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Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother

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1 Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother
勇敢、孤独、团结、残酷 这就是狼的世界... 在这个世界里, 没有对,没有错。 只用成功。 没有正义,没有罪恶 只有一个目的.... 生存......

2 What’s your favorite animal? Do you have some moving stories with them?

3 Discussion Can animals and human beings live peacefully with each other? How? Why did the snake in the fable The farmer and Snake bite the farmer at last? In which condition will an animal attack human beings? Are our human beings really superior to the animals? What is the indicator of the animal wolf in our traditional culture? Is it fair for the animals? 狼爱上羊MP3

4 Information about wolf:
Different types of wolf: Gray wolf Red wolf Jackal(胡狼) Bush wolf(草原狼) Coytoe(森林狼) White wolf(北极狼) The life style of wolf: Live in groups

5 Discussion Stories and idioms about wolves

6 keep the wolf from the door(wolf at the door)
勉强度日;能够免于饥饿 a lone wolf 不喜欢与人来往的人, 喜欢独居的人; 独自作案的罪犯 wolf-call 色鬼调戏妇女时的怪叫 (as) greedy as a wolf

7 cry wolf 发假警报 eat like a wolf 贪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽 have [hold] a wolf by ears 骑虎难下 have a wolf in the stomach 饿极了 He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl. [谚] 近墨者黑。

8 New words about wolf: lecher, wolf 好色者 wolf in sheep’s clothing
bring a wolf in one’s house wolf down 狼吞虎咽 have a wolfish nature 残忍 brutal and cold-blooded Smoke signals of approaching enemy forces are seen on all sides.

9 The author — Eric Acland
Eric was the author of many books, namely: Drums of Niagra Adventure Westward;   Princess Elizabeth Long Live King George V    House of Windsor George V to George VI Valerie Kaye (nee Taylor), Eric Acland, Mabel Acland. London 1955

10 Skimming and scanning:
After your first reading, what’s the most impressive sentence on you? Can you tell us the touching points in this story?

11 Free discussion: Do you have some sweet memory in your childhood?
What is your happiest memory? Which period in your life is your happiest time?

12 Structure Part I (para 1-3) Introduction of the story
Part II (para 4-17) The happy days the boy and Maheegun had together in the short period of less than a year,and how Maheegun returned to the wild where he belonged. Part III (para 18-40) The reunion of the two when the boy’s life was endangered by the two hungry wolves. Part IV (para 41-44) The brothers returned to the place where they each belonged---- the boy to his warm home and his loved ones,the wolf to his kind in the wild.

13 Detailed discussion of the text
1.The year I found …名词短语可用做时间状语,如the moment, the minute, the second, each /every time, the/that day /year, next time, the first/second … time, by the time etc. The year I was born, my father was working towards a PhD degree. The day Hans Christian Andersen returned to his hometown, almost all the people turned out to greet him.

14 辨析: whenever/every time/each time /the moment/immediately/directly,etc
辨析: whenever/every time/each time /the moment/immediately/directly,etc.引导temporal clause,相当于as soon as. Eg.They had to bow before the hat whenever they passed. He would call on me every time he came to Wuhan. Show Mr. Smith in immediately he comes. Hardly (scarcely)….when/no sooner…than E.G. Hardly Had he sat down when the telephone rang. He had no sooner got home than it began to rain.

15 pick and pick up Pick (cotton, tomatoes, apples etc.): to take flowers, fruits,etc.from the plant or the tree where they are growing pick up: lift, take up by hand,e.g. Would you pick up the book from the floor? He picked up the phone and dialed the number of the police station. allow sb. To get into your car and take them some where,e.g. Many people no longer pick up hitchhikers. Pick me up at the hotel.

16 start again,e.g. Let’s pick up where we left off. We picked up the conversation after an interruption. acquire,e.g. Where did you pick up that book? He picked up the illness when he was abroad. be able to hear or receive,e.g. The radio can pick up BBC well. arrest,e.g. He was picked up by the police as he tried to leave the country.

