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Module 1 Happiness. Unit 2 Laughter heals.

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1 Module 1 Happiness. Unit 2 Laughter heals

2 What is a joke ? A joke is something you say that causes laughter.

3 Joke 1 Here the word ‘left’ means the left side .
Adventures in Disneyland Two girls were going to Disneyland when they came to a fork (岔口) in the road. The sign read: "Disneyland Left." So they went home. Here the word ‘left’ means the left side .

4 Joke 2 911 -“Why can’t a girl dial 911 ?” - “She can’t find the 11.”

5 How can we define “ practical jokes”

6 Practical jokes: They are the jokes you play on people. That is, you do things to them that you think are funny and can cause laughter.

7 On which day can people play practical jokes on each other at will ?
April Fool’s Day

8 Skimming & Scanning : What is a practical joke? 2. How does the victim of a practical joke usually feel? 3. What kind of person was Mr. Potts? 4. Why did Mr. Potts’s colleagues decided to play a joke on him? It is something you do to cause laughter The victim usually feels silly and embarrassed. Mr. Potts was someone who regarded his colleagues as his inferiors Because this might make him feel more humble.

9 5. Did Mr. Potts’s colleagues buy a hat exactly like the one he wore every day?
6. What did Mr. Potts do to his hat before he came to work the next day? 7. What did Mr. Potts’s colleagues do then? 8. Why did Mr. Potts go to his doctor? No. They bought a new hat larger than the old one. He had fixed some pieces of newspaper round the inside of the hat to make it smaller before he came to work. They replaced his new hat with the old one and made it smaller in the same way. Because he thought there might something wrong with his head.

10 Put the pictures in the right order
A B C D 4 7 6 F E G 2 1 3 5

11 Retell the story Why did Mr Potts’s colleagues decide to play a practical joke on him ? What did Mr Potts always wear to work ? What did Mr Potts’s colleagues buy one day ? What did they do then? What happened when Mr Potts put on his hat? What did Mr Potts do to his hat before he came to work the next day? What did Mr Potts’s colleagues do then ? Why did Mr Potts go to his doctor ?

12 The story: 1. They bought a larger hat…

13 2. They exchanged the new hat for the old one…

14 3. The hat dropped down over Mr. Potts’s eyes…

15 4. They felt puzzled

16 5. They replaced the old hat with the new one…

17 6. The hat stuck right on top of Mr.Potts’s head

18 7. Mr.Potts went to his doctor…

19 What do these sentences imply. Choose the right meanings
What do these sentences imply?Choose the right meanings. Pay attention to the adjectives and verbs.

20 E 1. It was a rather unpleasant-looking green colour.
This implies that ________ E the hat is too big the hat is too small there is nothing wrong with Mr. Potts's head Mr. Potts always said goodbye at this time of the day Mr. Potts has very poor taste

21 A 2. …it dropped down over his eyes. This implies that________
the hat is too big the hat is too small there is nothing wrong with Mr. Potts's head Mr. Potts always said goodbye at this time of the day Mr. Potts has very poor taste

22 D 3.At the end of the day, Mr. Potts got up to leave as usual.
This implies that_______ D the hat is too big the hat is too small there is nothing wrong with Mr. Potts's head Mr. Potts always said goodbye at this time of the day Mr. Potts has very poor taste

23 B 4. …it stuck right on top of his head. This implies that_______
the hat is too big the hat is too small there is nothing wrong with Mr. Potts's head Mr. Potts always said goodbye at this time of the day Mr. Potts has very poor taste

24 C 5. “Nonsense,” said the doctor. This implies that _____
the hat is too big the hat is too small there is nothing wrong with Mr. Potts's head Mr. Potts always said goodbye at this time of the day Mr. Potts has very poor taste

25 What is the feeling of the people on whom we play a practical joke?

26 Feelings of the victims
silly stupid angry disgraceful(丢脸的) unhappy be at ease自在的无痛苦的 embarrassed depressed (沮丧的)

27 Debate: Positive It is good to play practical jokes on others Negative
It is not good to play practical jokes on others

28 Do you think it’s good or not to play practical jokes on other people?
My opinions: We can learn to appreciate the humor of a practical joke and enjoy ourselves. However, we shouldn’t play practical jokes which may deeply hurt others’ feelings.

