Module 1 Automobile Parts Section A

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Presentation on theme: "Module 1 Automobile Parts Section A"— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 1 Automobile Parts Section A

2 Warm up What should I do?

3 Do you know the auto parts?
Warm up Do you know the auto parts?

4 Warm up Auto parts store

5 horn auto pillow car navigation system oil filter LED lamp
1A Learn and repeat 读一读 oil filter LED lamp reverse sensor auto pillow horn car navigation system shock absorber mud guard tire

6 shock absorber mud guard tire

7 LED 灯 轮胎 oil filter horn 挡泥板 倒车雷达 shock absorber 座椅蒙皮 LED lamp 汽车导航系统
1B Match and read 连一连 LED 灯 轮胎 oil filter horn 挡泥板 倒车雷达 shock absorber 座椅蒙皮 LED lamp 汽车导航系统 reverse sensor 机油滤清器 auto pillow 减震器 Car navigation system 喇叭 mud guard tire

8 ---No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.
1C Guess and say 猜一猜 Guess the words which teacher has my hand: ---Is it ________? ---No, it isn’t. / Yes, it is.

9 1A Match and say shock absorber mud guard tire

10 1B Learn and speak 2. Match Game! reverse sensor oil filter
auto pillow tire LED lamp LED lamp auto pillow Horn reverse sensor Horn oil filter oil filter auto pillow minicab Horn tire reverse sensor LED lamp

11 1B Learn and speak 2. Match Game! reverse sensor oil filter
auto pillow tire LED lamp LED lamp auto pillow Horn reverse sensor Horn oil filter oil filter auto pillow minicab Horn tire reverse sensor LED lamp

12 a u t o q l i s e n r h j k m c y p g z f b v w d x
1D Find and imitate 找一找 a u t o q l i s e n r h j k m c y p g z f b v w d x

13 1 2 4 3 开始/停止

14 Related words 认一认

15 Homework: 1. Copy the following words and phrases: reverse sensor LED lamp oil filter car navigation system auto pillow horn shock absorber mud guard tire 2. Find more signs for the auto parts .

16 Warm up What should I do?

17 Module 1 Automobile Parts Section B

18 Warm up Auto parts store

19 Warm up Think and guess brand advantages horns material

20 What is it mainly made of?
2A materials What's this in English? What is it mainly made of? It is made of nanometer material. ['neɪnəmi:tə]

21 Customer : Would you please tell me which company it is made in?
2B Place of Origin产地咨询 Customer : Would you please tell me which company it is made in? Seller: It is from a well-known trademark in Wenzhou. [ˈtreɪdmɑ:k]

22 And I really want to know its advantages?
2C Advantages产品优势 Customer : And I really want to know its advantages? Seller: The sound is sweet and smooth when you enjoy the soft music, especially the loud music is really wonderful ,and there’s no harsh sound. [hɑ:ʃ]

23 Choose one of them!

24 What ______________________ of? Seller:
Look and say Team work: Student A-Student B,B-C,C-D,D-E,E-F Customer : What ______________________ of? Seller: It __________________nanometer material. is it mainly made is made of

25 Please fill in the blanks
Look and say Please fill in the blanks Customer : And I _____________________its advantages? Seller: The sound is ____________________when you enjoy the soft music, especially the loud music is______________________,and there’s no harsh sound. really want to know sweet and smooth really wonderful

26 Make a dialogue with your partner
Look and say Make a dialogue with your partner Customer : And I _____________________its advantages? Seller: The loud music is______________________,and there’s no harsh sound. really want to know really wonderful

27 Look and say

28 Make a dialogue with your partner
Look and say Make a dialogue with your partner Customer : Would you please tell me _______________________________? Seller: It is _________________________in Wenzhou. which company it is made in a well-known trademark

29 bird tiger bear It is made of … What is it mainly made of?
Practice It is made of … What is it mainly made of? bird tiger Would you please tell me which company it is made in? It is from … bear 使用方法: 【更改文字】:将标题框及正文框中的文字可直接改为您所需文字 【更改图片】:点中图片》绘图工具》格式》填充》图片》选择您需要展示的图片 【增加减少图片】:直接复制粘贴图片来增加图片数,复制后更改方法见【更改图片】 【更改图片色彩】:点中图片》图片工具》格式》色彩(重新着色)》选择您喜欢的色彩 下载更多模板、视频教程: Click here to add your text. Click here to add your text. Click here to add your text.

30 1 2 4 3 开始/停止

31 Homework: 1. Copy the following words and phrases: be made of, be made in, well-known, sweet and smooth 2. Practice reading the dialogues.

32 Module 1 Automobile Parts Section C


34 Warm up Think and guess brand advantages light material

35 3A Listen and repeat Good morning, sir . What can I do for you ?
This is a kind of headlight. It is very popular now . It is from a well-known trademark in Rui’an , Suoyang Electrical Equipment limited Company. It is lighter and clearer, it is more beautiful when it is on .Especially the young people are fond of this kind of light . . I would like to know something about headlights. Can you introduce me some? Would you please tell me which company it is made in? And I really want to know its advantages? Wonderful ! 7

36 3B Read and choose 再读对话,选答案
product made of made in advantages

37 3C Complete and Say 角色扮演 游戏巩固 语音语调模仿秀 模仿之星

38 3C Complete and Say 角色扮演 Hot-line service : Tom would like to buy a tire , Can you Can you recommend some to him ? Y: Good morning, sir! What can I do for you? T: Oh, I ______________ something about tires in your shop . Can you ___________some types of your tires in your shop ? Y: Nice to meet you . ____________ the brand of your car? T: _________________. Y: Um , there are several kinds of tires in our shop such as______ __________、__________and so on. T: Um . Would you please tell me which company is________?

39 推荐最好的一对上台表演。

40 *be used for long/good quality…
3D Look and Describe 职场情境描述 *Useful expressions * auto pillow * smooth/soft/. *be used for long/good quality… * be made of fur/leather/Genuine leather/Artificial wool.... *Useful expressions

41 瑞安:中国汽摩配之都 Background “全国行驶的每一辆国产车和摩托车,都搭载着瑞安生产的零配件。” 瑞安人应该为此感到自豪。
“瑞安汽摩配企业目前生产的产品种类达4000多种, 2003年10月,中国机械工业联合会授予瑞安市“中国汽摩配之都”称号。 2009年,中国机电产品进出口商会授予瑞安市“中国汽车零部件出口基地”称号。 2013年,中国汽车工业协会授予瑞安市“中国汽车零部件(滤清器)制造基地”称号。 整车、改装车异军突起 “瑞立是中国最大的汽车CAS改装展的控股投资方 搭载“宝马”“奔驰”奔跑 经过四五十年发展,如今瑞安汽摩配在产业规模、产品创新能力、产品质量等方面都有极大的提高。因质量呱呱叫,瑞安的汽摩配产品不仅装到国产汽车、摩托车上,连宝马、奔驰、通用等国外名车也大为青睐,放下“身段”接纳了“瑞安制造”。 目前,全市已有几十家企业分别与世界五百强汽车企业及国际知名汽车制造商建立了长期合作关系。去年,瑞安汽摩配实现出口额达8.23亿美元。

42 4C Evaluation

43 Homework: 1. Copy the following words and phrases: smooth soft be used for long good quality… be made of fur Leather Genuine leather Artificial wool 2. Practice reading dialogue A & B. 3. Make dialogues in pairs.

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