17 2.not that we did not have our troubles.
If he ever said so—not that I ever heard him say so—he was mistaken. 3.serve (only)to do sth 对……起作用,导致 The blanket could serve to keep the rain out for a while. His appearance on the scene served only to worsen the situation.

18 Advisable,important,necessary,urgent,natural,etc.
4. who demanded Maheegun be shot…在英语中,表示要求,建议,命令;惊,疑,气愤,赞许等较强感情色彩的形容词,动词或其派生的名词等引出的”名词性从句中,动词都用”should+动词原形”,”should”可省 Advise/advice,decide/decision,demand,order, command ,insist/insistence,prefer,propose/proposal,request,require/requirement,suggest/suggestion,urge,etc. Advisable,important,necessary,urgent,natural,etc.

19 It was ordered that the medicine be sent there by plane.
It is necessary that you three should be present at the dicussion.(主语从句) They demanded that their wages be increased by 20 percent. Tom insisted that John not do the job.(宾语从句) Their decision was that John not attend the meeting. Our suggestion is that the question be discussed at the meeting.(表语从句) The suggestion that the meeting be put off was rejected. Our wish that a bridge be built here will soon come true.(同位语从句)

20 注意:上述词语在语意变化且不含要求,命令等意思时,引出的从句要用”陈述语气”,从句的时态要受主句时态的限制.e.g.
She insists that she is right.正常语气 She insists that I should finish the work at once She suggested that they go there right away. The smile on her face suggested that she was satisfied.

21 Easter The Christian festival of Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The spring festival has its roots in the Jewish Passover逾越节, which commemorates纪念 Israel‘s deliverance from the bondage of Egypt, and in the Christian reinterpretation of its meaning after the crucifixion磨难,刑罚 of Jesus during the Passover of AD c.30 and the proclamation of his resurrection复活 three days later.

22 Angels Adoring the Heart of Jesus

23 Easter Day is currently determined as the first Sunday after the full moon on or after March 21 / the vernal equinox春分. . The Eastern Orthodox churches, however, follow the Julian恺撒 rather than the Gregorian格利高力 calendar, so their celebration usually falls several weeks later than the Western Easter. Easter is preceded by the period of preparation called Lent四旬斋。

24 Easter traditions and origins

25 Easter Bunny The Easter bunny has its origin in pre-Christian fertility lore. The Hare and the Rabbit were the most fertile animals known and they served as symbols of the new life during the Spring season.

26 The Easter Season Easter is not only a holiday but a season unto itself. To many religious people, it marks a time of miracles and a reaffirming of faith. To those with a more secular view of the world, it is a celebration of the end of winter, a time to look toward the warmth of the coming summer and a chance to shed the heavy clothing of the winter for the bright colors of spring.

27 The pagan origins Of Easter
Long before Easter became the holiday it is today, the spring festival was celebrated by the people around the world. The celebration was originally based on the lunar calendar. The name Easter is derived from the Saxon Eostre撒克逊黎明女神 (which is synonymous with the name of the Phoenician Goddess of the Moon, Astarte, a Germanic goddess of spring and the deity who measured time阿斯塔蒂,腓尼基人所崇拜的丰饶女神,传统上掌管爱情和生育 .

28 Astarte by Boris Vallejo in the 20th century

29 The Easter Vigil Service 复活节守夜礼
在复活前夕,教会守夜不眠、等待着基督的复活,并以圣事来庆祝。守夜礼分四个主要部分:烛光礼,圣道礼,洗礼,圣祭礼。 The Easter Vigil service  is the first Easter service, and takes place on the night of Holy Saturday. Holy Saturday is the Saturday after Good Friday耶稣受难日 which is often, but wrongly, called Easter Saturday. The idea behind the service is for faithful Christians to wait and watch, hopeful and confident that Christ will return at midnight. The Easter candle is lit during this service. The service traditionally begins outside the church, where minister and some worshippers gather around a fire - a charcoal brazier is common.