29 Para1: The definitions of a joke and a practical joke are given.
Para2: Mr Potts was not popular with his colleagues. Para3: Mr Potts would hang his hat on a peg when he came to work every morning, and would take it from the peg before he left the office every afternoon. Para4-7: Mr Potts’s colleagues first exchanged a larger hat for his usual one, and then replaced his new hat with the old, smaller one. Mr Potts did not notice either of these tricks. Para8: Mr Potts went to see his doctor, who did not believe that he suffered from a serious disease.

30 Language Point

31 1. define (v) 下定义, 界定 Some words are hard to define because they have many different uses. 有些词很难下定义,因为它们有许多不同的用法。 This river defines a border between the two countries. 这条河是这两个国家的疆界。

32 define…as… 把…定义为… The dictionary defines a workaholic as
“a person obsessively addicted to work”. 这本词典把“workaholic”定义为“工作狂”。 definition n. 定义 give a clear definition of sth.

33 2. play a trick on 戏弄; 恶作剧; 捉弄
Our children used to play tricks on us. 我们小孩以前常常捉弄我们。 We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me. 我们正在捉弄那个不断麻烦我的人。

34 3. embarrassed n. 窘迫;尴尬 She was embarrassed by his loud laughter.
他放声大笑,使她觉得不好意思。 I was embarrassed by his comments about my clothes. 他评论我的衣服使我很尴尬。 汉译英: 他看上去有点尴尬。 He looked a bit embarrassed. embarrassment To one’s embarrassment 让某人尴尬的是

35 embarrassing (adj.) embarrass (v) embarrassment (n) embarrassed (adj.)
选用以上适当的词填空 1. Making speeches in public always ___________me. 2. She felt ____________ in front of strangers. 3. We apologize for any ______________ that may have caused. 4.That was an ____________ situation for me. embarrasses embarrassed embarrassment embarrassing

36 4. regard…as… 把…看成…,把…. 认为是…, 把…视为…
We regard labour as a matter of honour. 我们认为劳动是光荣的事。 I regard him as the best tennis player in Japan. 我认为他是日本最好的网球选手 相似短语:treat…as… think of…as… look upon/ on…as… consider …as consider sb to be +n. /adj.

37 5. inferior (adj.) (阶级、身份等)低下的, 下级的
The cassettes were of inferior quality. 这些盒式磁带质量低劣。 (n) 下属, 部下 You should be kind to your inferiors. 你应该对下级宽些。

38 be inferior to 不如… If children were made to be /feel inferior to other children their confidence declined. 如果使孩子感到不如其他孩子, 他的自信就全无了。 A be superior to B in … A在什么方面比B好 A be inferior to B in… A在什么方面不如B

39 6. It so happened that… 碰巧发生了…
Sb. happened to do 某人碰巧去做了某事 Sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上

40 “unpleasant-looking”
7. It was a rather unpleasant-looking green colour. “unpleasant-looking” 合成形容词: adj. – v-ing good-looking 好看的 easy-going 好说话的 ordinary-looking 相貌一般的 funny-looking样子滑稽的 sweet-smelling 闻着香甜可口的

41 8. proceed (vi.) (常指停止后)继续前进; 前往
proceed to do proceed with sth. 着手,继续做某事 proceed to sp. 前往某地 She joined us in Paris and then we proceeded to Rome. 他在巴黎和我们会合, 然后我们一起前往罗马。

42 He cleared his throat and then proceeded with his speech.
他清清嗓子后开始演讲。 I’m sorry I stopped you. Please proceed with your work. 对不起,我打断了你, 请继续工作。

43 9. reverse (vt) 使…颠倒, 使…成相反;
改变;取消 I twisted my head round to reverse the car into the garage. 我扭过头去把汽车倒进车库。 Please reverse the positions of two pictures. 请把两张图片的位置倒转过来。 They have made it clear they will not reverse the decision to increase prices. 他们已经讲的很清楚, 他们不会取消涨价的 决定。

