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五大基本句型活用 (2).

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1 五大基本句型活用 (2)

2 基本句型(3):______________
Students should take their teacher’s advice.  受詞為 _________ He tried to build a pool in his garden.  受詞為 _________ 3. I don’t know how to do it. 名詞 不定詞 疑問詞 + to V 基本句型(3):______________ S + Vt + O

3 基本句型(4):______________
The teacher asked John a question. = The teacher asked a question ____ John. 2. The mother bird fed her baby birds worms. = The mother bird fed worms ___ her baby birds. of to S + Vt + IO(人) + DO (物) / S + Vt + DO (物) + 介 + IO(人) 基本句型(4):______________

4 活用語法 (3): _______________ (由___引導的介系詞片語)
_____ oil prices _______, Jack chose to  take the MRT to work. (因為油價攀升….) 2. ______ my eyes _________, I enjoyed the classical music on the couch. (閉上眼睛……) With soaring With closed 活用語法 (3): _______________       (由___引導的介系詞片語)  With + N + Ving/pp, ….. with

5 活用語法 (4): _______________
who break the rule(s) Those ______________________ will be fined. (違反規則的人會被罰款。) 2. They got the same answer from everyone _____________________________. (他們從交談過的每一個人那裡得到相同的答案。) 3. I’d like you to meet my friend, Maggie, ___________________________. (我希望你見見我的朋友Maggie, 他在一家醫院工作。) whom they spoke to who works in a hospital S + 形容詞子句 + V.. 活用語法 (4): _______________

6 活用語法 (5): ______________ (陳述性動詞)
The news ________ that there would be a strong typhoon coming this weekend. (報導…) Helen now _______ that the whole story was made up. (了解到…) She _________ that we carefully read the instructions.  (建議…) 4. A recent survey _______ that platform shoes are all the rage now. (指出…) 5. The company ______ that they have nothing to do with the money scandal. (宣稱…) reported realizes suggested shows claims S +V + that + 名詞子句 活用語法 (5): ______________       (陳述性動詞)

7 副詞 - 修飾 V, adj, adv, S 一、簡單副詞: 1. Tell me why you are always late.
2. Joey often takes the first bus to school.

8 副詞 - 修飾 V, adj, adv, S 二、副詞片語 I saw an accident on my way to school today (狀態、情境) I stay up to finish the report. (目的)

9 副詞 - 修飾 V, adj, adv, S 二、副詞片語 3. _______ in my father’s car, I saw an
accident. (主動分詞片語 )    (場所) 4. _______ in traffic, I was late for school again. (被動分詞片語 )       (原因) Sitting Stuck

10 副詞 - 修飾 V, adj, adv, S 三、副詞子句 I study hard because I want to pass the final exam.  ____  I will tell him the bad news when he comes tomorrow. ____ (原因) (時間)

11 副詞 - 修飾 V, adj, adv, S 三、副詞子句 3. If the company promises to provide a good salary, Justin will sign the contract. ______ 4. However difficult the task may be, one should never give up before having done one’s best. ________ (條件) (妥協)

12 S+ Vt+ O Brian is reading a new novel. He enjoys novels about adventures and buys them. In fact, he studies literature. He attends his classes, but he doesn’t like tests. His professor assigns a lot of homework. Brian finishes his schoolwork. He dreams of becoming a novelist.

13   S+ Vt+ O 加入副詞修飾語 改寫 Brian is always reading a new novel on his way to school. He enjoys novels about adventures and buys them when the latest ones come on the market. In fact, he studies literature. Every day he attends his classes to learn more about writing a novel, but he doesn’t like tests very much. From time to time, his professor assigns a lot of homework. Brian always finishes his schoolwork right on time. He dreams of becoming a novelist after he graduates from college.

14 S+ Vt+ IO+ DO Shawn told his friend something exciting. The college awarded him a scholarship. The scholarship committee sent him the news. Shawn showed his friend the letter. It gave him all the details. The school would mail him a check. He had to reply to the letter with other relevant information. The school had given Shawn a great honor.

15 S+ Vt+ IO+ DO 加入副詞修飾語 改寫 Overwhelmed by joy, Shawn told his friend something exciting. The college awarded him a scholarship this morning. The scholarship committee sent him the news two months after he sent out his application form. Shawn showed his friend the letter as soon as he got it. It clearly gave him all the details. The school would mail him a check the following week. He had to reply to the letter with other relevant information before the next semester started. The school had undoubtedly given Shawn a great honor.

16 Practice 3 (請參考講義)  請以 “A Foreign City I Would Like to Travel to” 為主題,應用句型 [S+ Vt+ O] 或[S+ Vt+ IO+ DO],並參考上述動詞的方法,每一個句子至少要有10個英文字詞。

17 請以: A Foreign City I Would Like to       Travel to 為題,描述你最想去旅遊      的一個城市,同時並說明想去的原     因。
段落重點  第一段:針對文章主題,說明這城市的特色及外觀。  第二段:說明你在當地想做的事及想獲得的經歷。

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