30 The service begins with words like these:
Brothers and sisters in Christ, on this most holy night, in which our Lord Jesus Christ passed over from death to life, the Church invites her members, dispersed throughout the world, to gather in vigil and prayer. After being lit outside, the candle is carried into the church, where most of the worshippers are waiting in darkness, which symbolises the darkness of Christ's tomb.

31 Easter Vigil Service Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey blesses the New Fire at the Easter Vigil at Canterbury Cathedral late Saturday night. As the service began the Archbishop gave thanks for the life and faithfulness of Queen Elizabeth.

32 Easter Seashell Candles
The lit candle is now a symbol of Christ, risen as the light of the world, and come into the midst of the people. The symbolism of the candle is made very clear by words such as... Grant that this Easter candle make our darkness light; for Christ the morning star has risen, never again to set, and is alive and reigns for ever and ever.


34 Easter Egg Hunt & Easter Egg Roll

35 Easter Island Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), making it one of the most isolated places on Earth. A triangle of volcanic rock in the South Pacific - it is best known for the giant stone monoliths, known as Moai, that dot the coastline. The early settlers called the island “Te Pito O Te Henua” (Navel肚脐,中心 of The World). Admiral Roggeveen, who came upon the island on Easter Day in 1722, named it Easter Island. Today, the land, people and language are all referred to locally as Rapa Nui大地方之意 .


37 5. slowly I worked my way out of… work 此处意思为move,pass, etc into a new position usu. Gradually /with an effort Rain has worked in through the roof.雨水透过房子渗进屋子里。 Work the stick into the hole.

38 6. take a heavy toll take its /their toll of sth 造成损失,毁坏等 The war took a heavy toll of human life . Every year at Christmas drunken driving takes its toll.

39 Questions for your discussion:
What happened on his fingers? At this time, what was the dangerous thing? How did the wolf find me? What did the writer do? How far from the attackers and the writer? At this dangerous point, who appeared?

40 What’s the touching points when he met Maheegun?
( Find some sentences in our textbook.)

41 Touching moments: “….I said, giving him my hand. He reached out and licked t the dried blood…….” “…..Maheegun stayed with me through the long night, watching me with those big eyes….” “……when I noticed how restless Maheegun had become. He would run away a few paces,head up, listening then run back to me…..”

42 What’s the ending of this story?
Was I fine at last? How about Maheegun?

43 Oral exercise: After reading the story, what do you want to say?
What’s the theme of this story? How do you understand the title? What’s the deep meaning? What shall we do to get along well with the Nature?

44 The theme of the story: As the title suggests, the story depicts the ideal relationship between humans and wild animals – they are fellow creatures on earth, and therefore should treat each other like brothers.

45 Homework: Answer the questions in about 130 words.(How did the boy get lost in a snowstorm and how did Maheegun come to his rescue?) You are expected to cover these points: ( How the boy was trapped in a snowstorm?) (What dangerous situation he was in?) (How the wolf came to his rescue?)

46 P43.EX 4 Tear away 舍不得离开某人/物 Tear off 扯掉 Tear down 扯下, 拆卸,拆毁
Point out 指出,使注意…… Point to 指出SB/STH 的位置或方向 Get down 写下来,记录,吞咽 Get off 从STH 上移去STH,邮寄 Reach for 伸出手以触到,抓到…… Reach out for

47 Take down 将STH 从高处取下,褪下,拆除,记下
Take off 离开某职位,掉离,使STH 离开或脱离某一边缘或表面

48 Leisure time 相传纪晓岚当礼部侍郎的时候,一次与尚书闲聊,突然看到一只狗。尚书心生一计,要取笑纪晓岚,便道:“咦,瞧那是狼(侍郎)是狗 ?” 纪晓岚知道尚书在捉弄他,当下也不动声色地说:“要分辨狗或狼很容易。只要看它的尾巴,尾巴下垂的是狼,上竖(尚书)是狗。”尚书自讨没趣,羞愧难当。

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