44 a. 1. 颠倒的 in reverse order 次序颠倒
2. 相反的;反向的 This time it came in the reverse direction. 这一次它是从相反的方向来的。 3. 背面的,反面的 She then looked at the reverse side of the coin. 接着她看了看钱币的反面。

45 n. 1.相反 [(+of)] They did the reverse of what the teacher told them to do. 他们做的与老师的要求相反。 The truth is just the reverse. 真实情况恰好相反。 2.背面,反面 On the reverse of the coin was an eagle. 硬币的反面压印的是一只鹰。

46 10. departed for Sb. depart for sp. 离开去某地 Sb. depart for work 离开去上班 Sb. depart from sp. 离开某地 Sb. leave sp. for sp. 离开某地去某地

47 11. exchange … for … 用…交换… Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds? 我可以在哪里把美金换成英镑? If the car you have leased(租)is clearly unsatisfactory, you can always exchange it for another. 如果你对租用的车不满意, 可以换一辆。 我刚买的这条领带,可不可以换那条呢? I’ve just bought this tie, but can I exchange it for that one?

48 exchange A for B 把A换成B exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物 in exchange for 为了换取 What would you give me in exchange for my recorder? 我给你我的录音机,那你给我什么作为交换呢?

49 12. puzzled (adj.) 迷惑不解 I’m very puzzled. 我觉得非常困惑。 He was quite puzzled (about) what to do. 他很困惑下一步做什么。 I was puzzled which way to take. 我不知道该走哪一条路。 a puzzled expression 困惑的表情 have a puzzled expression on one’s face

50 puzzling (adj.) puzzle (v) puzzlement (n) puzzled (adj.)

51 13. conceal vt. 隐蔽,隐藏;隐瞒[(+from)]
She tried to conceal what she had done from them. 她试图隐瞒对他们所做的事。 He concealed his real motives from me. 他对我隐瞒了他的真实动机。 He concealed his key under the doormat. 他将钥匙藏在门前擦鞋垫下。 conceal sth. from sb. 向某人隐瞒某事

52 14. replace sth. with sth. We’ve replaced the old adding machine with a computer. 我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。 The coach decided to replace player No. 8 with No. 3. 教练决定让3号替换8号。

53 15. as usual 照常; 照例; 仍然 He works hard as usual. 他照常辛勤工作。 As usual,he took a shower before breakfast. 他照常在早餐前淋浴。 After supper, Jim dived into his work as usual. 晚饭后,吉姆一如往常,埋头于工作中。 汉译英:像往常一样,来开会的人不多. As usual, there weren't many people at the meeting.

54 16. stick, stuck, stuck vt. 粘贴;张贴 They stuck the notice on the wall. 他们把通知贴在墙上。 vi. 1. 粘住;钉住 This stamp won't stick. 这张邮票贴不上。 2. 陷住;梗塞;被困住 A fish-bone stuck in his throat. 他喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。 3. 停留;坚持;固守 stick to doing sth.

55 n. 枝条;柴枝, 棍,棒,杖;手杖 Grandpa still walks without a stick. 爷爷走路仍不拄拐杖。

56 17.There is no such disease.
当such 意为“ 如此的”,与no, all, any, many, some 等词一起连用时, 通常放在这些词的后面。如: I’ve heard of some such rumors 我听到过一些那样的谣传。 2. We’ve met many such people before. 我们以前遇过许多这样的人。 3. All such books must be read. 所有的这样的书都要读。 4. One such dictionary is enough. 一本这样的词典就够了。

57 Exercises

58 Complete the sentences below with the words in the box
Complete the sentences below with the words in the box. Change the form of the words as necessary.

59 colleague proceed reverse belief stick
1. The banquet could not ________ until the honoured guest arrived. 2. The professor was respected by both his __________ and students. 3. Their car was _____ in traffic, so he could not get to the concert in time. 4. Most people share in the _____ of the power of love. 5. The government successfully ________ the country’s economic decline. colleagues stuck belief reversed

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