鸡眼之用。

12 How to Bind

13 所谓的“三寸金莲”,对妇女肉体的残害

14 Basically their 4 toes from each feet must be broken when they started binding


16 Get shoes on


18 The fate of the women who born in China's feudal society was special rigorous and invariant. Today, feudal society as a regime in China and in the west has became the past, but as a kind of culture is penetrated in our real life. Chinese and western women did not obtain criticize feudal traditional culture in the sense of complete liberation.

19 End Thank you!

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